Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 310: 310 The Extra Story of Lining What Kind of Tutoring Are You?


In the evening, An Ning just took a shower and was wiping her hair with a towel. She was wearing a baggy bathrobe, and some drops of water that hadn't been wiped off her neck fell into the mysterious area on her chest.

Her originally snow-white skin turned a pinkish red after taking a hot bath, and the fragrance of the shower gel came out from the bathrobe, which was very attractive.

She heard a knock on the door, walked to the door, and asked, "Who is it?"

"Me." Chris's voice came from outside the door, and An Ning was taken aback. Only then did she realize that she didn't seem to be wearing underwear. Although the bathrobe was too thick to tell, but in front of a person of the opposite sex, not wearing underwear is almost the same as stripping naked Out of clothes!

A sense of insecurity came quickly, she took off the towel on her head, and shouted to the door: "Chris, wait a minute."

She was about to go to her suitcase to get a piece of underwear to put on, but before she took a few steps, Chris' voice came again.

"You are a little faster, so heavy!"

An Ning thought about what he said to herself on the stairs today, it seems that now he is going to tutor her in English, and according to what he said, he should have brought tutoring materials.

She looked down at her nightgown, and took a quick look in the full-length mirror, and found that it wasn't very obvious, so she didn't bother to dig into her underwear and opened the door.

But when she saw the people outside, he was standing there leisurely. Although the books in his hands looked thick, he didn't look like he couldn't hold the textbooks.

Only then did An Ning wake up, she was cheated by Chris!

He smiled and said to her, "Good evening, Ning."

not good at all! An Ning scolded herself for being soft-hearted, just now she felt sorry for him being too tired carrying the textbooks, and wanted him to come in quickly and put the books down.

I don't even wear underwear anymore, which is fine now! If I knew it earlier, I would have let him stand outside for a while.

An Ning stood there with wet hair, Chris frowned, threw the book in his arms on the table, took the towel in her hand, and wiped her hair.

"Just took a shower?"

An Ning nodded, her whole head was covered by a white towel, and she couldn't see her expression at this time. Chris brushed her hair skillfully for a while, took her hand to the bedside, and He took a step forward and took out the hair dryer from the bathroom.

"Didn't you say tutoring?"

Chris forced her to sit on the bed, and his voice was really soft: "Dry your hair first, and be careful of catching a cold.

But what An Ning was thinking at this time was to finish tonight's tutoring task quickly and let Chris leave the room.

In fact, she has slowly noticed that this man is extremely skilled, and she has already fallen into his sweet trap without knowing it, and cannot extricate herself.

The most frightening thing is that she didn't feel disgusted at all, and even enjoyed it, which made An Ning, who had always resisted Chris, a little unbelievable.

Although she agreed to associate with Chris, the time it took for her to accept him was too short for this development.

She felt her big hands constantly rubbing her hair through the towel, and her cheeks couldn't help getting hot again.


An Ning found a strange place.

Why is Chris so skillful in wiping people's hair? Like it used to be done.

He seemed to have seen An Ning's thoughts long ago, and said with a smile: "When Laura and Abel were children, I helped them bathe and blow-dry their hair, so I know all these things.

"Oh—" An Ning got the answer and let out a long sigh of relief. Chris took off the towel, plugged in the hair dryer, and helped her dry her hair.

An Ning raised her hand in embarrassment, grabbed the handle of the hair dryer, and touched Chris with her hand.

She retracted her hand reflexively, and said softly, "Well, let me do it myself."

However, the whistling wind completely covered her voice. Chris noticed that her hand touched him, as if she was about to take away the hair dryer. As smart as he is, how could he not know An Ning's intentions.

But he pretended not to know at all and continued blowing his head.

"You must dry your hair after taking a shower, even if there is an air conditioner in the room." He said calmly, completely ignoring An Ning's hand that was gripping him tightly.

"I'll blow it myself!"

"Ning, don't move."

Chris held An Ning's shoulder domineeringly to stop her from moving, "Soon, wait patiently for a while."

An Ning pouted, knowing that Chris didn't hear her words at all, so she had to give up.

Chris saw her giving up and was happy in his heart.

This simple girl... He looked at An Ning tenderly, running his beautiful and slender fingers through her smooth black hair.

Finally, when the hair was dry, Chris threw the towel into the bathroom basket, placed the hair dryer on the shelf, and took the comb.

"I'll do it myself, Chris."

An Ning felt very embarrassed. After all, she was already so old, and she had to ask others to help her hair. Really, the more she lived, the more she went back!

Now she must comb her hair by herself. Even if the two are in a relationship, she can completely rely on herself for this kind of thing, so don't bother Chris.

"Shh, don't move."

Chris helped her comb her hair. Seeing him talking to himself, An Ning didn't get angry, but asked strangely, "What's wrong with you?"

He said lightly: "In your country, there is a very romantic thing."

"That is to comb his wife's hair, which represents the husband's love for his wife."

An Ning didn't dare to look into his eyes, she turned her face away, and her eyes fell on the pillow on the bed: "You... We haven't written anything about our affairs, so you're just like this?"

"I haven't married you yet, whether it's your wife or not is unknown!"

An Ning suddenly felt that she seemed to be cheated. What Chris said was that he came to teach English tonight. What is going on now

What kind of tutoring is this? ! I'm afraid she didn't fall into the trap of Chris, the pervert, right

"We're not, but I think it's time to practice."


An Ning's eyes widened, and she found that Chris was not only domineering and black-bellied, but also narcissistic! Seeing his confident tone, it seemed that she had already agreed to marry him.

She couldn't figure out the man in front of her even more. In the past, she thought that Chris was a gentleman, but later she found out that he is actually a domineering president. Gradually, as they got to know each other more deeply, she found that this man was smiling, but he was actually very deep in the city.

She is good at digging holes for people, and she digs them accurately. Later, she discovered that this man who likes to wear suits is actually a pervert who always wants to take advantage!

Chris didn't know it at all. An Ning had already put aside all his thoughts about him in his heart at this time. After helping her comb her hair, he got up and said, "Okay, let's start."

An Ning finally breathed a sigh of relief, if he still made some too intimate moves towards her, then she wouldn't be able to sleep tonight!

And she was absolutely convinced that she would die of a heart attack.

Because of the rapid heartbeat.

An Ning sat down at the table, Chris came over after washing his hands, sat down, opened the book, and said, "I've already said hello to the school, you can go to school tomorrow."

"Professional or something, remember to choose a get out of class on the school's official website tomorrow morning."

Chris handed over a school resume, which was densely written in English.

The efficiency is so fast!

After thanking An Ning, she took the resume and put it aside.

"Okay, before I start tutoring, I need to know your English level!" Chris pulled out a test paper from nowhere and pushed it in front of her.

"You do this paper first, so that I know how to tutor you."

this moment! It's finally here!

It is not a problem to say that the TF exam is difficult or something! What she cares most about is the bottom-up test at this moment.

Thinking of her English proficiency in high school, she is really not flattering.

The writing is passable, but the speaking...

Only two words can be used to describe it, that is pulpy.

She saw that the man who had been extremely gentle to her just now, and talked so much about love, was sitting beside him like a serious teacher with a blank expression on his face.

Chris noticed that An Ning hadn't started writing. He kept looking at himself and said sternly, "Let's write."

An Ning shrunk her neck. It had to be said that Chris's stern face was quite scary.

"That..." An Ning raised her hand like a primary school student typing a report, and said cautiously, "What if I don't know how to do it?"

"As much as you can, fill up."

"What if I don't understand it, what should I do?" This is not something that she can fill in as much as she can. If she can't understand it at all, then isn't it a matter of filling it indiscriminately

Seeing An Ning's fearful look, Chris finally softened his heart and stroked her hair.

"If not, just leave it empty."

An Ning was scared by Chris, she was afraid that she would fall into another trap of Chris, so she couldn't help asking, "What will happen if you fail?"

As soon as the words fell, Chris had a weird smile on his face.

"If you fail, you will be punished."

"Hey why!"


An Ning thought to herself, it's good that she asked clearly, otherwise if she fails to pass the time, the thief who is punished will not know!

"Ning." Chris tapped the test paper with his fingers, motioning for her to start writing, "Is there a saying in your country that says strict teachers lead to outstanding students?"

She thought bitterly in her heart, gritted her teeth and lowered her head to prepare for the test paper, crying and crying in her heart.

For the first time, she felt that it was not a good thing for Chris Wen to be good!

When her eyes fell on the first question, she froze.

It came up with a large piece of English reading questions. After her eyes quickly scanned several lines of content, her face turned purple instantly.

What is it all written about! ? Why can't she understand a word

Looking at the long list of unfamiliar English words, and the large number of clauses and grammar in that extremely long sentence, her head suddenly grew bigger.

A feeling called embarrassment rose from the bottom of her heart, and she looked at the article like a heavenly book in embarrassment, her consciousness was a little fuzzy.