Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 271: 271 The old witch came out of the mountain


For a moment, the atmosphere at the dinner table was particularly strange and dignified. Both parents put down their bowls and chopsticks, and there was still food left in the bowls, so they didn't continue to eat.

"Xiaohua, we..."

Mom was about to explain something to me when Dad said, "Tell her, wife, she's grown up, it's time to let her know everything.

"But..." Mom said with a face of disapproval. I put my hand on my chin and said, "Mom, just tell me. Since I ask this, it means that I must know something. If you keep hiding it, just tell me. It makes me more confused."

Mom and Dad looked at each other, and then they finally compromised.

"Your father and I don't know very well. The Rong family used to be a big family, but after so many years, our Rong family has fewer and fewer people, and our blood has become thinner and thinner. With the development of the times, The huge family is also scattered into many small families, distributed in every city."

"Usually, it's no different from an ordinary family."

My parents smiled awkwardly at me: "We also heard it from that witch when we went back to our hometown before, and what we heard was not very specific. To be honest, we only know that our ancestors are not simple, but we don't know how. A great way."

I stared at them, listened to all their words, and felt that they were not lying to me, they were telling the truth.

It seems that to solve the doubts in my heart, I have to go back to my hometown.

The scene I saw in Ding Ruoshui's memory at that time, who are those powerful people wearing masks, I have to ask the old witch.

The witch in Menjie Village should be the "psychic medium" that Grandpa An once mentioned. She can communicate with spirits, and if she is strong, she can even detect the future. She is also the highest-status and most mysterious figure in Menjie Village.

I cleaned up the rice in two or three bites, and was about to get up. My parents seemed to have discovered something, and their eyes fell on my stomach. Only then did I realize that today I was wearing a tighter thin sweater, and I was slightly protruding. The stomach is very obvious.

The look in their eyes changed, and I hurriedly turned around and walked towards my room.

Now I'm not ready to tell my parents about my pregnancy. After all, it's too unbelievable at this time, and the perverts haven't met them yet, lest they have a bad opinion of the perverts.

It's best to have a good talk with them after everything is settled.


My mother made a sudden noise, which startled me. I trembled and turned around slowly.

She looked at my stomach strangely, and looked at it for a while, and I quickly lied and said, "I'm tired, so I'll go back to my room to rest."

"You gained a lot of weight."

My mother's sudden words made me almost fall to the ground. I smiled dryly at her twice, and hurried back to the room.

Before entering the door, I seemed to hear my father's voice.

"Honey, is Xiaohua..."

"Father, shhh..."

The voices of the husband and wife were very soft, and I didn't hear the content clearly, and I'm not sure what they really said.

I just entered the door when a figure flew in front of me, hugged my waist, and pushed me down on the bed.

The familiar aroma came, I looked at the mask in front of me, held his face with both hands, and pressed a kiss on his thin lips.

"Hey, don't torment me, let me rest for a while." I closed my eyes and leaned on his arm, "By the way, there shouldn't be any major incidents here, right?"

The pervert saw the tiredness between my eyes, and didn't force me, turned over, hugged me tightly in his arms, kissed the hair on my forehead, and said, "Don't worry, Hua'er, Ming The spirit crystal returned to its place in time, so it didn't cause a bigger disaster."

As soon as he mentioned Nether Crystal, I thought of Catherine's cold body, some words she said to me before she died, and my heart throbbed.

I buried my head in his arms and closed my eyes tightly, but those pictures seemed to be imprinted in my mind, and they couldn't go away for a long time. My hand holding his clothes tightened even more.

"Hua'er, don't think about it, don't think about those things anymore."

The pervert hugged me even tighter, kissing my face repeatedly, from forehead to chin.

I knew he was prying into my inner thoughts again, so I gave him a dissatisfied look and curled the corners of my lips helplessly.

"It's okay, it's just that the impression is too deep, so I can't always forget it."

"Catherine has the same identity as me, so I can't help but feel the same. Her death has had a lot of impact on me."

I raised my head, looked at the man beside me, and asked softly: "By the way, pervert, when you saw me for the first time, I had an anti-ghost order in my body, why didn't you remove the anti-ghost order in my body?" Take away the ghost order, but choose to marry me in the dark?"

This doubt has been perplexing me since I came back from country M.

Obviously, he can directly take it away from my body, there is no need to marry me.

The pervert suddenly looked at me seriously, and touched my cheek with his big hand.

"Hua'er, what if I say, I fell in love with you at first sight?" His fingers gently rubbed the skin of my face, his eyes were so gentle that he was about to drown me in it.

I looked at him fixedly, then poked his chest with my fingers, and said with a smile: "Slick tongue, answer my question carefully!"

Seeing that he made me laugh, the pervert happily picked me up, put me on his lap, and sat up by himself.

"I'm serious. There's no slick tongue. Everyone in the underworld knows my temper. In fact, when I first saw you, I couldn't do anything to you."

"If the ghost suppressing order leaves the host's body, the host will die, right?"

The pervert suddenly lost his voice, and after a while he said calmly: "Yes, as long as he leaves the host's body in an abnormal way, he will take the host's life as his own energy."

"After all, the Ghost Suppressing Order is a fetish of the underworld, not an ordinary thing."

"Catherine actually doesn't need to die. If she had met Caesar earlier, the ending might have been different. However, the fluctuations in the yin and yang worlds can't wait for them to use the correct method to guide the Nether Crystal out of the host's body."

After all, I am much luckier than Catherine. At least I met this man when I was eighteen, although he only appeared in front of me this year.

"Then I gave birth to the little guy, is it the correct way to guide?"


He scratched my nose and said softly: "So you have to protect yourself and protect him. He is not only a ghost suppressor, he is also your child."

I leaned my head into his arms. At this moment, I thought of what I had just discussed with my parents. I wondered if the pervert knew something important, so I asked him.

"Do you know the Rong family? The Rong family, I always feel that the people of the Mo family and the An family all talk about the Rong family, and the Rong family is like a taboo in their mouths. Immediately changed the subject."

The pervert hugged my hand tightly, a flash of distress flashed in his eyes, he rubbed the tip of his nose against the side of my face, and comforted me: "Stop thinking about it, Hua'er, haven't you already decided to go back to Menjie Village for a while?" If you find out, you'll know when the time comes."

Now, I am completely sure that my idea is correct.

All the people with heads and faces in the exorcism circle know it, but I am the only one who is buried in the drum like a fool, and I have only caught some clues until now.

"Boom boom boom."

There was a knock on the door, which shocked me a lot. Thinking of what I and the pervert were doing now, I hurriedly pushed him away from his arms, and made a sound-silencing gesture to him.

"Xiaohua, can we talk?"

It was mother's voice.

The pervert understood what I meant, and immediately dodged and became invisible. I opened the door, saw two people standing outside the door, and let them enter the room.

My mother sat on the chair, grabbed my hand, and said to me earnestly: "Xiaohua, it's not that we didn't tell you, it's because your father and I don't know each other very well, and even if we knew, we didn't know how to use it." How to tell you."

She touched my arm and looked at me lovingly: "I'm sorry, Xiaohua, I lied to you at that time."

"I do know the Patriarch of the An family, and I have a certain connection, because you have been with An Ning since you were married to Lord Yan Wang, and you have had the most contact with the An family, so I secretly asked An Ning for her grandfather's phone number. number, I want them to take care of you more."

"Anjia has something to do with exorcising ghosts. I only found out later."

Dad handed me the phone: "The witch is about to leave the mountain. She has been in retreat for three to five years. We will take you back to your hometown after the next weekend. You can ask her yourself."

"I think she knows more than us."

I saw the short message on my mobile phone, which seemed to be sent by my grandparents, and looked at my parents with emotion.

"thank you all."

The longest living person in Menjie Village is the old witch. I think she must know the history of the Rong family!

And those mysterious masked people, by the way, and the homeless old man talking nonsense in front of me, I think I should ask about them. Maybe these things are not important to me, but they just appeared in my life, let my eyes see them, then I have to understand it!

Just right, I haven't been back to my hometown for a long time, it's time to visit my grandparents.

At that time, they sent me into the small black room and let me participate in the dark marriage ceremony that would cost me my life. After so many years, if I hate them, that hatred has long since disappeared.

Without them, perhaps I would never be able to meet a pervert or find the love of my life.

"Xiaohua, there are some things we need to tell you in advance."

My father frowned and said to me seriously: "Although the psychic medium is old, her status is unparalleled in Menjie Village. We know that you are now the wife of the king of hell, but when you talk to her, you must be careful." Remember to be polite."

Mom also seemed to remember something, and said excitedly: "My child's father, you reminded me!"

What's the matter, why do parents look so afraid of that old witch

"In the past, there was a girl in the village who married a wealthy family and went back to her natal family to visit relatives. She spoke rudely to the witch. Later, her life was not going well. Not to mention the illness, her husband's property was also wiped out!"