Ming Jing Tai

Chapter 18


When he arrived at Yi Zhongren's residence, before entering the house, Huo Feng heard the voices of the two children.

"Dad, are there grapes in the capital?"

"The capital has everything. Beans are grapes, not grapes."

"Well... Daddy, why did Douzi call his strange uncle 'Father King'? Douzi already has a father, so why would he still have a father? Isn't Daddy called 'Father'? Why did he become 'Father King' again?"

"You are still young. Dad will explain it to you when you grow up. Remember to call him 'Father King'. When you return to the capital, you may have to change your tune."

"Why do you have to change your mouth when you return to the capital?"

"Daddy will explain to you when you grow up."

"Um..." Bean was visibly confused.

"Dad, does Baozi also call his strange uncle 'Father King'?"

"..." Yi Zhongren was silent.

Huo Feng naturally pushed open the door and walked in: "Bun naturally also calls him 'Father King'."

Yi Zhongren in the bedroom frowned and raised his head. As soon as Baozi and Douzi saw Uncle Weird, they immediately forgot what Daddy said before, and the two sitting on the bed immediately hid behind Daddy, sticking out half of their heads. The two children are still a little curious about this strange uncle who suddenly appeared.

Huo Feng opened his mouth: "You haven't answered Baozi's question, what should he call me?"

"My lord, this is not a child's play, please think again." Yi Zhongren stood up, put down the bed curtain, and isolated the two children from Huo Feng.

"The children are young, so they will take it seriously. Caomin will explain it to them clearly." Obviously, Yi Zhongren didn't want Baozi to climb this "relative".

"Someone." Huo Feng shouted.

Xiaoqin came in from outside with her head lowered. Yi Zhongren watched Huo Feng cautiously, not knowing what he was going to do.

Huo Feng looked at Yi Zhongren and said to Xiaoqin, "Take the buns and beans down."

Xiaoqin raised her head and looked at Yi Zhongren worriedly. Yi Zhongren released his hand from the bed tent and nodded to Xiaoqin. Xiaoqin walked to the side of the bed and carried the two children down.

"Daddy..." Baozi and Douzi didn't want to leave.

"Go to Big Brother with Aunt Qin." Yi Zhong and Xiao Qin put on shoes for the two children together.

Baozi and Douzi looked at Daddy and then at the strange uncle called "Father King", and followed Aunt Qin obediently.

As soon as Xiaoqin came out with the child, Ruan Xingtian, who was standing outside, arranged for several guards to guard from a distance. Huo Feng has ordered that he and Yi Zhongren have important things to discuss, and no one should disturb them.

Huo Feng pulled over a chair in the room and sat opposite Yi Zhongren. Yi Zhongren sat down beside the bed with a little precaution and looked directly at each other. Neither of them spoke first, and after a while, Huo Feng broke the silence.

"Yi Zhongren, what are you afraid of?"

Yi Zhongren's eyes flashed a sneer that Huo Feng was very familiar with: "What should Caomin be afraid of? Caomin just doesn't understand why the prince is here. Caomin used to be a little disrespectful to the prince, but I ask the prince to look at Caomin. For that little kindness to you, I can spare the grass people."

"Caomin? You keep claiming that you are a 'caomin', why does this king feel that you are still the same as before and look down on this king?"

Huo Feng moved the chair forward, his knees almost touching Yi Zhongren's knees, then he leaned forward and put his hands on Yi Zhongren's sides.

Yi Zhongren stepped back, his eyes frozen.

"What are you afraid of? Afraid that this king will eat you? Or punish you for your sins?"

Huo Feng's breath sprayed on his face, Yi Zhongren didn't want to show weakness, so he didn't step back. He said coldly: "Didn't the lord already say that he wants to punish the grass-roots people?"

The corner of Huo Feng's mouth evoked a sneer that looked like Yi Zhongren, and he leaned into Yi Zhongren's ear, as Yi Zhongren had done to him, and said, "The one who dared to call this king a coward and a coward back then. Where did Yi Zhongren go? How come you have become so timid after not seeing each other for a few years? You are afraid of returning to Beijing with this king, afraid that this king will accept Baozi as his adopted son, and afraid of seeing this king again. Yi Zhongren, you are the one coward."

Yi Zhongren's eyes were gloomy: "My lord, the method of aggressive generals is useless to the grass people."

"Why does this king use aggressive tactics against you? What you said to this king, this king has never forgotten in the past six years. Yi Zhongren, you can escape, if you bear the heart, the steamed bun will start a life of wandering from now on. , you can escape."

Killing intent flashed in Yi Zhongren's eyes.

"Zhang Deyuan and the others are still in the capital. Yi Zhongren, you are just an ordinary person now. You can't rescue them by yourself as you did before. If you don't want them to suffer, you can escape." Leaving these words, Huo Feng stood up and strode away.

Yi Zhongren clenched his fists tightly, restraining the urge to take the sword.

After closing the door, Huo Feng's face no longer had a trace of ruthlessness. Seeing him coming out, Ruan Xingtian came over to speak, but Huo Feng raised his hand to stop him. Thinking of a person with high martial arts in the house, Ruan Xingtian immediately shut up.

After leaving Yi Zhongren's residence far away, Ruan Xingcai said: "My lord, the world is set, you should return to Beijing as soon as possible."

Huo Feng said: "Left in three days. You tell Huaiqiu, no matter what this king does to Yi Zhongren, he will not interfere, this king has his own plans."

Ruan Xingtian was a little embarrassed. Zhang Huaiqiu knew better than anyone how much he valued Yi Zhongren, and he could definitely have a conflict with the prince over Yi Zhongren, which was where Ruan Xingtian felt powerless.

"This king is not an ungrateful person, but if I want him to obediently return to the capital with this king, this king must use some means. Don't tell Huaiqiu these words. Now is the time when this king and Yi Zhongren are fighting wits and courage, who would dare Intervening, this king will never forgive me lightly."

The last sentence shows that there is no room for change in this matter. When Ruan Xingtian saw this, he could only nod his head, it seemed that he was interested in Huaiqiu.

After Huo Feng said those words, Yi Zhongren never left the room.

The more adversity, the calmer he becomes. It is already conceivable that he will never have good fruit to eat when he returns to the capital. Huo Feng was ready when he threatened him with a steamed bun.

Yi Zhongren thought about how he killed Huo Feng without knowing it, and then escaped with the steamed buns. As for Douzi... He believed that Huo Yunkai could take good care of him, and he couldn't care less.

But just when Yi Zhongren was thinking about countermeasures, Huo Feng ordered someone to carry a couch to Yi Zhongren's bedroom, and even took his luggage to Yi Zhongren's room.

He didn't even look at Yi Zhongren, and after washing away the dust, he lay down on the couch and pulled the quilt. After a while, the snoring sounded.

Yi Zhongren stared blankly at the person sleeping in front of him, and for the first time, he was a little dazed.

What is this guy doing? He was thinking about how to kill, but this man ran to sleep in front of him carelessly!

Yi Zhongren took down the sword at the head of the bed, so why not kill him at this time!

"Daddy..." Baozi and Douzi came in, and Yi Zhongren hurriedly hung up the sword.

As soon as they came in and saw Uncle Weird sleeping, Baozi and Douzi lightly walked up to Daddy happily, raised the night pearl in their hands, and said in a low voice, "Daddy, it's given by Father and Uncle, it can shine."

Baozi and Douzi each have a night pearl in their hands. The first thought of the two children who received the gift was to give it to their father. Yi Zhongren felt guilty for a moment, he just wanted to drop the beans! He is not worthy of the beans to call him Daddy!

"Daddy, here it is." Douzi put Ye Mingzhu in Daddy's hand.

The buns were also handed over to Daddy, and he whispered again, "Father and Uncle Wang said that this beads will become brighter at night."

After swallowing, Yi Zhongren put two beads into the pockets of beans and buns, and said in a low voice, "You take what your father gave you. You want to be called father father, not father father uncle."

The two children blinked incredulously. Looking at Huo Feng who was sleeping soundly, Yi Zhongren picked up the two children and went out. Douzi and Baozi took out the night pearl and played with it, they liked the gift very much, but Huo Feng seemed to be really asleep and didn't respond at all.

Yi Zhongren, who was originally guilty of Douzi, pushed open the door, but was told by the guard outside the house that he could not leave the yard, and Yi Zhongren's evil fire came up again in an instant. He couldn't have a seizure in front of the child. He returned to the house with the buns and beans in his arms, thinking that he should still kill the guy in the house.


This time, Huo Feng slept until it was dark before he woke up. The first thing he did when he woke up was to feel whether his head was still around his neck. With his head still in place, Huo Feng felt relieved.

There was a faint light outside the bedroom, Huo Feng got up, opened the door, and saw Yi Zhongren reading a book under the oil lamp, the two children were not there.

Hearing the movement, Yi Zhongren raised his head and glanced at Huo Feng, then continued to read the book expressionlessly, without any intention of opening his mouth.

How could Huo Feng not see that this person was angry, he went out and let someone bring him food, and then naturally sat down opposite Yi Zhongren, with a small square table between them.

Yi Zhongren didn't speak, Huo Feng just looked at the other party so carelessly, no matter how calm Yi Zhongren's heart was, he couldn't keep calm under the undisguised gaze of the other party. But he didn't want to talk to the man and didn't know what to say.

Yi Zhongren turned slightly to avoid Huo Feng's gaze, turned a page, and continued to read.

"Empress Dowager Ru and the emperor are both dead." Huo Feng said.

Yi Zhongren's hand paused slightly and looked up at each other.

Seeing that Yi Zhongren regained his calm after being stunned for a moment, Huo Feng was very satisfied: "At that time, he saw that the situation was over, Empress Ru committed suicide, the emperor escaped from the palace, and was met by my people, who didn't recognize him. , killed directly."

Huo Feng seemed to be talking about the most ordinary thing, but his eyes were firmly locked on Yi Zhongren, wanting to see if the other party was as calm as he appeared.

Yi Zhongren heard the temptation in Huo Feng's words, he put down the book, turned to face Huo Feng, and said ruthlessly, "It's better for these two to die in your lord, but leaving them alone will easily arouse conscientious people. use."

"Yi Zhongren, where is your heart?" Huo Feng stretched out his hand and tapped Yi Zhongren's heart with his index finger.

Yi Zhongren backed away without saying a word.

"The Lord Qianhu of Huanwei is the confidant and favorite of Empress Dowager Ru, and everyone knows it. The ambiguity between you and Empress Dowager Ru is no longer a secret. She is dead, but you are so indifferent. I thought that you treated her, There is still some affection."

It's me, not "the king".

Huo Feng's attitude was completely different from when he used steamed buns and beans to threaten Yi Zhongren before. Yi Zhongren only felt that Huo Feng looked at himself too deeply, and he couldn't see what the other party wanted to do to him at all.

What he did and said to Huo Feng back then, in Huo Feng's current identity, it was normal that he couldn't swallow this breath, but why did it involve Empress Dowager Ru again

Yi Zhongren dealt with it carefully: "No matter how much affection there is between Caomin and Empress Dowager Ru, after Caomin left the capital, it was gone. Otherwise, what would the lord want Caomin to do? To avenge Empress Dowager Ru?"

I just want to know how close you and Empress Dowager Ru were before. Huo Feng looked deeply into Yi Zhongren's eyes, trying to see the truest thoughts in his heart.

"My lord, dinner is here."

Huo Feng straightened his body and let the other party in.

Don't worry, he will have time when he returns to the capital.


Three days later, Huo Feng and his party set off on time. In the past three days, Huo Feng stayed in Yi Zhongren's room all day, either reading a book, establishing a father-son relationship with Baozi Douzi, or fighting wits and courage with Yi Zhongren. How to see how it seems to be monitoring Yi Zhongren.

Yi Zhongren also seems to have accepted his fate. To him, apart from his two children, nothing was important, including his life.

Every time Douzi brought the good things that his father gave him to his father for the first time, Yi Zhongren's heart would be gnawed by guilt. If you can't let it go, let's face it.

Huo Feng's first major event after returning to Beijing was to become emperor. It didn't take long for Huo Feng to marry a concubine and have other children. The kind-hearted and innocent Douzi entered a dangerous quagmire. As a father, he wanted to protect his son.

As for Huo Yunkai, Yi Zhongren was not too worried. Huo Yunkai is already sixteen, and he is the eldest son of Huo Feng. His martial arts knowledge is quite good under his dedicated teaching over the past few years.

It's not that Yi Zhongren is too boastful. It will take at least ten years for Huo Feng to have another son who can rival Huo Yunkai. By then, Huo Yunkai was already in his twenties, and even if the other party was favored by Huo Feng, he would not be able to compete with Huo Yunkai. It can be said that Huo Yunkai's crown prince position is not only a certainty, but no one can shake it. In contrast, beans are more dangerous.

Having figured this out, Yi Zhongren has no more burdens. In the past, he could rescue the old brother from Zhang Zhong and Sun Jiyu's eyes. In the future, he could also protect Douzi and Baozi. Even if Huo Feng became the emperor, he would not be afraid.

Yi Zhongren, who was very sure of his own strength, brought everyone in the manor, including Xiaoqin who had vowed never to return to Beijing. Xiaoqin has no relatives and no reason, so Yi Zhongren recognizes Xiaoqin as a sister, and naturally she should take care of her by her side.

A mighty group of people headed for the capital. Unlike when they came, the speed of going back was slower.

The people in the house are all old and weak, women and children, and naturally cannot ride horses. Huo Feng asked Ruan Xingtian and Zhang Huaiqiu to prepare many carriages to carry these people and their belongings.

Huo Feng sent another 10,000 elite soldiers from Zhao Dongchuan to escort them back to Beijing.

Huo Yunkai didn't take the carriage. He rode a horse and followed the carriage, and was about to return to the capital. He was the happiest. It seemed that his adoptive father was willing.

Surprisingly, Huo Feng didn't ride a horse either. He was sitting in the carriage of Yi Zhongren and his two children, holding the steamed bun who was looking out the window, and Douzi was in Yi Zhongren's arms.

Huo Feng was not biased because Douzi was his biological son. Instead, it seemed that in order to prove that he really wanted Baozi to be his biological son, Huo Feng was closer to Baozi, just like now, instead of holding Douzi, he hugged him. wearing a bun.

Douzi and Baozi were not so repulsive to the father and king who appeared at the beginning. It has to be said that Huo Feng's "gadget offensive" was very effective, and this was Ruan Xingtian's idea for him. Coupled with the fact that Huo Yunkai kept talking to his father, Douzi and Baozi were easily bribed.

In this regard, Yi Zhongren has always been very calm. Douzi was originally Huo Feng's son, and Baozi, in a sense, was kind to Huo Feng, and Huo Feng should also be kind to Baozi. The father of Yi Zhongren wouldn't mind a few more people being nice to the child, he wasn't so stingy.

Huo Feng was sensitively aware of Yi Zhongren's acceptance of the matter of returning to Beijing, and he felt a lot more at ease.

If Yi Zhongren really took the buns and left, he was not confident that he could find this person. Those threatening words are nothing but a strategy to strike first, and in terms of scheming, he is far from an opponent of Yi Zhongren.

In fact, he doesn't want to play tricks with Yi Zhongren, he prefers to take care of his two children in peace with Yi Zhongren as he is now.