Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 239: 239 tasks on hold


David’s family is really rich and powerful. Not only is the house an ancient castle, but even the attitude of the servants and the craftsmanship of the chef are outstanding. If the small desserts on the dinner plate are taken out, people who don’t know will think it is from a five-star restaurant. The hand of the hotel chef.

I have a clear conscience about the matter of Irene and An Xuan. After receiving Irene, my heart that has been hanging has been relieved.

For a moment, I felt that when she came to me, it was better for us to open up the conversation and explain it clearly than to hold back and be suspicious of each other. In the end, the misunderstandings and conflicts became bigger and bigger, which made everyone unhappy.

When I was enjoying the warm wind, eating dessert and drinking black tea, and feeling the wonderful taste of the food, there was another knock on the door.

I frowned. For a moment, the cake in my mouth got stuck in my throat, and the food on the plate suddenly became tasteless.

I sighed and put down my fork. It seems that this afternoon is destined to be unable to enjoy a quiet afternoon.

Thinking that Irene and Anna were here just now, it shouldn't be them.

"Who?" I opened the door, only to see Yang Yi standing outside the door, holding a map and a booklet in his hand, looking at me with some embarrassment.

"Xiaohua, did I bother you?"

It seems that my displeasure is shown on my face, I thought I was covering it up pretty well.

I shook my head and asked, "What happened?"

"I just went to Henry to accept a mission. It is said that it is the place where the most fluctuations of the spirit crystal have been detected."

As soon as I heard it was about Ming Lingjing, I hurriedly opened the door and let him in.

"You come in and we'll talk again."

When he came into the room, he was obviously stunned for a moment, his eyes were a little weird, but he recovered quickly and didn't ask me.

Most likely, he captured the aura left by Caesar. Although Yang Yi's ability to exorcise ghosts is mediocre, and he hasn't inherited too much family business and skills from Lejia, his physique is surprisingly excellent.

Not only can he directly see the pervert in the state of the soul, but now he can even capture the breath of Caesar.

I calmly led him to the sofa and let him sit down. Since he didn't ask, I didn't ask.

Yang Yi was also straightforward. He spread the map on the table. After opening the book, he pointed to a line of handwritten English words on it and said, "This is Henry's case that has been suppressed for a long time."

"Due to the embarrassing and remote location, the client only left a name and contact information. It is said that the phone is always disconnected. It is obviously in a place with no signal. Henry thinks it may be a prank, but he is still afraid of it. The task is overwhelmed."

I looked at the content written in the notes, and luckily I knew all the words, so I wouldn't be like an illiterate, so it would be embarrassing not to understand.

I can't understand the task destination written above, it should be a place name, but I still understand the words "abandoned mental hospital in the last century".

"The client said that a lot of things happened in the mental hospital there in the last century. It was revealed that the patients were abused, and it was said that the patients were used for living experiments. Later, due to many public opinions, the hospital was forcibly closed. It was rumored that it was often haunted. , and because it is in the deep mountains and old forests, people from the relevant departments did not order to demolish it, so it has been shelved there."

I thought about it and looked at some of the things recorded in the notebook. After so long, it seems that the local officials wanted to use this place, and there was a problem in the process of demolishing the mental hospital.

That's why there was a second entrustment, and this case, which had been kept under the box for a long time, was rediscovered.

"Grandpa An and the others haven't come back yet?" I asked casually, and Yang Yi replied truthfully, "Their team has taken on several missions, and they just sent a message back, saying that they have captured the clues of the Nether Crystal, and they need more help." Come back a few days later."

Abandoned mental hospital...

This is not a good place, it is a thousand times more terrifying than the abandoned chemical laboratory in the school.

Not to mention where it is located, the chemistry laboratory is at least in a crowded university, no matter how scary it is, at least it will not make people think of leaving the world.

The psychiatric hospital is located in a remote mountain, and there is no signal yet. If something happens to us, the risk will be several times greater.

However, this task, we have to accept it.

You can't just sit around and do nothing, eating and drinking for free at David's house, right

Since Grandpa An can't come back, Yang Yi and I are probably the only ones going on this mission.

Including black and white impermanence, there are four people in total. I don’t know what messenger Caesar will send to help us.

Yang Yi is always swallowing, and his Adam's apple keeps rolling. If I don't observe him carefully, he really hides this tension well.

"It's okay, black and white impermanence will follow us, and Caesar also agreed to send two messengers from the underworld to protect us."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief almost invisible, I suppressed a smile, sorted out the materials he brought, and pushed them back to him.

"Save your things well. If there is really no signal there, we must be prepared to sleep in the wild."

"Have you met Pluto?" Yang Yi asked in surprise, my index finger pointed at my chin, and I stared at him.

"Didn't you already feel it?"

He was caught by what I said, and he looked away unnaturally.

"I thought you would go back to the underworld to meet, but I never thought of being in your room."

Thinking of Caesar who was dressed like a nightgown, sometimes like a pervert and sometimes like a gentleman, I hooked my lips.

Not a bad trip this time.

"I'll make preparations as soon as possible in these two days, and then I'll set off." Yang Yi said to me before leaving, and I agreed.

You can't just stay at David's house all the time. Since you have traveled thousands of miles here, of course, the matter between the underworld and the world here should be resolved as soon as possible, so as not to disappoint the hospitality of David's family.

Yang Yi and I discussed some necessities for this mission, recorded them in the notebook, and left.

After being tossed about like this, the time is almost approaching evening, and in less than two hours, it will be dinner time.

As soon as the room was quiet and I was alone, I began to miss the pervert again.

I wonder if he is doing well in the underworld, whether he is busy with business, whether the evil spirits that were suppressed a few days ago have been staying in the lowest level recently, and whether any major incidents have happened in the underworld.

With this thought, all worries rushed out like flood water.

I threw myself on the bed, feeling my body bouncing a few times on the soft and elastic bed, lying on it in a large font.

I don't know if my longing heart was passed on to the pervert, but the familiar black butterfly flew in from the window. When I saw it, I jumped out of bed excitedly!

I never thought that I would be so overjoyed that I wished I could keep this butterfly by my side, but I knew it was impossible.

When those words jumped onto the paper, it seemed that a pervert's familiar voice was brought in, reading them word by word, resounding in my mind.

All my longing and love are poured out between the lines, but it is not enough, I am not satisfied at all to express my emotions by writing letters.

I began to miss his embrace, although there was no temperature.

I miss his kisses, sometimes domineering and sometimes gentle. Miss his tenderness to me, connivance...

I put his letter on my chest and leaned against the bed, as if in this way, I could feel a familiar person lying beside me, embracing me, giving me endless sense of security and happiness.

With this feeling, I fell asleep drowsily.

After a busy afternoon, I finally had time to snooze for a while.

I was woken up by Anna. She knocked on the door for a long time, but she didn't see my response, so she opened the door and came in to wake me up.

At that time, it was already dark, the curtains and windows had been drawn to prevent flying insects from flying into the room, and the large chandelier in the room was emitting bright orange light.

Dinner time is much more lively than lunch time.

Laura and Abel were happily communicating and shouting while chewing their food. I even saw food crumbs spraying out of their mouths. Although Jenny kept reminding them not to talk while eating, the two little ones No one listened to the tricksters.

In the end, the Davids had to smile apologetically at us and signaled us not to mind the two children.

"Yang Yi, you have already made your decision, right?"

Henry picked up the napkin from Table Mountain, wiped the corners of his mouth and oily fingers, and asked kindly.

We naturally and generously admitted that when Henry wanted to say something, An Xuan spoke.

"Just the two of you going? It's too dangerous, I'll be with you."

As soon as I said this, my heart sank, and I noticed Irene's glances at me and An Xuan, I tightened my hand holding the fork, and spoke.

"Not only Yang Yi and me, Black and White will follow me, including Caesar, he proposed to send an envoy, so you don't have to follow us, I think you and An Ning must have other tasks to deal with."

While I was talking, I poked An Ning, who was eating a lot, with my elbow.

Hurry up and talk, don't patronize eating!

I gave her a wink, and she immediately understood, put down the bones in her mouth, and said with all her might: "Yes, yes, An Xuan, don't we still have a task to complete? Can't you Let's go, otherwise with my ability, I definitely can't handle it properly."

An Ning's words successfully dissuaded An Xuan. He frowned, and his eyes returned to the dinner plate.

Sorry, An Xuan.

I glanced at him embarrassedly, and sighed inwardly.

If he hadn't said that sentence, maybe I would let him follow.

Now that Erin and Chris are still present, I have to keep some distance from him.

He obviously had a very unhappy expression, and the originally good atmosphere became very depressed. Henry looked left and right at the young people sitting on both sides of the dining table, exchanged eyes with Jenny, shrugged his shoulders, and did not intervene.

For a while, there was only the yelling of Laura and Abel on the dining table. They ate their mouths full, their paws were greasy, and they wanted to grab the food on the plate, but Irene grabbed them and taught them a lesson.