Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 52: 052 The peaceful spring has come


"Tell me, I think my guess is almost the same, is there something unclean here?"

The pervert still didn't speak, my eyes looked at him, and he sighed helplessly and nodded.

"Don't lie to me, I can guess most of your thoughts, and this is the only answer that can make you react like this."

I walked to the side, intending to appreciate the next painting, and didn't continue, but what the pervert said next surprised me!

"When I was down there, I vaguely felt it, but it wasn't very obvious, so I thought it was an illusion."

He paused: "After all, this building is a bit big, but when I get close to here, the feeling becomes obvious."

I turned my head and looked at him in surprise, where is that evil ghost? In this showroom

Is there any mistake? I just go out to watch an exhibition of my favorite painter. This kind of thing can happen to me. There are so many floors in the whole building, and there are activities on every floor. Why is it in this exhibition hall

Should I say that I am lucky or bad luck

The pervert's words completely shattered my good mood, and I understood the reason why he kept silent just now.

It is normal to have evil spirits in the building. If most of the earth-bound spirits left in the world do not have the correct guidance from the hermaphrodites, or if they excuse themselves, they will naturally become evil spirits over time.

But it happened to be in this hall, which is a bit too coincidental.

"That breath is very weird, that is, its breath reminds me of the few evil spirits who were locked in the bottom of the underworld, similar, but not as powerful as them."

He turned his head and looked around.

The exhibition hall is bright and bright. In order to allow viewers to appreciate the paintings more carefully, there are lit lamps everywhere. There is also a small lamp on the top of each painting, which shines on the painting.

Under such a bright and beautiful exhibition, it might be as the pervert said.

There is a ghost.

But I looked around, except for people and paintings, where did the ghosts come from? I haven't seen ordinary ghosts, let alone evil ones.

But I believe in the pervert's perception 100%. Since he said such a thing, it means that there must be something dirty here.

I looked at An Ning, who was smiling and chatting with a little chick, frowned, and made a decision in my heart.

For the time being... don't bother her.

If I want to know something, I have a hunch in my heart, which requires me to ask that boy.

A little chick, he is the organizer of this art exhibition, if he knows some information, maybe he can help us find the source of the evil spirit's breath.

"I don't want An Ning to know about this."

I whispered to the pervert, eyes lowered: "The home she lives in and what she learns are all related to ghosts. I don't want her to come out to play with me and encounter such a situation."

The pervert put his big hand on my head and rubbed it: "I understand what you mean, Hua'er."

"I'll ask about it later, let's enjoy the paintings first. I haven't seen a few of them on his personal Weibo, and they are probably his latest works."

I cheered up, looked at the paintings excitedly, picked up the phone in my hand, and took pictures.

On a golden rice field, stood a girl in a white dress. Her black hair was blown by the wind, and her slender arms held down the white sun hat on her head.

Layers of wheat waves are set off in the rice fields, which is so realistic in the painting.

There are two windmills in the distance, and the sky is as blue as the sea.

The girl in the white dress had a smile on her face, with tears in the corners of her eyes and her face, and she walked in the opposite direction of the windmill, as if she was leaving this idyllic hometown that she yearned for.

In that smile, there is nostalgia, but also hope for a new life and beautiful expectations.

To be able to feel so many emotions in one painting is so rich that I, as a girl, am a little unbelievable.

I couldn't help but look at a little chick with admiration. The name is quite playful and the appearance is very immature, but I really admire him for being able to draw this kind of work.

Also worthy of my liking.

The painting style of a little chicken is very simple, and his painting skills are definitely not as good as those of some great painters. One of the reasons why his paintings are famous is because he can integrate a touching emotion into rigid paper.

Let the viewer be brought into the painting.

None of the paintings were negative. I quickly looked around the wall and then went to the easel.

The number of spectators entering the venue has also increased, but it is not as crowded as in a supermarket. It is slightly more than when we came just now.

In the painting exhibition hall, only the sound of people's footsteps can be heard, even if they communicate, the voice is lowered.

Many of the fans who come here are also very qualified. When they want to sign, they speak softly and don't forget to say an apology. They suppress the cheers in their hearts and look at their favorite painters.

When I had finished admiring the paintings, An Ning came back, holding a booklet in her hand, with a satisfied expression on her face.

"Hey, Xiaohua, let me tell you, that painter is so charming! Doesn't he look very young and immature? But I can feel the maturity of an adult man in him, as well as many female talents Some sensibility, the emotion is really too delicate!"

"He is definitely a man with a high IQ, I am almost fascinated by him!"

She held her face in both hands, then excitedly opened the booklet, showed it to me, and said, "Look, he even signed it for me! I pestered him to draw a sketch for me, and he accepted!"

An Ning was drooling with excitement, and I also looked at the pictures in the booklet with a smile.

"Tell you! Tell you! He only painted me! Wow! I'm going to take this book home and frame it!"

"Look how happy you are."

I laughed and was really happy for her.

"I really didn't make a mistake in coming today! And oh, look over here!"

Her finger pointed to a series of numbers after the name of the place where the painting was signed.

"This is his phone number! My God, I was really lucky today. I managed to persuade him to paint a portrait of me. Then, with the mentality of giving it a try, I asked for my phone number. It actually succeeded!"

"Has my peach blossom come? Hehehe... Hahaha..."

An Ning held her face in an idiotic manner, speaking incoherently, her words didn't match up, she was obviously dazzled by joy, I shook my head amusedly, a little unbelievable: "You also sometimes take the initiative to strike up a conversation."

"He's so attractive, it's rare for me to be thick-skinned."

She looked kind of cute, I gave her a slightly reproachful look, and said: "You will be very rude, there must be a lot of fans when they hold an art exhibition, so he will be disgusted."

After hearing what I said, An Ning was taken aback for a moment, as if she had just realized this, and looked at the portrait on the pamphlet, her face suddenly drooped: "Then what should I do, should I return this painting? Is it? I don't want it!"

I shook my head helplessly, and tickled the corner of my mouth: "Okay, since they are all like this, and I gave you your mobile phone number, you should be fine. Go and see the painting, and you will run to the little girl as soon as you come. Handsome guy, you haven’t even appreciated his paintings yet.”

I patted her on the shoulder: "I'll go talk to him."

An Ning nodded, with joy on his face again: "Go!"

In fact, I was very clear about the purpose of finding a little chick.

A queue began to form in front of the red table, and many fans wanted to communicate with their idols for a while, causing the queue behind to get longer and longer.

The pervert has been standing by my side, and it took a long time for a word to come out of his mouth.

"It's a good painting."

I looked at him with some surprise, and said in amazement, "Lord Yama also praises people?"

He replied naturally: "The painter that Hua'er appreciates, as a husband, I naturally have to feel his excellence. After all, as a husband, I believe in a lady's vision."

My heart was sweet, and I hummed secretly.

This pervert knows how to say these words, and he doesn't blush without heartbeat.

When it was time for me to wait, An Ning had already finished reading the painting, shouted that she was hungry, greeted me, and went to the milk tea shop downstairs to buy milk tea.

"A little chick, I am your fan and I have been following your Weibo. I am very happy to see you in person today."

What I said is very polite, a few words can be used in various occasions, and it can be used as an opening remark.

A little chicken smiled softly at me and held out its hand.

"Welcome to my art exhibition, thank you for liking me." He wanted to shake my hand.

I felt the cold pressure suddenly rising around me. I wanted not to hold hands with him, but everyone is like this. It would be too rude for me not to make some statements.

Thinking that I had brought a notebook with me, I handed it to him.

"Ask for an autograph."

"No problem." He smiled like a spring breeze. His fair face had skin that didn't belong to boys. There were two dimples at the corners of his mouth, and two dark circles under his bright eyes.

But this does not damage the overall style of his face. I took the notebook he handed back, and stopped talking, knowing that there are still some fans queuing up behind me, so I am sorry to say too clearly.

However, I can't send him away, he won't promise not to say anything, and he will definitely make the fans behind him furious.

He noticed that I was still standing there without leaving, and asked with some doubts: "Do you have something to say to me?"

I suddenly felt that a step appeared under my feet, and I was worried that I didn't know how to speak, so someone guided me.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I hurriedly nodded.

"Let's talk." He said gently. After receiving so many fans, he was still so patient and friendly, without any irritability, and was very concerned about his own feelings.

He's really, really nice guy.

"Chicken, have you come across something recently, that..." I gestured with my hand, trying to find a word that wasn't too abrupt to describe it, but found that I was at a loss for words.

However, what I didn't expect was that there was a weird expression on his face, as if someone had hit the mark.