Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 55: 055 intends to find out


The agent was carried away and sent to the hospital, and the ambulance staff became a sight in the exhibition hall. Some passers-by saw someone carried out of Wang Hongrui's exhibition hall, and came in one after another to see what happened.

Curiosity prompts more people to enter the exhibition hall. When they step into the exhibition hall, the first thing that attracts them is the circle of paintings on the wall.

Many people are attracted by the paintings on the walls and easels, deeply fascinated, and unable to extricate themselves from them.

This sudden increase in popularity has added a lot of idols to Wang Hongrui. I don't know if the manager targeted by the pervert should cry or laugh after waking up

Wang Hongrui and I stood at a door outside, watching the stretcher being carried away, I still gave the ghost a reproachful look, and held my head helplessly.

"Xiaohua, why are you here? I've been looking for you for a long time."

After seeing my figure, An Ning ran over quickly, her voice a little angry.

I smiled at her and glanced at Wang Hongrui, feeling a little embarrassed.

I know An Ning has a crush on Wang Hongrui, now that she sees me standing alone with him, will she think too much

"Tell me the truth, what are you doing here?" She glanced at Wang Hongrui, then at me, and sighed.

"Really, don't think of me as a friend! You don't take me with you when you chat, it's a pity I bought milk tea for you." She raised the take-away drink bag in her hand and shook it in front of us.

My heart was relieved, and I smiled self-deprecatingly.

How could An Ning be that kind of person? I was thinking too much.

I blinked at her: "Okay, it's my fault, because I had something urgent to find Wang Hongrui, so I went to talk with him in the staff rest room at the back, and I didn't have time to talk to you."

"Huh? You even know your real name so soon?"

She approached me suspiciously, looked at Wang Hongrui again, spread her hands for the last time, and stuffed the milk tea into my arms, with a curious expression on her face: "It's all trivial things, I'm curious, what did you guys exchange?"

"Please tell me!"

She looked at me excitedly, and I was a little stunned. Looking at her, I couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

I was still worried that she would dislike me staying with Wang Hongrui, who knows, she didn't take it to heart at all, even if I knew his real name, her focus... was still in some weird places.

Before I opened my mouth, Wang Hongrui said with a straight face, "You'd better not know."

I immediately realized that he didn't know that An Ning and ghosts were also related, so he pulled them into the door. Now the exhibition hall is full of people who come to appreciate the paintings. If there are too many people, accidents are likely to happen. It is best to keep this matter private. Communicate below.

"An Ning is my friend, and her family is a family of exorcising ghosts, so if she finds out, it's okay to invite her."

Wang Hongrui looked at An Ning in shock, then at An Ning in disbelief, and then at me.

I know, he was very surprised. One day, he could see two girls related to ghosts. I don't know if they were sent by heaven to help him, or it would bring some unexpected developments.

"But this time, even if you want to know something, I still don't want you to know."

I looked at An Ning seriously, and said, "This time the situation is very special and a bit scary..."

"I don't care, I want to listen!"

An Ning played her petty temper, I couldn't help it, so I nodded, the three of us walked back to the staff rest area, there was still no one there, the manager who came to "make trouble" just now was sent in by the pervert Hospital.

When we walked through the first door on the right, I subconsciously glanced at the closed door. There was no small window or glass on the door, and the whole board directly blocked all our sight.

When Wang Hongrui passed by, his face turned pale suddenly.

I saw the pervert go straight through the wall and enter the room, I felt anxious and subconsciously wanted to stop him, but suddenly remembered that there were two people beside me, so I quickly shut my mouth tightly.

Don't go in, you can't tell what's in there, it's very dangerous.

I said anxiously in my heart, I know that perverts won't know, but I'm still very worried about him.

But I can't go in now, so I have to pray in my heart that he can feel what I think in my heart.

Wang Hongrui described what he had encountered again, this time it was much clearer and calmer than his first description, and he no longer had out-of-control emotions, but organized all the strange things he encountered , said it all.

I also told An Ning the metaphysical painter's explanation I found, and Xiao Nizi frowned.

"Metaphysics painter? How about I call and ask Grandpa? Maybe he knows something."

I turned my head, a little reluctant, is it really okay to always trouble Grandpa An? Moreover, this painting was imported from overseas. If it is a ghost, it is also a ghost from overseas.

Didn’t the pervert say before that the underworld is also divided into jurisdictions, he only manages the domestic ones, and other countries have their own Hades or Hades.

An Ning patted me on the shoulder reassuringly, and said, "It's okay, I'm just asking, if we know something, wouldn't we have a way to help him?"

Her words successfully persuaded me, I nodded and watched her dial the phone quietly.

"Hey, grandpa! Well, I'm with Xiaohua."

Her face was filled with a happy smile. Ever since Grandpa An came back from Yang Yi's house, she had returned to her original vigor and vitality.

God knows that she was in her own home two days ago, except for reading those ritual books every day, she had a sad face all day long, with an expression bitterer than bile.

"Let me ask you a question, do you know what a metaphysical painter is?"

As soon as she asked this sentence, I immediately held my breath and looked at her nervously and expectantly.

I still kept an eye in my heart, paying attention to whether the coloring ghost came back. At the other end of the white wall, no familiar figure came back through the wall, which made me even more worried.

Wang Hongrui also waited with bated breath, looking at An Ning.

I clearly saw a strange expression on An Ning's face, and my heart skipped a beat.

No way, what does grandpa an really know

She looked at me and said, "You're telling me the explanation you found about metaphysical painters."

I explained that sentence proficiently and fluently as if memorizing a line, An Ning nodded, and was about to pick up the phone to repeat it, when I put the phone to my ear, my face changed again.

It seems... Grandpa An heard the explanation I said...

She hardly paused, put down the phone, looked at me in a daze, then glanced at Wang Hongrui, and said weakly: "Grandpa said... let's go back quickly..."

At the same time, the pervert came back from the other side of the wall and came to me.

"Let's go, Hua'er."

Let me go, why did you say the same thing as Grandpa An

"Grandpa's tone is very urgent, let's go back quickly."

"But..." I looked at Wang Hongrui and pointed, "What about his business, what about the six paintings?"

An Ning also had a look of helplessness: "Grandpa's tone, it seems that he doesn't want us to take care of this matter."

I was surprised that Grandpa An was willing to help me with the matter of Lejia's old site, but the lecher didn't want to take care of it. What shocked me this time was that even Grandpa An didn't want to take care of it this time.

In the eyes of perverts and Grandpa An, the six paintings are like a huge curse, and it is best to avoid them and stay far away.

Wang Hongrui became anxious, he began to speak incoherently, bewildered like a child.

"Even if you said that, what should I do with those paintings?"

I sighed and suggested: "Burn it. No matter what, your own health and life are the most important. I know you will feel sorry for burning the painting sent by your overseas friend, but you don't think about yourself." for a while?"

Wang Hongrui was still frowning, hesitating, I didn't expect him to be such a loving person.

However, seeing the pervert's rare eyes filled with complex emotions, I couldn't help but speak up and express my thoughts.

"I want to go to the next door to see the painting."

An Ning was not surprised, but excitedly shouted: "I want to go too!"

The pervert obviously disagreed, so I looked at Wang Hongrui: "I want to see what kind of portrait it is. If it's really too much, if you don't want to burn it, I'll do it."

"However, I will not compensate you. I am saving your life."

I looked at Wang Hongrui, who finally compromised and nodded.

"Actually, I only saw the paintings in my dreams. In real life, I still dare not take them apart."

"Are you afraid that it will be exactly the same as the painting in your dream?"

He nodded, and smiled wryly at me: "Do you think it's unbelievable, that I'm unreasonable, and there are such unrealistic thoughts in my mind."

I shook my head: "No, if I had been having the same nightmare, it was related to those six paintings, and the time coincided with the time when they were brought home, I wouldn't think it was a coincidence."

The pervert grabbed my arm and said in disapproval, "Don't go, you will regret it."

I glanced at Wang Hongrui, and finally opened my mouth, looking at the pervert: "I want to see what happened."

"Then you will be like him in the future, having that kind of nightmare every day, endless loop."

His narrow and deep eyes narrowed, and his tone was cold: "Unless they are completely destroyed."

Destroy them completely.

I understand what he means. The total destruction is definitely not about burning the painting, and the "they" he said should be those guys in the painting.

Wang Hongrui saw me talking to the pervert. From his perspective, I must be talking to a piece of air, which surprised him and scared him at the same time.

"You... who are you talking to..."

I kept a close relationship with him and didn't say: "I won't tell you, but don't worry, he won't hurt you."

"He's very powerful. Grandpa An won't help you. You can ask him. Maybe he will."

I suddenly smiled maliciously, said this, and looked at Wang Hongrui quietly to see how he reacted.