Ming Jing Tai

Chapter 20


In the Palace of Concentration, Yi Zhongren was eating with three children. Huo Yunkai has already started to help his father. Today, he rarely has time to come over to have a meal with his adoptive father. The two children have not seen their brother for several days, and are very happy.

Huo Yunkai saw that his adoptive father's expression was not bad, and the worry in his heart went away a little. He didn't know what his father's plans were for his adoptive father, but since his father instructed Lu Tao not to neglect his adoptive father, he was not too worried.

The four of them were eating when the guards shouted from outside: "The emperor is here—"

Yi Zhongren put down his chopsticks and stood up, and Huo Yunkai also stood up. The two dolls, who had not yet started to learn court etiquette, did not move, and looked at the door of the courtyard curiously.

Huo Feng came in and said before the two of them saluted, "No need to be too polite." He looked at Yi Zhongren, "Did you just start eating?"

Yi Zhongren followed his words and asked, "Has the emperor had a meal?"

"Not yet, it looks like I'm here just in time."

Huo Feng naturally walked to Yi Zhongren's side, and immediately someone brought a stool. After sitting down, Huo Feng looked at the dishes on a table and asked in a good mood, "Are you still used to it? Before I went to Yuchengguan, I asked them to replace the former imperial chef, but I don't know if it suits your tastes. "

"Very good, thank the Emperor for your thoughts." Yi Zhongren replied neither humble nor arrogant, and sat down.

The quick-witted palace servants set the table and chopsticks for the emperor, and someone has already gone to the imperial kitchen to order the addition of dishes.

Huo Feng picked up his chopsticks, picked up a dish, and put it in his mouth. After chewing it slowly, he frowned slightly: "It's a bit spicy, I remember you don't eat spicy food."

Yi Zhongren's eyes flashed with daze, and when he took this, he heard Huo Feng say: "Come on. Go to the imperial kitchen and tell them how many dishes in the Ningshen Palace are not spicy."

"Your Majesty," said Yi Zhongren, "Caomin can eat a little spicy food." The most important thing is that the three children like spicy food. Also, how does this person know that he doesn't eat spicy food

Huo Feng put three dishes without peppers in front of Yi Zhongren and said, "I asked the old prime minister, he said you can't eat spicy food, and I didn't see you eating spicy food on the way back to Beijing. Children love it. What, you ask the imperial kitchen to cook for them, what you like to eat, and don't forget to say, I didn't bring you back to make you feel wronged."

Yi Zhongren pursed his lips and felt a strange feeling in his heart. He stared at Huo Feng, trying to see the deep meaning in those eyes.

Huo Feng picked up a few spicy dishes as if nothing was wrong, and said with emotion: "In the past few years, I have become able to eat spicy food." After speaking, Huo Feng squeezed the nose of the steamed bun and Douzi with the other hand, "Looking at the royal father. What are you doing? Eat quickly. If you don't eat well, your father will punish you."

Baozi immediately put a spoonful of rice in his mouth, and then asked one thing he had always been puzzled about: "Father, why did you become father again?"

Bean nodded aside. Daddy's name has changed, and the children are confused.

The corners of Yi Zhongren's mouth filled with a smile of forbearance. Huo Feng laughed and said, "You will know when you grow up."

Dad said the same thing. The two children are no longer entangled in this problem and have a big meal. If you don't eat well, your father will punish you.

Huo Yunkai's eyes were filled with joy. His father and adoptive father got along well, and he was naturally the happiest.

While eating, Huo Feng asked his eldest son if he was getting used to it in the past few days, and Huo Yunkai answered them one by one. Yi Zhongren kept silent, and silently ate the three dishes that Huo Feng exchanged in front of him.

After a while, several new dishes made by the imperial kitchen were delivered, and they were all non-spicy. Huo Feng's appetite seemed to be good, and he ate three bowls of rice in a row.

After the meal, Huo Feng asked Huo Yunkai to bring steamed buns and beans to digest food, while he asked Yi Zhong to come into the room with him, obviously he had something to say to him. Entering the house, closing the door, Yi Zhongren made tea for the two of them. The atmosphere in the room was somewhat peaceful. Huo Feng drank a cup of tea, put down the tea cup and looked at Yi Zhongren, who raised his eyes.

"Heavy people."

Yi Zhongren's heart skipped a beat, and Huo Feng's eyes were too hot.

"Come and help me."

Yi Zhongren waited for him to continue.

Huo Feng said: "The world has been set, and the order is chaotic. Whether it is outside the palace or in the palace, there is still no peace. I am serious about people, and I have no intention of despising you when I say this. I hate it, but you also know that if these people in the palace are not managed well, they will easily become a chaotic party. And I, in the palace, will inevitably use them for many things, I need a reliable person to manage for me follow them."

Yi Zhongren's face turned cold, and ridicule flashed in his eyes. Why did he say it so euphemistically, he just wanted him to go back to his old business and be a eunuch.

Huo Feng knew at a glance that the man had misunderstood. He reached out to grab Yi Zhongren's hand, but was avoided by the other party.

Yi Zhongren said coldly: "The emperor has promoted the grass people. The grass people are from Hu'anwei, but they are completely chaotic parties. The emperor is not afraid of being criticized?"

Huo Feng stood up and walked in front of Yi Zhongren, put his hands on the armrests of his chair, and approached. Yi Zhongren had no choice but to retreat, his eyes were even colder.

Huo Feng bent down and faced Yi Zhongren face to face, enduring a certain desire and anger and said, "You have condemned me before I have finished speaking, are you still blaming me for humiliating you before? It's my fault, and I'll make up for it with you."

Yi Zhongren was stunned uncontrollably by Huo Feng's low-pitchedness, which was a kind of surprise he often had after meeting Huo Feng again.

The breaths of the two were almost mixed as Huo Feng approached, and Yi Zhongren turned his head to avoid the scorching heat from Huo Feng. But soon, his heart was cold again.

That identity was something he hated and wanted to forget, and this person reminded him of his unbearableness in front of him.

"Heavy man", Huo Feng held Yi Zhongren's hand, Yi Zhongren tried to pull it as if he was scalded, but didn't pull it out, "Can you listen to me?"

It's me, not me.

Yi Zhongren turned his head, unable to hide the surprise in his eyes. After a while, he said, "Your Majesty, please speak."

There is ample time. Huo Feng let go of the hand that Yi Zhongren had been wanting to withdraw, returned to his position, and said, "I can't fully trust those servants in the palace, even Lu Tao. Especially those who are serving by my side. When I see them, I will think of Zhang Zhong and the others. The most important thing is that the bad winds of the past will not be eliminated so quickly, and it is difficult to keep the remnants of the evil party in the palace. beans… "

Condensation flashed in Yi Zhongren's eyes, he pondered for a while, then looked at Huo Feng: "What does the emperor want Caomin to do?"

This person is right, the Southern Chu country has a century-old style of eunuch dictatorship, and the new dynasty is just set, it is impossible to guarantee that there will not be any catastrophe in the court. For the sake of two children, how about being a eunuch again

Huo Feng knew that as long as he proposed two children, Yi Zhongren would definitely agree. He said solemnly: "Be my imperial attendant, participate in government affairs, manage the inner court, and walk in front of the imperial court."

Yi Zhongren has a strange feeling in his heart. How is this different from the previous duties of Hu Anwei

Huo Feng looked directly into Yi Zhongren's eyes and said: "I need your means and ability to rectify the inner court, and find those unwilling remnants, and also eliminate hidden dangers for the prince's future ascension. The new dynasty is set, and I need someone to give it to me. These servants have set a new rule, and no one can make me rest assured except you. There is only one 'Master's Attendant', and that is you, and after a hundred years of you, this official position will no longer exist."

To put it bluntly, this official position is tailor-made for Yi Zhongren.

Huo Feng's words and eyes were like a fire, which ignited in Yi Zhongren's heart. He never imagined that Huo Feng had such a plan.

The heartbeat was slightly irregular, and Yi Zhongren subconsciously wanted to avoid Huo Feng's gaze. But he is from Yizhong after all, and he will not run away. He said something wrong: "What's the difference between this and Huanwei? I'm afraid it will arouse the dissatisfaction of hundreds of officials."

Huo Feng said nonchalantly: "There will naturally be people who oppose it, but you don't need to pay attention to it. It is because of you that I have this idea; if I change someone else, I am afraid that he will become the second Zhang Zhong. ."

Yi Zhongren asked with a half-smile but not a smile: "Does the emperor trust the grass people so much?"

In Huo Feng's eyes, flames that would burn Yizhong people appeared again: "Because you are Yizhong people."

A few words, said firmly. A strange feeling flashed in Yi Zhongren's heart again, he slowly stood up, and the corners of his lips twitched.

"If Caomin still refuses, it would be too ignorant to praise."

When Yi Zhongren lifted the hem of his clothes, he was about to kneel and take orders, but Huo Feng quickly reached out and supported him. Yi Zhongren did not twist or panic, looked directly into Huo Feng's eyes, and opened his thin lips: "My minister, I will not humiliate my life."

Huo Feng smiled, smiled deeply, not only did not let go of the hands that held Yi Zhongren's arm, but even more forcefully: "Zhen, believe you."

The trust of an emperor is often accompanied by bloody storms, and no emperor will always trust a person. Yi Zhongren knew this well, but at this moment, he didn't think about what kind of danger he would face in the future.

This man is an emperor, but also the father of his two sons. Perhaps, since he planned to rescue Huo Feng's family, his fate was entangled with this man. Dangerous or anything, since a decision has been made, go ahead.

He is Yi Zhongren, the Yi Zhongren who has wandered in front of the gate of hell countless times. Dangerous, what to fear.

On the way back to the bedroom, Huo Feng's mood can only be described as happy, but his face is not at all sullen.

He knew how the officials would react when the edict was issued, but he was already on the ropes and had to issue it.

Countless days and nights, he gritted his teeth and was furious at those eyes and that mean mouth. He vowed time and time again to take revenge on that person, to return the shame that he had inflicted on him with the benefits and benefits. But he never thought about how to pay it back, or in other words, he subconsciously avoided it.

Until he saw the man on the horse at Yuchengguan, and saw the sincere smile he showed to the child, he finally knew what was the reason why he had been obsessed with it for the past six years; what he wanted revenge was what.

Looking up at the night sky, another person's eyes appeared in front of him. Only this time, the person's eyes were so clear, without the cover of the demonic face, just like the stars, people couldn't take their eyes off.

That is, Iraqi heavy people, heavy people.


Huo Feng, who persuaded Yi Zhongren, did not immediately issue an edict. He had already discussed this matter privately with Zhang Deyuan, Xie Dan and other veteran officials. Most of these people were rescued by Yi Zhongren from the slaughtering knife of the evil party, and naturally they would not object.

In their opinion, this official position has wronged Yi Zhongren. As long as the person in charge of the inner court, according to the law, except for the queen, the words "such and such eunuch" and "such and such father-in-law" cannot be separated. This is a wound in Yi Zhongren's heart, a wound that is destined to never heal. .

But at present, this official position is the best arrangement for Yi Zhongren. Participating in government affairs and walking in front of the imperial court is a privilege that can only be enjoyed by officials of the third rank or above, not to mention that Yi Zhongren is also in charge of the inner court.

Huo Feng made such a decision, and everyone in the "Lin Mansion" headed by Zhang Deyuan was very pleased, and the emperor still had a lot of people in his heart.

With the support of these people, and the fact that Ruan Xingtian and the confidant ministers would never object, Huo Feng didn't care who would disagree.

On September 19, the first year of Kangzheng, Huo Feng held a grand enthronement ceremony in the palace. Yi Zhongren held the hands of the two children, ignoring all the glances around him, and stood with Huo Yunkai.

Yi Zhongren watched the man walk step by step on the throne of the King of God, dressed in bright yellow robes, and became the real Son of Heaven.

When the man turned around and accepted the worship of Baiguan, the kneeling Yi Zhongren saw the deep gaze that the man cast towards him, and he found that he could not see through the man more and more.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live—"

Huo Feng raised his hand: "All Aiqings are flat—"

Standing on the Yutian Terrace, looking down at the crowd of courtiers below, Huo Feng's heart was agitated.

He would actually come to this step, to the top position in the world.

Subconsciously, Huo Feng accurately captured the figure of a person in the crowd, and that person was also looking at him. In the eyes of everyone, Huo Feng and Yi Zhongren's eyes seemed to be glued together, and it seemed that they only met for a moment.

Lu Tao walked out from the side holding a roll of bright yellow imperial decree in both hands. Standing at the head of the emperor, Lu Tao unfolded the imperial edict and read it aloud. When the imperial edict was halfway through, there were exclamations all around, and even Yi Zhongren was stunned. When Lu Tao put away the imperial decree, there was an uproar.

Huo Feng named the eldest son Huo Yunkai the crown prince, and chose a day to hold the canonization ceremony of the crown prince; the second son Douzi was named the King of Anping, the first-rank prince of the throne; the adopted son Baozi was the king of Heshou, the first-rank prince of the throne. The two deceased princesses were posthumously named Empress and Imperial Concubine.

It was no secret that Huo Feng recognized Baozi as his adopted son, but the names of the two children mentioned in the imperial edict were the cause of the first wave of shock.

Huo Feng never changed the name of Douzi, neither did he mention it, nor did Yi Zhongren mention it. And just today, Huo Feng named his son Huo Enzhong in front of the civil and military people of the whole dynasty and the people of the world. And Baozi's name has also changed, it is no longer Lin Jiabao, but Yienbao. Two children, one named Enzhong, one named Enbao; one surnamed Huo, one surnamed Yi.

At the end of the imperial decree, Huo Feng appointed Yi Zhongren as the imperial court attendant, listening to government affairs, walking in front of the imperial court, and in charge of the inner court. This is no longer a question of whether the power is monstrous or not. Even Huo Feng's cronies have their jaws dropped. The emperor has done it too obviously.

Huo Feng ignored Baiguan's reaction and waved his hand, the matter was settled and would not change.

Just when some courtiers wanted to write to the emperor to take back their orders, they saw Yi Zhongren dressed in the official uniform of the waiter at the celebration banquet in the evening. Many people's eyes are round, their eyes are dazed, and their hearts are chaotic.

The official uniform of the Yizhong people is based on dark red, and the purple and golden threads are intertwined into beautiful patterns, especially the ornaments on the neckline, cuffs and hem, which look more luxurious and unusual. Is this the official uniform? How can an official uniform choose such a bright color!

And Yi Zhongren seems to be naturally suitable for such a color, his face looks more fair and handsome, coupled with his icy look, the whole person seems coquettish and holy, charming and elegant. Many people were stunned, even people who were as calm as Ruan Xingtian were stunned, let alone others.

On the other hand, Yi Zhongren's expression was as usual and generous. Although he is a court official, he is also the father of the two princes, so his position is next to the prince Huo Yunkai.

Huo Yunkai also seemed to see his adoptive father clearly for the first time, and his eyes moved dully as the adoptive father approached. He knew that his foster father had a very good-looking face, but he didn't know that he was so good-looking! Sure enough, people rely on clothes and horses on the saddle, but it's just a piece of clothing, and it can produce such a dazzling effect!

Someone coughed twice. It was not loud, but it was enough to wake up these demented people. When they looked at the person who made the sound, everyone shuddered in unison, and the emperor's face was ugly.

Huo Feng gritted his teeth in his heart, he was wrong, he shouldn't have chosen such a set of clothes for that person!

When choosing official uniforms for Yi Zhongren, Huo Feng's first thought was to have red and purple. He had never seen anyone who could match these two colors like Yi Zhongren. But he never imagined that this official uniform would attract such a reaction.

Huo Feng was very regretful, very regretful, but he couldn't let Yi Zhongren go back and change. This is what he approved of the Ministry of Officials, how can he change it at will, if he changes it, doesn't he appear guilty

Yi Zhongren's eyes swept across some people, and those who couldn't help staring at him immediately shuddered and lowered their heads. The murderous name of the former Huanwei Lord Qianhu is not fake.

Baozi and Douzi are served by two maids, but they are still used to being with their father. Douzi was the first to stand up and run to Daddy, shouting, "Dad, Douzi is hungry."

Baozi also came over and pouted: "Daddy, Baozi is also hungry." So many delicious food, why can't you eat it

Huo Feng glanced at Lu Tao, and Lu Tao immediately shouted, "Have a banquet—"

Yi Zhongren picked up the chopsticks and calmly fed the two children. Baozi and Douzi simply sat down beside Daddy, they wanted to be with Daddy.

Seeing that Yi Zhongren was completely unaffected by those eyes, Huo Feng held up the glass and thought about how to end the dinner as soon as possible.

Why don't you go back and discuss with the heavy people, or change into an official uniform? This red official uniform, he will wear it when the two are alone in the future.