Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 64: 064 Repulsive and contradictory psychology


Where? Where is the junior

My eyes kept searching around for the chubby figure, but I couldn't find it.

The uneasiness from last night came back again, there is no here... no outside, so could it be at home

I hope in my heart that he has already got the answer I want and has returned to the underworld, but my instinct tells me that it is not that simple.

After hesitating for a while, I frowned, pushed away the crowd, and walked towards the police uncle standing there.

A few of them were recording and discussing something there, and they pointed in the direction of the two corpses from time to time, their faces full of solemnity.

No matter what, I still have to make sure whether this couple is the parents of the younger brother.

"sorry for disturbance."

My voice successfully attracted their attention, and I asked earnestly, "Does their family have a son who is in the third year of high school? He is fat and wears glasses. He is not very tall and he is studying in No. 2 Middle School?"

The policeman glanced at me suspiciously, and then said with vigilance: "You are..."

I was stunned, and hurriedly said: "I know their son, but I don't know his name yet. I helped him before, and I was also in No. 2 Middle School in high school."

The policeman seemed to understand the situation, nodded towards me, and then communicated with his colleagues on his own.

I just wanted to go into their house and have a look.

Did the elementary school brother stay there

But according to the current situation, I'm afraid it can't be done. I've already reached this point, and they didn't let me in, so it must not be so easy to enter.

If he used some reasons to try to break in, he would be regarded as a wrongdoer by them.

This is how to do

I looked around intently, but I didn't see the souls of the couple, so they must have gone to the underworld.

But I always feel that the younger brother is still here.

As time passed, the sky began to brighten, and most of the residents who were still sleeping got up to go to work, and more and more people watched the excitement.

In the end, I gave up on entering the primary school boy's home, and planned to go to the gate of the community and the bus he had been taking to find out if he was still there.

I left the scene quickly, I couldn't help them while they were alive, so I could only lead them in the best direction I could.

The bracelet on my wrist was slightly warming, I felt it, raised my wrist, and saw the red light shining inside.

"Little guy, do you think the same as me?"

The red light flashed suddenly, a gratified smile appeared on the corner of my mouth, and a lot of self-confidence gradually rose in my heart, and I walked quickly towards the outside of the community.

Just as I was about to head towards the station, my eyes immediately turned to the wooden bench where my elementary school brother and I sat yesterday, and a familiar figure curled up there!

I can't describe in words how I feel at this moment! It is a good thing that he can't find it, which means that he has gone to the underworld. He got the answer and forgives his parents in his heart. At the same time, he will not know that his parents committed suicide by jumping off the building.

However, he just sat there, rolled up his chubby body, trembling with his head buried.

What made me feel bad was not that I found him, but that I noticed the dead air in his body.

It has turned completely black. That kind of jet black like the night sky, with a heavy and oppressive breath of death, this sense of resentment and despair is like a hill, trying to crush me to the ground.

The red bracelet flashed twice again, and the slight heat became even hotter. I seemed to have a tacit understanding, and replied to the little guy: "I know, he has changed."

"Don't worry, baby, I won't get too close to him."

My heart began to ache. When I saw him yesterday, the breath on his body was still so pure, pure white without any impurities, not even a trace of gray.

One day, just one day.

He turned into a ghost...

I can't accept this fact, I really can't accept it.

He obviously saw the corpses of his parents and knew that they committed suicide, so he transformed into evil spirits at an extremely fast speed.

I quietly walked towards the wooden bench where he was, the red bracelet was still emitting heat, I knew the little guy was worried about himself, my fingers quickly stroked the uneven surface, and comforted: "Don't worry about me, I have a measure."

"How are you?"

I didn't get very close to him, but asked worriedly at a distance from the wooden bench. Fortunately, this location was covered by a small piece of woods, which was a little hidden, which became my advantage in successfully approaching him. condition.

There was a whimpering sound, the crying sound was full of sadness and despair, the voice was ethereal, and the tone changed, becoming very rough, in short, it was very unpleasant.

Around his round body, there was a layer of black mist, constantly churning.

"Do you...do it matter?"

I asked again, but he still didn't respond to me, and he still curled up and cried on his own.

There is no way to go on like this, or... I will let Grandpa An...


I hurriedly interrupted this thought. I can't let Grandpa An handle everything. I already owe him a lot of favors. The things about Yang Yi and Wang Hongrui were all because of my curiosity. In the end, I relied on the help of Grandpa An.

This time, I want to solve the matter of this elementary school student myself, without anyone's hands.

But I don't know the bottom line. The ghosts I met before, without exception, are all kind-hearted earth-bound spirits. The three evil ghosts I have encountered, and the lecherous ghosts are all by my side, so my life will not be in danger .

However, this is the first time I have faced the evil spirit alone.

The perverts told me that they cannot touch the souls that have become evil ghosts alone, because they do not have good cognition. In their eyes, all people and all souls are objects that need to be persecuted and persecuted.

I didn't want to give up, I swallowed and looked at the elementary school brother.

"I'm the senior sister who chatted with you yesterday, look up at me, I'm here to find you."

"Hehehe, what are you doing here?"

He finally raised his head, and I was taken aback by his appearance!

His gray eyes changed, turned into a bright red like blood, there were no pupils in the eyes, blood red, his face was grayish white, a large number of black tendons protruded, and the veins were like spider webs, covering his entire body the whole face.

No, to be precise, the whole body!

While he was talking, clouds of black air were still spitting out from his pitch-black mouth. He looked at me with hatred, and laughed strangely.

With a cry of laughter, I can't help but shudder.

"Didn't you say, I'll get an answer? Bullshit! Where's the answer? They're dead now! Dead! Hahaha... Woohoo, I don't want them to die, I don't want to."

"I'm sorry, is it that difficult?"

He was crying and laughing at the same time, emotionally agitated for a while, depressed for a while, just like a schizophrenic lunatic.

But the fear of him in my heart is rapidly decreasing.

In my eyes, he is like a lonely and helpless child. He just wants to get the love of his parents, but he doesn't get it. He wants to hear their apology, but he doesn't hear it. I finally persuaded him to go home yesterday, and he lost himself parents.

I don't know how to communicate with him, I am very guilty, to be honest, I regret letting him go home yesterday, but I can't predict what will happen in the future.

If he doesn't go back, he won't get an apology, and he still can't forgive his parents, thus turning into an evil spirit.

He went back, and what he got was this kind of tragic ending.

My eyes were a little wet, and I wanted to comfort him, but couldn't.

Because I know that my comfort has no effect at all.

However, I still plan to try my best to comfort him, hoping it will work.

"I... I'm sorry, I got such a result. It's not what I expected. I thought that adults have a strong ability to bear it, and they won't commit suicide."

I paused and continued: "Actually, you have already got the answer, haven't you? Right? Your parents must have made such a bad decision because of guilt. They chose this form. They... They are actually I apologize to you."

When I said these words, I felt a little against my will. Sometimes, suicide is not necessarily regret or apology, and some are because of evasion.

The elementary school boy raised his head blankly and stared straight at me.

"Is what you said true? Do they really think they are wrong? What did I do wrong? As long as they can love me more, beat me less, and punish me less, I will be satisfied."

He spread out his hands, stared blankly, and started talking nonsense again.

"They died, you know, I just watched them jump off the balcony, helplessly."

My eyes widened, I had no idea, he saw the whole thing!

"I feel guilty, if I didn't kill myself, they wouldn't have died."

His heart was very contradictory, and he began to take all the mistakes on himself. He began to feel that he committed suicide and caused the death of his parents.

But he also resented his parents' attitude towards him. This kind of contradictory and contradictory heart accelerated him to become a wicked ghost.

Just when I was at a loss and my junior was stuck in an endless loop in my heart, two ethereal voices came.

"Xiao Zhang..."

I was startled, thinking that the conversation between myself and my elementary school brother was overheard by passers-by, so I quickly turned my head to look in the direction of the sound!

It was the soul of a married couple, with sad faces, pale skin, and gray eyes full of sorrow and regret.

Between their brows, I saw the shadow of the elementary school brother.

I, who was already hopeless in my heart, rekindled hope!

His parents, come to him!