Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 96: 096 Yang Yi's ambition


I don't know very well how the capable people in the exorcism circle are classified.

An Jia is proficient in rituals and formations. This is a way of exorcising ghosts. The enchanter may also be a type of exorcist.

Specially create enchantments to control and suppress evil spirits.

I guessed so, but when I saw a light called fighting spirit burst out from his eyes, the corners of his mouth were raised unconsciously, and the strange scene I saw just now seemed to be forgotten, making all the thoughts in my heart Nervousness and fear are gone.

"Then you have to work hard!"

I cheered for him, and for a moment I thought of Grandpa An. I remembered that after he took care of the old Lejia site, he would praise Yang Yi from time to time after he came back. I told him.

"Do you still remember Grandpa An? It was the old man who led a group of juniors to help you drive away ghosts. You can go to him and worship him as your teacher. He is very powerful!"

Yang Yi's eyes widened slightly, his pupils shrank, and he murmured in disbelief, "Can I go find him?"

"Of course! You want to become an enchanter. Although I don't know the situation in this circle very well, I think you must also want to contribute to those dead souls, and you want to send them back to the underworld and restore peace to the underworld. , I chose to do this line of work, didn’t I?”

Yang Yi suddenly smiled, his eyes were curved, and there was a kind of longing on his delicate face.

He laughed at himself first, and said slowly: "You don't know, I have been consolidating the enchantment of Lejia's old site before, how annoying and tired I am!"

"It was like a cage, with a chain protruding from it, and I was firmly tied there. I couldn't leave my hometown, because there was still my unfinished mission, my responsibility."

"However, when I no longer guard that place, and no longer need to set up an enchantment for it, I feel that there is something missing here."

He pointed to his heart, and said silently, I was infected by his plain words, I never thought that he would have such thoughts, very contradictory, but after careful consideration, it seems that there is no problem.

"From then on, I realized that this thing, which I have been doing for many years, has become my obsession and my responsibility. When I suddenly don't need to complete it, a sense of emptiness strikes me."

He laughed at himself, looked at me, and asked jokingly, "Am I the legendary Shaking M? I have been struggling to get out of the sea of suffering before, and now I have finally got rid of the shackles, but I still choose to do this business."

"Perhaps, it is the sense of mission and responsibility that are at work."

He put his hands on his chest and said with his eyes slightly lowered. A smile gradually spread on my face. I don't know why, but I am really happy for him from the bottom of my heart.

The family's mess was resolved, and at the same time, he also understood what he wanted to do.

I immediately thought of the promise An Ning made while sitting in front of me that day, her persistent and serious eyes carried a power that even I could not shake.

She chooses to inherit the family business, she wants to contribute to her family, she wants to learn skills and wants to protect her family and me.

Everyone is wandering and confused about their own future and what they want to do.

But they all found it.

This made me a little overwhelmed, I tilted my head, thinking to myself.

In another year, I will graduate from university. By then, what do I want to do? What do you want to do in the future

"It's great, you have found what you want to do, but I haven't."

"There must be, you will find it!"

Yang Yi said excitedly, I was warmed by his inspiring words, and I also nodded vigorously to him.

The sky outside the bus was already a bit dark, and the orange lights on the road shone down. Vehicles passed by the tall bus, one after another, and the sound of the vehicles passed by my ears, but I seemed to be unable to hear them. To the sound of time passing by.

It wasn't until he suddenly called out that I was startled.

"Ah! I've arrived at the station. I'll come to see you when I have time! Let's go first!"

Yang Yi got up from his seat, carrying a familiar backpack, hurriedly walked towards the back door, and rang the exit bell.

I waved goodbye to him, leaned back against the window again, and looked out through the car window.

Thinking that there was no one sitting around me, and An Ning should have returned to the dormitory, I felt inexplicably safe and comforted.

With the cool autumn wind blowing against my face, I closed the car window and prepared to get out of the car.

Walking in the dark university campus, I called An Ning.

"Hey... so, you haven't come back yet? Then I walked around the playground, did you bring the key? Didn't take me back to guard the gate for you. "

Hearing the playful voice from the other end, the corners of my mouth curled up.

After hanging up the phone, I walked towards the dark playground.

There will be lights on the tennis court at night, but there will be no lights on the playground, unless there is a night football game in the school. Even though there are many students wearing sportswear at this time and running that night, it is very lively, but it is still dark there .

Through the light from the tennis court, I can vaguely see many figures, some fast and some slow, active on the playground.

When I'm alone, I'm always thinking about it.

The matter of Room 402, Building 9, Xinquan Garden, which I was about to ignore forcibly, was like a layer of sand being blown away, and it was dug out of my memory again.

Even if An Yu and Situ Jing promise that it is enough for the two of them to solve it, I am still very worried.

I'm afraid, just in case...

It's not that I'm pessimistic, I have to plan for the worst when I'm done, because only in this way can I be prepared in advance in case of an emergency.

I thought about it, and finally gave up.

Forget it, forget it, An Yu and the others plan to settle it privately, and they've told me so, so I don't have to worry about them.

But why, that familiar sense of unease hit me again, which made me disgusted, and I tried my best to dispel it, because every time this feeling appeared, it was like a prophet who knew what happened next. Good and bad.

It's still a test!

A few times ago, I also had this feeling in my heart, and it was not as I felt, something really happened.

And it's a big deal every time, and the evil spirits I encounter every time are tricky.

I found a lawn and sat down with my hands wrapped around my knees, my head resting on my knees.

Touching the red jade bracelet on her wrist with her fingers, she felt very strange in her heart, thinking that she had never had such supernatural powers before, and that she could know the crisis in advance was only after she was pregnant with a child...

"Tell the truth! Did you do it!"

My tone was both helpless and funny, and I asked the bracelet angrily, it flashed suddenly, then trembled slightly, as if responding to me, I stroked it, nodded and spared him.

"Okay, okay, you didn't do it."

"But this kind of function, I really don't like it."

I put my mouth on my knees and said inarticulately: "Because this means that An Yu and Situ Jing will be in trouble. That's probably the case."

"What is Hua'er muttering all by himself?"

The pervert quietly appeared next to me. I turned my head and saw a tall figure beside me. He sat down and turned his head to ask me.

A pleasant and familiar smell came, and I naturally leaned my head on his shoulder, and told him everything about today.

He listened silently until I finished, then he put his hand on my head and rubbed it vigorously twice.

"Always worry about these things. The An family must have the strength, so there shouldn't be any problems."

"From my description, do you think the thing in room 402 is amazing?"

The pervert said lightly: "For me, there is nothing to be afraid of, but for you, it's different."

"Why… "

When I heard his words, I sighed unconsciously, and my body became weaker, spreading on his shoulders like a ball of ooze.

"That said, it must be very powerful. I'm afraid that An Yu and his wife don't want to bother Grandpa An, and want to solve it privately. I'm afraid that if something happens, An Ning and Grandpa An will definitely collapse."

"It's your overthinking."

He comforted me and said, "Trust them, two descendants of exorcising ghost families will form a small family in the future, how can it be possible without a bit of strength."

After listening to what he said, I was silent for a long time before I nodded almost invisible and let go of my heart.

I hope the facts are the same as what the goblins said, they can solve everything safely and find out what happened in Room 402.

The scene that suddenly flashed through my mind made my body tremble violently.

That was the closed window I saw on the station, the curtain that was thrown back by an unknown force.

From the bottom of my heart, I really hope it's man-made and not...

"Black and White Impermanence says I miss you."

The pervert opened his mouth, and what he said stunned me for a moment. I was still immersed in the 402 matter at this time.

He changed the subject, wanting me not to worry about An Yu and the others. Of course, he succeeded.

I thought of the lively and innocent Bai Wuchang, and the Hei Wuchang who hurt my sister to the bone, the dark clouds in my heart were swept away, and there were expectations and nostalgia in my eyes.

"After you say that, I miss them a little bit."

"Why don't you go see them now?"

I looked at the pervert in surprise, he kissed me lightly on the forehead, and wrapped his strong arms around my waist, I suddenly felt a whirlwind, and the originally dark playground and runway disappeared in an instant.

The familiar sea of red flowers appeared in front of my eyes. Bai Wuchang was sitting on a swing, swinging very high, giggling like a child from time to time, Hei Wuchang was pushing behind her, the pampering on her face was simply I'm going to melt my sister into water.

"Ah! Your Majesty is here!"

Bai Wuchang, who was swinging at the highest point, saw my figure all of a sudden, and shouted excitedly, before he had time to wait for the swing to go back, he stretched out his body from the air, his little butt left the seat, and flew towards me!