Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 274: 274 Mask organization?


Rong, behind this surname, there is such a historical background, which makes me a little surprised.

"In the final analysis, the current family in the ghost exorcism circle can call the Rong family the ancestor!" Rong Yiyuan said imposingly, and patted me on the shoulder.

"However, at that time, the remaining members of the Rong family accepted the orders of the eldest lady and the young patriarch, and gave up continuing to practice the family's ghost exorcism skills. Slowly, the Rong family has completely got rid of the ghost exorcism industry when it reaches your generation. An ordinary man."

"Why does mother-in-law know so much?"

I asked suspiciously, if you want to talk about the age of my mother-in-law, although she is over a hundred years old, if no one has recorded such a long time ago, or it has been passed down by word of mouth to this day, no one will know what happened to the Rong family. of.

"How do I know, you don't need to know." She sighed and looked at me very apologetically.

"The custom of dark marriages in our village only appeared later. In fact, I always knew that Lord Yan Wang was real, and it was his order to find the ghost-suppressing order. You have been sent to the black room, even if you and I are both from the Rong family."

It's okay if she doesn't mention it, but once I mentioned it, the slight affection I had for her disappeared immediately.

"It's hard for you, child."

"If you felt that I was suffering, you shouldn't have tied me in at that time."

My tone was also a bit aggressive, and my parents said from the side: "Xiaohua!"

Rong Yiyuan smiled wryly, her old voice seemed even smaller.

"Son, do you think that I am willing? You are the only direct descendant of Rong's lineage down to your generation. How could I have thought that the Ghost Suppressing Order would choose you as the host!"

"Once I have selfish intentions and don't let you go to the ghost marriage, wouldn't I be pushing an innocent girl to death? I still know it. This is tantamount to intentional murder!"

She said excitedly, waving her hands, and her whole face distorted: "Not only does it hurt people, but the ghost suppression order cannot be found by Lord Hades in time, what disaster will it bring to the underworld, I think you are more serious than me now!" Be clear!"

After I listened, I was taken aback, and the dissatisfaction in my heart quickly disappeared.

Indeed, if Rong Yiyuan let her own selfishness go, and saved me, someone would still replace me and marry the pervert, delaying the pervert's time to find the ghost-suppressing order, and end up...

In the great war twenty years ago, I bowed my head to the terrifying monster I saw with my own eyes in Country M.

"Poor thing, poor child of our Rong family, why did you choose you in the end, the heavens want to destroy our Rong family on purpose!"

I watched this centenarian old man crying with tears all over his face, and I couldn't bear to walk up to her and put my arms around her shoulders.

"Mother-in-law, you can rest assured that my husband is very good to me. He didn't take my life. After I give birth to the little one, I can still be an ordinary person, safe and sound."

Her gaze followed my hand and moved to my stomach. The slightly protruding round stomach surprised her, and she even took a step back. When she was about to touch my belly with both hands, the pervert finally spoke.


The tone is very calm, but the momentum contained in it cannot be ignored, it is shocking.

Rong Yiyuan trembled her hands and legs, almost sat on the ground, she hurriedly kowtowed to the coloring ghost, "Lord Hades, I was wrong!"

I gave the pervert a dissatisfied look, and he walked up to me and said, "Don't let anyone touch your stomach casually."

"Why?" An old woman is also a psychic, and she is not a scourge, why don't you give her a touch.

"Xiaohua, you are really pregnant."

My parents' voices came from behind me, I turned around and smiled at them.

"Well, I'm sorry, I kept it from you." I grabbed the hand of the pervert, brought him to them, and introduced, "Dad, mom, he is my husband, King of Hades."

Sure enough, the faces of the two old men showed scrutiny and suspicion. They didn't accept the pervert immediately, and they were extremely vigilant.

It's normal, whoever it is, if your daughter marries a ghost, it's impossible for you to accept the ghost's son-in-law immediately.

Dad was the first to speak, very imposing, and it was the first time I saw him boldly, straighten his back, and speak aggressively to someone like this: "I don't care who you are, whether you are a human or a ghost, Xiao Hua We didn't agree to give you a ghost marriage, and Xiaohua didn't do it voluntarily!"

"But now that she even has a child, you have to be responsible to her and treat her well. She is your wife. If we find out that you hurt her, we will take her away immediately and never let you See her!"

I looked at the old couple in surprise.

"Dad! Are you... Do you recognize him? "

"I didn't say anything." Mom sat on a chair beside her, looked at me lovingly, and sighed, "Now that the raw rice has been cooked, why don't you recognize him?"

"Furthermore, Patriarch An also told me a lot about you, and your father and I have communicated many times in private, thinking that he can be entrusted to you, as long as you are healthy and happy, we will not interfere too much. "

I rushed to my mother excitedly: "You are so kind! I am still worried about how to tell you about this matter. After all, it is difficult for ordinary people to accept."

Mom hugged my body tightly and told me: "Don't get too excited when you're pregnant, and don't run around. Be careful."

Dad still stared at the pervert. The next second, I never expected that the pervert would do this.

He took off the mask, and when his parents saw his appearance, both of them were amazed by his astonishing face. Perhaps in their opinion, no one in the world could match his appearance .

"You can rest assured, I will definitely protect Hua'er and won't let her suffer any grievances." After speaking, she bowed deeply to her parents, and then put the mask back on.

During the whole process, the only ones who saw his face were my parents and me.

My eyes filled with tears immediately, the pervert actually lowered his status to such a low level for me, he is a person with a strong sense of dignity, and he is also the master of the underworld, ruling the entire underworld, so many Now he not only changed his name, but also saluted his parents!

When Dad saw this scene, the stern look in his eyes faded a lot, and he nodded in satisfaction.

"very nice."

However, just as he finished speaking, the pervert's next sentence made me almost jump up in fright!

"However, no one in the world can stop me from seeing Hua Er, including you."

Mom was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing. She covered her mouth, my face turned red, and I hurried forward to grab the pervert.

"Don't say a few words, you, ouch."

"What did you say?" The joy on Dad's face disappeared, and he rushed to the top of his head in anger.

"It's alright, alright, you two." I held back the pervert, and Mom held back Dad, separating them.

The mother's adult's emotional intelligence is still higher than that of the father. The behavior of the pervert is very naive and obvious. It was deliberately said at this time. Sure enough, even though he seems to have lowered his figure on the surface, in some respects, he Still will not be willing to be weaker than others.

Seeing that our family is in harmony, Rong Yiyuan had a happy smile on his face.

Only then did I realize that there was one thing I hadn't asked her about, and I almost forgot about it.

"Mother-in-law, do you know an organization? That group of people all wore masks. They were the ones who took out that monster in the great war twenty years ago."

Rong Yiyuan's smile stagnated, and then her expression became a little weird.

I waited for a long time, but I didn't hear her words, so I couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and asked, "Mother-in-law, tell me, who are they?"

"Oh, and, I met a wandering old man at the entrance of the playground before, and he was saying something about the change of the sky, which really made me uncomfortable."

I rubbed my arms with both hands and said aftertaste.

"What? You met that old guy?!"

Rong Yiyuan shouted in surprise, she stepped forward, grabbed my hand, and asked eagerly, "Did you see him?!"

Who did you see? I thought strangely.

Afterwards, Rong Yiyuan described to me the appearance and clothes of the homeless old man, and I nodded immediately: "Grandma, how do you know what he looks like?"


She sighed, patted the back of my hand and said, "The masked organization you are talking about, the leader, is him!"

What? !

Rong Yiyuan's eyes filled with tears again, she shook her body excitedly, and said happily: "It's great, it's great, he's still alive, he's still alive!"

Who is the homeless old man she is talking about? I only know that he is the leader of the mysterious mask organization. Could it be that he still has some relationship with Rong Yiyuan and our Rong family

"He's my husband, boy!"

Rong Yiyuan said with tears, "I've been looking for him for ten years, but I haven't heard back."

"Since the war twenty years ago, he has disappeared, and the mask organization has also fallen apart. I only know that the war ended in victory, but the group of people who rescued the war at that time seemed to have evaporated from the world."

She wiped her cloudy eyes, and continued: "I said earlier that I went to the mountain to retreat, but I have been looking for him outside, I didn't expect you to see him!"

"Where is he now?! Take me to see him!"

Rong Yiyuan was overjoyed. Her husband who had been missing for more than ten years was finally found. No matter who she was, she would be overwhelmed with excitement!

I looked away in embarrassment, and said softly, "Mother-in-law, I don't know where he is, I just ran into him by accident."

The old man's smile froze in an instant, and there were still tears on his face.