Ming Jing Tai

Chapter 10


In front of the mirror stage, Yi Zhongren slowly drew crimson eyeliner at the corner of his eyes, stroke by stroke. After sketching, he slowly drew his lips again. Deep purple lips, dark red eyeliner, and white face outline a charming face.

Half an hour ago, Yi Zhongren received secret letters from Zhang Zhong and Ru Guifei respectively, telling him to act tonight. A sneer appeared on Yi Zhongren's mouth.

"Child, from today onwards you will be called Yi Zhongren, 'reborn as a human being'. The most dangerous place is also the safest place, forget your original name, your surname is Yi now, a little eunuch who just entered the palace. Your life It's hard-won, don't think about revenge, it's the most important thing to survive."

Yi Zhongren put down his brush and looked at his face in the bronze mirror.

Is it important to live? Then what are his dead parents and dead relatives? What is the man's self-esteem that he lost? No, survival is not the most important thing.

Standing up, tidying up his clothes, Yi Zhongren wrapped a cloak and went out. The sun has set, and the November sky is long gone. With the cold wind blowing, Yi Zhongren entered the palace.

Kun State's army had entered the Southern Chu State, and at this time they were fighting against the troops of the King of Yue. On the side of the Tianshen Sect, Emperor Jiazheng just sent the troops of Hu'an Guard and Yuqin Guard to destroy it.

Emperor Jiazheng obviously hated King Yue more than King Yue and Deity Sect.

The army of the imperial court and the army of Kunguo were both targeting the King of Yue, and Huo Feng was under great pressure. Huang Han's men had already joined Huo Feng half a month ago, and now they are fighting fiercely with Kunguo's troops at "Baiyu Pass".

At present, there is not a very obvious atmosphere of war coming in the capital. There are many tyrants and high-ranking officials from the Southern Chu Kingdom. The fact that Kunguo sent troops seems to have reassured these people. Although the smoke of gunpowder is everywhere, it does not affect some people's eating, drinking and entertainment.

Yi Zhongren rode to the palace on horseback, followed by the Huanwei guards behind him. People on the street saw him politely and avoided him. You may not know who Yi Zhongren is, but you must not be ignorant of this makeup.

From the nearby brothel, the girls' laughter and the men's obscene words were heard from time to time. Yi Zhongren glanced over there and restrained his horse. When the pedestrians around saw his eyes, all of them were terrified.

Yi Zhongren said lightly to the Huanwei guards behind him: "During the national crisis, there are still people who drink and have fun, and they should be punished."

The two subordinates who followed Yi Zhongren immediately took two troops and left the team. After a while, screams and crying came from the brothel.

Yi Zhongren pursed his lips and rode his horse to continue to the palace.


In the imperial study, Emperor Jiazheng was losing his temper. The King of Yue hadn't cleaned up yet, and another "Sect of the Gods" appeared.

Emperor Jiazheng had been in power for more than ten years, and he had been enjoying himself for more than ten years, but now that the boat has capsized in the gutter, and after more than four months of tension and dealing with the political affairs, he was full of fire.

Anyone who is interrupted while eating, drinking, and having fun, and has to worry about busy day and night, will have a black face, not to mention Emperor Jiazheng who is not interested in the government at all. In the past four months, he has been living like a year. Every day, he is looking forward to the emergence of a magical army in the sky, and instantly kills all the rebels.

Emperor Jiazheng was unhappy, and the people under him naturally had to follow unlucky. Not to mention the eunuchs and palace maids who served him closely. If they didn't pay attention, they would be scolded at light, and killed at worst.

The more he thought about it, the more angry Emperor Jiazheng turned over the old accounts of Zhang Zhong and Sun Jiyu. Even if the King of Yue himself had the intention of treason, it was because Zhang Zhong and Sun Jiyu first attacked the King of Yue and gave the King of Yue this excuse.

The DPRK is now divided into two factions, one is naturally Zhang Zhong, Sun Jiyu and the like; the other is the ministers who are trying to pull them off their horses.

Because Emperor Jiazheng began to pro-government, Zhang Zhong and Sun Jiyu could not arrest ministers as blatantly as in the past. In addition, Emperor Jiazheng was always a little more annoyed at them this time, and the two did not dare to be too arrogant at this juncture. This also led to the fact that almost every day, their portfolios were sent to the emperor.

Anyone who listens to other people's bad words a lot will also have a bad feeling towards that person's heart. Every day I heard from the ministers what evil things Zhang Zhong and Sun Jiyu had committed, and when the favored concubine was blowing the pillow, it was impossible for Emperor Jiazheng to trust Zhang Zhong and Sun Jiyu as much as before.

Emperor Jiazheng is not stupid, and he has been in power for more than four months, and he has also noticed some signs of deception between the two. Out of warning, in order to kill chickens as an example, and even to vent his anger, Emperor Jiazheng directly ordered the appointment of some powerful people in Huanwei and Yuqinwei. If it weren't for Concubine Ru to protect Yi Zhongren, Yi Zhongren would not have escaped death.

The situation is getting more and more serious for Zhang Zhong and Sun Jiyu, and this night, it is even more of a last-ditch battle for Zhang Zhong.

Emperor Jiazheng scolded several ministers in the imperial study. Even a small cult of the gods can make the South Chu country utterly miserable. He doesn't scold the ministers who scold anyone - Emperor Jiazheng will never take the responsibility on himself.

After scolding the minister, Emperor Jiazheng returned to the palace with a belly full of fire. With the comfort of Concubine Ai, he felt better, and ordered the imperial kitchen to bring dinner over.


In one of the most gorgeous palaces in the harem, Concubine Ru was sitting alone in front of the Buddhist altar, with the appearance of worshipping the Buddha with a pure heart. If someone who knows her well is present, they will find that she is a little nervous under her calm face. Concubine Ru's fingertips trembled slightly as she turned the beads, and her delicate makeup was two paler than usual.

Time passed slowly, Concubine Ru opened her eyes, put down the beads, and stood up slowly.

"Rong Wei, what time is it?"

"Go back to Empress, it's two quarters of the hour."

Concubine Ru's hand trembled obviously. She took a deep breath calmly, walked out of the Buddhist hall, and said to the eunuch who was guarding outside: "Bengong is going to see the crown prince. He is getting more and more naughty now, don't let him get up again like yesterday. go to sleep."


Concubine Ru Gui took the bodyguards to the palace.


In the emperor's bedroom, Emperor Jiazheng closed his eyes with his concubine in his arms, and there was still a bit of anger in his eyes.

Concubine Qin lightly rubbed Emperor Jiazheng's eyebrows and said delicately, "Your Majesty, you haven't had a good rest for several days, so rest early tonight."

"I don't have the heart to sleep." Emperor Jiazheng opened his eyes and said bitterly.

At this time, the voice of the eunuch on duty came from outside: "Report to the emperor, Master Zhang and Master Sun asked to see the emperor, saying that there is something important to report."

"Look, something has happened again. These annoying guys can't let me live in peace, they are all trash!" Emperor Jiazheng let go of the beauty and walked out of the bedroom.

Zhang Zhong and Sun Jiyu bowed their heads and came in, followed by Yi Zhongren. As soon as the three came in, the eunuch on duty retreated and closed the door.

The three of them knelt on the ground. Emperor Jiazheng gave Yi Zhongren one more look and asked in a cold voice, "What's the matter to report? Did the King of Yue come over, or did the 'Tianjin Sect' capture a few more cities?"

Sun Jiyu glanced at Zhang Zhong, he was completely called by Zhang Zhong. Zhang Zhong only said that he had received a secret message, but he did not tell what it was. He said it in front of the emperor. Sun Jiyu is a little unhappy, what is there to be afraid of that he won't get the chance

Zhang Zhong lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty, the servant has found out where the Prince of Yue is."


When Emperor Jiazheng let go of the woman in his arms, Sun Jiyu was also shocked.

"Where!" Emperor Jiazheng was very excited. When he caught the Prince of Yue, he had one more chip in his hand to threaten the King of Yue! And it is a very important bargaining chip!

Zhang Zhong raised his head and said hesitantly, "The place where the Prince of Yue is hiding... It may be a place where the emperor can't send someone to arrest him. The servants dare not say it directly, and the servants can only tell the emperor quietly."

"I can't even send someone to arrest it? Could it be in the sky? Come here." Emperor Jiazheng hooked his fingers at Zhang Zhong, but he wanted to hear where he had such great ability.

Zhang Zhong immediately stood up and walked over, killing intent flashed in Sun Jiyu's eyes. Is this guy Zhang Zhong planning to swallow it all? !

Concubine Qin stepped aside, Zhang Zhong came to the emperor and leaned over, whispering in the emperor's ear: "The servant found out, the prince is here..."

At this moment, Zhang Zhong suddenly took out a dagger from his sleeve, stabbed it at Emperor Jiazheng's waist, and covered Emperor Jiazheng's mouth and nose with his other hand.

Emperor Jiazheng's eyes widened, staring at Zhang Zhong in disbelief, how dare you!

"Ah!" Qin Fei exclaimed.

Sun Jiyu was stunned for a moment, and when he jumped up, he was about to shout. The next moment, he only felt a chill in his neck, his line of sight changed at a strange angle, and the last thing he saw was a fog of blood.


The door of the bedroom was suddenly knocked open, and Yi Zhongren, who killed Sun Jiyu, quickly wrapped the soft sword around his waist and shouted in panic, "Your Majesty!"

A group of palace guards appeared in the bedroom without warning. Zhang Zhong, who was still clutching Emperor Jiazheng's mouth and nose without pulling out his dagger, only felt his mind go blank.


"Ah!" Concubine Ru, who was leading the crown prince, let out a scream, and pointed at Zhang Zhong, who was stunned, and shouted, "Your Majesty! Someone is trying to stab the Emperor!" Then, she saw another man with a split head. The corpse of one person almost fainted, "Father!"

Yi Zhongren flew to Zhang Zhong and kicked him away. Zhang Zhong screamed and collapsed to the ground. Yi Zhongren supported the emperor, secretly stabbed the dagger into Emperor Jiazheng's waist again, and shouted: "Emperor! Call the imperial doctor! Call the imperial doctor!"

Emperor Jiazheng stared at Yi Zhongren, his body twitched a few times, and he swallowed unwillingly.

"Zhang Zhong! How dare you assassinate the emperor!"

Concubine Ru's scream pierced the eardrums of everyone present. Zhang Zhong actually assassinated the emperor in the emperor's bedroom. The guards were frightened to death. Without thinking, they rushed up and chopped Zhang Zhong, who was seriously injured by Yi Zhongren, into pieces.

Emperor Jiazheng's eyes were still staring, he couldn't rest his eyes, gurgling blood gushed out from his waist. He couldn't understand why he died? Why did Zhang Zhong dare to kill him? And this question, he will go to the underworld to think slowly.


Overnight, Emperor Jiazheng died, Sun Jiyu and Zhang Zhong died.

If Concubine Ru Gui, who brought the prince to visit the emperor, had not come in time, I am afraid that the world would have become Zhang Zhong's. The guards of Emperor Jiazheng's palace were all replaced by Zhang Zhong's people before Zhang Zhong's arrival, so he could enter the emperor's palace with a dagger, but how did Sun Jiyu die? But very weird.

Zhang Zhongxing assassinated the emperor, not only Ru Guifei saw it, but even the little prince saw it with his own eyes, iron proof. And Sun Jiyu had his head chopped off, except for Yi Zhongren who was present, who else could have this ability

Yi Zhongren gave an explanation. Zhang Zhong falsely accused Sun Jiyu of secretly colluding with the King of Yue, and also took out a letter from Sun Jiyu to the King of Yue. The emperor was furious and ordered him to behead Sun Jiyu on the spot, and Zhang Zhong was able to get close to the emperor on the grounds of this, and Concubine Ru saw what happened next.

Such an explanation is not without doubts, but the fact that Zhang Zhong assassinated the emperor was true, and the terrified Concubine Qin testified that it was indeed the emperor who asked Yi Zhongren to kill Sun Jiyu.

Concubine Qin was the only witness present, and her words were the most powerful evidence. And everyone knows that Concubine Qin and Yi Zhongren are not on the same page. Yi Zhongren belongs to Concubine Ru Gui, and Concubine Qin is the emperor's favorite concubine. Concubine Qin has no reason to speak for Yi Zhongren, so what she said should be the truth. I didn't expect Zhang Zhong to be so vicious.

Yi Zhongren took Zhang Zhong's Governor's token and quickly rushed to the base camp of Huanwei.

Concubine Ru quickly calmed down, ordered the news to be blocked, and summoned several important officials from the court in the name of the prince.

The prince is only nine years old this year, and in the name of the prince... The ministers who were summoned immediately smelled something different and entered the palace immediately.

That night, the people in the palace were panicked, and a major purge swept the palace and the capital before the news of Emperor Jiazheng's assassination came out.

Ten days later, the news of the emperor's funeral came out. Zhang Zhong assassinated the emperor, Sun Jiyu was falsely accused and killed by Zhang Zhong, and the people of Huanwei Qianhu Yizhong won Zhang Zhong at a critical time and kept the prince safe, and took the lead.

Although Yi Zhongren killed Sun Jiyu, he acted according to orders, and no one could blame him, only Zhang Zhong was too vicious.

The emperor died suddenly, the young prince was in danger and ascended the throne, the concubine Ru Gui, who was promoted to the empress dowager, sat under the curtain, and Yi Zhongren became the governor of Shanghai Anwei. Before the new envoy was elected, Yi Zhongren was in charge of the imperial guards.

Yi Zhongren is the savior of the new emperor and the confidant of the queen mother, and now he is even more powerful, and his power is comparable to that of Zhang Zhong and Sun Jiyu at the time.

The ministers in the court who were still trying to fight against Zhang Zhong and Sun Jiyu immediately shut up. Yi Zhongren's sternness is different from Zhang Zhong and Sun Jiyu, but more frightening than them.

Many people thought that the bloody storm was coming again, and they did not know who the first minister to be executed by Yi Zhongren would be, and everyone was in danger for a while.


"Chongren, do you really want to go in person? It's just a magician. Doesn't it matter who you send?"

In the Empress Dowager's palace, Empress Dowager Ru reluctantly took Yi Zhongren's hand.

The son ascended the throne smoothly, and she was crowned the queen mother. If it weren't for Yi Zhongren, she would not know when she would get all this. Empress Dowager Ru didn't feel the sadness of her father's passing away at all, and now the person she trusts most is none other than Yi Zhongren.

Empress Dowager Ren Ru of Yi Zhongren held his hand and said with a frown, "Sima Xian can be a magic stick that responds to every call, and his own strength is definitely not bad. All the people sent by the minions to assassinate him have gone back, or he is by his side. There is a master, or his kung fu is extremely high.

"Niangniang, now we have the King of Yue in the north and Sima Xian in the south, and the emperor has just ascended the throne. If you can kill one of them, it will greatly boost the morale of the court to fight the enemy. The King of Yue is now under the control of the 300,000 army of Kun State and 200 of the court's army. Wan Dajun is dragging it, and it is not a big problem for the time being, but this "Deity Sect", the sooner the better, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

"If you kill Sima Xian, the deity religion will be in chaos, the court can take the opportunity to eradicate it, and it can also ease the pressure on the court. In addition, Kunguo is willing to send troops for the sake of our four cities. Now that the first emperor is buried in the sky, it is impossible to guarantee that there will be nothing. Bad pool, even if there is no bad pool, Niangniang is willing to cede four cities?"

Empress Dowager Ru's face was ruthless: "Kunguo takes advantage of the danger, and when the King of Yue and that magic cudgel are dealt with, the Aijia will definitely use them to attack! The Aijia will never allow anyone to threaten the emperor's status."

"So, the slave must come forward."

Empress Dowager Ru immediately said worriedly: "You go alone, Aijia is not at ease, you can bring more people." She agreed.

Yi Zhong said: "The slaves will make perfect arrangements."

"You're gone, what about Hu'anwei and Yuqinwei? None of those people, Aijia believes."

"The minions dare to leave Niangniang only when there is a suitable candidate. On the side of Huanwei, Niangniang can rest assured to hand over to the newly promoted eunuch Guo An. This person acts cautiously. He used to be in charge of Huanwei."

"As for the imperial guards, the madam might as well choose one from your own family. The slave remembers that the maiden has a cousin named Zhuang Ye. This person is a sidekick. His parents died early and he has no brothers. If he is promoted to be the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard, he will definitely be grateful to the empress and obey her words. The most important thing is that he is a side member, and he has nothing to do with the family, and it will prevent him from being out of control in the future."

Empress Dowager Ru snuggled into Yi Chongren's arms, and said moved: "You still think carefully, if the people around this palace can be like you, it would be good for the palace to think about it all the time. If you are serious about people, if you are not Eunuch, this palace immediately asks the emperor to make you prime minister."

A cold light flashed in Yi Zhongren's eyes, and his tone was a little softer: "The slave does these things for the goddess, not to get any benefits from the goddess, the goddess should know the heart of the slave."

Empress Dowager Ru's heart moved, and she hugged Yi Zhongren.

"Niangniang, you have to be careful about everything after the servant leaves."

"Don't worry, Ben Gong is not one of those little sluts who only invite men to pet them, they are not so easy to bully." Empress Dowager Ru changed her tone and asked incomparably sinister: "What about that little slut, Concubine Qin? Promise Aijia to vent his anger for Aijia."

"Is the maiden still not trusting the slave? When it falls into the hands of the slave, the slave will only tell her that she cannot survive or die."

Concubine Ru smiled: "Bengong knows that it is most suitable to give her to you."

Yi Zhongren hooked the corner of his mouth.