Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 256: 256 Rest in peace, little angel


Everything that happened next, let me know why Emily's memory stuck in that moment.

Because her life stopped at this moment.

From the moment my finger touched the doll, fragmented pictures rushed into my mind!

When Emily stopped Sebastian, another gunshot rang out in the silent and empty yard!


A ball of blood bloomed from her chest, with a bleak smile on her face, holding the doll in one hand, and holding a gun tightly in the other hand, pressing against her chest.

The bullet had already pierced her weak body, and Emily's sudden move shocked everyone present!

Of course, including me!

"Emily!" Catherine rushed out of the crowd excitedly, came to Sebastian, and hugged Emily who was leaning forward and about to fall.

Sebastian was so frightened by Emily's suicidal writing that he didn't recover, and he froze there.

"It wasn't me, I didn't kill her! It was the girl who raised the gun herself!"

"Emily, oh, don't do this, you can't do this, why, why are you doing this?" Catherine burst into tears, she never forgot Emily's life-saving grace to her, and she came with her today, just hoping Able to bring Emily back.

She knew that Emily was the daughter of this perverted murderer, but she didn't have any resentment or hatred for the innocent Emily because of Brown.

Catherine has already thought about it, even if Emily has disabled legs and feet, she may spend her whole life in a wheelchair in the future. If she is willing, Catherine wants to adopt her as her daughter!

But why did Emily commit suicide, and where did she get her gun

Emily spit out big balls of blood from her mouth, and the doll in her arms fell to the ground, covered with her blood.

"I... I wanted to take it and kill my father myself, but I couldn't..."

It took Sebastian a while to recover, and he shouted to a group of stunned colleagues behind him, "Come here! Call the doctor!"

"No, no need."

The blood on Emily's chin smeared on Catherine's clothes. She coughed a lot, and the light in her eyes began to dim.

"I was wrong, my father and I were wrong... to survive? I feel that after this incident was exposed, I didn't have the courage and confidence to live alone." Two lines of tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

"You are not wrong, Emily, it is your father who is wrong, you are innocent!"

Emily gasped for several breaths, and blood began to flow from her nose. Obviously, she was running out of time.

I watched her leaning against Catherine's arms and gradually closing her eyes. The last words she said before she died successfully broke my last string.

"Now, I can become a real angel..."

After Catherine heard these words, she burst into tears instantly. Her face was twisted up, and her whole face was wet with tears. The big tree seemed to be crying too, and made a rustling sound.

I put my face in my hands, and I could see exactly what Emily meant.

It was because of her that Brown killed so many innocent people. If it wasn't for her, or if she was healthy, disease-free and pain-free, her father, Brown, would not have become like this.

I knelt down on the ground all of a sudden, and with the sound of "plop", the picture in front of me faded away and disappeared without a trace. I was holding this dirty doll in my hands.

"Niang Niang." Bai Wu saw that I was crying again, and hugged me distressedly.

In a few seconds, a miracle happened!

The dark clouds in the sky began to fade away quickly, and the huge wind also began to settle down, no longer blowing randomly. A ray of sunlight shot through the gap of the dark clouds and shot at the uncle tree!

The warmth spread across the ground in an instant, everyone looked up at the sky, Danatus opened his eyes wide, and his eyes were full of disbelief!

I held the doll in my hand, wiped my tears, and the warm light shone on my body, but why did my tears keep flowing

"Its daybreak!"

Sisyphus walked behind Danatus at some point, looked up at the sky and said, the latter turned his head in surprise: "Aren't you not coming?"

"I didn't say anything." Sisyphus was playing tricks, but a gentle smile appeared on his face that had been always cold.

"Don't you think this moment is beautiful?"

From his point of view, there was only a ray of light shining on the uncle, and the dark clouds in other places had not yet cleared. The leaves on the big tree were shining brightly under the sunlight, like shiny golden leaves.

After I unlocked all the secrets here, all the souls here seemed to be redeemed.

I seem to know why Emily chose to do that at that time.

Her last words before she died lingered in my mind, and sadness rose from the bottom of my heart uncontrollably.

Emily really became an angel.

I stood up slowly. At this time, the sun had already shone on the entire mental hospital. The originally dark and oppressive place suddenly became brighter, and all the evil and resentment seemed to have completely disappeared.

Everything that happened in this mental hospital ends here and starts again from here. I touched the rough trunk again and put my face on it.

"Danatus, do you know what this place will be transformed into in the future?"

"Nursing home." Sisyphus spoke out first, and I hooked the corner of my mouth, turned my head, looked at them, and showed a faint smile, "Let's go back."

"You said, you want the relevant department to keep that big tree?"

Chris sat across from me. After we returned to the David family, I went directly to Chris to discuss this matter.

He took a delicate teacup, put it to his mouth and took a sip, then raised his slender eyebrows.

"This matter is not something we can decide..."

"Please fight for it, if possible... I want to build a tombstone under that tree."

Chris looked at me incomprehensibly. He didn't know anything about Emily, but after staring at me for a while, he smiled gently and nodded, "Okay, I'll go and discuss with them myself."

"Thank you!" To my surprise, Chris was really willing to help me without knowing anything.

"However, I'd be more than happy if you'd share with me what you know!"


That day, Chris and I were sitting in the study, and he listened to me tell what I saw in the retrospective memory. Until Emily passed away, he, a man, couldn't help pressing the corners of his eyes with a tissue.

"I really admire you, Miss Rong. As a tracer, you have to endure so many dark and sad things."

"No, I didn't regard these as negative pressures. Although the process | was really depressing, there was still a lot of warmth and love in it."

I lowered my head, rubbed my fingers against the mouth of the cup, and said with a smile.

Chris didn't deny my statement, but smiled warmly: "You have more say than me, so Miss Rong thinks so."

"Naturally, I got some very important and critical information this time."

With a notebook in his hand, he recorded all the information about Ming Lingjing on it, and of course, there is also a female reporter named Catherine that I know.

"I will send someone to investigate immediately, hoping to have a good result."

I approached him: "Chris, I think that Catherine may be the same as me, a host, but I don't know that she is not alive yet. The ghost crystal and the ghost-suppressing order are treasures of the underworld, and the ghost-suppressing order can prolong life." I don’t know that Ming Lingjing is different.”

"Even if this woman named Catherine is still alive, she will definitely hide her name, after all, she has gone through such a thing."

I agree with Chris and nod.

After explaining everything to him, I walked out of the study contentedly, and after I closed the door, I heard a voice from beside me.

"Thanks for your hard work."

The familiar male voice was the same as before, but I frowned and looked in the direction of the voice helplessly: "An Xuan, what's the matter?"

He saw that my attitude was so cold, and his eyes were hurt, but he still pretended to be calm on the surface: "If I have nothing to do, I won't come to you?"

"You should go to Erin, not me."

I walked past him, and before I could go far, An Xuan grabbed my wrist, and a strong force pulled me directly to his side, and he pinned me against the wall!

"You're jealous."

His face was close to mine, with domineering and extremely possessive eyes in his eyes.

I was amused by his words, I tried to push him away, but I didn't expect his strength to be so strong, and his face was so close to me that I didn't dare to move around, so I had to stick to my back The cold wall looked at him coldly.

"Don't be sentimental. I'm married to a pervert and have a child. Irene likes you. Don't let her down. She is beautiful and excellent."

"Boom!" An Xuan thumped hard with his hand on the wall, his two handsome eyebrows fluttered.

"No matter how good she is, how beautiful she is, what does it have to do with me? I don't like her!"

"Then what do you like about me?" I asked him back, taking advantage of his flashing moment, I pushed him away with all my strength.

I walked towards the other side of the corridor with big strides, and after only two steps, I stopped, took two deep breaths, turned my head, and looked at him who was a little dazed: "You can't even tell why you like me, Why do you say you like me?"

"Don't tell me that liking is just liking. There is no reason. I have always believed that when I like a person, it is naturally a certain shining point in him that attracts me. It is not just his appearance, his height, but the inside. "

I saw that he became depressed after hearing this sentence, and he couldn't help but soften his heart. He felt that his tone was too aggressive, so he slowed down his temper.

"I'm tired, I have nothing to do, I'll go first."

In order to avoid An Xuan's regret, I quickened my pace and walked towards the end.

I was about to go down the stairs when I bumped into Erin, who looked like she had just come down the stairs, but I couldn't hide the look in her eyes and face.

She was hiding here and eavesdropping just now.