Ming Jing Tai

Chapter 21


This night, the best and most filling food was steamed buns and beans. The two children, who had been tired all day, fell asleep on their father's body before the dinner was over. Yi Zhongren picked up one of the children and left first, but Huo Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he left.

Huo Feng originally wanted Baozi and Douzi to sleep alone. Both children were six years old, so it was time for them to sleep by themselves. But Baozi and Douzi have always slept with their father, and they refused to do so. Therefore, even if the two children are now prominent princes, they still live in the Ningshen Palace, and they still sleep with Yi Zhongren at night.

With the help of the two maids, he changed the child's clothes for sleeping, and wiped the child's hands, face and feet.

Sitting in front of the bright mirror stage, in the bronze mirror is a handsome face without the slightest expression. Putting down the bun, the person in the bronze mirror immediately looked androgynous.

Yi Zhongren knew what kind of face he had. Whether it's Emperor Jiazheng or the officials of the previous dynasty, there are many who are interested in him. If it wasn't for his ruthless heart, a bewitching face, and his means, I'm afraid that he would have been eaten by an unknown number of people long ago.

Which of the better-looking eunuchs in the palace was not favored by Emperor Jiazheng? The eunuchs favored by Emperor Jiazheng were either killed by Concubine Ru Gui or Sun Jiyu; Even Sun Jiyu has secretly played with many eunuchs.

In order not to let himself end up like that, he tried his best to practice martial arts and learn to play with his heart and mind. He set up a plan to let the prince fall into the water, and he appeared at the right time to save the prince, and from then on he caught up with Concubine Ru. With Concubine Ru as his backer, his own outstanding skills, coupled with his icy temperament, Emperor Jiazheng did not dare to attack him.

For so many years, even he himself felt like that kind of bewitching face—dark purple lips, dark red eyeliner, and pale face.

Today, when he saw the official uniform sent by the Ministry of Officials, all the things of the past appeared in front of him again.

The person who sent it said that the color was chosen by the emperor himself, and Yi Zhongren didn't know what that person meant. Is it for him to come up with the means of protecting thousands of households in Shanghai, or is it just because that person remembers his previous makeup? Either way, he doesn't like it, but he won't show any sign of it.

In the eyes of others, he is powerful now, but he always knows his position in his heart. Huo Feng can give him power, or he can be thrown into Yama Hall overnight. Even if Douzi called him daddy, he was just a grasshopper.

As for the fire in Huo Feng's eyes that would burn him from time to time...

Yi Zhongren pondered on the bronze mirror.

He would not be self-righteous and think that Huo Feng took a fancy to him. No matter how reluctant he was, he couldn't get rid of the fact that he was a eunuch. Even now, he was just a eunuch and father-in-law with the title of an eunuch. Eunuchs can only be dolls, not even male pets.

Huo Feng may have affection for him, but at most it is just a repayment of gratitude. That person was willing to accept Baozi as his adopted son, and that Douzi would continue to call him "Daddy", which was enough to repay the kindness he had given to that person.

With the sound of footsteps, Yi Zhongren quickly retracted his mind, and then he heard the door of Waiwen squeak. Wearing only a shirt, he got up to get his jacket, and the door of the inner room was knocked open.

"Heavy... You, are you asleep?" A drunk man walked in staggeringly.

Yi Zhongren put on his clothes and frowned, "Your Majesty, why are you here?"

After burping, Huo Feng waved his hand, walked unsteadily to the bed, and sat down. "I'll come and look at the beans, and the buns."

I drank too much, and even "I" came out. Yi Zhongren looked outside. No one was there. Could it be that this person came alone? He lifted his foot and walked out, calling for someone to escort Huo Feng back to the dorm, and then one person grabbed his wrist.

"Heavy people, don't go."

One pulled Yi Zhongren over with force, Huo Feng stood up staggeringly, his body swayed, and he pressed against Yi Zhongren's body. Yi Zhongren hurriedly stretched out his hands to support him.

Huo Feng was a head taller than Yi Zhongren, and he was born in a military commander with a burly stature. With such a pressure, Yi Zhongren couldn't hold him back at all, so he could only retreat. As soon as he retreated, Huo Feng moved forward, and Yi Zhongren took four or five steps back to the dressing table.

"Your Majesty, you are drunk, and the minister called someone to take you back to the bedroom."

The weight of Huo Feng's whole body rested on Yi Zhongren's body. At this moment, Yi Zhongren knew how much Huo Feng weighed, so he had to rely on the mirror platform to stabilize Huo Feng with all his strength.

Huo Feng wrapped Yi Zhongren in his arms, resting his chin on the top of his head, and the smell of alcohol was soaring. No one had ever hugged him like this before, and Yi Zhongren, who was not used to it, pushed him hard and refused to quit, but Huo Feng trapped him in front of the Mirror Stage and didn't let him go at all.

Yi Zhongren felt flustered for a while, like never before.

"Your Majesty, let go of the minister first, and the minister will bring you sober soup."

"Heavy people..." Huo Feng didn't let go, using his hands hard, "You can change that official uniform... I'll try again and choose one for you."

Yi Zhongren stopped struggling, and his expression became a little colder.

"I just thought, you must look good in that dress. I don't know, it looks so good... Change it, change it... Lian Yunkai, that kid, look straight... Change, must, must Change... Later, you will wear it in private. When you are outside, you should still dress lightly and lightly... Save them all, staring at you, look... No, decent!"

Surprise appeared in her eyes, and the coldness receded for the most part. Yi Zhongren sent her to ask her, "Why does the emperor choose such a color for his ministers?"

Huo Feng wrapped his fingers around the long hair that Yi Zhongren had put down, and said in a low voice, "I was in Yucheng Pass. When I first saw you, I felt that this kind of clothes would definitely suit you..."

Xu Shi was too drunk, and Huo Feng's voice was a little more intimate, "I don't like it, your makeup... But I don't know why, but I feel that this color is the most suitable for you. Ice, and fire again."

With Huo Feng's words, the thick alcohol smell sprayed on the top of Yi Zhongren's head, and every pore on his body was numb with the smell of alcohol.

is that so? Not to remind him of who he used to be, not to remind him of his previous makeup, just because he thought he looked good in it? Such a statement is hardly convincing.

"Heavy people..." Huo Feng chuckled a few times, "I am now the emperor." With a hint of credit.

Yi Zhongren's heart throbbed, and he pushed Huo Feng hard. Huo Feng seemed to know that he was uncomfortable like this, so he let go of him, took two steps back staggeringly, and grabbed Yi Zhongren's hand with both hands, with a strong joy on his face.

"Heavy people, I am now the emperor."

The corners of Yi Zhongren's mouth twitched, and his eyes under the candlelight shone with a heart-warming light. He secretly broke free from the opponent's hands. His palms were terribly hot.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

"It's all because of you." Huo Feng raised Yi Zhongren's hands to hold his face, and locked the somewhat uncomfortable person with his eyes in the candlelight, "Without you, I would have died a long time ago."

"The emperor's auspicious people have their own celestial appearance."

I don't know if it was because the candle was not bright enough, or because the atmosphere between the two was too harmonious, or because one of them was drunk, Yi Zhongren knew that he should pull out his hands, but he was relieved when he pressed against Huo Feng's face.

"Heavy people..." Huo Feng rubbed, "your hands are too cold."

"...Nature is like this." Yi Zhongren's eyes were a little dazed. It seems that his hands have always been so icy cold since his body was disabled.

"These years... I've worked hard for you... "


"Don't wear that dress."

His voice dropped a few degrees, Huo Feng closed his eyes, leaned back, Yi Zhongren stepped forward to hug him, and dragged the drunk man to the bed. Huo Feng murmured a few times and turned over and fell asleep like this. Yi Zhongren quickly took off his shoes, otherwise he would have to soil the mattress. Now Huo Feng was more comfortable, and snoring sounded.

Looking at the two sleeping children on the bed and Huo Feng who had died of drunkenness, Yi Zhongren's brows knitted together. This person must not be allowed to sleep here!

He got dressed and went out calling someone. Lu Tao and several internal guards were guarding outside, and Yi Zhongren asked them to carry Huo Feng back to the palace.

After Lu Tao came in, he looked at the emperor's situation, and said with an embarrassed expression: "The emperor will definitely not be able to go back. He hasn't withdrawn from the table yet, so that those adults can see the emperor being carried back, which will damage the dragon's face. It's better to let the emperor sleep. Come here, when the emperor came, he said he wanted to see the two princes."

He sleeps here, where does he sleep? And the smell of alcohol in this person will smoke the steamed buns and beans. But Lu Hai was right, it was really inappropriate for this person to be carried back drunk on the first day he ascended the throne.

After pondering for a moment, Yi Zhong said: "There is a bed in the study next door, go and move it here."


Lu Tao stepped back respectfully and did not dare to delay, and immediately brought someone to move the bed.

The bed was soon moved, and Yi Zhongren asked Lu Tao to put it in the outhouse, and then carried Huo Feng over. Lu Tao was embarrassed again, how could he let the emperor sleep outside

Seeing Baozi digging into Huo Feng's arms, Yi Zhongren gritted his teeth: "Put it here."

Lu Tao breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly called someone to bring the bed in, and the back room was suddenly crowded a lot.

The sleeping Huo Feng was thrown onto the bed unceremoniously by Yi Zhongren. As if frightened by Yi Zhongren's expression, Lu Tao hurriedly backed out after covering the emperor with the quilt, closing the door.

Sitting on the bed, Yi Zhongren frowned. The room was full of alcohol, and it stinks to death. If it weren't for the fact that there was only one room in the Ningshen Palace to sleep in, he would definitely take the two children to another place to sleep.

Putting down the bed curtain to keep out the smell of alcohol, Yi Zhongren went out to wash with a cold face. I really did not expect that the person would go crazy after drinking alcohol.

When Yi Zhongren came back from washing up, he opened a window to breathe, and lit incense again, and the smell in the room was not so bad. The cool wind blew in, and Yi Zhongren, who was about to go to bed, paused, then got up and closed the window, leaving only a gap. Put the quilt on Huo Feng, and then he went to bed.

He turned to face the two children, and behind him was the light snoring of one person, as if he had returned to the days at Yucheng Pass.

Does this person know that he is the emperor now? How can an emperor just "sleep in disorder", let alone here.

With inexplicable annoyance, Yi Zhongren closed his eyes. In a place he couldn't see, Huo Feng, who was asleep, smiled.


On the day Zhai Feng ascended the throne, he stayed at the Jingshen Palace. Although he had explained in the court the next day that he wanted to accompany his two younger sons, it was difficult to dispel the misgivings of the ministers. After all, there is still a Yi Zhongren living in the Ningshen Palace. The emperor spent the night in Yi Zhongren's room. Among them...

Looking at the emperor, he used Yi Zhongren so much as soon as he ascended the throne. He also adopted Yi Zhongren's adopted son as his adopted son, and even made him a first-class prince. Even the second prince's name has the word "zhong" in it. Many ministers All are uneasy.

No matter how loyal Yi Zhongren was, he was also one of the thousands of households in Huanwei, not to mention that he was a eunuch. Even if the emperor gave him the official title of "attendant", everyone knew it well, but the name of the eunuch in Zhangyin was changed.

But I am uneasy. Although some ministers have written to the emperor to be cautious in dealing with the Iraqi people, so as not to repeat the mistakes of the previous dynasty, but in the case of the silence of the old ministers and the emperor's trusted ministers, the letters of these people also Like a stone sinking into the sea, there was no response from the emperor.

In the imperial study room, Ruan Xingtian, Xu Baicai, Zhang Huaiqiu, Tang Nian, Ji Di, Xie Ming and several other confidants of Huo Feng were listed. Huang Han and He Jia returned to the border gate to guard. The new dynasty was initially decided to guard against border chaos. Ruan Xingtian and Xu Baicai sat in the middle of the dynasty. It is enough to have Zhang Huaiqiu in the capital, not to mention that Huo Feng himself is a military general.

Yi Zhongren is not there. Huo Feng allowed him to walk in front of the palace and participate in the government affairs, but Yi Zhongren often patrolled the palace. The matter of the inner court, from the purchase in the palace to the selection of eunuchs, must be decided by Yi Zhongren. There is no heroine in the palace. For a month, he hadn't been in politics with other ministers.

Huo Feng threw out a few memorials and said in a vague tone, "There have been a lot of papers for me to choose a concubine recently. Come, do you know about this?"

Ruan Xingtian and Xu Baicai were silent, they were military generals, they only led the troops to fight, and they didn't care about the emperor's "private affairs". Besides, can you handle it

Zhang Huaiqiu and Xie Ming didn't say anything. They all knew that Yi Zhongren was very taboo about the emperor's acceptance of concubine. The emperor's acceptance of a concubine means that there will be other heirs, which is not good for Baozi and Douzi.

Seeing that no one responded, Tang Nian opened his mouth and said, "Although the world has just been decided and the emperor has just ascended the throne, the minister thinks it is time to start thinking about the draft. The emperor cannot be without a concubine."

Ji Di glanced at Tang Nian sympathetically. This guy has a few moments in dealing with the affairs of the state, but his ability to observe words and feelings is a bit poor. Huo Feng calmly said "uh" and turned to Jidi.

Jidi said: "I think the matter of drafting can be slowed down a little longer. Now that the country is in a state of ruin, and the emperor will draft the draft as soon as he ascends the throne, it will inevitably be misunderstood by the people. Moreover, in this matter, we must first look at the emperor's meaning. , after all, it is for the emperor to choose a concubine for you."

Tang Nian looked at Jidi, not understanding why the other party objected.

Xie Ming said at this time: "I think Master Ji is right. Looking at several emperors in the late period of the previous dynasty, they were busy drafting and enjoying themselves when they first ascended the throne. Now is the time to stabilize the hearts of the people. good."

Huo Feng nodded, as if it made sense.

When Tang Nian saw this, he immediately realized that he seemed to have said something wrong, and immediately said: "The Prime Minister and Lord Ji's concerns are also right. The treasury is not full, and the cost of drafting is bound to be a lot. Now many places need to use money, It's better to take it slow."

Satisfied with the reactions of several courtiers, Huo Feng said, "I don't have the same thoughts right now. In the future, you can directly reply to this kind of memorial, and you don't need to submit it to me again."


"If you have nothing to do, you can step back, Jidi stays."

"I'm waiting to retire."

Except for Jidi, everyone else bowed and stepped back.

As soon as he left the imperial study, Xu Baicai quickly and secretly asked Ruan Xingtian, "The emperor called us here just for this matter?"

Ruan Xingtian said in a low voice: "The emperor means that none of us should get involved in the draft, and if we hear it, we should not hear it."

Xu Baicai pondered the meaning of this sentence, and after a while, he asked uncertainly: "The emperor will not have this plan at all, right?"

"You guessed it right." Ruan Xingtian went to find Zhang Huaiqiu after leaving a sentence that shocked Xu Baicai. The man ran away again!

In the royal study room, Jidi, who was left behind, took out something from his arms, walked to the emperor and presented it with both hands.


A small courtyard in the northeast corner of the palace is the place where Yizhong people deal with government affairs, called "Internal Courtyard".

After agreeing to Huo Feng, Yi Zhongren found a few nails he had placed in Hu'anwei and Yuqinwei to help him, including Guo An, the eunuch of Huanwei who he had personally appointed, and Yuqinwei. Secretary Zhuang also. Huanwei and Yuqinwei were finally defeated like a mountain, and the two men contributed greatly.

When Manchao Wenwu found out that these two were also from Yizhong, the shock was obvious, and even Huo Feng was taken aback.

Yi Zhongren was watching the report sent by the steward eunuch. Guo An walked in and whispered in his ear: "My lord, my subordinates just heard some rumors, and many adults have written to the emperor, asking the emperor to draft a daughter."

Yi Zhongren's eyes sank, and he asked in a low voice, "The emperor agreed?"

"Maybe not."

Yi Zhongren put down the report. After a while, he said: "Secretly pay attention to who wants the emperor to draft."


Guo An left, and Yi Zhongren's face was gloomy.

He had long imagined that such a day would come. Huo Feng doesn't have a single woman by his side. He is the emperor now, how could he have less than three thousand beauties? When he thought that there would be countless Yingying and Yanyan in the palace in the future, and more willful and domineering princes and princesses, Yi Zhongren's complexion became even more gloomy.

For him, it is best for Huo Feng not to have new children within ten years. Right now, it seems that it is difficult to achieve. He could make Emperor Jiazheng's woman unable to conceive a child, but he couldn't use the same method on Huo Feng. He didn't want to break the current trust relationship between him and Huo Feng.

Yi Zhongren didn't want to read the report again. He had to plan ahead and think about how to consolidate the status of the prince, steamed buns and beans in the palace.