Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 252: 252 Shhh, I'll let you go


Oh my god, this gentleman-like man in front of me, what else could he be if he wasn't a pervert? !

His excited and bloodthirsty eyes stared at me so that my whole body became stiff, and I even felt as if the blood in my body was about to freeze...

Heavy breathing came from my ears. I thought it was Brown's voice, but it wasn't.

It's from "I".

He touched my face down with his thick palms, then touched my neck, and then my body in a hospital gown. Although he praised and comforted me, his eyes deceived me. not me.

He wished he could cut me open right away! I could even predict that he would suddenly raise a small knife and plunge it into my chest!

"Oh, look, look at your face, how delicate and beautiful it is, that's why I chose you. Only you like this will be worthy of my little angel."

He did not know where he took out a dirty mirror and put it on top of my face. At this moment, I understood my current situation, and also solved the doubts I had in my heart before.

I was still thinking just now, I was obviously recalling my memory, why did I become a part of this memory, not a bystander, as if I was on the scene.

The woman in the mirror is not my appearance at all. She has the unique appearance of foreigners. She has blond hair and blue eyes. Her short blond hair is slightly brown, and her eyes are blue as clear as the sea, but at this moment her face is full of fear. And scared, his mouth was severely stuffed with a piece of tattered cloth!

She is very beautiful, I looked into her eyes carefully, and was surprised to find that there was no madness or confusion in her eyes. Obviously, the foreign woman tied up here is definitely not a patient in the hospital!

But a normal person!

Moreover, I also learned that my consciousness was actually attached to this woman! That's why I can completely, from her point of view, feel the occurrence of this disaster!

This kind of development that is against the sky and has no scientific explanation, even I can't believe it, but at this moment, the situation is urgent, and it is obvious that Brown is unwilling to wait any longer, and can't wait to put on a mask!

My body began to tremble violently, and I even became nervous and afraid along with this poor woman. When I got wet, I could clearly feel the coldness and coolness of my buttocks. The poor woman was so frightened that she peed her pants.

"Oh, no, no, you can't do this!"

Brown seemed to be insane again. He covered his head with his hands and yelled. With half of his mask on, he shook his head and yelled at me: "You can't do this! This is not beautiful at all! My little angel is not Will love you!"

If you want to say that in this entire mental hospital, Mr. Brown is the most mentally ill. I began to wonder if the patients here are not mentally ill at all.

This kind of conjecture is endlessly enlarged in my heart!

Is there such a possibility... This psychiatric hospital is completely a gimmick to conceal the public's ears. In fact, the meaning of its existence is only to give Brown a place where he can carry out plans and experiments safely

Cold sweat kept coming out of my back. Seeing that I peed my pants, Brown pulled out a thick and long whip from nowhere, and was about to whip it at me!

Sudden! There was a loud noise of people and noisy footsteps from the stairs in the distance. Brown's face turned blue, and a shadow appeared in his eyes. He immediately took off his mask and took an empty bottle from the shelf beside him. Bottle, hurriedly left the room and walked up the stairs.

There were still some curse words muttering in his mouth, I only understood a few most familiar curse words, and because he spoke too fast and I was nervous, I didn't understand at all.

I squinted my eyes. The human voice from the office just now felt like someone had searched here. Could it be that before the mental hospital was closed, someone had already realized the weirdness of this place and sent someone to check it out early. pass

I don't know exactly when I went back to Emily's memory, but I know that this is my only chance to survive.

If I grasp it, I can escape from here and tell the world all the evil deeds Brown has done!

Sure enough, the woman on the iron plate began to struggle. Even though I was attached to her, I could only feel her despair and unwillingness, but I couldn't really help her.

Not long after Brown left, a soft child's voice came from the side.

"Shh, don't talk."

Then, there was the creaking sound of the door being opened, the wheels rubbing against the floor made a rumbling sound, and a touch of pure white and golden yellow appeared in front of my eyes.

It's Emily!

I widened my eyes in surprise, and looked at the petite figure in the wheelchair. In her arms, she was really holding a doll that was exactly the same as the one I saw in the portrait, with eyes as red as blood.

Her legs were bare under the hem of her skirt, as seen in the photograph.

Compared with the Emily seen in that portrait, she is a little more energetic at this time, and her every move makes me feel like crying.

I can only go back to my memory and see that such a beautiful girl has a little living breath in front of my eyes, instead of the dead person seen in the portrait.

But her eyes have lost their luster. I tried my best, but I could vaguely see a trace of light from the bottom of her eyes.

That was her last stubbornness, her last glimmer of hope, and her last ray of light.

Sure enough, no matter what the woman saw now, even if it was a mouse, she would faint from fright. She struggled with all her strength, and kept whimpering, and Emily's eyes flashed with panic.

"Hush! Don't talk, I'm here to save you."

Emily poked her head out and looked in the direction of the stairs. Since the door on the stairs was closed again, we couldn't hear what happened in the office, and we didn't know if the group of people who were looking for had left .

In other words, that perverted murderer Brown will come back anytime! At any time, I will find out that Emily has betrayed, intending to let this woman possessed by my consciousness go.

Emily's soft and waxy voice was very low. She turned her wheelchair with difficulty, approached the torture device, and helped the woman untie the cloth strips tied around her wrists, while keeping an eye on the situation on the stairs!

Through the perspective of a woman, I saw Emily's head full of sweat, the not very clean dry hair sticking to her cheeks, and the pale face that had not been exposed to light for many years had a sick look.

Her hands were shaking as she untied the cloth strips, and her arms were covered with needle holes and various scars, which made my heart ache. When I thought about how Sisyphus was determined to destroy her soul before going back, and seeing her serious and strong appearance at this moment, my nose was sore.

Just when she successfully untied the woman's two hands, and was about to remove the iron ring fastening her waist from the nail on one side, the door leading to the basement opened!

Except for Brown's babbling to himself, the original noisy human voices disappeared completely.

It seems that the group of people who came to investigate just now did not exist at all.

The sound of tapping footsteps came down the stone steps, and the sound of heavy breathing could be heard far away.

Emily's face turned even paler. She frantically took the key she just got and tried desperately to insert it into the keyhole, but failed after many attempts. I already started to close my eyes in desperation. With a click, the iron ring around his waist came loose.

"Run! You run! There is a back door leading to the back mountain. I will stop Dad."

She pointed to a door next to her room, where the iron door that had been locked was half open at the moment.

The woman on the torture tool simply exhausted all her strength, struggling to roll and crawl from above and fell to the ground. This sound was particularly obvious in the quiet room, and it really caught Brown's attention!

"what sound!?"

Brown's footsteps became quicker, Emily pushed the woman towards the back door with both hands, and I, after she successfully escaped from the restraints, left her body consciously and floated aside.

The woman glanced at Emily gratefully, and quickly ran towards the back door with bare feet, while Emily moved the wheelchair, came to the door of the room, gritted her teeth and fell to the ground, which made Brown go down the stairs for a while Turning the corner, I saw Emily lying on the ground.

"My God! My baby! What's wrong with you, why did you fall to the ground? Didn't Dad say that you can't go out without my permission?"

With the wheelchair blocking the door and Emily drawing Brown's attention away, the woman had time to escape further.

Emily pretended to be in pain, and said calmly, "I see, Dad."

"You can't do this, you disobedient little guy." Brown hugged Emily horizontally and put her on the wheelchair. He said seriously, the anger in his eyes was different from the anger of ordinary people. fear.

"I'm going to punish you for not being able to eat your favorite biscuits for three days. I'll take you back to your room and stay there obediently." He knelt down and touched Emily's face with both hands.

"Soon, my little angel will grow beautiful legs, and you will become perfect, no longer as incomplete as you are now, and your illness will be cured, trust Dad."

Emily is very well-behaved on the surface, but in fact, I can see the despair and disgust in her eyes.

In fact, she understands everything. From the point of view that she let her daughter go at the risk of being taught by her father, she fully understands what her father is doing.

As I expected, when Brown was about to push the wheelchair and send Emily back to the room, he noticed that the "experiment" that had been tied up on the torture device had disappeared!

"No! Where is she?!" Brown yelled, his whole face twisted up. He seemed to realize something in an instant, looked at Emily in the wheelchair, and shouted, "You let go Is it?!"