Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 243: 243 Is the client a human or a ghost?



Bai Wuchang took my hand, yelled coquettishly, looked at Sisyphus with dissatisfaction, and stomped his feet: "Your Majesty is just too kind-hearted. Anyway, Your Majesty's position is there, and it's not his turn to sneer at you." !"

"Okay, don't say a few words, the Lord that Sisyphus serves is not me, if they force you to do something you don't want to do, and use their superior status to pressure you, you Will you be happy?"

I patted Bai Wuchang's head and asked, as soon as I said this, Bai Wuchang lost his voice in an instant, pouted, turned his face away, the boss looked reluctant, he was obviously persuaded by me, but he still couldn't hold back , and grimaced fiercely at Sisyphus, which is really cute.

Danatus wanted to say something to me, but was interrupted by a gesture of my hand.

"If it's an apology, it's waived. Let's check it quickly, solve the problem earlier, and leave earlier."

Bai Wuchang snorted softly again, I patted her on the shoulder reassuringly, and walked towards the long and dark corridor.

The windows in the corridor were closed tightly, and the originally clean and transparent glass was blurred by the filth. There were large groups of them without any aesthetic feeling. We could only faintly see weeds outside the window, and some vines got into the cracks in the door .

There are some photo frames hanging on the wall. The photos inside have already turned yellow, and some of them have even been affected by damp. They are mixed together with dust and dirt. The faces of the missions in the photos can’t be seen clearly, and even become a little weird.

Push open a door at random, and the decorations and beds inside are still there, placed there.

The very simple iron bed was covered with some dirty sheets, some of which were dragged to the floor, a wooden chair with a broken leg was placed in the corner, and beside it was a wardrobe that was rotten by moths.

The familiar wheelchair was parked next to a bed, with its back facing us, looking very strange.

"Xiaohua, come and take a look."

Just as I was facing this room, my heart was trembling for a while, Yang Yi called my name, I hurried back a few steps, left the room, saw where Yang Yi was standing, and walked over strangely.

"What's wrong?"

"Look, this looks like a map of a mental hospital."

He pointed to the photo frame that was nailed next to the first ward, and there was a display picture inside, which showed the structure of the entire hospital.

"This should be prepared by the hospital for visiting family members in the past, so that they can find the ward where the patient is."

I reached out, took down the photo frame, turned over, uncovered the wooden board behind the photo frame, and took out the map.

"I think, with this, we should be able to find our way better and not get lost." When I looked from the outside, I thought this mental hospital was very small. Obviously, I was wrong.

Surprisingly, the entire hospital occupies a large area. Even behind this building, there is a building no less than the size of this house, built in the backyard.

Through the window of one of the rooms, I saw several long wooden chairs in the backyard, and a big tree stood tall in the center of the yard, with dense leaves rustling there, compared with the depression of the whole yard , This tree is a bit out of tune with the scene of the yard.

"Xiaohua, look!"

With piercing eyes, Yang Yi found a dusty backpack from a corner not far away, picked it up, and came to me. "This bag is still from Nike. It must not be from that period... Has anyone been here?"

There are not only bags in the corner, but also several empty and deflated mineral water bottles, and some high-calorie food packaging bags written in English. Since the room is closed, they have been in place intact. one of the focal points.

"There are many adventurers abroad. In this kind of mountain forest, it is inevitable that young people will come to explore and go camping. They must have been here before."

I opened the backpack and found that there were two flashlights, mountaineering gloves, a hemp rope, a knife and other necessary supplies for survival in the wild. It didn’t look like they discarded the bag, but something happened. Didn't bother to take it.

In addition, the location of this bag is just at the end of this corridor, at the junction with the corner.

I squinted my eyes, glanced at the soda can at my feet, bent down to pick it up, wiped its can, saw the date displayed on it, and said, "This is a beverage made two years ago."

Danatus looked a little anxious, and looked towards the stairs next to him. It was still dark in the upward direction, and the wind outside the window was loud, and the rumble of thunder could be faintly heard.

"Did they encounter some catastrophe? This bag contains some very important survival items, essential items for survival in the wild, and they left it here."

"I don't know." I lowered my eyes, all I know is that the appearance of this thing has aggravated my fear and fear of this mental hospital.

"Come up here."

A pleasant male voice came from upstairs, the sudden sound startled us all, and we were relieved after listening carefully.

"He must have done it on purpose!" Bai Wuchang said angrily, swinging his small pink fist around.

Knowing that there are weird things here, and those weird rumors, Sisyphus still made a sound without warning, and everyone would be scared.

Danatus probably received a message from Sisyphus, and signaled to us: "Let's go upstairs and have a look, he found something strange."

Yang Yi wanted to put the bag back on the ground, but before he went upstairs, Danatus turned around and said to Yang Yi, "Take it, don't miss any clues."

The psychiatric hospital has a full four floors, which was considered a relatively large building in that era, and this house, after experiencing such a long period of wind and rain, is still standing here firmly, except that the exterior has been severely damaged. Despite the damage and corrosion, the house is still strong.

At first glance, one can tell that this mental hospital must have been founded by a wealthy family at that time. If the guess is more accurate, it may be an aristocrat with a certain status.

If it is placed in a country like country E, the person who founded this mental hospital is likely to be a person with a title.

We only saw a few rooms on the ground floor. Except for the strange stench and the beds stained with strange colors, most of them were similar.

What deserves my attention is that the syringes scattered on the ground, large and small, make me doubtful, and some conjectures in my mind have been more or less verified.

Sisyphus called us upstairs, he must have found something important.

Danatus led us straight to the fourth floor. After climbing the stairs, we walked directly to the east of the corridor. At the end, there was a flashing tall and heavy door, which was half closed at this time. Sisyphus came out from inside, those silver eyes were particularly conspicuous in the dark night.

"What did you find?"

He stepped forward, and Yang Yi held a flashlight in his hand, and shone at the room behind the gate.

Facing the door is a long and wide desk. There are a lot of documents stacked on the desk and on the ground. Many papers are fixed and tied up with ropes. There are two rows of tall bookcases on one side, and the drawers are specially used for storage. data.

"This should be the office of the director of the mental hospital."

My gaze fell on the mannequin in the corner. When Yang Yi scanned it with a flashlight, he screamed in fright, which even shocked me.

Sisyphus came to the chair behind the desk, opened the drawer in the center, pointed inside, and said, "Look."

As soon as we walked in, Yang Yi let out a "huh".

"Why do you have a mobile phone?"

Yes, in the drawer, there is a modern high-tech, mobile phone lying quietly.

This psychiatric hospital was established hundreds of years ago. Where did cell phones come from at that time

"Wait!" Yang Yi seemed to have discovered something, picked up the photo frame on the table with one hand, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets, he wanted to stick the flashlight on the photo.

He blew a sharp breath to blow away the dust on the photo frame, and as if he didn't believe it, he rubbed the photo frame against himself, took a closer look, trembled in fright, let go of his hand, and the photo frame hit the table.


I looked at him in surprise, puzzled and said, "What's wrong with you? You're making such a fuss."

With a trembling voice, he pointed at the photo and said, "Don't say I'm making a fuss, just look at the people on it."

"Do you still remember the client who lost contact?"

I nodded and glanced at the person in the photo. It’s okay if I don’t look at it, but I was shocked when I saw it!

"Damn it! Isn't this just..." I still couldn't believe my eyes, so I took out the client's information from the bag and put it on the table!

That's right! That's right! The client did have his photo in the letter he sent!

But the middle-aged man wearing glasses in this photo looks exactly like the man in the photo frame!

What are you kidding

I couldn't help feeling a little fear in my heart, and goosebumps all over my back!

"I want to get out of here, I'm done!" Yang Yi raised his head with both hands. Since he hadn't even entered the door, I could already see his resistance. He didn't want to enter this horrible place at all, and now he encountered such a thing. , he can't wait to use this as an excuse to leave immediately!

Whoever it is, can't stand it.

I was also taken aback by this phenomenon.

If all this was a prank, it would be too much.

The mobile phone in the drawer, if I guessed correctly, the client must have called us.

But since he asked David's family for help, he disappeared and lost contact.

Now, that mobile phone is here, and it's creepy to think about it.

The middle-aged man in the photo is in his fifties, he can't live to this day.

So... I swallowed, my hands shaking while holding the photo frame.

At that time, was it a person or a ghost who called David's house? !