Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 33: 033 What a near miss!


"I want to be with you too!"

I looked at them resolutely and said, whether they stopped me or not, my tone was still so persistent.

Yang Yi disagreed, and said anxiously to me: "It's dangerous inside, you'd better stay outside and don't go in."

I didn't look at him, but looked at the pervert, wanting to ask his opinion.

In order to make him agree to be with them, my eyes flickered, my face was a little hot, I turned my face away, looked to the other side, and said uncomfortably: "I dare not be here alone, you look around, It's pitch black, if you go in, leave me alone... I don't care, if you want to go in, I will go too!"

Yang Yi looked around, with a complicated expression on his face, and then looked at the pervert, probably to see how he made a decision.

Not long after the pervert was silent, he finally compromised. He nodded, raised his hand and waved at me: "You must follow me closely, and don't run around."

I immediately showed a smile, ran to his side quickly, grabbed his strong arm with both hands naturally, and looked up at him.

Seeing him nodding, Yang Yi didn't stop him, and stepped forward, pushing open the half-opened door.

In the gradually widening gap, there was darkness, even if there were orange lights from a distance, they seemed unable to penetrate into this boundless darkness.

The inside and outside of the wall are really like two worlds. The light cannot be transmitted to the other world. I have no way of knowing what is waiting for me behind this dilapidated door.

Perhaps it is a dilapidated house, and the desolate and dry grass does not match the growth symbol of the plants in this midsummer season. This situation is the best.

And the worst case is that if I encounter some dirty things, I don't worry about ordinary evil spirits. Yang Yi and perverts both have the ability to exorcise ghosts.

In case it is a powerful guy, my first concern is the safety of the pervert and Yang Yi.

I blamed those young people who caused trouble in my heart. If they hadn't been greedy for excitement and broke into this old site privately, we would not have come in, in order to ensure that the thing that has been sealed here has not escaped.

I tightly grasped the arm of the ghost, and it was pitch black all around. When I stepped into the wooden door, I could clearly feel that the sounds of frogs and crickets that had been singing in my ears suddenly weakened.

It was as if there was a membrane covering my ears, and this phenomenon made me feel instantly out of the world.

I feel that I am slowly moving towards a place that does not belong to the world.

The sweltering temperature did not change, and my nervousness and fear caused my back to sweat.

The black mist I saw through the wall ten minutes ago flashed through my mind quickly. It had a pair of bright red eyes as big as lanterns, and the terrifying pressure made my hair explode.

Could that thing be the evil ghost sealed in this old site

"Hiss, what a strange breath, dozens of times stronger than the breath seeping out."

Yang Yi's voice was very tight, just by listening, I could tell that he was very nervous, I could even hear him swallowing.

The pervert's palm tightly grasped my hand, and the cold palm didn't have the warmth that a human should have. This didn't scare me, but comforted my heart.

He has always been by my side and has never left me. I am safe, and the pervert will protect me.

I could feel that he was holding my hand a little painfully, and I noticed that he stayed at the door and didn't go any further. I looked at him and said worriedly: "Are you okay?"

Did he discover something

The pervert held my hand, squeezed it twice, and signaled that he was fine. He opened his mouth and turned his mask towards Yang Yi's position: "I don't know what your ancestors did. Someone must pay for this price." to bear."

After I heard it, I was taken aback, the pervert said something anticlimactic and didn't answer Yang Yi's words, but I could hear the hidden meaning in his words.

Yang Yi took the mobile phone and turned on the light. His wry smile was even more bitter than Huanglian.

It seems that the current situation here must be very bad, otherwise the lecher wouldn't say such things.

I really can't feel what they mean by "breath". Thanks to the "blessing" of perverts, my physique has changed. Sometimes I can see ghosts, but I can't perceive breath like some hermaphrodites.

Just from the state of the two people next to me, I can judge what kind of environment we are in at the moment.

I began to recall the conversation between us just now, they all talked about a word called "ritual".

What kind of ritual is it that can make a pervert say such a thing

The light behind Yang Yi's phone illuminated the scene in the courtyard.

As I expected, it was indeed a depression inside. The door of the mansion facing it was wide open, and there were two arched doors on the left and right for people to pass through. It's too far away, plus the extra light doesn't reach there, so I don't know.

Beside the door we came in, there were two locust trees on the left and right sides, but they both seemed to be sick, crooked to the side, the green leaves turned yellow and gray, and a large number of withered branches and leaves fell to the ground. Rotten in the dirt.

Locust tree? What kind of tree is not good, why is it a locust tree

I squinted my eyes, thinking.

If you want to plant a tree at home, there is a certain reason for not planting a pagoda tree. The word for pagoda tree contains "wood" and "ghost". , it is easier for ghosts to possess this kind of tree. If it is planted at home, it will bring bad influence to the family members.

What is planted in Le's house is actually a locust tree

Or is it at the gate

When I thought about the persecution by the group of ghost believers who died of belief in God, I knew that these trees were probably replanted by them.

Yang Yi asked, "Should we still go in?"

The pervert took my hand and walked inside. The door of the house was open, but it didn't look like it was blown open by the wind, but as if it was opened by someone.

Two large doors were flung wide open, the door was almost opened to the maximum, and all the paper pasted in the cracks of the door disappeared.

As we got deeper inside, the sound of insects in my ears became lighter and lighter, and what I heard more was my own beating heartbeat, as well as the heavy breathing of Yang Yi and me.

The pervert suddenly stopped, bent slightly, looked at the ground, and signaled Yang Yi to turn the flashlight on.

"Here, take a picture."

Yang Yi obediently directed the light at the place where the pervert's finger was pointing, and I saw a backpack covered in a layer of dust.

Next to the backpack, you can still see some bags of snacks that are only available now, and the residue inside has disappeared without a trace. It is estimated that cockroaches or mice have come to visit before this.

Someone really came here, and I could vaguely see the footprint of half a shoe in the corner.

There may be many other footprints here, but in the summer when there is a shower from time to time, the footprints in the corners are very precious.

It is impossible to judge how many people have entered here, but the fact that someone has entered has been confirmed. In front of the house door, there is a three-block step, and there is a stone carving on the left and right sides of the stone step.

The stone sculpture is not a lion, or other mascots that attract wealth and evil, but an animal that I have never seen before.

It looks ferocious, like a dog, but it has three heads, its face is very ferocious, and the carvings are so fine that it can be seen that the claws on its four feet are extremely sharp. I believe that if such a creature exists in the world, its claws , can definitely cut off a person's head!

Except for an area illuminated by Yang Yi, the surrounding area was engulfed by a different kind of darkness, and the horrific and scorching wind kept blowing behind me.

I hesitated whether to tell the pervert the black mist I saw just now. As time passed, I couldn't bear the silence that made me feel depressed and scared. I opened my mouth silently. , and tugged on the sleeve of the pervert.

"How about we... let's go, there's nothing here..."

I began to regret my decision just now. If I knew it earlier, I should have listened to them. I didn’t go in. I ran back to the hotel alone, lay on the bed, and kept hypnotizing myself that everything that happened tonight was all a dream.

However, things have come to this point, and it may be very difficult to go back.

Yang Yi's face was ugly, blue and purple, his mouth opened and closed, and his eyes were looking in a certain direction. His eyes turned to one side for some reason.

The pervert spoke suddenly, and I didn't want to guess the emotion hidden in the deep voice.

"No, it's not gone, it's still here."

This sentence, like a huge hammer, hit my heart, we only took a few steps towards the door, and I can no longer accept this kind of behavior.

I felt that if I walked a few more steps inside, I would definitely be crushed to the ground by this invisible fear and pressure.

Yang Yi lowered his voice and spoke to us almost in a breathy voice. His eyes were still looking at a certain place. I looked in the direction he was looking at. It was the place where the arched door on the right entered. It was pitch black and I could only see a little bit of the door. There are paths paved with cobblestones, and nothing else can be seen.

"It's here, it didn't escape, fortunately, let's go quickly, before it finds us."

The pervert nodded, he took my hand and changed it into a half hug, turned around and walked towards the door. Before I left, I didn't know if I was bewitched or something, so I just walked towards the archway. He glanced in the direction.

A pair of round red eyes appeared directly in the darkness, they were rapidly approaching us, and the two red lanterns approached us in a strange way.

"Damn it, how did it find out?!"

Yang Yi took my other hand and ran quickly towards the wooden door, took out a piece of talisman paper from his pocket, and said to himself: "Fortunately, I have the foresight to draw the talisman before entering the door. "

In order not to panic and miss important things when running now.

The pervert almost flew towards the door at an extremely fast speed, but the pair of red lanterns behind him were even faster!

Seeing that the door was close at hand, the pervert hugged me tightly with one hand, and with the other hand grabbed Yang Yi's collar by the back of his neck, and fled outside the door!

A gust of wind directly brought the wooden door, and the red-eyed owner had already appeared near the door. It was shrouded in black mist, and I could hear its sound.

It was sharp and ear-piercing, like the sound of thousands of men and women screaming over there, or the sound of fingernails scratching metal.

The door was closed with a "bang", Yang Yi ignored the pervert and was still holding on to his collar, holding the talisman paper with his index and middle fingers of his right hand, and slammed it towards the crack of the door, sticking it!