Milk Tea Flavor In Love

Chapter 160: One hundred and sixty cups of milk tea


After Zhou Huanyan finished speaking, he glanced at Yin Zhu and patted Zhou Yu's back next time, beckoning him to follow.

He stood up and followed Zhou Huanyan to the counter.

Zhou Huanyan took the phone from the counter, unlocked it and showed it to him.

He glanced over.

WeChat chat box interface.

Subject: Mom.

"Mom: Did you tell your mother that Xiaoyu is in love? I asked him and said no, I don't believe it. Mom is here, and he can still see something. He doesn't like to play with girls, and even let the girl leave him. Being so close, your brother is obviously dishonest."

"Zhou Huanyan: I really didn't talk about it, but mom, your instincts are true, that is, Xiao Yu hasn't chased the person and laughed."

"Mom: Surprised and surprised"

"Mom: Then you who are a sister, help him more. I guess he is worried about it."

"Zhou Huanyan: Don't worry about this. It depends on whether the girl is willing or not, Mom, why don't you say Xiao Yu's early love."

"Mom: Do you think your mother is old? Your mother is not an old antique. If you have a face-up photo of the girl, send it to your mother to see."

"Zhou Huanyan: No."

"Mom: That name, don't you know?"

"Zhou Huanyan: The beautiful sister is called Yin Zhu."

This is the chat history from the previous few days.

Then today.

"Zhou Huanyan: Mom, Xiao Yu is going to take Yin Zhu to my place for dinner today! Smirk."

"Mom: Take a picture if it's convenient."

"Mom: This girl has a nice profile, and Xiao Yu's eyes are irritating. It is estimated that she will be my daughter-in-law in the future."


"Mind if your sister, I... go take a picture?"

"...Have to ask her."

"Of course I will ask for her consent, and I will ask you again, how are you doing now? Have you confessed to her? Have you held hands? Have you kissed?"

"...Together after graduation from high school."

"Xiao Yu, you are too fast, you have caught up with your sister."

"Excellent! Well done!"

"You can go back and sit down, remember to talk to her more, so that the heart of the little girl is firmly anchored, and the daughter-in-law did not run away."


Soon after Zhou Yu went back and sat down, Zhou Huanyan came over, stood beside Yin Zhu, and asked them:

"Everyone, let's take a picture together?"


"come on."

"Sister Huanyan, your suggestion is good!"

Zhou Huanyan glanced at Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu was speechless.

As soon as the camera rod was up and looking for a good angle, Zhou Huanyan moved next to Zhou Yu and asked him to turn his body sideways to face Yin Zhu.

They took a photo of poss around the table.





Click to freeze the frame.

After the photo was taken, Zhou Huanyan glanced at the photo, satisfied, and said:

"Do you mind if I post the photo to Moments?"

"Does it matter? Just post it."

"Yes, Sister Huanyan, I also want to post one, and send me the photo for preservation."

"It's okay, everyone sends it, but I haven't added Yin Zhu's WeChat yet. Sister, can I scan you?"

The corner of Yin Zhu's mouth raised slightly, and she replied, took out her mobile phone, and clicked on WeChat to scan for her.

With the addition of people, Zhou Huanyan retired and returned to the counter to post to Moments, and then the interface was turned around and a message was sent to her mother.

"Mom, look at my circle of friends."

Soon this circle of friends gave people a thumbs up.

Her dad also praised her and commented on her: Have a great time.

She replied: Happy, by the way, to tell you the old saying, sitting next to your son is your future daughter-in-law.

Her mother quickly returned her message:

"Well, I didn't run away."