Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 269: 269 We will never be apart


"No, Catherine, if you bear with it, you can't die." I cried and hugged her body, a sense of helplessness rushed into my heart. leading Catherine to her death.

Caesar stretched out his hand, caught the Nether Crystal, looked at Catherine in my arms with a complicated expression, frowned unbearably, turned around, and prepared to send the Nether Crystal to the underworld and return it to its original location .

As long as the balance between Yin and Yang is stabilized, the strength of this big guy will be greatly reduced, the dark aura that originally leaked from the underworld will also disappear, and the energy provided to it will also disappear due to the return of the ghost crystal.

After the yin and yang are balanced, the yang qi in the yang world will become the most powerful weapon against it, stronger than any ghost exorcist, with deadly destructive ability.

When its strength is weakened to the limit, Pluto will naturally have a way to drive it back to the underworld, and the same is true for other fronts.

Everything will work out.

But before the Ming Lingjing successfully returned to its place, it was still the most dangerous moment in Yangjian.

The tall trees that were blown by the fierce wind collapsed, and the soft ground was sunken.

"Xiaohua! Come here! It's dangerous!"

An Ning shouted to me not far away, but the violent wind swallowed all her voices, I only heard the whistling wind in my ears, and the body that gradually became cold in my arms, and my heart and body began to freeze. become numb...

Obviously, Catherine and I are not of the same nationality, let alone have blood relationship, but why do I have such a heavy sense of grief, as if the person who lost his life was me, not her.

Could it be because I became the host of the underworld fetish with her

So did my heart, my body, resonate with her state of mind at this time

My eyes were cloudy with tears, no matter how hard I tried to hold back the tears, I couldn't stop crying. The strong wind blew on my face, and it hurt, but it was nothing compared to the pain in my heart.

The identity of a tracer, heh, sounds very majestic and powerful, but being a tracer is a painful thing in itself.

I can only watch the tragedies happening one after another, but I can do nothing to change everything. I know what is the source of all crimes and sorrows. We still cannot escape the laws and norms of this human world.

In just two minutes, Catherine's plump figure became shriveled and old, and instantly changed from a young woman in her twenties to a wrinkled old lady.

The soft and beautiful blond hair turned into silvery white, and a pair of old eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of veil, and the raw light was rapidly disappearing from her eyes.

"Catherine, listen to me, listen, don't sleep, you still have a lot of daughters and sons, they haven't seen you for the last time, you can't die, you know, you have to hold on."

I held her hand tightly, with tears all over my face, and my eyes had long been unable to see her appearance clearly.

"You can't be so unfeeling and leave your children with houses and letters, they will die of grief, do you hear me?"

Catherine's eyes had been drooping slightly, ready to close at any moment, and I pressed my face against her wet cheeks, holding her tightly.


Yang Yi's voice pierced through the wind and entered my ears. I raised my head in confusion, but I couldn't tell from which direction Yang Yi's voice came from.

I saw a figure trotting towards me against the strong wind, and only then did I hear An Ning's scream.

"Yang Yi, you are crazy!"

He came to me as quickly as possible, stretched out his hand, and handed me the package in his arms. I looked at it wonderingly, reached out to take it, and unwrapped the cloth outside. When I saw the package inside His hands trembled when he touched something.

It's Emily's doll.

The red eyes of the doll buried under the tree by flying dust and mud are still so familiar, and its body and clothes are also severely damaged, but its original appearance can still be seen.

Cute with a touch of weirdness.

This doll, which records Emily's scene before her death, was Emily's best partner during her lifetime.

Yang Yi actually preserved it, and didn't let it be buried under the ground along with the bulldozing of the mental hospital!

"Yang Yi..." I murmured at him, his eyes were full of sadness, he glanced at me, then at Catherine in my arms, and said calmly, "Isn't this very important to her? "

"It's my selfish desire to keep it, and I think it will come in handy now."

He looked at Catherine, then bent down, bowed to her, covered his eyes with his arms, turned and trot away.

I didn't expect that Yang Yi would have such a careful heart, thinking of putting this doll away.

Catherine seemed to have sensed something, and her eyelids lifted weakly. When she saw the doll in my hands, her eyes showed shock!

"this… "

She stretched out her hand, wanting to get the doll, I immediately handed it to him and put it in her arms.

"This is Emily's." Her voice had become extremely hoarse, just like her appearance, she had become very old.

"Yes, when we went to the mental hospital to investigate, we found it and here it is for you."

I wanted to use this doll to arouse Catherine's hope that she could last a little longer, but what I didn't expect was that a relieved smile appeared on her face instead, and the corners of her dry mouth curled up.

Wrinkled hands held the doll tightly in his arms, closed his eyes, and two clear tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"Finally, we can finally be together forever and never be apart."

After speaking, the last light in her eyes disappeared, and her head rested on my chest, with a contented and happy smile on her face, and she left us and this world forever.

I could only shed tears silently, watching her die, unable to utter a word, while Yang Yi squatted down beside me, put his arms around my shoulders, and comforted me: "She has already passed away." ,I am sorry for your loss."

He looked up and looked around, and saw that the situation was not optimistic. The wind was too strong, and many big trees were blown to one side, crumbling, and might fall down at any time.

One of them was hanging over my head, looking very dangerous.

"Let's leave here first, come on, I'll help you hug her, you follow me closely."

Yang Yi picked up Catherine's body and ran towards the tent on one side. I stood up slowly, feeling my heart was empty, and I felt a cold feeling in my lower abdomen.

I moved with heavy steps and walked towards the tent. Every time I took a step, I felt my legs were so sore and tired, as if a heavy stone was pressing on my legs.

The ghost crystal has been successfully sent back to the underworld by Caesar. At this moment, the dark aura overflowing from the underworld is rapidly decreasing, and the movement of this terrifying monster has also begun to slow down.

It seemed to be under an invisible attack, screaming in pain, waving its hands in the air, its sharp claws cut through the air, and white scratches could be seen, and then disappeared quickly.

I clearly felt that the huge wind disappeared quickly, and the dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated and receded to the surroundings. From a distance, I could see a few beams of sunlight passing through the dark clouds and shining on the ground.

The monster screamed in pain, and Caesar said something to Sisyphus, Danatus, and a group of subordinates. They worked together to send the devil, whose strength had been weakened by half, back to the underworld.

It took less than half an hour before and after that huge figure disappeared without a trace.

I don't know when I came to the side of the tent, An Ning hugged me, and cried out in fear: "Xiaohua, you scared me to death! You seemed stupid just now. No matter how we shouted, you listened." No, do you know that the tree is almost crushing on you?!"

At this moment, my soul was recovered a little bit. I hugged An Ning and listened to her swearing, saying that I was a lunatic. I don't want my life.

I listened quietly, without replying a word.

The relationship between Catherine and me is something that only she and I can understand.

I don't know if there are hosts like us in this world. Will I have the same state of mind when I meet them in the future

Catherine was placed on a clean blanket laid flat on the ground, and no one took away the doll she held tightly in her hands.

She lay there peacefully, without a sound, only the red eyes of the doll seemed to be shining brightly.

I don't know if it's because of the sun, or because Emily has a spirit from heaven.

"I didn't expect that in just a short while, she would become old and..." An Ning looked at this scene in disbelief. This anti-regular phenomenon made all the exorcists sweat.

In addition to surprise, it is more sad and silent, because they all saw Catherine's sacrifice with their own eyes.

Yang Yi's face was in pain, and his eyes were still wet. It looked like he had just cried.

Caesar, Sisyphus and Danatus came to us, he looked at Catherine with a complicated expression, and then sighed.

Sisyphus looked away, left, walked to the side of the tree where Catherine could not be seen, lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking, while Danatus took off his gloves and walked towards her Standard gift.

Once, my parents went back to my hometown and asked about my ghost marriage. At that time, they obviously didn't explain the facts clearly. They just said that the ghost-suppressing order in my body was very special, and they didn't mention the ghost marriage after that.

It seems that the ghost-suppressing order must stay in my body, and I will definitely become the wife of Hades, otherwise, my end will be the same as Catherine's. Even if it is different, the end will probably be the same.

My parents naturally won't let me know this, no matter how strict they are, I will still know the truth in other ways.