Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 281: 281 Extra Story of Desserted Coconut Hot Spring Journey (3)


The Shimizu couple drove us to Aichi Prefecture, where there is a tourist hotel with natural open-air hot springs and indoor hot springs.

"The hot spring hotel here is very old, and many internal facilities look very dilapidated."

Rin explained to us: "But it means that the hot springs here have been mined a long time ago, and you will enjoy the blessing tonight."

"Are there men and women bathing together?"

The pervert opened his mouth to ask, my face turned red and hot, I poked his elbow with my elbow, and said angrily, "What are you thinking!"

Although Mrs. Qingshui didn't understand, but she guessed what the pervert said by seeing my expression, so she covered her mouth and laughed, which made me even more embarrassed.

"Yes, but I'm not very clear about the opening hours. I'll help you go to the front desk and ask." Rin also turned away implicitly, and left quickly with some embarrassment.

Anyway, Japanese girls are still very introverted and shy. Such words may be too straightforward for them. Mrs. Shimizu is married, and it may be a little better, but judging from Rin's performance, She should still be an unmarried woman.

"It's okay, if you couple want to have a drink together, if they are open today, then you can, but if they don't, then it's a pity."

After Rin came back, he blushed and said to us: "It starts at eight o'clock in the evening and ends at eleven o'clock. You can go to the bubble now."

I made a face full of shame, and glared at the pervert again, seeing a vague smile on the corner of his mouth, I felt annoyed in my heart!

What are you laughing laughing!

When I thought about the possibility of taking a couple's bath later, my heart began to pound again. In addition to the words he said in my ear not long ago, I even anticipated what would happen later.

"What about the baby? It shouldn't be possible to bring it in, right?"

"The changing room is very close to the hot spring. It is separated by glass. The changing room is not stuffy. I can help you get a small basket and put the child in it."

Rin was very thoughtful, and I expressed my gratitude to her.

In a room in the hotel, we were changing our bathrobes. The pervert unceremoniously took off his clothes in front of my eyes. Before I could cover my eyes, he stood naked in front of me with his back to me. I almost screamed. Shout out!

"You... you, why did you take off your clothes without making a sound!"

I subconsciously raised my hand and quickly covered my eyes. The little guy was screaming excitedly and kept calling, "Daddy... no clothes!"

The pervert heard my scream from behind, his eyes were full of smiles, he was about to turn around, I first noticed his thoughts through the gap between my fingers, and screamed in fright: " Don't! Don't turn around!"

God, what is he going to do? !

Even though we are already husband and wife, and we have seen both bodies, I am still not sure that I can hold myself in front of his perfect figure!

"What is Hua'er afraid of? We have already met each other honestly. Why are you shy?"

Of course I'm so shy, why doesn't he look in the mirror and see his appearance and figure, it's a fatal temptation to put it in front of anyone!

"You, put on your yukata quickly! Quick!"

I'm afraid that my nose will bleed blood in the next second, that's really embarrassing.

"Mother, shame... Hehehe!" The little guy was still fanning the flames, and I almost felt that this troublemaker was on his father's side.

"Hua'er, you don't need to cover it up, the gap between your fingers is obvious, I can see it." The pervert approached me, smiled and took my hands off my face. Saw some indescribable part of his body.

"How about you dress me?"

"You don't have long hands yourself!" I was almost dying of embarrassment, dizzy, and didn't know how to face this man, so I had to take my hand out of his hand at a loss.

Before I finished speaking, he started to help me undress, I was so scared that I backed away again and again.

"I'll just do it myself."

Disappointment and frustration appeared on the pervert's face. When I saw his pitiful appearance, my heart tightened slightly.

Well, well, only this time, no next time!

I had no choice but to put down my hands and let him take off my clothes one by one. The little guy was still screaming, as if he was very happy. If he wasn't there, the pervert would probably rush towards me up.

The turbulence in his eyes, what he was thinking in his heart, and what he was holding back, I knew it clearly!

After we finished changing into our yukatas, we wrapped the little guy in a big towel and walked towards the hot springs. The Shimizu couple went to another separate bathroom for men and women, and Rin and Mrs. Shimizu were together.

When we walked into the bathroom, we saw the clean tatami mats in front of us, the baskets specially used for changing and washing clothes, and the wooden benches for people to sit and rest, an exotic style unfolded before our eyes.

The internal facilities of the room such as tatami are completely invisible to us in our own country, at least not in ordinary people's homes.

The water of the hot spring continuously comes out of a very thick plastic pipe. We sat in the bathing position first, holding the unkempt hair in our hands. Although both of us were naked at this time, we felt less shy. Quite a lot.

The little guy was sleeping in a wooden basket where we could see it, and his hands and feet were constantly moving.

Except for the sound of water, there was no other sound. After I finished washing, I was about to stand up. When I walked outside to the open-air hot spring, the pervert walked up to my side in three steps and hugged me horizontally.

"you… "


He hugged me and stepped into the hot spring with his slender legs. I clearly saw his two slender eyebrows raised.

"It's much worse than Hades."

When I saw his somewhat disgusted expression, I couldn't help laughing: "The hot spring in the underworld and this hot spring, of course you think your own is good."

"However, I think you must have never tried Yangjian, so I will bring you to try it today, so don't pick and choose."

The sky at night is cloudless, and the crooked moon hangs high in the sky, illuminating the land.

I leaned on the rock, looked up at the sky, breathed in the fresh air outside, and breathed a sigh of relief: "I haven't traveled for a long time."

"If you still want to go somewhere to play in the future, I will accompany you."

The pervert's arm was pillowed behind me, and I leaned on his arms, feeling the temperature of the water and the buoyancy.

There may not be many opportunities to travel in the future. After all, the teahouse is about to open, and I have to start working. This kind of work without a unit, even the social security has to be paid by myself, plus Yan Er. For the sake of the children, milk powder money still has to be earned!

To my surprise, the pervert didn't force me to do anything too extreme, he just quietly made a meat pad, which made me more comfortable to rely on.

The hot springs can’t be soaked for too long. Just when the two of us got up and walked out of the pool, and went into the dressing room to wipe ourselves, the little guy disappeared!

The basket in which he was held was turned upside down, and it was empty.

This scares the hell out of me!


But in fifteen minutes, why did he disappear? Didn’t everyone say that Japan’s law and order is very good, and the location here is in a rural location, so what about the children? !

I jumped up and down in a hurry, searching everywhere without even drying my body. When I saw a soft figure lying on the other side of the screen, motionless, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"You naughty bastard, why don't you sleep right in the basket! Running around makes me so nervous!"

When I was about to bend down to pick him up, I noticed a strange thing.

He has been staring straight at the direction of the entrance of the hot spring, his big black eyes gleaming with crystal light, as if he saw something novel.

He didn't make any further movements, lying on the ground like a cheetah hiding in the grass, staring at his prey.

What is the little guy looking at? So focused.

Just as I looked up, a white shadow flashed across my eyes, which looked like a woman's skirt.

"Ah! She... is gone, the beautiful sister is gone."

Yan'er's shining eyes dimmed, her face shrunk, and she said unhappily, her hands kept patting the tatami as if in protest.

In fact, my first reaction was that I thought it was a voyeur. How could a person be looking at the door of the bathroom when nothing happened, and the child also said that it was a woman.

I also thought that the pervert's body might have been completely seen by her, so I couldn't help feeling angry!

"Hua'er is fine." The pervert helped me pick up the child and comforted me.

"You think it's okay, the person peeping is a woman, not a man, or it will be your turn to be angry!"

I snorted very jealously, thinking that I must go to the front desk to report it later. If possible, I even want to go to the police station once and call the police!

Regardless of whether he is male or female, her helmet has become a fact!

But what I didn't notice was that when I was going to wipe my body, the pervert looked towards the direction of the door, narrowed his eyes slightly, and then walked up to me like a normal person.

"What? Have you been peeped?"

Rin was taken aback, and shouted loudly, Shimizu and his wife walked over in bathrobes, happened to hear it, and looked at each other in surprise.

"Yes, it's a woman. The child found out. She left when I arrived."

Mrs. Shimizu held a bottle of milk in her hand, looked at me strangely, and said something in disbelief.

"However, we chatted with the people at the front desk just now, and they said that there are only four of us staying here today."

As soon as these words came out, the whole topic changed in an instant, and the hairs on my back stood up!

Thinking of the corner of the white skirt just now, I thought that I could no longer see ghosts, so the one peeping must be a human! Not a ghost!