Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 31: 031 Because I am their descendant


Under the faint orange light, I could clearly see the appearance of the person who came.

Even in summer, he was still wearing a long-sleeved white shirt, a pair of dark blue jeans on his lower body, and Nike sneakers on his feet. He was carrying a small backpack on his back, which was bulging, and he didn't know what it contained.

He has black shattered hair, small but deep eyes, a strong nose bridge, and tightly pursed thin lips. His brows were slightly frowned, and his right eyebrow was raised slightly.

He looked at me with some surprise in his eyes. In fact, I paid attention to what he just said.

"I know you're there", he said "you" instead of "you".

Obviously, he didn't expect my existence. When he saw the lecher holding my waist, he narrowed his eyes.

"Two people?"

He made a suspicious voice, and I couldn't help but reply: "One person, one ghost." I corrected his statement.

The man let out a chuckle: "Interesting, I didn't expect to encounter such a situation today."

The pervert looked at the backpack on his back, and said flatly, "This is not where you should come."

"Seeing once is worth hearing a hundred times, Lord Yama."

After carefully studying the pervert for a long time, the man did not reply to his words, but greeted him with a smile. Some respect could be vaguely heard in his tone, and more surprises.

In this creepy place, he actually greeted the pervert, which made me feel very awkward.

What I am a little puzzled and curious about is how did this man recognize the ghost? I don't think that, in addition to coming to me, perverts usually go back to the underworld and wander around in other places.

Apparently, this young-looking man who called himself Yang must have some huge background.

The pervert was also a little surprised, but his emotions were not expressed in his tone and expression at all. He suppressed his voice and said in a low voice: "Answer the king's words, what are you doing here?"

The man in front of him carried the bag behind him again. He didn't know whether it was boldness or what. He still didn't answer, but turned his head and looked at the broken wall.

"Unexpectedly, the things here were discovered by someone."

My heart skipped a beat when I heard this sentence with an unknown meaning. In addition to the bad impression that the old couple had left on me two days ago, I couldn't help saying: "Do you know something hidden? ? Did something ever happen here?"

The man shook his head, deliberately showing off, looked at the tumbled grass, and said, "Didn't you already find out?"

My heart tightened, as if someone found out that I had done something wrong, I didn't dare to look into his eyes for a while, but looked away.

The pervert just said that someone set up an enchantment on the wall and pasted twelve talisman papers. There must be something bad sealed inside the wall.

He didn't say anything in detail, and I knew that there was probably a very powerful evil spirit in it.

We came here entirely because of the strange dialogue between the old couple and the pervert's strong perception ability, and we felt that the former residence of Lejia was very unusual.

However, the man in front of me is different. He is an ordinary person like me, so what is he doing here

Since he is an ordinary person, how did he know the identity of the outstanding ghost? It is impossible for ordinary people to say that they know the King of Hades, even if they can see ghosts.

Is it possible...

I kept thinking about it in my heart, and when I thought of this, I immediately came to a point of view!

That is, this man surnamed Yang is definitely a hermaphrodite!

"Are you a hermaphrodite?!"

I asked, and he finally turned his gaze back to me, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"I am, you guessed right, since you asked me a question, let me ask you a question too." He paused, and took a few steps closer to me, with a strange gleam in his eyes.

"You are not a hermaphrodite, so why are you with Lord Hades?"

Seeing that this human has been ignoring his questioning, provoking his majesty, and now he still wants to molest his wife, the pervert suddenly showed anger in his eyes, and clouds of black smoke began to emerge from his body, full of death and fierceness.

"Lord Hades, please calm down."

Seeing that he was angry, the man immediately waved his hands and took a few steps back: "I have no malice."

He took a deep breath, as if he had compromised, and stopped putting on some airs, let go of his curiosity, and confessed everything: "Okay, okay, I said, I'm here to consolidate the barrier of."

When he said this, he realized that he hadn't introduced himself yet, so he hurriedly added something.

"By the way, my name is Yang Yi, the Yang of Yangshu, the word Yi of Sima Yi."

Strengthen the enchantment

I can't help but think of the old witch in Xiaocun and Grandpa An. They are all intersex, and they all have different abilities.

In the small village, the old witch has a higher status than the village head. It is said that she is the guardian of the ghost gate and a psychic medium. In addition to being able to see ghosts, Grandpa An can also disperse ghosts on antiques.

Then this man named Yang Yi, is the strengthening of the enchantment he said also his ability

"The breath here is very strange. This king does not allow anyone to start the ceremony privately in the yang world, destroying the balance and order of the yang world and the underworld."

Seeing that King Hades appeared here, Yang Yi knew in his heart that he couldn't hide what happened here, so he had to tell the whole story.

"Lejia has a history of at least two hundred years. It is a big family that lives in seclusion here. The main way of survival is self-sufficiency, so it rarely communicates with the outside world."

He came slowly, his back was a little bent, and as he spoke, I could feel his height gradually getting shorter.

I listened quietly, knowing that he was going to tell a long story, and it would be very impolite to interrupt by myself. Even if I had any doubts, I must listen to him before asking.

But why is there a faint sense of uneasiness in my heart

I glanced at the damaged wall and felt that it would collapse in a strong wind. My eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the wall and see the scenery in the courtyard.

A huge black air mass was moving irregularly there, like a mass of mud, wriggling non-stop, a pair of blood-red eyes suddenly lit up, arousing the hairs all over my body, and my back was soaked with sweat, I violently Breathe!

What happened to that scene just now? It's not like a hallucination, it's so real and engraved in my mind, it won't go away for a long time.

The pervert seemed to have noticed my movements, bent down worriedly, and asked, "What's wrong? Is there something uncomfortable?"

I hurriedly shook my head, straightened up, trying to drive away the image in my mind, and smiled at him, indicating that I was fine.

Yang Yi has been completely immersed in his own world, describing the history of Lejia.

"This family, from its establishment to its demise, has always been a family full of faith. They have always believed that there are gods in this world and people have souls."

I clutched my chest and listened to him coming slowly. His eyes were shining with light that I couldn't understand. Since it was very dark around me, I subconsciously thought that I was delusional.

In fact, it is not the case. Although his tone is flat, as if he is telling a story, I can still hear the emotion hidden in his words.

It's so complicated that I can't understand at all what his state of mind is at the moment.

The pervert stood beside me silently, without interrupting Yang Yi's narration, and kept his arms around me tightly, his strong arms constantly conveying a sense of security to me.

This wall separates the two worlds inside and outside the courtyard. If you think about what might exist in the courtyard, if I say I am not afraid, I am deceiving myself and others.

However, the pervert has always been by my side, and the sense of security conveyed to me invisibly made me feel at ease.

For a while, I even had a feeling that the pervert would help me withstand the sky falling.

As Yang Yi spoke, his voice became tense: "Until the eighth generation Patriarch of the Le family came to power, the whole family changed. Under his rule, the original beliefs have undergone tremendous changes."

His voice began to tremble, and I could even see his tall and straight body trembling slightly. He looked like an active volcano that had been suppressed for a long time and was about to erupt at any time.

"what's going on?"

I asked, not that I wanted to provoke him, if it was something terrible, he could say it out, and it would be a bad thing for him to bury it in his heart.

Seeing him so excited, I knew that something must have happened to Lejia after the eighth generation head of the family took office.

"That bastard...he is simply inferior to a beast..."

Yang Yi began to insult, his voice sounded a little choked, "He persecuted to death all the clansmen who practiced the correct belief, leaving only his cronies and clansmen who followed him."

He smiled helplessly and painfully, this smile was uglier than crying.

"Actually, long before he took office, the Le family was divided into two factions, one believed in the gods, and the other believed in the undead."

I felt the lecher's hand tighten on my shoulder, and he said, "The persecution of the undead killed the other faction."

Yang Yi nodded, looked at the courtyard, and sneered sarcastically: "How ridiculous, those bastards think that people make mistakes, and as long as they die, they can be redeemed, so the eighth generation patriarch secretly gave those kind-hearted clansmen According to various crimes, they were persecuted to death alive."

He took a breath, as if he didn't want to continue, but he forced himself to speak: "Until the following generations of patriarchs, all flattered the beliefs of the eighth generation of patriarchs, and each generation became depraved, crazy, and obsessed."


He sneered, and even I could hear the crying in his tone: "Until the end, they killed themselves."

The last sentence is thought-provoking. I think of what the pervert said before. The breath inside is because a certain ritual has been performed to establish a connection between the underworld and the underworld.

Lejia's demise was probably due to this ceremony.

It's just that the mess they left behind during their lifetime can only be left to our future generations to solve.

As for how much disaster this ceremony caused to Lejia, how it destroyed a prosperous big family in an instant, I don't want to speculate.

A pervert's words—this place is no longer a place for people to stay, is enough to explain that there is something terrifying inside this wall.

By the way...

I was a little surprised, surprised that this man named Yang Yi would know so much about Lejia's history and secrets, so I couldn't help but ask, "Why do you know so much?"

Yang Yi turned his head, looked at me deeply, grinned stiffly at the corner of his mouth, and sighed: "Because I am a descendant left by the Le family."