Milk Tea Flavor In Love

Chapter 80: Eighty cups of milk tea


From the beginning of the class, Zhou Yu's eyes fell on the book from beginning to end, occasionally starting to write, looking very serious.

Hearing this, he turned his head and stared at her big beautiful eyes:

"Okay, what do you want to say?"

Yin Zhu leaned closer, and the two of them lingered together.

She held her right cheek and looked at him: "Just chat, Gu Qi didn't choose science?"

"No, I chose the text."

"Oh, are you in Class A like Li Luo?"


"Then why don't you choose articles with him? I think you have a good relationship."

Zhou Yu put the pen on the table, leaned back, and stretched his long legs forward under the table.

"I didn't consider these when choosing. He also chose the rationale. He lost the bet with Li Luo before choosing the text."

Yin Zhu nodded to express his understanding, and was silent for a moment. When he thought of a topic, his energy came and asked:

"Have you really never been in love?"

It may be that the topic changed too quickly, Zhou Yu didn't react much, but stared at her for a while.

Yin Zhu stared at him motionless, just waiting for him to speak.

After a while, he slowly said, "I haven't talked about it."

Yin Zhu blinked, "I don't believe it a little bit."

"You are so popular with girls, you haven't met anyone you like?"

"To be honest, I didn't pay attention."




Her eyelids twitched, and disappointment spread in her heart.

Zhou Yu held back a smile, playing with her mobile phone in his hand, watching her stunned look, and said:

"What are you thinking about, I lied to you, I really didn't pay attention."

Yin Zhu returned to his senses, the whole person was not well, and kicked off the bar of his chair, "You really owe you a beat."

Then he turned back to his side, no longer sleepy, opened the textbook and looked at it.

During the second class, her lower abdomen was painful, and she was so uncomfortable that she rubbed her belly for a period of class.

She breathed a sigh of relief after class, with a cold sweat on her forehead and a little dizziness. She went down and fell asleep in a daze.

Zhou Yu got up and closed the window, leaving a little gap, turned around and took the coat on the chair to cover her, and then walked out.

Li Luo came to look for her just then, and it took a long time for Li Luo to find her before seeing her.

Li Luo walked over to see her lying motionless, sitting in Zhou Yu's position, and patted her gently:

"Sister Yin, what's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

Yin Zhu raised his head when he heard the sound, saw Li Luo, straightened up, "It's okay, but my stomach hurts a bit."

Leaning on the chair, she was taken aback when she found an extra coat on her body.

Li Luo: "Are you here?"

She nodded.

"Oh, my sister Yin doesn't hurt her lip color anymore. By the way, I have ibuprofen. I'll get it for you."

"No, it's not that serious. I was lying down for a while, now it's much better."

"That's good."

"Hey, sister Yin, are you sitting with Zhou Yu now?"

"Well, what's the matter?"

"No, it's just the thought of Yin Lanyin and Yang Meng. If they know about it, they must be furious, huh."

"Take it far, why do you mention them, Sister Yin, did you miss me the first day you left me? I missed you. I haven't seen you for a month. I think you have lost weight again. Look at this thin leg. It's like a pair of chopsticks."

"Really, I may be tired from training."

"Training? What training?"

Yin Zhu was tired from sitting, stood up, and pulled her out.

"I signed an entertainment company during the winter vacation. In order to shoot a dance mv, I have to participate in training."

"Wow! Are you going to be an idol?!"

"It doesn't count, I just want to try it and see how it goes."