Mighty Female Official

Chapter 81: Get rid of evil


Just when it was about to scratch Tie Xinlian, Ge Shu Wuluan suddenly hugged the walking corpse from behind and held its arms with both hands, making it difficult to move.

The zombie struggled and twisted fiercely, causing Geshu Wuluan to tightly tighten its flailing arms, and finally rolled to the ground together with it.

The weight of the dead body in front of her made her unable to breathe, and the stench of decay made it even more difficult for her to breathe. In a state of extreme hypoxia, her brain suddenly jumped out of Doctor Zhou's instructions: If you want to subdue the walking corpse, , must attack its head!

Yes, at the beginning! How could she forget all about it

He glanced sideways at the wild goose wing knife lying far away on the ground, but he couldn't reach it at all. Even if she could reach it, she couldn't free her hands.

How could she deal a fatal blow to the walking corpse with her hands clamping down on the corpse's arm

Just when Ge Shu Wuluan was secretly struggling, a series of rapid footsteps reached her ears. She glanced and found that Tie Xinlian quickly walked towards the long knife and picked up the wild goose with its cold light. Wing Knife.

I saw her dragging the long knife with both hands and walking towards her brother Shu Wuluan step by step. Her watery eyes looked sadly at the walking corpse pressing on her, then she looked at her brother Shu Wuluan, and finally she seemed to be cruel. , raised the knife with great effort, and pointed the tip of the knife directly at the overlapping figure of a corpse and a man.

At this moment, Ge Shu Wuluan was really not sure whether she was going to stab him or a walking corpse. After all, he had a deep sense of pity and filial piety. How could he do it to his biological father, even if he was already dead

But at the moment, she couldn't think too much and could only take a chance, "Miss Tie, look at the broken limbs and remains on the ground. Among them are servants you are familiar with and maids who have served you. They What a tragic death, and how innocent? Don't let this evil continue to do evil, stab its head with the knife in your hand, and put an end to it all for the sake of the unjust soul and for the sake of your father's karma. !”

In her calm and clear voice, she told the woman's interests and concerns, hoping that she would be able to kill the bride justly.

The pain in Tie Xinlian's eyes continued to increase, and his face showed a little movement, as if he had listened to her words, but his men did not move for a long time.

The walking corpse struggled even more fiercely, and horrifying whimpers frequently came from the stench-filled corpse's mouth, like the howls of evil spirits in purgatory. Ge Shu Wuluan's strength was being exhausted, and he was about to be restrained. The zombie's arms couldn't be controlled anymore, "Quick, do it! I can't control it anymore! Remember to stab its head, stab its head..."

Before she could finish her words, she heard a "puff" sound, and a strong stench swept over the sky and covered the earth.

Ge Shu Wuluan turned his head sharply to avoid the black-blue blood sprayed from the corpse's head splashing on his face. Even so, some dirty blood still splashed on her hair.

She held her breath and tried her best to hold back the feeling of nausea. She pushed away the upright body that was pressing on her and jumped up from the ground.

As soon as he stood upright, he discovered that there was a dense pile of worms crawling out from where the corpse's head was stabbed, running toward the fresh corpses, making a hissing sound as they crawled.

Looking at this scene, Ge Shu Wuluan's heart skipped a beat. He jumped up and quickly pulled down several lanterns hanging high on the eaves. He quickly took out the candles and threw them at the crawling worms, which also lit up the ground. The remains of corpses and their rags.

In the blink of an eye, there were flames and smoke billowing.

Chichichi... The worms turned into clusters of white smoke when exposed to fire. The pungent smell, mixed with the smell of blood and rot, gave people a headache.

Seeing that the worms had been burnt out, she quickly ran towards Xia Xuefenglei who was unconscious on the ground, checked his weak pulse, and helped him up with great effort, sealing several of his major veins with her internal force to prevent the corpse from dying. Poison attacks the heart.

"I...I killed my father, I killed my father!"

Brother Shu Wuluan had just put down Ping Lei's body when he suddenly heard Tie Xinlian whispering to himself. The panic was mixed with sadness, and the sadness was getting stronger and stronger. It was heart-wrenching and inexplicable to hear.

Seeing her covering her lips, suppressing tears, shaking her head and retreating, Brother Shu Wuluan hurriedly approached, took her thin and trembling shoulders into his arms, caressed her pale face and gave her Soothingly, "Xin Lian, you didn't kill your father. That wasn't your father, it was something else. Be good, don't be afraid."

While comforting her, Ge Shu Wuluan also felt sour in his heart. She was at an age when she should have been loved and pampered, but she suddenly suffered so many changes and experienced so many terrible things. Even though she was a tough girl, My heart aches for her.

After hearing the woman's comfort, Tie Xinlian finally couldn't hold it back anymore and cried loudly and fell into her arms.

Brother Shu Wuluan could only stiffen and continue to comfort with a soft voice. Although she was not very good at comforting others, at this moment she didn't care how harsh and clumsy her words were, "Xin, Xin Lian is not afraid anymore. It's okay. It's in the past… "

At night, the shadow of the moon cast a layer of silver frost on their figures, giving them a blurry smoky color.

Tie Xinlian was still sobbing, and Shu Wuluan continued to coax her in a low voice, but they didn't notice that in a dark corner behind them, a pair of sharp eyes were watching them secretly, until The red-lacquered door made a loud bang, and then the gaze quietly disappeared into the darkness.

The moment the door opened, noisy footsteps followed.

It seems that reinforcements have arrived.

As expected, when Ge Shu Wuluan raised his eyes leisurely, he saw a group of palace guards rushing into the courtyard, numbering no less than a hundred.

The moment the palace guards entered the door, they were shocked by the sight of corpses everywhere.

At this time, a palace guard bravely approached the woman, clasped his fists and said, "My subordinates were late in waiting, and I frightened you!"

Before Brother Shu Wuluan could respond, a sharp cry of pain burst through the door, "Lian'er! Mother's precious daughter..."

Then Tie Shi ran in like crazy, grabbed Tie Xinlian's arm, and checked her up and down in panic. When she realized that her daughter was not injured, she smiled reassuringly and held her in her arms. She nodded to her brother Shu Wuluan with an embarrassed expression, as if silently thanking her for protecting her daughter.

Brother Shu Wuluan didn't care how Tie Shi was grateful to him. He raised his eyes and glanced at the few servants and maids who were crowding outside the gate and looking in. He ordered the palace guards: "You are divided into two groups. One group will drag the corpses in the courtyard to the endless The house was burned down, and another group helped the servants clean up the yard. Also, several palace guards were dispatched to carry Guard Xia back to the inner palace for treatment immediately, so be quick!"


The palace guards got the order and began to carry away the corpses. The few servants who had escaped and returned bravely stepped into the courtyard and started cleaning.

An attentive palace guard handed the woman a soaked handkerchief. She took it leisurely, wiped the blood on her temples, and then threw it into the unextinguished flames. With a 'chi' sound, the wet handkerchief was cremated. For bursts of green smoke.

Seeing Lei being carried out of Tiefu on a simple stretcher, Brother Shu Wuluan's heart suddenly relaxed.

Here, Tie Shi was kicking Tie Li's body fiercely, with a look of hindsight, which was really unflattering, "I, I'll kick you to death, you devil, spit, go to hell!"

She was kicking and cursing, with a vicious attitude that completely ignored her daughter's feelings.

Brother Shu Wuluan frowned for a moment, then took a step forward and said: "He is already dead and unconscious. If you kick him again and again, even if you are whipping the corpse, he will not be able to feel your hatred. Again, Why bother?"

Her words made Tieshi twitch the corner of her mouth in embarrassment and stop her movements.

Brother Shu Wuluan glanced at Tie Xinlian, who had a transparent face and a dull expression, and said worriedly: "She was frightened. It's not easy to invite the doctor in the middle of the night. Remember to make some concentration soup for her later."

After a reminder, Tie Shi realized that something was wrong with her daughter and hurriedly replied, "Hey! Yes."

Then he took his daughter's arms and walked to the bedroom.

Brother Shu Wuluan shook his head and quickly looked back.

Now that the walking corpse has been eliminated, she will return to the palace immediately.

Thinking about it, he was about to walk towards the gate. He was halfway through when he caught sight of a trembling figure from the corner of his eye.

She narrowed her eyes, curled her lips coldly, and shouted, "Take this man back to the prison cell and he will be punished!"

The sudden sharp shout shocked everyone in the courtyard, but they saw the trembling figure fell to his knees on the ground and said in fear: "I don't know what crime I have committed? Please make it clear, please have mercy..."

After saying that, he kowtowed involuntarily and begged for mercy.

However, these few blows to the head almost broke her scalp, but the woman was not moved at all, "Oh, you are just lucky?! Resisting and disrespecting orders is considered a first crime, and escaping from battle is a second crime. As an official, you can't do anything to others." Not caring about life and death is the third one. Isn’t the severe punishment for these three crimes a bit light?”

This bastard, in order to save his own life, left Tie Xinlian in danger, and even regarded her as a zombie bait, locked up the compound, and actually had the nerve to come back to clean up the mess and wait for the king's reward

If she didn't give him some color, it would be all in vain.

Evil and sycophants are ready to move, and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be!

It seems that she can no longer be lenient, and she is going to come up with some means to shock the people under her control!

As soon as the man heard this, he immediately collapsed on the ground, his face turned pale, and he no longer dared to beg for mercy.

Finally, a palace guard came to his senses and tied the offender behind his back, waiting to return to the palace to carry out the punishment.

Brother Shu Wuluan withdrew his gaze coldly, looked at the bright moon in the sky, and stepped out of the gate of Iron Mansion with his hands behind his back.

I wonder if Yan Qisha successfully caught the person controlling the corpse? There must be some, because she didn't smell the strange fragrance.

I don’t know...if he was injured...

That night, Ge Shu Wuluan hurried back to the palace and reported the matter of subduing the walking corpse to the monarch. At the same time, he also reported the matter of Tiexinlian's righteous killing of relatives.

As soon as he stepped down the steps of Longyuan Palace, he saw a guard rushing towards the entrance of the hall. He whispered a report to the great eunuch Tang Xi for a moment, and then turned around and left in a hurry.

So late at night, the guard guarding the palace gate came to report the matter. There must be a foreign minister asking to see him, so this foreign minister must be him!

Ge Shu Wuluan stared at the guards' leaving figures for a moment, then walked to the bluestone rockery on one side of the hall and stood there.

At this moment, she was not in a hurry to return to Guangsheng Palace to return her life to the empress. Instead, she wanted to wait for the arrival of Yan Qisha and the news of whether the person behind the scenes had committed suicide.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint it!

(End of chapter)