Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 59: 059 Warm Confession Before Farewell


Because I confessed everything to my parents, the pervert became the focus of attention of everyone in the family.

"you said so."

At night, when the pervert came back, he hugged me tenderly as soon as he appeared. His unmasked face was still cold, sticking to the side of my neck, and he spoke softly, very calmly, without any emotion.


I nodded and lowered my eyes slightly: "Are you blaming me?"

I told my parents of his existence so early, so that he was not prepared at all, and I didn't tell him in advance. I don't know if he will be distressed because he wants to see my parents.

The main reason is that I didn't say hello beforehand, which made me feel that what I said to my parents just now didn't take into account the feelings of perverts.

"It's too late for me to be happy, how can I blame you."

His face rubbed against my skin, and the cold breath kept blowing on my skin, making it numb.

"Hua'er, this action of yours shows that my position in Hua'er's heart has reached a new level. As a husband, I am naturally very happy, and I will not be angry, let alone blame you."

"But… "

"Not so much but."

He turned my body around and put me in his arms: "I must be well prepared to see your parents, but I'm afraid I won't be able to do it recently. Do you remember what I told you a few days ago?"

"I have to stay away from you for a while, about a week to ten days, there will be a festival in the underworld, I have to stay there and deal with business."

Of course I remember that the pervert wanted to go with Grandpa An to help Yang Yi deal with the old site of Lejia, and then he went back to the underworld to handle business. Later, he didn't go and stayed with me for a few days, but the original plan would definitely not be changed.

He left in a hurry today, leaving only one sentence, probably because he wanted to start to solve some tasks at hand first, so that he could relax a little in the next few days.

"I'll meet your parents again when I come back."

His voice is very soft, everything seems to be developed as it should be, without the embarrassing situation I expected.

I have always noticed what he calls me, and what he calls his parents.

It is really a real deal, expressed in the language of ancient people.

I couldn't help being curious about the appearance of the underworld. After listening to what he said, I nodded and said: "Okay, no rush, I'll go and talk about it, Mom and Dad. You go to your business first."

He suddenly lost his voice and just hugged me.

The atmosphere between the two began to become subtle and ambiguous, and a kind of reluctance to part with each other rose in my heart, which made me tighten my arms and hug the pervert tightly.

Obviously it was the beautiful tenderness before Xiaobie, but the pervert suddenly said something unsightly.

"Hua'er, you're hugging me too tightly, I can't breathe for my husband."

A majestic King of Hades, would he be out of breath

I immediately let go of my hand, gave him a hard look, saw a sly smile on his face that was both evil and evil, and said angrily, "Then I won't hug you anymore."

You still have a good face, I just want to take the initiative a little bit, just say that, then I will do what you wish.

I turned my face away with a groan, and he pulled me back into his embrace with a funny face, reluctantly saying, "Even if I can't breathe, I am willing to be my husband."

Talking about love is still not as good as a pervert, blurting out every sentence without blushing, but it makes me feel goosebumps all over my body.

When I came out of the shower, I saw a pervert lying on the bed, holding a book in his hand. The book looked very worn and old. The four corners of the book were turned up, and the paper was yellow. .

I wiped my damp hair and climbed into bed next to him.

"looking at what?"

Before I finished speaking, he closed the book with a "snap" as if unconsciously, and put it away.

It's so mysterious that you don't even want to show it to me.

The first thing that popped into my mind was that he was reading some inappropriate things, otherwise why would he put away the scroll so hastily

"Tomorrow, after explaining the situation of the six paintings to the yin and yang person, I will leave."

He changed the subject, and my attention was successfully drawn to him.

"Remember not to delve too deeply into this matter, you will know part of the answer and the truth tomorrow." He reached out and took the towel covering my head, and gently wiped it off for me.

I know very well in my heart that Grandpa An and his actions are enough to prove that the matter of Wang Hongrui is not as simple as imagined. I thought it over carefully when I was taking a bath just now.

When thinking about others, I still seem to have to put myself first.

Besides, I can't bet on the little guy in my belly.

In fact, I have been worrying about a problem in my heart.

That is... whether the pervert has a harem, has three wives and four concubines.

Logically speaking, the pervert is the king of hell, the ruler of the underworld, and the underworld was in ancient times. It is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, especially the king of Hades who is equivalent to an emperor. I don't believe that there is no harem.

The appearance of Saya at the beginning has already sounded the alarm bell in my heart.

Besides, perverts have existed in the world for thousands of years, and with the ghosts of Menjie Village every once in a while, his harem must be full of all kinds of women.

The more I think about it, the sadder I feel.

In terms of feelings, I have always been selfish and possessive. I don't want to share a man with a bunch of women. Even if he doesn't love those women, I just feel uncomfortable in my heart.

This may be what everyone calls "spiritual cleanliness"

But I haven't asked for a long time, just because I dare not hear the answer.

But... the longer the time dragged on, the more it seemed to affect me, because I would have stronger feelings for him, which made me even more afraid to ask.

Over time, this question will be answered sooner or later. By that time, if the answer is exactly as I expected, the person who will be hurt the most must be me.

The pervert held a hair dryer and dried my hair for me.

In summer, my hair dries very quickly. Under normal circumstances, I don't blow it. Every time I finish it, I feel like I've washed it for nothing, and I'm sweating all over again.

But the air conditioner was turned on in the room, and the pervert insisted on pulling me to blow-dry my hair, saying in his mouth: "If you don't blow it, you will get a headache later."

I just let him go, because of the random thoughts in my heart, my mind was not on him at all.

The roar of the hair dryer came from my ears, and his slender fingers ran through my hair, stroking gently.

"Hua'er, what are you thinking? So preoccupied?"

He moved a little closer to my ear and asked, I pursed my lips, and really wanted to ask the question in my heart, but I was afraid it would be too abrupt.

The pervert may have noticed that my expression was a little strange, so he turned off the hair dryer, turned my body around, and stared at me.

"Tell me, you must have something on your mind."

I pulled my face out of his hands, not daring to look him in the eyes.

"You... do you have a concubine?"

I faltered as I spoke, pulling the hem of my pajamas with both hands, flustered, but also eager, eager to know if he had three wives or four concubines.

Or, I'm the only wife...

In the dark marriages for thousands of years, before I found me, the rightful lord with the order to suppress ghosts, did all those dead girls become his concubines

I have never dared to think about this question, but since the appearance of Saya last time, I have to think about this possibility.

"Saya came to see you?"

There was danger and coldness in the pervert's voice, he sighed deeply, and held me in his arms rather helplessly: "Leave Saya alone."

"No, she didn't come to see me, I guessed it myself, just tell me honestly, do you have a concubine?"

I felt that my voice was trembling, and I saw the lecher froze, hesitating, and my heart dropped rapidly as time passed.

Don't long for anything anymore, Rong Hua, you are already a regular wife, don't be greedy anymore!

There seemed to be this voice in my mind thinking back, and I wished so badly that I could kill this thought.

However, I don't know what to do. If he said no, I would be happy and grateful, but if he said yes, what should I do

I want to serve a husband with a bunch of female ghosts? Maybe one day in the future, after I go to the underworld, I will still be jealous with a group of scheming women

Or should I make up my mind, run with the ball, and leave him

A wet kiss was printed on my forehead, and he looked at me affectionately, with doting eyes and a satisfied smile.

"Do you remember what I said to you once?"

I looked at him foolishly, his firm nose touched mine, rubbed against it, and narrowed his eyes.

"Hua'er, you are my only wife."

He just blurted out this sentence, and I felt a fog in front of me, and my nose was sore. I suppressed the desire to cry, crying and laughing at the same time: "Really? Is what you said true?"

"What are you thinking in your little head? Of course I only have you as a wife. Where did I get my concubine?"


I still had doubts in my heart, so I told him my thoughts.

The pervert rubbed my hair and held one of my hands: "Hua'er, I only took away your first night, I don't know about the rest."


I opened my eyes wide, why did those eighteen virgins who failed their marriages die

He explained to me in an orderly manner: "After those women are sent in, I will check whether there is any fluctuation of the ghost suppression order in their bodies. If not, I will leave."

"The dead girls you mentioned may have been married to some other ghosts. Menjie Village is on the gate of ghosts, so the ghosts wandering out of it may have harmed them."

This answer is the most acceptable one for me, I believe he will not have a concubine.

Because one day, I will go to the underworld. If he conceals and deceives me, then I will shatter all my trust in him and leave gracefully.

However, I believe that day will not come.

"Remember to come back early."

I looked into his eyes, and my tone was rare. He stroked my cheek, nodded and smiled, "Okay."