Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 268: 268 The ghost crystal returns to its place


After Catherine was affected by the Nether Crystal, her pupils were covered with a layer of golden light, and she was able to see monsters that I could also see.

Compared with the evil ghost in Ding Ruoshui's memory twenty years ago, this devil in front of him is completely different.

There is no comparison between the two in terms of size, let alone momentum.

Chris's face was pale, and the suit he was wearing had become crumpled and torn in some places, while An Ning hugged him, buried her head in his arms and wept.

I was shocked by the eerily rapid progress of the two, but this is clearly not the time to gossip.

Irene also suffered a lot of injuries, sitting next to An Xuan, taking care of him the whole time.

Chris saw us appear, patted An Ning in his arms, and pointed in our direction.

Catherine was afraid that her legs would go limp, so she knelt down and sat slumped on the ground. Her pupils were trembling, her mouth opened and closed, and it took a long time to spit out a word.

"My God, is this a demon? This... this is not real, I am definitely dreaming!"

She hugged my arms tightly, and said to me almost in a roaring voice, I don't know how to comfort her, An Ning and Chris both came over.

"You are finally here, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

An Ning threw herself into my arms like a wounded little girl, and started crying, calling my name over and over again, heart-piercing.

Seeing the scars on her body and the dry blood at the corner of her mouth, it seems that the situation this time is much more terrifying and serious than I expected.

A large number of ghost exorcists suffered serious injuries. From a distance, I saw Caesar flying in the air, with both hands stretched forward, and two gray rays of light were like ropes, binding the monster forcefully. It was only then that these ordinary ghost exorcists had a moment to breathe.

"Where is Lord Yan Wang, didn't he come with you?"

Chris asked, I shook my head, my mind turned quickly, and said: "He went back to the underworld to deal with some urgent matters, and he will be back soon."

No matter what, I can't add to their panic anymore. Due to the fluctuations in the underworld here, the underworld has had an impact, and the evil spirits have fled. I have no way of knowing what happened in the country. This kind of unknown fear can only be borne by me alone.

If the An family and other family members here know, it will only make them more worried, unable to focus on this battlefield, and even lose their lives!

Maybe seeing my serious face, Chris also thought of this possibility in his heart, he just nodded understandingly, didn't expose me, and didn't force me to tell the specific situation, I looked at him gratefully.

An Ning grabbed my hand and said excitedly: "Xiao Hua, do you know that we really can't do anything about this monster, it's so powerful, so scary, both An Xuan and grandpa were seriously injured, An Xuan is awake, But Grandpa has been in a coma."

"A lot of ghost exorcists in our alliance are seriously injured, but we can't call an ambulance. The situation here is too bad. We are afraid that it will leak out and cause panic to the outside world. I am so worried, so scared."

An Ning, who has always been strong, said these words for the first time in front of me. I always thought that some words would not be uttered by An Ning.

I frowned, looked up at the monster with fierce eyes, and thought to myself, what kind of thing is it that can cause such a serious situation on this battlefield.

Sitting and lying injuries are everywhere. Although evil spirits can't do much physical harm to people, they can inflict mental and spiritual blows on people.

This kind of injury is more difficult to heal and treat than physical injury, and it will also bring great pain to people.

"If Lord Pluto hadn't come in time, I'm afraid we would all have to confess here."

Chris smiled wryly at me, and said weakly. He covered his chest with his hands before saying a few words, coughed several times, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, obviously he had suffered a lot of internal injuries.

I could see his soul shaking several times, seeing that this battle hurt his soul.

"Chris, are you okay?"

An Ning worriedly supported the man beside her, and wiped the corner of his mouth with his sleeve.

"Is it my fault? Is everything my fault?"

Catherine seemed to have suddenly become obsessed, and said to herself there, her eyes turned completely golden, and An Ning and Chris looked at the woman kneeling on the ground.

"This, is the host of the Nether Crystal?" An Ning wiped away her tears, then wiped her own mouth to wipe away the blood.

I nodded, bent down to help her up from the ground, and said seriously: "You are right, why did you say that."

She was a smart woman, and she grabbed my arm and asked eagerly, "How many times has this happened? Tell me! It can't be just one!"

I was stunned, seeing her staring into my eyes, I couldn't deceive her at all, I could only nod and honestly said: "Many times, but this time is the most serious."

"If I could give you the Nether Crystal earlier, there wouldn't be so many people injured."

She covered her face with her hands and burst into tears.

"Why, let me face this, God, isn't your punishment enough for me!"

I hugged her tightly. Obviously, Catherine took all the faults on her body. When my hand touched her body, the energy of the ghost crystal in her body was transmitted to me through the ruby bracelet. inside!

I saw the moment of Emily's death flashing through her mind, the body pierced by bullets, the pale and bloodless face, and then the scene at this time, the two images are constantly alternating .

"Ms. Catherine, this is not your fault. Before I came to you, you didn't know that you had a ghost crystal in your body."

Chris and An Ning stood quietly by the side without making a sound. Even though the situation was very critical, they did not urge Catherine. Perhaps, they already knew what would happen to Catherine who had lost the Nether Crystal.

An Ning just reminded: "We are running out of time, Lord Pluto can only block us for a while."

After she finished speaking, she took a deep look at us, with tears in her eyes, but this time they didn't roll down from her eyes, An Ning helped Chris to rest aside.

From the posture and speed of the two of them walking, it was known that both of them had suffered serious injuries.

Catherine is still caught in Emily's memories, maybe the current scene touched the scars hidden in her heart, otherwise how could she have such a big reaction!

Just when I was thinking about how to stabilize her emotions, that terrifying monster moved!

I saw a pair of feet like sheep's hoofs took a big step forward, a dark and damp breath swept over suddenly, blowing my black hair flying, a terrible dark breath mixed with painful roars , coming straight to me!

This sound, as if it could penetrate the soul, tormented me, giving me an unprecedented feeling.

I feel like the soul in my body is being pulled by thousands of hands, and I feel that they will pull my soul out of my body at any time. It is my body that separates!

This very confused and chaotic feeling was quickly dispelled, and the warm current from the lower abdomen flowed into my limbs, helping me resist the waves of dark breath.

The big guy hiding behind the clouds has also revealed its true colors!

It has a bull's head with two pointed horns on the top of its head, and its mouth is that of a sheep. After opening, it spits out a cloud of black and purple gas. It stands on two feet, and its hands have sharp claws.

Caesar and all the messengers of the underworld flew in the air to help hold the giant, while all the ghost exorcists in the underworld retreated, unable to fight.

The nearby tents were full of wounded people.

To my surprise, both Thanatus and Sisyphus were there.

It seems that the judge is not an unreasonable person. There is a big incident here, and Sisyphus who was locked up was released.

Catherine beside her quickly calmed down. She put her arms around her knees and folded her hands together, as if praying, and looked up at the monster.

"Not good! Wang, it moved! We can't hold on anymore!"

The chains at the end of Danatus' scythe began to crack, and the monster was about to break through their hold.

Above its head, billowing black clouds carried a pressing pressure.

From this point of view, the entire cloud layer has become very low, and it feels like it will be pressed to the ground at any time, to have an intimate contact with the earth.

Kaiser was flying in the air in a nightgown-like coat. He raised his eyebrows, a light flashed in his eyes, and retracted his hands. He was about to take the next step, but was stopped by Danatus!

"King, you can't..."

I don't even know what Caesar is going to do. Before he finished his sentence, the monster screamed loudly, shaking away all the messengers around him, and the billowing breath directly turned me upside down. I felt When both of my feet left the ground, I rolled back many times, and finally hit the tree stump with my back, and the tingling pain came over me suddenly.

When I looked up, I was horrified by the scene in front of me!

Catherine's body emitted a golden light, and I saw Caesar turn the time to us, to be precise, looking at Catherine!

She opened her hands, and a golden crystal came out of her chest, suspended in the air!


I yell! Without giving us a little preparation, how could she...

She said to Caesar: "I voluntarily return the Nether Crystal, and please protect these people."

Caesar also did not expect that the host of the Nether Crystal would voluntarily separate himself from the Nether Crystal and hand over the fetish.

The rhomboid crystal flew towards Caesar quickly. After losing it, Catherine tilted her whole body and fell to the ground.

I hurried over, and when I saw her golden-brown hair turning white at a speed visible to the naked eye, my eyes were suddenly blurred, and tears fell from my eyes.

"No, you can't die."

I knew this moment would come, but I wasn't ready for it at all.

Why did it come so suddenly, I was unprepared.

Why, am I so sad