Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 270: 270 Go home


The affairs in country M came to an end. On the way home, I looked at An Ning, who was sleeping soundly in the car, and reached out to help her tuck the blanket in. I leaned my head back, feeling the shaking of the car.

Behind this car, in the following car, was Catherine's body.

I was really afraid that after Ming Lingjing left, it would cause too much side effects on her body. I was sitting in the car, still imagining that when we got home, Catherine's body had turned into bones.

Originally, in order to give Catherine a title, Caesar wanted to take her body to the underworld, freeze it up, and keep her in this status quo and never disappear.

But I know that we must give Catherine's adopted sons and daughters an explanation, an explanation, and their consent before Catherine can be taken away.

I don't think Catherine would mind.

When I came here this time, I took the diary with me and wrote down all the thoughts that were still stuck in my heart. The shaking car caused my hands to be very unsteady, and my eyes began to become sore, but I Did not stop writing.

After going through so many things, there are many question marks in my heart, waiting for me to answer.

"Ms. Catherine's adopted son and adopted daughter have me to figure out a way. You take good care of An Ning on my behalf. If possible, Irene also asks you."

Chris turned his head to look at me, and said in a low voice, he looked very haggard and sleepy, and his two brown eyebrows drooped at this time, looking very listless.

I gave him a reassuring look and continued to record my experiences these days.

All the thoughts in my heart that cannot be expressed in words are all recorded on paper.

Not long before we got in the car, the pervert sent Black Butterfly to send the news that the troubles in the underworld have been solved, maybe because of the return of the Nether Crystal, the time for them to deal with it has been greatly shortened, and it seems that they are doing it now. Aftermath work, come to me later.

David's family is really rich enough to even mobilize a private jet to pick us up. Because there are too many ghost exorcists who have been seriously injured, it is really inconvenient to take an ordinary plane, and a private jet can return to our original city faster.

As soon as the plane landed, a few stretchers sent some injured people to the ambulance, and they left quickly. An Ning was bleary-eyed and wrapped in a blanket, leaning her head on my shoulder, and holding my arm with both hands.

After Chris got off the plane, he quickly sorted out his clothes, and several men and women with different skin colors, hair colors, and eye colors walked towards us.

There was also an old man in a wheelchair. When they saw Catherine's body, they all broke down and covered their heads, sat on the ground and cried loudly. Even the sick old man covered his mouth, I can't cry.

This scene finally came.

I lowered my eyes, even though Catherine had no blood relationship with them, she raised them and gave them selfless maternal love when they were the loneliest and most helpless, so that they could grow up.

At Catherine’s age, some of her adopted children who were adopted earlier must have died of old age, but looking at the number of these men and women of different ages, my admiration for her became stronger and stronger.

It would be great if she was still alive...

I looked at the old, shapeless woman lying there, lifeless, and my eyes couldn't help getting wet. In order not to let myself lose my composure again, I quickly turned my head and stopped watching this scene.

"Tell me! This is not our mother! She is so young and beautiful, so wise and kind, how could she become what she is now?!" Sure enough, those daughters and sons who did not believe the truth cried and shouted, some even Rush forward to attack Chris.

One of the tall men with the figure of a bodybuilder walked up to Chris in two or three steps, grabbed his lapel with a wave of his hand, and moved his face full of tears to his face.

"Tell me the truth, what happened to our mother? Why did she become like this? Well? Don't you give us an explanation?"

"Please calm down, don't do this."

A capable woman in business attire took off her glasses, wiped her eyes, and stopped him.

"Calm down? Are you kidding me, how can we calm down, mother she is gone, she has left us forever, look at her, wrinkled, turned into a poor old woman, our beautiful and lovely mother ? Oh my god, I must be having a nightmare! Must be!"

The strong man let go of his hands, covered his face and started crying, his nose and tears covered his face instantly.

No matter how capable Chris is, he will inevitably be at a loss when he encounters the current situation. He hasn't thought of a better excuse in a short time, so he can only apologize continuously there.


I softly called his name, and An Ning raised her head because of the loud voice. I let go of her hand, walked to his side, and handed him the diary in the bag.

"Tell them, tell them all the facts, I think they must also want to know what kind of woman the mother who raised them is."

I looked at this group of people who were deeply sad, and said: "Please believe me, what Chris said next is all true, and your mother is really great, she is the first person I have ever seen The bravest and kindest woman."

Chris looked at me in surprise: "This is not good, Miss Rong, this is your diary..."

"It's nothing, it's just a record of what I see every time I go back to my memory, it belongs to the obsessions of those souls, or the best memory of their lives, you just need to tell them the contents of my folder. "

After Chris finished all the things I recorded, Catherine's adopted sons and adopted daughters all opened their eyes in disbelief, and some even shook their heads because they couldn't accept this seemingly ridiculous thing.

But as time passed, it took tens of minutes before they slowly digested so much information.

I think they must know it in their hearts. It is incredible that Catherine has lived so long and remained so young, but I also expected that her children will accept and understand her identity and what she has experienced. .

Seeing that the content in this diary stabilized the group of grieving people, Chris breathed a sigh of relief, and thanked me: "Thank you, otherwise I don't know how to face them."

I took the diary he handed back with both hands, smiled at them, turned and left.

The way they looked at me was complicated.

Because, I have recorded such a sentence in my diary——

I have the same identity as Catherine, but I will never walk the same path as her.

The An family and other families who came to support the ghost exorcists were all injured and needed to stay in country M for a while, and I took the plane back to the country first.

After all, I still have my studies, so my parents must be very worried about me.

By the way, I haven't forgotten that I have a very important matter that I haven't asked my mother yet. When I got home, it happened to be the weekend. When I opened the door, I was greeted with the familiar smell of food and a smell that made me nostalgic.

The corner of the mouth couldn't help but raised, it seems that the pervert got home one step ahead of me.


Mom and Dad rushed forward, and Mom hugged me tightly and rubbed me into her arms desperately. I felt that I was about to suffocate to death in her arms. There was a bright liquid in her eyes.

"You're fine, you're finally back, we miss you so much."

Dad was not as emotional as mother, but just stood aside and said softly: "It's good to be back safely, that's good."

I held my parents in my arms and listened to their words. My eyes narrowed. I didn't say what I was going to do. Why, from their words, I felt like they knew what dangerous things I was going to do.

And who are the masked people I saw in Ding Ruoshui's memory, why Mom and Grandpa An faltered in front of me, and why the Mo family would say such meaningful words.

The Rong family... what kind of family is it

These, I think I must know.

My parents took me to the table and kept adding food to my bowl. It was not meal time, but they cooked such a sumptuous table of food waiting for me to come back. I couldn't help but feel warm.

Thinking of their work, the two of them have been on business trips, and I also board at school from Monday to Friday because of my studies, and I can only go home on weekends, and the time to see them is even less. The three reunited and cherished it even more.

I ate a few mouthfuls of rice, a few mouthfuls of vegetables, looked up and looked around, but I didn't see the pervert, it seemed that he was probably hiding in my room.

"Mom and Dad, I have something to ask you."

When they heard my question, they all said curiously, "What is it?"

I put down the bowl and chopsticks and looked at them deeply.

"Our Rong family, do you have some ulterior background? You have kept it from me and never told me."


The spoon that Dad was holding in his hand fell into the ceramic bowl, as if he was not holding it steady, his face changed slightly, but he quickly returned to normal, pretending nothing happened, scooping the fresh soup in the bowl.

"Haha, Xiaohua, what are you talking about? What background can our family have? Your father and I are ordinary office workers, and your mother is the same. We are just a working-class family. Millionaire?"

Mom echoed on the sidelines, laughing and laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, Xiaohua saw a lot of rich people in country M, so that's why I asked this question?"

"Mom and Dad, you don't have to hide it anymore."

I looked at them seriously and seriously, and I also noticed the dodge in their eyes.

"The Mo family gave me a lot of hints, even the David family. Mom, I think you have never seen An Ning's grandfather, but you happened to be talking to him at the airport that day. Don't think I did not see it."

The flat look on the parents' faces can no longer be maintained, and they are about to fail.

At this moment, Dad's mouth moved quickly, and he accidentally slipped his mouth.

"Mo family? Which Mo family, which family specializes in magic sticks..."

"Shut up!" Mom immediately interrupted Dad, but I still caught it.

"Heh, you still say you don't know, and you say you have no background. How long are you going to keep it from me?"