Ming Jing Tai

Chapter 1


It was just dawn, and a team of about 200 people came from outside the capital. After seeing the waist card of the person who came, the gatekeeper did not respect the identity of the other party, but said in a business manner: "According to the rules, your troops can only be stationed three miles away from the capital."


One person was angry, and the leader raised his hand to stop him and said, "Take your brothers to find a place to camp, and I will go back alone."

"My lord, this subordinate will go back with you."


Pressing the opponent's shoulder hard, Huo Feng nodded slightly to his subordinates and mounted his horse. The city gate opened, and Huo Feng entered the capital alone.

As Emperor Jiazheng's only younger brother, Huo Feng, the general of the Southern Chu Kingdom, under the severe situation of the current dynasty, he must also be careful and careful. Although he was a general with 700,000 soldiers and horses from the Southern Chu Kingdom, when his wife and children were trapped in the capital, he could only swallow his anger. Originally, Huo Feng tried to avoid returning to Beijing, but his concubine gave birth to Lin'er for him last month. The emperor issued an imperial decree asking him to return to Beijing to report his duties, and he had to come back under both sides. If he doesn't come back, he will be disrespectful to the decree. He can't escape the relationship with his subordinates' wives and children, and he does miss his wife and children a little. Just come back, but it is full of crises.

"Old Huang, I really don't trust the lord to go back alone. That is the land of tigers and wolves." Xu Baicai, a subordinate who followed Huo Feng back to Beijing, said worriedly.

Huang Han looked at the prince's figure, and said worriedly: "I'm worried too. But when we get here, we have to be very careful when we talk and do things. They are everywhere here, and we must not cause any trouble for the prince or leave anything behind. Go, find a place to set up camp."


The two mounted their horses and took two hundred soldiers to find a place to camp three miles away.

The eunuch Zhang Zhong sat in the yard and fed the birds on the ground. One person bowed and approached him, whispering in his ear, "Lord Dugong, Huo Feng is back."

Zhang Zhong put a meal on his hand, and then sprinkled all the rice grains in his hand on the ground. The man immediately waved, and a little eunuch immediately brought hot tea. Zhang Zhong wiped his hands first, then took the tea cup, took two sips, and then asked slowly, "How many people did he bring back?"

"About two hundred people. We were blocked from the capital by our people. He was the only one who entered the capital, and is now on his way to the palace."

Zhang Zhong handed out the tea bowl, and the man immediately took it. Zhang Zhong stood up and said slowly: "The King of Yue has just returned, we have to give him some face. I'll go to the emperor's place now. What about the heavy man?"

The man pursed his lips: "I was called away by the noble concubine."

"Then let him come to see me when he comes back."


On a July day, knowing that the noise was annoying, Zhang Zhong yawned and led a few of his subordinates to the palace of Emperor Jiazheng Huo Wenlong. When he came to the door of the bedroom, Zhang Zhong heard some kind of faint sound coming from inside. He raised his sleeves to cover his mouth, covering the corners of his mouth with satisfaction. The eunuch guarding the door opened the door of the bedroom, Zhang Zhong walked in alone, and shouted in a high voice from the outside: "Your Majesty, the servants want to see you."

The promiscuous sound in the house stopped, and a lazy male voice came from the house: "I have something important to do right now."

"Your Majesty, the King of Yue has returned to Beijing."

"He's back in Beijing? So fast!"

There was a screeching sound in the house. After a while, Emperor Jiazheng came out wearing a dragon robe, but his hair was a little messy, and the dragon robe was dressed casually, and there was a strong smell of after-love on his body.

Emperor Jiazheng's physique can be regarded as burly, but due to years of immersion in drinking and having fun, the corners of his eyes and mouth drooped down, revealing a state of weakness that should not be seen at his age.

Zhang Zhong poured tea for the emperor himself, and said respectfully, "The King of Yue is returning to Beijing to report his duties. I wonder if the emperor can be seen today?"

Emperor Jiazheng looked at the tea in the cup hesitantly, and finally asked, "Has his crime been confirmed?"

"It's all implemented, just wait for the emperor to send it."

Emperor Jiazheng waved his hand irritably: "Since it's implemented, we can do what we want to do. But I still have to 'ask' it clearly. He said that he is my brother. I can't let people say that I don't recognize my six relatives and are cold-blooded and ruthless."


"go Go."

Zhang Zhong bowed and stepped back, a flash of joy that a major event was about to happen in his eyes.

Zhang Zhong left, and Emperor Jiazheng sat on the throne with a frown. For this younger brother, he still has a bit of brotherhood. But this younger brother was armed with heavy troops, and Zhang Zhong found out that he was planning to rebel, so he couldn't forgive him. Brotherhood is more important than the country.

"Your Majesty, why haven't you come yet, the slave family can't wait."

The heaviness on Emperor Jiazheng's face immediately turned lustful, he put down the tea cup, got up and walked quickly into the bedroom. On the big bed, a sexy and enchanting beautiful woman was lying half-naked on it, her long hair pouring down, very charming.

"Concubine Ai, I'm here." Pounced on the bed, Emperor Jiazheng couldn't wait to take off his dragon robe, and the tiger's body shook and pressed him.

"Your Majesty... hehehe..."

Spring nights are precious in a moment. In front of beauties, let alone brotherhood, the country and society are not important.

Emperor Jiazheng liked beauty, but Ru Guifei was the only one who gave birth to a son for him among the three thousand pink and six thousand beauties in the palace. This child naturally became the prince. Although Concubine Ru Gui is only a concubine, but her mother is precious by her son, and her family is powerful, she seems to be the mistress of the harem, even if the queen sees her, she will be courteous three points.

At this time, Concubine Ru was half lying on her chaise longue, and one person was fanning her. Concubine Ru squinted her eyes and looked very comfortable, but she was not very happy when she said it.

"The seductive woman Zhang Zhong found for the emperor is very good at serving people. The emperor stayed in the palace every day because of her, and didn't even go to court. It's really 'the king will not go to court earlier'."

The man did not make a sound, and the fanning movement stopped.

Concubine Ru opened her eyes. Although there were some traces of years in the corners of her eyes, it was difficult to hide her once peerless elegance. It was no wonder that she had been favored by the emperor for many years, but in recent months, Concubine Ru was a little unhappy.

"Heavy people, Ben Gong didn't mean to blame you. Ben Gong has always known your sincerity, but Zhang Zhong's actions were too unkind."

This man opened his mouth, his voice was cold and clear: "The Governor has his own intentions for doing this. She is just a woman with big breasts and no brains, why should the empress have the same knowledge as her. No matter how favored she is, she will not be able to give birth to an emperor. Come. It won't be long before the emperor gets tired of it."

Concubine Ru Gui smiled: "That's true. It's still important to think clearly." She sat up, touched Yi Zhongren's face lovingly, and sighed: "In this palace, you also understand the heart of this palace. You are the Jie Yuhua of this palace, the noble person of this palace. If it weren't for you, the prince would have long ago..."

"Niangniang, don't mention the past. The crown prince was rich and blessed, but he accidentally fell into the water that time, and the minions happened to meet them. If there are no minions, there will be others. Some things come true if you say too much. Niangniang should pray for the safety of His Highness every day."

"Yeah, look at Ben Gong's mouth. The crown prince wants to be safe and healthy every day. I will be more and more inseparable from you." Ru Guifei leaned on Yi Zhongren's shoulders, extremely close.

Yi Zhongren's face did not have the joy or fear that was favored by the imperial concubine, but was as cold as his voice, and with his makeup, it was even more terrifying to look at.

Yi Zhongren raised his hand, rubbed his thumb against the red lips of the noble concubine, and said, "Miss, it's time for the servant to go."

"Can't I stay with this palace for a while?" Concubine Ru retreated.

"When the servant is done, come to accompany the maiden." Yi Zhongren said teasing words coldly, and Concubine Ru suddenly smiled and waved: "Go, go."

Yi Zhongren got up, bowed and stepped back. After he left, Concubine Ru touched her red lips that had just been touched by the other party, her eyes filled with regret, how could such a beautiful man be a eunuch.

Concubine Ru Gui's preference for Yi Zhongren was known to everyone in the palace, even Emperor Jiazheng. However, Yi Zhongren was a eunuch, and no matter how much he favored him, he couldn't do anything to Concubine Ru, so Emperor Jiazheng would turn a blind eye. If you make trouble with him, there is Yi Zhong who is holding him back. The boss doesn't talk about the second child. As long as both parties don't go too far, everything will be calm.

When Yi Zhongren came out of the imperial concubine's bedroom, just a few steps away, someone stopped him, bowed and said, "Lord Qianhu, Lord Dugong wants to see you on something important."

"Yeah." In a light response, Yi Zhongren walked in the direction of leaving the palace. This is the harem, and you can't sit in a sedan chair. There are two people behind him carrying a soft sedan chair.

The eunuchs in the Fengqi Palace of the Southern Chu Kingdom have to wear makeup. Don't look at Zhang Zhong's position as the first eunuch. The first thing he does every day after getting up and washing up is nothing else, but to paint his eyebrows. It is said that the founding emperor liked this set very much, and then the style of eunuch makeup continued. Some eunuchs look lovable, and they look good when they are painted with powder and eyebrows, while some eunuchs are simply monsters, such as Zhang Zhong. And Yi Zhongren can be regarded as the most beautiful eunuch in the palace, but the makeup on his face made him look a bit more cannibalistic.

The crimson eye tail line, the pale face like ghosts, the deep purple lips, coupled with his unfathomable skills and cruel methods, the Jiazheng Emperor who originally wanted him to serve in the bed was all confused by his face. The ten thousand years of ice-cold air was so cold that he lost his mind. Yi Zhongren entered the palace at the age of ten, and it has been fifteen years since then. In the past 15 years, he has gone from the lowest eunuch to the second eunuch. His methods and scheming can be seen. In addition, he is the savior of the prince, the guest of Concubine Ru, and the thousand households of the imperial guard. Sir, Zhang Zhong's heartfelt subordinate, his power in the palace can be described as flourishing. Everyone believed that the first eunuch after Zhang Zhong was none other than Yi Zhongren.

After leaving the harem, Yi Zhongren got into the sedan chair. Leaning on the sedan chair, closing his eyes and resting, he turned the jade finger on the index finger of his right hand. With a slight movement of his ears, Yi Zhongren opened his eyes, opened the sedan curtain, and someone came forward. A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Stop."


Following the order, the sedan stopped. Immediately, someone lifted the curtain of the sedan chair for Yi Zhongren. Yi Zhongren sat in the sedan chair and did not intend to come out. He looked at a group of men and horses that gradually entered in front of him, or, in other words, the person who was "escorted" by a group of people and horses.

The man pursed his lips after Yi Zhongren's sedan chair stopped, and his eyes were full of suppressed disgust. If he had known that he would meet this person, he should have entered the palace later. But you can't just turn a blind eye, especially when the other party is obviously waiting for him. Huo Feng wished they were all struck to death by lightning.

After swallowing this sullen breath, Huo Feng, the dignified King of Southern Chu, walked in front of Yi Zhongren, clasped his fists and saluted, "Eunuch Yi."

"Your Highness." Yi Zhongren shouted disrespectfully before he got out of the sedan chair. Looking at each other coldly, the corners of his mouth twitched: "The servant heard that the concubine side gave birth to a son for the prince last month, the servant is here to congratulate the prince, the prince returns to Beijing so soon, it seems that he has a son and everything. feet."

Hearing this was extremely harsh, Huo Feng said with a sullen face: "This king is returning to Beijing to report his work, and it is just time to get together with his wife and children. Gonggong Yi is busy during the day, so this king will not disturb him any more."

"My lord finally came back to Beijing, the servants are not busy." Yi Zhongren unexpectedly did not intend to let Huo Feng go. It's not that the two have never met before. Before Yi Zhongren was in power, he respected Huo Feng a little bit. After he was in power, he always treated Huo Feng with such a mocking attitude. Huo Feng hated these eunuchs, not to mention a person like Yi Zhongren who had the blood of loyal ministers on his hands, and he could not wait to get rid of them. He will never forget that the former prime minister Zhang Deyuan's family died tragically at the hands of this man.

Raising his hand to let the left and right sides step back, Yi Zhongren's icy eyes fell on Huo Feng's face, his purple lips lightly parted: "Do you still remember what happened in the palace five years ago?"

"Sorry for my poor memory." Huo Feng sneered in his heart.

There was a burst of anger in Yi Zhongren's eyes, and it was instantly suppressed.

"The lord has a bad memory, but the servant will never forget it. Do you want the servant to remind the lord?"

"Since this king doesn't remember it, why should I mention it again?"

When the two of you came and went, Yi Zhongren suddenly raised his hand and flicked it on Huo Feng's shoulder, as if he was flicking some dust. Huo Feng immediately took a sinister step back, as if he had been touched by something dirty.

"My lord, go all the way."

Still not saying what happened five years ago, Yi Zhongren gave Huo Feng four words and sat back in the sedan chair.

"Get up-"

The car curtain was lowered, and Huo Feng's demonic face was covered by the curtain, but Huo Feng couldn't help but frown in his heart, what was Yi Zhongren's look just now? And why did the other party suddenly mention what happened five years ago? And what does the phrase "going well" mean? Huo Feng's eyelids twitched a few times and turned around.

In the sedan chair, Yi Zhongren's face removed the ridicule he had just faced Huo Feng. Outside the sedan chair, Huo Feng watched Yi Zhongren's sedan chair drift away. Five years ago, he could not help but satirize Yi Zhongren as a demon and a eunuch in the imperial garden. At that time, Yi Zhongren said something to him: "My lord, be careful to walk too much at night and be entangled by demons." Since then After that, he and Yi Zhongren were completely torn apart. Afterwards, he also regretted his choice of words. Although he had 700,000 soldiers and horses, in the face of this situation surrounded by tigers and wolves, all he could do was to endure. Offending Yi Zhongren is equivalent to offending Hu Anwei. He was already ready to be troubled by Yi Zhongren, but after taking over the matter, Yi Zhongren did nothing. But three months later, Prime Minister Zhang Deyuan was charged with trumped-up charges, and the family was beheaded and exiled. Prime Minister Zhang and his son both died at the hands of Yi Zhongren.

Huo Feng's heart suddenly thumped. five years ago. In addition to his bad relationship with Yi Zhongren, there is also the tragic death of Prime Minister Zhang!

"Your Highness, go all the way..."

Huo Feng's body instantly broke out in cold sweat.

"Your Highness?" said the palace guard who escorted Huo Feng into the palace.

Huo Feng said calmly, "Let's go."

Five years ago... all the way... Huo Feng resisted the desire to turn back. Yi Zhongren, what do you mean by your words

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