Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 265: 265 She will die instantly


Catherine called the waiter, ordered a cup of coffee for me, and then sat quietly opposite me, drinking the hot coffee in the cup alone, without saying a word, obviously thinking about how to speak.

She still didn't make a sound until my drinks were served, which made me nervous too. I put my hands on my lap and didn't dare to look at my phone. I don't know the table manners of foreigners, but now it's obviously face to face. It is definitely not a wise and polite way to look at your mobile phone at a party.

This embarrassing atmosphere really made me restless, the pervert stood beside me, put his hands on my shoulders and patted me, beckoning me not to panic and asking me to be patient.

But from time to time, I can feel her glance, with scrutiny and deep vigilance, which makes me very uncomfortable.

After a long time, Catherine asked me suspiciously: "Your name is Ronghua? From country Z? I don't remember meeting you. How did you know my name, and how did you know Emily!"

Her tone was calm at first, but when she mentioned Emily, her tone and momentum changed completely, becoming aggressive, her eyes became sharper, and she rushed towards me aggressively.

Catherine finally got to the point. It’s okay for her to ask me. If I don’t ask, I really don’t know how to face her.

"To be honest, we received a mission about an abandoned mental hospital a few days ago, so we learned about you."

"Psychiatric hospital?!"

Catherine looked surprised: "The mental hospital is still there? I thought it had been bulldozed long ago!"

She put down the teacup, looked at the scenery outside the window, her eyes became confused, and fell into the memory: "Since that incident was revealed, the hospital has been sealed off, and I heard that the dilapidated place was going to be demolished." I didn't expect it to flow up to now."

I smiled wryly, and replied: "It seems that there is such a thing, but because of this or that reason, it has been delayed until now. If you want to talk about the specific factors, you should be clearer than anyone else."

Catherine looked at me a little puzzled, so I had no choice but to continue: "How many people died under Mr. Brown's hands, and how many dead souls are buried under the big tree in the courtyard, it's normal to push it unevenly, their souls are still lingering there. "

When she heard me say this, the confusion in her eyes deepened, and she was full of curiosity about my identity: "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, you know you know, something in your body, I have a similar one."

I gently touched my stomach and said to her, "We are actually the same kind of people."

"This time, I also want to tell you some good news." I smiled and looked at the woman opposite, "Emily's resentment has been released, and the undead in the hospital have also been redeemed. I believe it won't be long. The long-abandoned mental hospital will soon be demolished."

When Catherine heard my words, she shook the cup in her hand, and the coffee in it spilled on the table and her lap, and black flowers bloomed on the white napkin.

Her eyes were moist all of a sudden, she covered her mouth with her hands, looked at me with gratitude and joy on her face, she shook her head, sighed there, and kept saying "My God ".

"Emily, oh, my Emily..." she wiped away the tears streaming from her eyes and murmured, "She was so miserable, she was so young, I couldn't save her , watching her die before my eyes."

"The thing I regret most in my life is that I didn't take her out of the mental hospital that day."

She said regretfully, with tears all over her face, she looked at me with tears in her eyes, and told me her sadness and pain.

"If, if I had fled with her at that time, maybe we would have survived, and little Emily would not have died. She would have grown up healthy and healthy. I would have protected her and treated her as my own daughter. nurturing."

Hearing what Catherine said, my nose couldn't help but ache. Thinking of what I saw on Chris's profile, Catherine adopted many orphans after experiencing that incident. As her own children, a People pull them big.

This way might make her feel better and make her temporarily forget the pain of losing Emily.

I looked at her with some sympathy. Catherine waited for a long time before drying the tears on her face. When she looked at me, she quickly waved her hand and said, "Don't look at me with such eyes, I don't deserve sympathy."

After listening, I frowned.

"Emily's matter has come to an end. Don't worry, she has become a little angel and returned to the embrace of God. Sometimes death may be better than life."

I blocked the logic of my spoken English and said, Catherine understood, nodded almost imperceptibly, and blew her nose.

"Ms. Catherine, let's get back to business."

I saw my jade bracelet constantly flashing a faint red light, and the little guy was extraordinarily energetic, constantly moving around in my stomach, and I knew they couldn't wait to meet Ming Lingjing.

"I have always wanted to solve this doubt, but I can't. I have kept this secret for many years, and I dare not tell others, for fear of being arrested and becoming a test product."

She sighed helplessly, rubbing her fingers against the rim of her teacup.

"I'm still not old after living for a hundred years. If I say this, I won't be able to live a good life. No one will envy me. I think there will be more people who are afraid of me."

If this kind of anti-regular thing is imagined, it is indeed beautiful and everyone yearns for it, but once it happens in real life, how many people will like and desire it

I thought, and I thought with Catherine, that no one would want to live forever.

The reason why life is precious is that it is limited and short-lived. If life lasts forever, it seems that there is no special meaning in a person's life.

No matter how great a thing is, it will take thousands of years to achieve it. Naturally, people will lose their energy and drive to live.

At least, that's what I thought, and Catherine obviously felt the same way as I did.

I just don’t know how other people see it. I think that people at different ages, experiencing different lives, experiencing different lives, and finally dying, is the right way.

Catherine reached out and took mine.

"I can feel something inside you, I can feel his beating heart, it has the same breath as the strange thing inside me, so I beg you, help me, or tell me, what should I do?"

I told her what happened in the yin and yang worlds of country M, and naturally I also explained what the ghost crystal is. "You can go to the underworld with me, or meet the king of the underworld, and return the underworld crystal to him. I think your troubles will be solved."

When Catherine heard the series of things I said, there was not much surprise on her face.

"You don't look surprised at all, aren't you afraid that I'm a liar?"

After all, things like Pluto and the underworld are too illusory, normal people wouldn't believe they really exist, right? It is estimated that they will treat me as a fraudster and send me to the police station.

"I have experienced immortality, why should I not believe what you say?"

She smiled wryly and said.

"Wait a minute." The pervert said suddenly, Catherine couldn't hear his voice, but I could hear it clearly.

"Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom." I received the eyes of a pervert, politely asked Catherine to leave, and quickly came to a make-up room next to the bathroom.

"What's the matter? Didn't we talk about it well?"

The pervert suddenly sent me here, what's wrong

He appeared beside me, looked at me solemnly, and said to me: "There is something I want to tell you in advance."

"The woman named Catherine, her life is continued by the Nether Crystal, that is to say, if she follows the normal trajectory of human growth, she should have died of old age, but she is still alive in this world because of the divine spirit in her body. thing."

"The Nether Crystal made her break away from the law of life and death in the yang world. Once the Nether Crystal leaves her body, without the blessing of the gods, she will return to a normal person, grow old rapidly, and then die instantly."

Instant death... death.

I covered my mouth with both hands and shook my head: "No..."

This fact is completely unacceptable to me.

Let a living person change from a young and beautiful woman into an old woman in the next second, and his life is quickly blown out like a candle in the wind.

I absolutely cannot bear this kind of thing happening in front of my eyes!

"Hua'er, this is something that will definitely happen. The Nether Crystal will eventually return to its place, and Catherine will definitely die. There is only one possibility that she can survive."

"What method? Tell me!"

The pervert had a strange look on her face, lovingly stroking my face: "If her relationship with Caesar is the same as ours, she will survive."

I froze in place for a moment, not knowing how to reply him.

He and I have been acquainted to love each other. It has been a period of time, and we have some understanding of each other.

But Caesar and Catherine had never met before, and they were two completely strangers. With their personalities, how could they form a partner with someone they didn't know.

It still straddles the yin and yang realms.

People in the circle know that the king of the underworld is unattainable, a very powerful, god-like existence, but ordinary people don't know it, they only think that Catherine married a ghost, and she made a deal with the devil.

Standing at the door, I was thinking about how to tell Catherine about this, and my heart was constantly worrying.

"Tell her, she has lived long enough, tell her both ways, and let her make her own choice." The voice of the pervert came from behind me, untying the mess in my heart.