Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 37: 037 If you go against the sky, you will kill yourself


I really rarely see An Ning's serious look, but now seeing her look like this, my heart tightens.

She knows something about rituals.

Thinking about it before, when Grandpa An helped the antique dealer's antiques to exorcise ghosts, it seemed that he used some kind of ritual to drive away the ghosts living on the antiques with the people of his family.

An Ning clenched his hands into fists, frowned, and said seriously: "Grandpa once told me that any ceremony should not be carried out casually, even if it is for fun! Because it might make some strange things happen. Strange things are summoned from the underworld."

Yang Yi hurriedly explained the situation of Lejia to her, but when he was talking about the ceremony, he stopped and looked at Uncle Yang with some embarrassment, and then at his grandparents.

I knew from An Ning's expression that she must know something about rituals. Even if she doesn't inherit the family business, I believe Grandpa An has taught her all the most basic knowledge.

"Grandpa Le must know what the ceremony is, tell An Ning."

They looked at An Ning in disbelief, and it occurred to me that I had revealed my identity to them, but An Ning's identity was not.

I hasten to introduce them.

"This is An Ning, my best friend. You don't have to worry about family affairs leaking out. An Ning's family is a family of exorcising ghosts, and her grandfather is also a hermaphrodite."

Yang Yi looked at An Ning in surprise.

After hearing my introduction, Grandpa Le and Grandma Yang still had some doubts in their eyes, but they quickly let go of their guard. It is very likely that it is because of me.

"With the help of one more person, the matter can be resolved faster. Let's talk about it. Maybe An Ning knows what kind of ceremony it is, and then we can find a way to deal with it."

Grandpa Le seemed hesitant to speak. His hands, which seemed to be covered with old bark, were placed on the armrests of the crutches. They were crossed and constantly rubbed against the smooth crutches.

I looked at him quietly, waiting for an answer, but Yang Yi couldn't help urging him when he saw this.

"Grandpa, An Ning is from a family of exorcising ghosts. I want to tell her that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. It would be great if we could persuade their family to lend a helping hand."

I coughed and explained: "It still depends on you."

In other words, when I introduce my friend to you, I don't mean that she will definitely help you, let alone respond to this request for assistance on behalf of the entire family.

Yang Yi seemed to understand what I said, and was immediately at a loss for words, and stood aside without speaking.

Grandma Yang saw that her wife still didn't let go, so she patted his shoulder with her hand angrily.

"Quickly tell Miss Anning, what choice do we have now? Hey! I really regret marrying you at that time. If I knew that your family has such a history, I would definitely refuse your marriage proposal!"

Grandma Yang seemed very angry, and she patted Grandpa Le's hand very hard, but I could see that her words were more about helplessness and desperation.

His tone was a little childish, and he felt that his husband was not up to date, and he was still hiding it until now, so he wasn't really blaming him.

Say it, say it.

This is her voiceover.

Grandpa Le also seemed to understand his wife's temperament. He didn't get angry. He nodded quickly and explained everything: "Hey, I also heard from my parents. After they were expelled from the family, they have been wandering outside."

"My grandfather, once sent a letter to my parents, which mentioned that ceremony."

"I don't know what the name is. The only thing I learned is that at that time, the head of the Le family wanted to prolong their life, so I don't know where I got the news about the ceremony. What happened later... I don't think I will say, You all know that too."

There were endless laments in Grandpa Le's words. After hearing these words, An Ning couldn't help but snorted, with a mocking smile on her face.

"Sure enough, this ritual is the chief culprit in the destruction of Lejia."

I saw her laughing back with anger, and felt a little hairy behind, I had never seen An Ning show such an expression.

"An Ning, do you know what the ceremony is?"

"Of course, I understand very well, so to speak, clearly."

She withdrew her half-smile expression, and looked at me seriously, and I could see a strange gleam in her eyes.


"I won't say, I think Xiaohua, you must know it in your heart. The consciousness of life extension is a forbidden technique, because it comes against the natural law of human beings."

She folded her arms around her chest and continued, her tone was very cold: "If you change your fate against the sky, you will die yourself. Human beings cannot live in this world apart from the laws of nature."

"The disappearance of the last generation of the Le family is expected."

An Ning beckoned to Yang Yi, asking him to bring a pen and paper.

She squinted her eyes slightly, opened her thin lips lightly, but the words she said made my back chill, and I couldn't help swallowing.

"Extend your life, heh, if a person wants to extend his life, then the extra life must be taken from others."

She turned her head and glanced at me, then at Grandma Yang, lowered her eyes, and said calmly: "That's why, at the elevator entrance that day, Grandma Yang would say that."

What's above has changed, but what's below hasn't.

Those who died because of the continuation ceremony were all buried in the former site of Lejia. How many of them were innocent clansmen, innocent foreigners, died there with injustice and hatred.

I thought back to the huge black mist that I encountered last night. It screamed horribly, as if telling us the pain it had experienced and its dark history.

"That ceremony, do you know how it was held?"

I don't want to ask this question... because I already have the answer in my heart.

Those heartbreaking screams seemed to be still echoing in my ears, over and over again, they must have suffered heart-piercing pain to howl to that extent.

But I still asked this question.

An Ning's face darkened immediately, she gritted her teeth, her eyes sparkled with light, and the crystal liquid rolled in her eye sockets, but it didn't fall down for a long time.

She raised her head, sniffed, and changed the subject.

"I don't want to mention this."

Sure enough... my mood dropped as I started feeling sad and sad for those innocent people.

The face of Uncle Yang, a tall and strong middle-aged man, was covered by dark clouds. Grandma Yang no longer plays childish temper, and Grandpa Le's face has been dark from the beginning to now.

Yang Yi brought the paper and pen and handed them to An Ning. She skillfully drew a circle on the paper and quickly drew a pattern.

She just stopped writing, gave the paper to Grandpa Le, and asked, "Did Grandpa see this formation when he went back to the old house?"

When Grandpa Le saw the pattern An Ning drew on the paper, his old face turned pale and he didn't answer, but I already had the answer in my heart.

"This forbidden technique has all kinds of harm but no benefit. No matter whether it succeeds or not, it will not be a good result. The destruction of Lejia is expected."

An Ning said lightly, the sparkle in her eyes had completely disappeared, leaving only indifference and sadness.

"The more people sacrifice, the more powerful the monster will be." She gave us a gloomy look, her gray eyes swept from me to Uncle Yang, and then to Yang Yi, one by one. past.

Her mouth opened, as if about to say something, but then closed again.

In the end, she sighed for a long time, with tiredness and powerlessness between her brows: "I didn't want to tell you this fact, but after careful consideration, I'd better say it."

She wrote the word "ghost" on the paper, and then said: "Ghosts are immortal. The ritual of renewing your life is actually to extract your soul from your body and make it exist in the world as an entity. Entities, there are only two possibilities."

"One is Xiaohua's husband, they are born as high-level spirit bodies in the underworld, and the other is to incarnate as evil spirits."

I couldn't help shivering when I heard this.

After An Ning said this, she stopped going any further. She poked my arm with her hand and asked, "What grade did you and your husband see yesterday?"

She wanted to know how big the mess left by Lejia was, so that she could judge whether she wanted to help Lejia

I smiled wryly, moved my mouth closer to her ear, and said in embarrassment: "The pervert said, we'd better leave here today."

An Ning rolled her eyes, it seemed that she understood what I meant.

Even Hades said this, how tricky and terrifying that guy is.

Seeing An Ning's expression, Grandma Yang stood up excitedly and walked towards her with tears in her eyes, and the wrinkles on her face deepened.

"Please help our family."

Grandpa Le grabbed her hand and said angrily: "Old woman, don't beg others, this is our own business, how can we bother others?!"

"Let me go!"

The old grandma had quite a lot of strength, and she shook off her wife's hand all of a sudden, tears streaming down her vicissitudes of face.

"After I married you, life has not been easy for a day. It's okay for our son to suffer along with him. Xiaoyi can't be chained too. He's still so young. Could it be possible to let him spend his whole life on this crap? ?”

I heard her heartbroken cries, and my heart almost broke.

Seeing this scene, An Ning sighed, tilted her head and thought for a while, and then said, "I'm going to discuss this matter with my grandpa, maybe my grandpa will agree to help you, the enchantment can only treat the symptoms, not the root cause. Even the best exorcists can't deal with guys of that level."

When Uncle Yang heard An Ning say this, the dark clouds on his face dissipated a lot.

Thick palms covered his face all of a sudden, his shoulders trembled a little, he didn't know if he was crying, or he was suppressing his inner excitement. The big stone in my heart fell to the ground, and I silently watched the expressions of several people in the living room.

They must have been tortured by this matter for a long time, and they must very much hope to be relieved as soon as possible.