Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 56: 056 Chilling painting


Wang Hongrui knew that I was teasing him, with an angry look on his face: "Please don't do this."

I saw that he was angry, and I knew that I was going too far, but I did tell the truth. If Grandpa An doesn't help, it doesn't mean that perverts can't.

But seeing him now, it's probably impossible.

In fact, the reason why I went to the next door to have a look is to hope that the pervert can intervene in this matter.

He is the King of Hades, and he is the most powerful one. If I saw those paintings, he might help Wang Hongrui because of me.

I know, it's too much and selfish for me to think like this, but...

I glanced at An Ning's reluctant look, not knowing who I was texting, with a look of anxiety and urgency.

She turned her head slightly to her side, and sure enough, this little girl was texting her grandfather.

"Grandpa, can't you help him?"

After a while, he replied with a sentence, with a cute expression on his face.

"Nonsense! Come back to me quickly! (angry)"

What exactly is a metaphysics painter, and why does it make Grandpa An frightened when he hears about it, and why can he still make a pervert silent and show such an expression.

Obviously, An Ning also wanted to help Wang Hongrui.

I don't have much interest in him, it's just that he is such a talented young man who can draw that kind of portrait, and I like and admire him very much. I don't want him to affect his life because of those six paintings with evil spirits .

It may also affect his future.

I have heard what the perverts said just now, saying that it is not easy to completely destroy them.

It can be seen that even if those paintings are burned, the evil spirits will still stay by Wang Hongrui's side and cannot be eradicated.

If it was so easy, Grandpa an and the pervert wouldn't have such a reaction.

And the explanation about metaphysics painters, I am also at a loss.

I don't understand it at all, and I don't want to think about it.

Wang Hongrui glanced at the wall timidly, and murmured, "Are you really going to see the painting?"

"Don't you want to know if they're responsible for your daily nightmares?" I raise an eyebrow.

He was stunned, hesitated again and again, raised his hand to look at the watch on his wrist, swallowed, and said nervously: "Then let's go and come back quickly, if... if it really looks exactly like the portrait in my dream, I will Burn them!"

Wang Hongrui was obviously very nervous, even his voice was trembling, I could hear it, but I couldn't help it, and hit him a bit: "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

I pouted at An Ning: "Didn't you see the way she called and what she said just now? An's family is a family of exorcising ghosts. His grandfather told us to go back quickly. One can imagine how terrifying those six paintings are." gone."

"Then what to do?"

He panicked, looking at a loss, scratching his ears and cheeks constantly, his face full of anxiety.

I said, "Go and have a look first, I think An Ning would also like to take a look."

I would like to see what kind of artist painted the paintings, which would have such a terrifying and powerful effect, directly affecting Wang Hongrui's dreams!

An Ning nodded vigorously, grabbed my hand, and looked at him seriously.

"Let's go, where are the three of you, what are you afraid of! Right, there are still so many exhibitors outside, if those ghosts are really that powerful, forgive them for not daring to trouble us directly!"

She waved her fist with the other hand, as if she was not afraid of anything, I felt her other hand trembling slightly, and hooked the corners of her lips helplessly.

He was obviously scared to death, but he insisted on slapping his swollen face to pretend to be fat.

The pervert didn't stop me anymore, he gently took my hand and stayed by my side, Wang Hongrui didn't bother about who I was talking to just now, he hasn't dealt with his own affairs, how could there be that Free to guess.

To my surprise, I wanted to help Wang Hongrui this time, but he was not angry.

It wasn't before, as long as I had a little relationship with other men, I could make him jealous, but today this is...

The pervert took my hand and let go, and patted my head.

"Hua'er has always been thinking about being a husband, and being a husband can feel it."

He smiled at me, and I saw his eyes curled up: "So, don't worry about being jealous, my wife's heart is always on me."

I don't like the way he talks around the bush and I have to bother to decipher what he means.

However, I don’t know if it’s because of the ghost-suppressing order in my body. I can always understand his meaning quickly, and it doesn’t make me feel disgusted. Thinking about it, it might be better to put it mildly .

If I remember correctly, I was blushed a few times by his blunt words.

He ran through the wall into the next room where the paintings were placed, which made me so nervous that I kept calling him in my heart, and he could hear it in the end? !

ah? In the past, I secretly called him a pervert in my heart, or felt happy, did he know everything

I felt like my privacy was being pryed into, but I wasn't upset at all.

The three of us left the staff rest room and walked to the door next door.

The pervert quietly looked at the closed door and said, "The matter is much more complicated than I thought."

"Did you see them when you went in?"

He heard me ask him, he didn't answer, but his expression was a bit complicated.

Wang Hongrui has been immersed in his own world, because he was nervous, he only cared about comforting himself, and didn't notice that I was communicating with the pervert at all. An Ning knew that the pervert was here from my conversation with the air just now.

"Is your husband willing to help?"

I smiled helplessly and shook my head. She heaved a sigh of relief and sighed: "Grandpa is too. No matter how much I persuade him, he won't want to. He also told us to go back quickly, otherwise he will come and arrest us."

I also thought of Grandpa An's facial expressions when he sent text messages, and I couldn't help thinking that he was a little cute.

When I saw him in the shroud shop, why didn't I find that he had this attribute? Didn't see it at all.

Wang Hongrui took two deep breaths, twisted the doorknob, the door opened slowly, and it was pitch black inside.

Since this is a special storage room with no windows, it is usually used to store things and no one will enter. The light bulb above the head is still an old-fashioned round orange light.

Wang Hongrui turned on the light switch, and several large cardboard boxes were piled up in the corner, and several long tables were neatly arranged side by side, with some piled up on them like the opening of the exhibition. Will use the long red belt.

The six paintings were stacked and leaned against the side of a cardboard box. The huge picture frame and the paintings were wrapped in a gray-white dustproof cloth, and the red rope cross-shaped it was firmly trapped, without leaking a corner. Come.

The voices of people in the exhibition hall can be vaguely heard outside the door. Since there are only two doors separated and this room is close to the outer door, some small voices of people can be heard.

This may have become the capital for Wang Hongrui to persuade himself to relax. His breathing was very heavy, as if he had just finished running a few kilometers, and he was about to lose his breath.

His breathing was still short, and he took a few deep breaths in order to calm himself down.

"I'll open it."

He said to himself, I looked at him quietly, the room was quiet, I could hear my beating heart, the adrenaline was secreting rapidly, and the white light flickered in front of my eyes.

I saw him trembling his hands and moving his feet, with a look of courage and fear, and it took him a long time to come to the six paintings.

The dust cloth was not opened, how did the pervert see it

If he didn't see it, why did he say things were complicated

Could it be that besides being able to pass through walls, he also has the ability to see through

I don't want to think about it anymore, because I don't want to think that he has the ability to see through. If I stand in front of him every day, wouldn't there be no difference between wearing clothes and not wearing clothes

I quickly dispelled this horrible thought from my mind.

An Ning tightly grasped my arms with both hands, clinging to me, her body trembling slightly.

It seems that she is also very nervous.

I swallowed, took a deep breath, and watched Wang Hongrui slowly untie the knot of the red rope. It was obviously a matter that could be completed in a few seconds. In this oppressive atmosphere, I felt that, Like a century has passed.

With a swipe, the dustproof cloth that was not bound by the rope slid down to the ground very silkily. The speed was so fast that I had a good look at the first painting before I was ready!

Boom! I felt that all the blood in my body rushed to the top of my head, and all the hairs were opened! The eyeballs were a little out of his control, shaking from side to side!

I feel that my heart is about to stop beating due to ischemia! There was a chill on the back, and cold sweat quickly burst out from the open pores!

What kind of painting is this? !

A thing that I don't know whether it is a person or an animal is sitting on a twisted chair. I looked carefully and found the limbs of this "thing", which can be vaguely seen to be a person.

The long hair and exposed breasts let me know that she is a woman!

The skin on her face was all twisted, and the whole thing was entangled in the disclosure. Slightly skewed, as if twisted by an invisible hand, the watery eyes have been rearranged, and now the two eyes are distributed in different parts of her head, the bones are very slender, and the flesh growing on them has been covered It was all scraped off, and she still tried her best to grab a place she could hold, but in the upward black torrent, there was no place to grab it!

The background is distorted, this kind of darkness is not ordinary darkness, it reveals an aura of death, even mixed with this chilling feeling. Chaotic black fills the background of the entire painting, leaving only a deformed woman sitting on a distorted chair in the middle.

The expression on her face, the moment I saw her, I almost fainted from fright!

Wang Hongrui opened his mouth so wide that he could almost stuff a hamburger into it. He fell to the ground and his body shook like a sieve.

"This is impossible... this is impossible!"