Mighty Female Official

Chapter 67: tease


Ge Shu Wuluan was really annoyed with himself today. Why did she come to have this meal with him? She really got kicked in the head by a donkey! What's even more hateful is that she was disturbed by his words. She had always been calm and self-possessed, but today she was completely helpless! What the hell is going on

Along the way, the passersby who passed by her also felt the evil spirit emanating from her body, and they were frightened and tried to avoid her.

The streets of Dongdu are still the same bustling scene, with crowds of people surging in and out.

But at this moment, a noisy shouting came into my ears, "You crazy woman, how dare you steal things, even if I feed pigs and dogs, I won't give it to you, a madman! You still won't let go, right..."

Then there was a crackling sound of slaps.

"Stop fighting, it's so pitiful..." A passerby couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't bear to say it.

Hearing the sound, Ge Shu Wuluan stopped and raised his eyebrows to look at the source of the sound. He saw a group of passers-by gathered in front of a bun stall at the corner of the long street. This group of onlookers formed a circle and pointed at the stall.

Seeing this, Brother Shu Wuluan frowned slightly and stepped forward.

At this time, the stall owner was beating and scolding an old woman who was dirty all over and with messy gray hair. The abuse was simply unbearable!

The stall owner was a strong man, and the slap was so loud that even a young man couldn't help but cry out in pain after being slapped for so long.

But the old woman just clutched two dirt-stained buns tightly and shivered on the ground without saying a word. From her dull expression, she could tell that this old woman was a mentally disturbed woman!

Seeing that the stall owner refused to give up and beat her more and more fiercely, the woman felt angry and wanted to stop her. Suddenly, a voice floated from behind her, like a light wind blowing around her ears, "Do you know this old woman?" Who is this person?”

Brother Shu Wuluan's heart tightened, and when he looked back, he saw that purple-blue figure behind him.

That handsome face is as charming as a blooming flower, exuding bursts of deadly fragrance. A pair of ice-blue beautiful eyes, with flowing light, faintly reveal three points of coldness and five points of coldness, even though it is a warm day now. Gao Zhao couldn't drive away the coldness in his eyes.

Obviously, the man was brewing an inexplicable anger at this moment. Obviously, it was because she ignored his words and suddenly left the Penglai Pavilion.

Is he angry? She is angrier than him! She had to be out of her mind today to accept his invitation.

However, now she really wanted to pry open this dead man's head and see what kind of evil thoughts were hidden inside

Brother Shu Wuluan glanced at Yan Qisha coldly for a moment, suppressed the impetuosity secretly rising in his heart, and scolded: "Why don't you just bring in a cat or a dog and let me guess who it is!"

The Eastern Capital City is so big, and she is not a fairy, so how can everyone know her? Only he would ask such a mindless question.

Yan Qisha laughed dumbly, "Oh, Ah Mao, Ah Gou... this old woman is Bai Hua's mother."

Gradually his expression turned serious and he turned his eyes towards the woman.

The woman was stunned. Bai Hua's mother? !

She had heard that Bai Hua lost his father when he was young, and only mother and son were left to depend on each other. Bai Hua was a humble and kind-hearted person, and his mother also came from a well-educated family. Mother and son were kind and filial, and they were once the whole country. A model for everyone!

How could she be like this now? Didn't the monarch give her a house and gold and silver as a sign of comfort to ensure that she would have no worries in her later years

How could she end up stealing food from the streets

The man seemed to have read through the woman's thoughts and said to himself: "A woman only lives for two men in her life, husband and son. If both her husband and son are gone, what will happen if you, sir, think about it?"

He was right. A mother who loves her son so much would be crazy if she suddenly faced the blow of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person to her!

After all, this matter still happened because of her, if not... Thinking of Su'er far away in Liangzhou, Ge Shu Wuluan's heart suddenly hurt, that's all, the matter has come to this, no matter how much you blame yourself, it will not help, just because There was no way she could give that woman an intact son.

"Master, why don't you go and take care of it? If I remember my humble position correctly, that woman almost became your mother-in-law!" Yan Qisha opened his thin lips lightly, bowed his head and moaned softly in the woman's ear, the voice was as light as A wisp of mist in the morning, however, was mixed with a vague sour smell, slowly stirring in the air.

His breath was as elegant as fragrant tea, exhaled frequently and slowly, brushing against the tips of Ge Shu Wuluan's ears. A numbing feeling hit her heart, making her body tremble.

She was secretly ashamed and angry, and distanced herself coldly from him. She would have stopped him without his 'kindly' reminder. Even if the woman was not Bai Hua's mother, even if she was a beggar woman, she would not be able to just watch. The stall owner bullied the old man like this.

Thinking about it, he pushed aside the crowd and walked towards the stall owner who was still beating and scolding the woman.

"Stop!" A bright and elegant voice seemed to fall from the sky, but it did not come from Ge Shu Wuluan's mouth.

The clear sound of horse hooves came, and the man turned over neatly and jumped off the horse. He had a tall figure, long eyebrows and handsome eyes, and a heroic spirit.

When the stall owner heard this sound, his hand trembled, he stopped, and he saw the face of the person clearly. He immediately started to falter in shock and panic, "Pei, Mr. Pei, she..."

Before he finished swallowing, he saw the man bending down to help the woman up, and he swallowed the words that were stuck in his throat.

The attendant behind the man also just dismounted, walked up to the stall owner in a few steps, held a few pieces of silver, and said in a cold voice, "Take it! Is it enough to buy a drawer of buns for you?"

"That's enough, that's enough..." The stall owner's eyes widened when he saw the money, he grabbed the money and ran away in a hurry.

Pei Yingjun supported the woman, patted the dust in front of her knees, and then wanted to throw away the dirty buns in her hands. Unexpectedly, the woman who had been sluggish suddenly became crazy and touched the back of the man's hand. it's a bite.

The people watching were all sweating coldly. This crazy woman was really looking for death. No one knew that Prince Pei was the most valued son of Grand Secretary Kou Pei'an. Even the officials in the court could not help but be wary of him when they saw him! But she, a commoner, didn't know what to do and bit people randomly, which wasted the kindness of Mr. Pei to help her.

A madman is a madman!

I thought the man would get angry and deal with the crazy woman, but unexpectedly, he said softly, as if coaxing a child: "This bun is dirty, so throw it away first. I will buy you a clean one later."

The woman let go of her mouth, looked up at the man blankly for a moment, then suddenly became excited, her voice was dry and incoherent, but it was touching, "Hua'er, you are my Hua'er, mother is here, look. These are birthday buns made by my mother for you. You can try them to see if they are delicious... They are very delicious... "

She was talking crazily with eyes full of surprise, while she hurriedly put the dirty bun in her hand towards the man's mouth.

Seeing the situation, the follower stepped forward, slapped down the bun handed by the woman, and shouted: "How reckless!"

However, he received a cold look from the man, and the follower stepped aside angrily.

Looking at the two plain buns rolled into balls of earth, the old woman immediately panicked. Her eyes were full of self-blame and tears welled up. She couldn't help but feel sad. "It's my mother's fault. She didn't make sure. Hua'er's birthday was on the line." The bag fell to the ground..."

The man comforted him softly: "It's okay, it's okay! I dropped it and I'm making a new one. Jiang Chen, please take Mrs. Bai back to Luoyun Villa."

After being given an order, the entourage, who dared not disobey a word, picked up the horse and the woman, and walked away.

"Mom, go back and make birthday buns for Hua'er. You can eat them in the evening. Hua'er must remember to go home early..." The old woman said lovingly to the man, turning her head frequently. How could she see a trace of stupidity and madness? Some are just a loving mother’s face giving careful instructions to her beloved son.

Until her voice and figure gradually disappeared at one end of the long street, and the people watching also dispersed.

Pei Yingjun was about to get on his horse and rush back to the Ministry of War Yamen, but he noticed two eye-catching figures suddenly appeared in the peripheral vision. He turned his head slowly and saw his brother Shu Wuluan and Yan Qisha standing on the street looking at him.

The former is full of scrutiny, while the latter is indifferent and traceless.

Pei Yingjun paused for a moment, but did not come forward to say hello. He simply got on the horse and silently bowed his hands to the two of them on the horse. Then, there was a sound of horse hooves, dust was kicked up on the ground, and his figure disappeared instantly. In front of the two of them.

Brother Shu Wuluan didn't know Pei Yingjun very well. He only knew that he was decisive and fair in dealing with things, and he was not as arrogant as his father Pei An, but these were superficial opinions. , who knows whether he is dark or not? In today's scene, his benevolent deeds have obviously left a good image in the hearts of the people and gained him a reputation as a virtuous person!

Bai Hua is Pei An's deadbeat. No matter how kind Pei Yingjun treats his mother, even if he invites her to his own house to support her, he will never see her again.

What Pei Yingjun did just now was nothing more than wearing a hypocritical mask to show the officials who were attached to Pei An, so that they would follow Pei An even more wholeheartedly.

However, she could not ignore the gentle pity on Pei Yingjun's face when he looked at the old woman. It was not like an expression that could be faked...

On the way back to the palace, the steady sound of footsteps behind the woman never disappeared from his ears. Brother Shu Wuluan's face darkened, he stopped, looked back solemnly, and said in a cold voice, "How long do you plan to follow me?" ?”

Ten feet away, Yan Qisha stood opposite with his hands behind his back. A breeze blew by and gently rolled his clothes, like a dancing butterfly in the night.

He shrugged his shoulders innocently and said: "Your Excellency, you are too worried. This road is the only way back to the Supervisory and Supervisory Camp. May I ask, Your Majesty, how can we go otherwise?"

His words instantly made Brother Shu Wuluan look embarrassed. He turned around and glanced at the high office that was only a few steps away. The words "Supervisor Camp" were engraved on the cold iron plaque!

How could she forget that this road is indeed the unique way back to the Supervisory Camp.

At this moment, her cheeks were as beautiful and dazzling as if they were painted with rouge and pink. She was annoyed that her mind had really lost its focus today.

Then he angrily flicked his sleeves and hurriedly left the embarrassing place.


The emperor finally approved the suspension of Tie Li's soul. In the afternoon of that day, brother Shu Wuluan sent someone to notify Miss Tie, so that she could rest assured and fulfill her filial piety.

On this afternoon, the sunshine was pleasant and the gentle breeze brought warmth. All kinds of flowers were in full bloom in the imperial garden, which was quiet and fragrant. Even the wind blowing by was fragrant.

At this time, several dog barks came from the dense grass, followed by a rustling sound, accompanied by a crisp hand whistle, floating in the fragrant air.

A hound with black fur suddenly jumped out of the grass, its shiny fur as smooth as brocade.

The hound happily jumped up and down in front of the squatting woman, wagging its long tail from time to time, and after making several "whimpering" sounds in its mouth, it licked the woman's cheek with its wet tongue. .

Brother Shu Wuluan, whose face was sticky after being licked, frowned and scolded secretly, "Stop it, Crow!"

After saying that, he hurriedly wiped his face with his sleeves and hurriedly put the dog leash around its neck. Anxiety had already appeared in his brows.

This hound was Su'er's favorite pet. She had kept it in the palace since Su'er left for Liangzhou. She knew that this was a pet that Su'er had specially left for her to make her happy, but she really didn't like to interact with it. Dealing with these little animals and the errands of the inner palace are enough to keep her busy. She also has to devote some time to taking care of them. It would be strange not to be bothered!

The crow was very spiritual. Seeing that the woman was a little impatient, he immediately calmed down and lay down at her feet obediently.

"Wow! Mr. Lai is great..." A charming voice broke the brief silence, which also attracted the crow's attention.

Ge Shu Wuluan only felt the hem of his clothes being moved with a "hula", and the dog leash in his hand fell out of his hand at the right time. Then he saw the crow running toward the source of the sound.

This damn crow really can’t stop for a moment! Someone must be sent to Liangzhou someday, otherwise, she will be driven crazy by it sooner or later!

Brother Shu Wuluan frowned and quickly got up to chase after him.

In an open space in the imperial garden, there was a fragrant sandalwood palace table with fragrant tea and preserved fruits on it. Several round chairs surrounded the table, and palace attendants were carefully waiting on it.

Sitting on the chair were Mrs. Yin and Zhou Changshi. The former had kind-faced features, dignified and beautiful appearance, while the latter was graceful and comely. Both of them were nearly forty years old, but their faces showed no trace of time.

Mrs. Yin always worshiped Buddha and rarely went out. If Princess Miao Yan hadn't invited her to the imperial garden several times to enjoy flowers, she would hardly have left the palace.

As the biological mother of Princess Miao Yan, Zhou Changshi was usually cautious and submissive. Now that there was a concubine in charge of the Sixth Palace, she became even more reclusive, fearing that she would cause trouble if she did something wrong or said something wrong.

It's surprising to say that these two people are in different palaces and have different temperaments, so they have never interacted with each other very much. Today, it is rare for them to sit together.

Standing next to them were Princess Miao Yan and Princess Zungle. At this moment, the two of them were clapping and cheering with admiration in their eyes.

Opposite them was a handsome man, holding two small bamboo sticks in his hands, and dexterously pulling on the thin rope tied to the front end of the bamboo sticks. The thin waisted diabolo on the ropes instantly made bursts of sound, buzzing melodiously.

The man's body is already flexible, as soft as a willow tree, and when he trembles, he seems to be dancing. His body is elegant and wonderful, and the body moves leisurely under his palm like a swing.

He carried it with one hand and delivered it with the other, with various postures, twisting the rope, doing 'immortal jump', 'flying all over the sky', 'twisting'...

The two princesses watched intently, with faces full of surprise. Even Mrs. Yin and Zhou Changshi who were sitting on the seats were full of praise.

The people of Dongdu have always liked this kind of elegant craftsmanship. Whether it is princes, ministers or merchants and common people, they regard it as elegant and respected.

As the saying goes: one sound is low and the other is high, the loud sound penetrates the blue sky! Therefore, Douhu knocking has always been known as the "flying bell" stunt among the people.

Although it is not difficult to learn this kind of trick, it is extremely rare to see him perform it with such skill and skill and full of tricks.

Just when the two princesses were interested, the crow pounced in front of the man, fluttering and jumping at his feet, looking very intimate.

Lai Xi was slightly startled, and his waist twisted gracefully. The Hu Kiao under his palm was like a wind wheel, spinning sharply, gradually slowing down, and finally stopped on the rope.

Princess Miao Yan's face darkened, her eyes were full of waning spirits, she pursed her pretty lips and said angrily: "Oh, it's true! What kind of palace servant doesn't like crows and disturbs His Royal Highness's pleasure!"

As soon as the voice fell, Brother Shu Wuluan walked out of the group of flowers. Although his beautiful and elegant face had a light expression, he could not hide his noble elegance.

Dressed in a dark blue official robe embroidered with silver cranes and clouds, it was elegant and eye-catching, instantly suppressing the gaudy colors of the various flowers.

Princess Jiale was also a little displeased by the sudden appearance of the crow, but when she saw the figure of Brother Shu Wuluan, those trivial displeasure disappeared instantly, and her face was dyed with a layer of twilight joy in time, "Brother Shu, you’re here…”

When he realized that there were others at the scene, he hurriedly stopped his voice and hid his excitement.

Ge Shu Wuluan ignored the man standing aside, and with his piercing eyes, he walked to the sandalwood table in a few steps, bowed and clasped his fists, "I have neglected my duty! I disturbed the madam, the attendant and the two princesses." .”

Mrs. Yin is known for being kind to others and a person who worships the Buddha, so her face always has a kind look on her face. She smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't matter. It's just that we two old antiques have affected the interest of young people like them. Sister, let's go back. Go to the palace."

Waiter Zhou Chang came here timidly. He was really frightened by the crow. His face looked a little pale, and he nodded, "Sister said so."

The palace attendants on both sides quickly helped their master up and walked out of the beautiful imperial garden.

"I respectfully send my wife and regular attendants to you." Brother Shu Wuluan bowed behind the two of them.

Princess Miao Yan was a little embarrassed because of the angry words she had said before. She walked up to the woman and whispered softly, "Master Geshu has a lot of free time today and actually has time to take the crows out to play in person. However, this crow just doesn’t want to be taught, so I think it’s annoying the adults a lot!”

Brother Shu Wuluan raised his lips and smiled lightly, "Thank you for your consideration, Princess. I'm fine with you."

After saying this, he turned his head slightly, only to see a crow flapping at the man's robe with its claws, and the hem of the snow-colored robe was instantly stamped with "dark plum blossoms".

She frowned at the right moment, her face darkened, and she scolded in a cold voice: "Crow, don't be rude! Come here quickly."

Clinker, her words had no effect at all, the crow danced even more joyfully.

Lai Xi curled his lips, his handsome face was like a spring breeze, he bent down and stroked the crow's head, and said in an elegant voice: "It's called crow, what a special name!"

These words seemed to be spoken to oneself, but the eyes were looking at Xiang Ge Shu Wuluan alone, and the phoenix eyes could not hide the burning light.

Princess Jiale noticed that the man was looking at the person she cared about like this, and she felt a sting in her heart. She was extremely uncomfortable, "Ge Shu, don't worry about them. Go and sit in my palace."

Upon hearing this, Ge Shu Wuluan suddenly felt a headache. She knew very well how this princess pestered her, so whenever she saw her figure, she stayed away, for fear that she would pull her away. Chatting from day to night.

But at the moment, she has no official duties. If she refuses, it will definitely make her jealous again.

Just when she didn't know how to deal with it, Princess Miao Yan spoke up in time and helped her brother Shu Wuluan, "Sister Le, did you forget to accompany me to Shang Gong Bureau to choose clothing materials? Let's go, Lord Shang Gong is still here. Waiting."

Princess Jiule spoke anxiously, "But..."

She hadn't seen her brother Shu Wuluan for several days. She was finally free today. How could she miss the opportunity to be with her

"Good sister, just go with Yan'er." Princess Miao Yan couldn't help but pull up Princess Zuile and leave. As she walked, she looked at the man and woman behind her, with a faint smile on her lips.

She has not forgotten the feeling of brother Shu Wuluan standing between her and Qisha during the rape, and there was a faint sense of crisis of having her loved one taken away by others!

The Seven Kills can only be hers!

She must make good use of Lai Xi and create opportunities for them. With Lai Xi's handsome appearance, she will surely capture the heart of brother Shu Wuluan, and then she and Qisha will be able to stay together!

Seeing that the two princesses had gone away, Brother Shu Wuluan breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, and said in a cold voice: "Crow, didn't you hear what I said? Come here quickly!"

As soon as the voice fell, the woman's figure was like a strong wind, and her clothes were fluttering. Then she stopped in front of the man, grabbed the dog's leash, and restrained the eager crow, "Ouch..."

The crow cawed several times angrily and lay down on the ground between the two of them.

Laixi looked at the woman's warm and angry face, her beautiful phoenix eyes showing a bit of disappointment, "I have been waiting for you to go to the 'Luoling Chu Pavilion' to see me, but you can wait and wait... I can't wait." The flowers have withered, and you didn’t go either. It seems that you can’t easily believe what a woman says, especially... a beautiful woman!"

This voice was extremely elegant, and it matched his worldly handsome appearance, like a banished immortal descending from the dust.

The snow-colored clothes on his body, covered with clear gauze, looked like a white lotus blooming faintly on the clear water. It was so delicate and otherworldly in beauty.

With such a pure appearance, almost no woman can ignore his grace and escape his control.

However, Ge Shu Wuluan glanced at him indifferently and opened his lips softly, "You are now a great dancer. If you are mentioning those despicable pasts so blatantly, you are not afraid of spreading it to the king's ears and punishing you." The crime of deceiving the emperor?"

Although she doubted his purpose of entering the palace to perform dances, since the king ordered him to serve in the palace, he was allowed to be the dancer for the time being. Even if he had any evil intentions, she was watching secretly, so she expected him to Can't stir up any trouble.

"How come I don't know what bad past experiences I had in the past? Why don't you tell me, is it here that I am bad, or here..." The man smiled brightly, took her bare palm, and put it against his forehead. Then he moved to the atrium and felt the abnormal rapid beating of the heart through the clothing.

His smile was elegant and graceful, but his actions made Brother Shu Wuluan's eyes filled with anger. He was a dirty man, worthy of being born in the "Feng Chen", and he was always showing off his despicable postures.

At that moment, she angrily withdrew her hand, but she was clenched tighter by him. She was surprised. She had no strength in sports, but the man also had internal strength, so it was difficult for her to break free.

She was secretly shocked and shouted coldly: "Let me go!"

The other hand loosened the dog chain, and the crow was free and ran out of the place like crazy, as if it was frightened by Ge Shu Wuluan's evil aura.

She raised her palm to strike at the man, but he stopped her lightly in his palm, and both hands fell into his control at the same time.

"Let go? How can I let go? It was you who provoked me first! Hey, women still have to be gentle to get the love of men. However, I also like you like this." Lai Xi smiled and slowly took her hand He placed his hand next to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on the back of his white hand.

His kiss was like a dragonfly touching water, soft and light.

But it made Ge Shu Wuluan's heartbeat stop for half a beat, and his thinking became relatively slow. When she woke up, she was filled with shame and anger. He dared to kiss her hand! She has never been so frivolous by any man in her life! damn it!

While struggling with her hands in anger, she shouted fiercely: "This is the forbidden garden of the royal palace, how dare you be rude to me... You pervert, if you have the guts, just let me go!"

"The word 'whore' is so unpleasant. I still miss you calling me Xixi. The sweetness that came out of your mouth is unforgettable... People are beautiful, even when they are angry, they are pretty. Charming, but you'll get wrinkles if you get too angry! If you feel embarrassed to be out in the open in broad daylight, we can go back to the 'Luoling Chu Pavilion' where no one is watching." Seeing her face dyed red, Lai Xi felt interested .

In just a few meetings, this woman was both cold and arrogant. Now, he finally let him see a different side of her.

Such a woman is not easy to conquer, but he has the patience to challenge this difficult thing.

While Ge Shu Wuluan was gnashing his teeth and locked in a stalemate with the man, two female palace attendants heard the sound and came over. They looked at the scene in front of them, looked at each other blankly, and said timidly, "Sir, what are your orders?"

Brother Shu Wuluan's back stiffened for a moment, and then he hid the emotions on his face and said solemnly: "Nothing, I am competing with the great dancer, please step back."

Comparing kung fu? ! This woman is the best liar in the world!

She had an angry face just now, but in an instant she changed to a cold and solemn expression. How could her face change faster than flipping through a book

It's really... getting more and more interesting!

Lai Xi's phoenix eyes flashed, and great interest appeared on his handsome face.

The two female palace attendants were not blind and could see their ambiguity, but who dared to show any suspicion in front of Jin Yihou, so they respectfully withdrew.

As soon as the female palace attendant left, the man chuckled and said, "Okay, everyone is gone, stop pretending."

Brother Shu Wuluan came back to his senses and gritted his teeth and said: "Yes, our account is not over yet!"

Before the voice fell, the dark-colored boots were raised and swept towards the man's lower body.

But at this moment, Lai Xi just let go of her hands, and pointed his long fingers on her acupuncture points impartially. Brother Shu Wuluan's beautiful legs could not move up or down, and they were frozen in the air.

"Haha, let's continue the 'discussion' next time. Now this dancer is going to dance for the king..." The voice fell and the figure disappeared without a trace.

Brother Tuliu, Shu Wuluan, chewed a mouthful of teeth on the spot and moved his energy towards the acupuncture points with anger.

Don't let me see you again, otherwise I will deal with you once you see me!

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint it!

(End of chapter)