Mighty Female Official

Chapter 30: See you again


Brother Shu Wuluan was shocked when he thought of this. He could no longer hear what Zhang Xian was saying, so he interrupted with a cold face, "This damn bastard dared to steal His Highness's tonics and buy them from me, and almost harmed me." The officer's life is at stake, so I will go back and punish this tricky little thing! Dr. Zhang is leaving!"

After saying this, before the imperial doctor could wake up, he rushed out of the imperial pharmacy like a gust of wind.

Zhang Xian looked at the retreating figure in confusion, secretly guessing in his heart that His Highness was a child who grew up taking tonics. He had many taboos when taking medicines, so his medicines were usually locked in a special The Medicine Pavilion is inaccessible to outsiders, so how could it be misappropriated by a little slave

Also, instead of caring about the bad situations he may have, this Jin Yihou is eager to punish his subordinates. How strange!

However, judging from her pulse, she had never taken the medicine at all. It seemed that the rumors were true. She was indeed suspicious, otherwise she would not have brought the pills with her to ask him.

Although Zhang Xian was suspicious of how the pills were stolen, he did not dare to say anything for fear that it would spread to the monarch's ears and cause trouble to the entire imperial pharmacy. Instead, he privately ordered the medicine boy to switch His Highness's medicine to another medicine pavilion and keep it carefully. Prevent omissions.

Here, Ge Shu Wuluan stepped out of the Royal Pharmacy with fake anger, thinking about the strangeness of this matter as he walked.

The thief last night was very thoughtful, and his intentions were really hard to guess!

When he gave her this pill, he already expected that she would secretly investigate this medicine. It was rare that he could understand his temper so clearly and knew that she was suspicious, so he placed the message he wanted to convey on this pill. She was driven to find out the result herself, but what was the connection between this and Gongzi Su

Did he just want to tell her that he was here to steal His Highness's medicine

Won't! If not this, what could it be? She really couldn't figure it out.

She was thinking so hard that she still had no answer. However, it was urgent to protect the safety of His Highness the Second Prince. Regardless of whether he intended to attack Su'er or not, she had to be careful to prevent any accidents.

At this time, a horrified word interrupted her thoughts, "What did you say? The eldest prince was stabbed in the shoulder by an assassin last night!"

A eunuch with a falsetto voice scolded in a low voice: "Shh! Don't make any noise! Go to the imperial pharmacy to get some golden sore medicine. The Za family is waiting here. Remember to keep a low profile and don't be discovered by others. Go and come back quickly!" "

The two people hiding behind the rockery were whispering in low voices, but these words had reached Ge Shu Wuluan's ears word for word.

Her heart suddenly tightened and she was filled with doubts. How could it be such a coincidence

Wang Zilang also injured his shoulder!

She clearly remembered that she shot a crossbow arrow at the assassin last night. If the assassin was hit by the arrow, it would be in the shoulder!

He and the assassin...could it be him

No, their voices were clearly different, and she knew that Wang Zilang didn't know martial arts at all!

The more she thought about it, the weirder it became, until the medicine boy walked out of the rockery, and they would probably find her and startle her. She immediately and quietly dodged into the long alley to the side. It didn't matter that she dodged, and she just happened to hit a wall of warm flesh.

Immediately afterwards, a very pleasant voice came into Brother Shu Wuluan's ears, "One day is like three autumns after not seeing each other. Do you really miss the embrace of your humble position so much?"

Brother Shu Wuluan was embarrassed at the moment. Why did she sneak into his arms so carelessly every time she met him? It was so disgusting! She jumped out of his arms and stood opposite Yan Qisha with a dark face, glaring coldly.

Yan Qisha's gaze lightly swept over her hand that was holding the medicine, and slowly moved towards her cheek. He frowned and sighed, "Aren't you afraid of getting sores all over your body? You must know that this humble beast is a beast." But I’m afraid that your honor will be damaged!”

Xiexie curled up the corners of her elegant and perfect lips, smiled softly, and her charming eyes seemed to be filled with sarcastic light.

He was using this to retaliate and ridicule her for slandering him, damn it!

Brother Shu Wuluan did not show weakness and replied sarcastically: "You are really kind-hearted! However, if you have any self-awareness, you should stop hanging around under my nose!"

The implication is that he is shameless and always hangs around her!

Yan Qisha was not stupid, he could hear what she was saying, he raised his lips and smiled, shaking his head slightly, "Haha, this can't be blamed on the humble position, it is really because of the king's fate, and he was in a hurry to enter the palace to handle the case, and I just happened to meet you! "

After that, he stroked the Nether Soul Sword on his waist and played with it very dearly.

When Ge Shu Wuluan heard this, his heart tightened, and he narrowed his eyes and asked, "Enter the palace to handle the case? What case happened in the inner palace? Why didn't I know about it?"

The man continued to smile and said: "This is not the only thing you don't know..."

Brother Shu Wuluan didn't have the patience to talk in circles with him anymore and waste his time, so he broke the casserole and asked the truth, "Stop playing riddles and tell me quickly, what case happened in the inner palace?"

Yan Qisha shrugged his slender sword-like eyebrows and replied casually: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you tell the adults. It's just a small case of theft. In recent days, many young masters of various palaces have reported the loss of jewelry. It's inevitable that they will be guilty." The palace is not at peace, so the king ordered his subordinates to investigate the matter."

Stolen? Could it be the work of the assassin who broke into the palace last night? But she has already interrogated the palace guards in detail and found no signs of being stolen!

I don’t know what these hateful people do for food. Such a big omission was not reported to her. Now that it has alarmed the monarch, she can’t bear to take advantage of it! It's simply hateful!

Brother Shu Wuluan concealed his anger, his face remained as usual, and he sneered: "The theft of the inner palace should have been handled by me, but why did I alert the deputy director of the supervisory camp!"

There was disdain and disdain in her words, but the man didn't care at all. He just shook his head and smiled slightly, "Originally, it's certainly not the lowly job's turn to intervene in this matter, but now, my lord..."

He stopped mid-sentence, his lips curved into a slight smile, and his icy eyes stared at her for a moment.

He wanted to say that she had been questioned by the king and could not protect herself, right? What a Yan Qisha dared to ridicule her face to face, but she had a lot of experience, so she would not be the same as him. Since the theft had been revealed and handed over to him by the monarch, let him investigate for the time being. It just so happened that she didn't have the extra energy to take care of this matter.

Thinking of this, he slowly lost his temper and looked calm. He put his hands behind his back and stepped aside to make way for the road. "Then, I won't delay Deputy Yan's investigation of the case. Please do it!"

Unexpectedly, he stayed still and didn't leave, just looking at himself with a half-smile, which made Brother Shu Wuluan suddenly angry, "Aren't you anxious to investigate the case and make meritorious deeds? Why are you so unstoppable at this moment? Aren't you afraid of being mistaken? It’s hard to do business if you have violated the king’s order?”

"I am investigating the case right now! Please, Lord Jinyi, come with me!" The man raised his arms gracefully and said "please". His smiling face looked like a humble gentleman who was knowledgeable in literature and etiquette, but his actions But it completely angered the woman.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint it!

(End of chapter)