Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 240: 240 seems close at hand


In the next two days, apart from Yang Yi and I going out to buy the necessities for the mission, the two of us spent our free time making action plans.

Brother and sister Hei Wuchang and Bai Wuchang played outside for a few days, and when they were discussing serious matters, they were sensible and showed up on time.

"If it is the order of the empress, we shall obey it."

Bai Wuchang was held on his lap by him, sitting opposite me, Yang Yi was still taking notes next to me, frowning, recording something in the small booklet, as if thinking, what else is needed .

This trip is no different from previous missions. There are adults accompanying you, and you are still in a foreign country. The place you are going to is a remote place with no signal. You must be fully prepared.

Bai Wuchang's eyes were always looking longingly at the food on the table, his eyes were bare, and he wanted to pounce on it immediately, but Hei Wuchang kept holding on to his sister firmly.

"Xiaobai can take it if he wants to eat."

I blinked my eyes and looked at Heiwuchang suspiciously: "Can't you eat food from Yangjian?"

Hei Wuchang obviously understood what I meant, and compromised: "It's not..."

As soon as Bai Wuchang felt that her brother's hand was loosened, she rallied, stretched out her two little hands, grabbed the small pastry on the plate, and stuffed it into her mouth eagerly, not knowing that the hat was crooked .

As soon as I saw the small meal in front of me, I thought that in the past few nights, Anna would always come to me with some warm milk and food. I didn't think that the people of David's family would take care of me in such a situation.

At that moment, I thought about my pregnancy, which seemed to be exposed in the living room and let Anna know.

The little warmth at night was actually done by Anna on her own initiative. I felt very warm, and today I asked Chris to explain this matter.

Although she has good intentions, I don't know if this kind of thing is allowed to happen in David's house. If she violates the rules and is found out, Anna will definitely be fired.

I don't want such a situation to happen, so I want to ask Chris to ignore her actions.

The good news is that Chris agreed with Anna's approach, and bluntly said that he ignored the fact that I was pregnant and didn't take good care of me, which made me feel very embarrassed.

"There should be nothing missing, so it's settled."

When my thoughts were still flying away, Yang Yi's voice pulled me back.

He turned his head and asked me: "How about starting early tomorrow morning? The journey is a bit long. If we take a plane, we don't have enough money, and it's not suitable to trouble David's house. It takes about five hours to take a car."

I frowned, five hours is five hours, get up earlier, and I can get there at noon.

It will probably take a few hours to find the destination of the mission. At least we can arrive and settle down before it gets dark tomorrow night, and we won't be in a hurry.

"That's it."

That's how we settled down, Black and White Wuchang also agreed with our plan, everything is in place.

Now there are only two messengers from the underworld that Caesar mentioned. In the past two days, he seemed to have disappeared and never appeared again.

If the messenger from the underworld he promised doesn't show up tomorrow, I'm afraid we have to leave first.

I was still thinking this way, at night, when I was about to go to bed, the familiar fragrance came, I squinted my eyes, pulled the quilt off my body, and leaned against the head of the bed.

"Come out as soon as you come. If you don't want people to find out, don't think so."

The fragrance of this body makes it difficult for me not to pay attention. Seeing that I sensed his arrival, Caesar no longer concealed himself and appeared directly.

Behind her stood a pair of twin brothers, and he changed his clothes today, the same as his lazy nightgown style, but the nightgown was changed in a different color, and the gray hair was covered His hair was tied high, and his cheek-falling hair accentuated his somewhat feminine face.

Tsk, what a monster.

I murmured silently in my heart, and began to wonder whether Hades and Plutos were selected based on their looks.

Don't everyone say that ghosts are scary and have hideous appearances. From this point of view, some legends in the world are deceiving.

He crossed his slender white legs and sat on the sofa very seductively, without any politeness. I was too lazy to look at his flirtatious appearance, but I was very interested in the pair of twins standing behind him.

Both of them have silver-white hair, but one has long hair and the other has short hair. They are both wearing deacon costumes, and their perfect tall and straight figures are further highlighted by their black tuxedos.

Seeing that I didn't respond to his seductive posture at all, Caesar knew that he was being sentimental, so he straightened his sitting posture in embarrassment, coughed twice, and introduced the brothers to me.

"These two are my king's most powerful assistants. Since they were still on missions not long ago, my king brought them to see you when they came back just now."

"Come on, introduce yourself to the respected Queen Yama."

The twins took a step forward at the same time, put their white-gloved hands on their chests, and bowed respectfully to me. The man with long silver-white hair spoke first: "Queen, my name is Danatus, this It's Sisyphus."

"Although we look the same, we are not twins."

Sisyphus gave him a very arrogant look, and said angrily: "I don't want to be brothers with you yet."

I looked at the two of them in amazement, they just started arguing in front of me, while Caesar was still leaning on the back of the chair, took out a small knife for manicure from somewhere, and trimmed it as if no one was there. .

"You haven't pushed enough rocks, have you?"

Danatus replied indifferently, but who would have thought that this sentence aroused Sisyphus' fiery temper!

"You don't need to worry about it. You lost the sickle back then, and the king hasn't punished you yet!"

The two of them spoke to each other, fighting with each other, and they refused to give in to each other. Just when they were arguing, Caesar spoke slowly and interrupted their quarrel.

"Okay, this king knows why you were pushed to this king's side."

Supporting with one hand, watching the two of them being interrupted, their backs stiffened in place, narrowing their violet eyes.

"Being banished to this king, don't behave well, otherwise your Pluto will not call you back."

He looked at me apologetically, and said, "I'm sorry, I let you see a joke."

I smiled and shook my head. During their quarrel, I paid attention to their names, and they always felt familiar.

It seems that the story of Sisyphus was mentioned in a class taught by the judge before.

I hadn't thought of it before, but it came to me right away when Danatus mentioned pushing the stone. After Sisyphus died, he was sentenced to accept the punishment of pushing the stone up the mountain. No wonder Danatus mentioned this matter, which made this calm man become furious in an instant.

Whoever it is, this kind of past is a sore spot, and it's no wonder that it doesn't blow up if it's poked.

Moreover, if I remember correctly, Danatus should be the name of Death.

These two characters, which only appear in ancient Greek mythology, I never thought they would become reality.

To be precise, their existence is not legend, but real.

At this moment, I am a little fortunate. Although I usually miss class, I still hear the main content and keep it in mind. I sat up and looked at the two men carefully.

"Sorry, noble queen, I made you laugh."

Danatus used honorifics when he spoke and said that I seemed very old, very awkward, and said bluntly: "Don't use honorifics, I am much younger than you, I am not used to you..."

"You can just call me Ronghua, or Miss Rong, just don't want to call me a queen, this is not the underworld, so don't be so polite."

I said, seeing that the faces of these two men have eased a lot, especially Sisyphus, who no longer smelled of gunpowder, and was angry at his companions around him.

Caesar got up from his seat with a smile on his face, approached us, and nodded with satisfaction: "Ronghua, you really have a charismatic personality. You must know that taming Danatus is easy, but Sisyphus is not easy. killed him."

"You are also the most generous and unassuming queen I have ever seen."

Caesar lifted his robe seductively, frowned, and said, "You haven't seen other queens who put on airs more than the rightful lord, and those who don't go well with each other will have all sorts of stern faces. It doesn't matter if they look good, with such a bad temper, I don't know how those guys fell in love with these women."

I smiled awkwardly and listened to him talking to himself without making a sound.

"Since you are here, I will repeat the plan for tomorrow to you."

Just as I was about to bring over the copied materials, Danatus bowed to me again: "Queen, it's already getting late, you should go to bed earlier, plan something, just tell us tomorrow."

"It's the queen again..." I pretended to be angry and glared at him. He immediately lowered his head and corrected the address.

"Miss Rong."

"Go back to the underworld too, just remember to be there on time tomorrow morning."

Before Caesar left, he walked up to me, knelt down on one knee, put a bright red rose in my palm, and then smiled.

Charm all beings.

"If Hades treats you badly, you can come to me..."

Before he finished speaking, the hand holding me was suddenly shaken away by the red light. He staggered back a few steps, pulled his clothes in embarrassment, and looked at my red jade meaningfully. bracelet.

"He really values you."

After all, he turned around and disappeared, leaving me alone in the room.

I lowered my head, looked at the red jade bracelet that had returned to normal, and squinted my eyes.

Did Caesar’s sloppy words just now be heard by the pervert, otherwise how could he be attacked by the bracelet

Thinking of this, Caesar is not happy, but I am happy.

Because I know that the pervert has been paying attention to me. Although I can't see him, he can know the situation on my side through the bracelet. It is obvious that I am thousands of miles away from him. Thinking about it this way, the relationship between us The distance seems to have shrunk a lot.