Ming Jing Tai

Chapter 22


Before dinner, Yi Zhongren went to Huo Feng to report the affairs of the inner court. Huo Feng did not ask for it, but Yi Zhongren insisted. Many people were skeptical of him in charge of the inner court.

When asked that Huo Feng was still in the imperial study, Yi Zhongren walked to the imperial study with several important reports. The maids and eunuchs along the road all saluted him when they saw him and called him "Master Yi", but Yi Zhongren just nodded lightly.

He didn't change out of that gorgeous official uniform. After Huo Feng sobered up, he had hinted to him several times, but Yi Zhongren thought he didn't hear it. He didn't mean to fight against Huo Feng, but when he thought that the man regretted choosing such a suit for him, Yi Zhongren didn't want to change it.

As he walked, his footsteps slowed down, finally stopped and turned around. The four eunuchs who had just saluted froze, and they didn't dare to let out the air.

Yi Zhongren walked up to one of the eunuchs, his usual cold voice: "Raise your head."

The man shivered and raised his head tremblingly.

Yi Zhongren looked at him sharply and asked, "What's your name?"

"Hui, Master Hui, minions, minions are called Xiaowang."

"Which 'wang'?"

"Hui, Hui adults, vigorous 'wang'."

"Which father-in-law do you work under?"

"Hui, Master Hui, slave, slave..." The man knelt down with a plop and kowtowed again and again, "Master, forgive me, master, forgive me, slave was stupid and didn't clean up, please forgive me."

A broom was placed at the feet of this eunuch, as if it were an eunuch sweeping the road. The man was terrified, and kowtowed desperately, and blood quickly bled from his forehead. The surrounding eunuchs did not dare to come out, and no one in the palace was not afraid of the former Huanwei Qianhu.

Yi Zhongren looked at the kowtow eunuch unmoved for a while, then turned around and left without explaining or letting the man get up. The man was still kowtowing, a look of hatred flashed in his eyes.

Soon, a steward eunuch quickly caught up with Yi Zhongren: "Master Yi, that person..."

"Get out of the palace."

"… Yes."

Yi Zhongren did not say the reason, and the eunuch in charge did not dare to ask, so he handled the matter in person.

Yi Zhongren whispered to Guo An and Zhuang Ye who were following him, "Send someone to watch him. I have seen him before with Concubine Ru."

"Yes!" Guo Anxin sighed and left quietly.

Arriving at the entrance of the imperial study, after being allowed, Yi Zhongren entered alone.

There was only Huo Feng in the imperial study room, who was reviewing the memorials. He watched Yi Zhongren walk in and pointed to an empty chair: "Here comes the Zhongren. You sit first, and I have finished approving these memorials."

"I'm not in a hurry." Yi Zhongren didn't push back, he walked over and sat down.

In front of Huo Feng, Yi Zhongren was always less respectful. He knew he couldn't continue like this, but every time he saw Huo Feng, he couldn't be as respectful as he should be. And Huo Feng seemed to condone it.

Yi Zhongren looked at Huo Feng, thinking about the thing he learned today, feeling unreasonably annoyed in his heart.

Huo Feng does not look as good as Emperor Jiazheng, but he has more masculinity of a man. In addition, he has been fighting for a long time. Now he is the emperor, and he has a lot of majesty. Such a man is destined to have no shortage of women.

Huo Feng noticed that Yi Zhongren was looking at him, and also noticed that Yi Zhongren had something on his mind. He pretended not to know, and continued to lower his head to review the memorial.

After temporarily approving the last one, Huo Feng raised his head and just met Yi Zhongren's line of sight. Yi Zhongren couldn't dodge in time, and his heart skipped a beat, but he calmed down immediately, got up and submitted the report.

Huo Feng didn't look at it, put it by his hand, and said, "Chongren, there is something I want to hear from you."

"Your Majesty, please speak."

Huo Feng let out a long sigh and said with some sadness: "After the death of the empress and noble concubine, I have never thought of remarrying, and I always feel sorry for them. But I am the emperor now, and many things are beyond my control. No, in the past few days, many ministers have written letters asking me to choose a girl."

Yi Zhongren's face became uncontrollably cold.

Huo Feng stared at Yi Zhongren, and continued: "But I am very annoying. I have been alone for so many years, and I am used to it. When I think of remarrying, I will think of the queen and the concubine committing suicide in front of me. I don't have that meaning anymore. Do you think I should be drafted too?"

of course not. Yi Zhongren lowered his eyes to cover up, avoiding Huo Feng's gaze. After the inexplicable satisfaction caused by Huo Feng's words returned to his calm, he raised his eyes and said, "The death of the queen and the noble concubine is the responsibility of this minister. Neither will…”

Huo Feng raised his hand to stop Yi Zhongren's self-blame, and said, "It's not easy for you to rescue me and those two children. Don't take this matter to heart. I just want to hear what you mean."

Yi Zhongren pretended to be contemplative, and after a while, he said: "The emperor works hard day and night, and there should be a few caring people by his side."

And the desires of men can't be endured all the time.

Thinking of a man's desire, Yi Zhongren's heart flashed through the haze, and then he said: "It's just... this servant in the palace, the minister has not yet figured it out, if the emperor drafts at this time, it is impossible to guarantee that he will not be used. Yun Kai and Douzi are again. Just returned to the capital, they lost their mother when they were young, and they have just been close to the emperor for a long time. If the emperor has a concubine, the ministers are also worried that they will be sad. Moreover, the world has been decided, and the emperor is now drafting a daughter, and it is easy for people to be too impatient. I feel that it is not good for the prestige of the emperor."

Huo Feng looked like he agreed: "I think so too. You can see that I'm so busy every day that I don't even have time to sleep, so I don't have the energy to draft girls. Let's leave this matter for now and talk about it later. "

Yi Zhongren nodded, very satisfied.

When the business was over, Huo Feng said, "I'm going to Jingshen Palace for dinner. I haven't eaten with Baozidouzi and the others for a few days. Come on."

Lu Tao bowed and walked in: "The servant is here."

"Let the prince come over for dinner."


Huo Feng said that he hadn't been to the Concentration Palace for a few days, but it was only three days. Yi Zhongren was also used to Huo Feng going to Ningshen Palace from time to time for meals, mainly because Baozi and Douzi liked to eat with their father, so he went with them.

Knowing that Yi Zhongren would not be unwilling, Huo Feng stretched his arms after Lu Tao stepped back, and smiled bitterly: "Being the emperor is more tiring than marching and fighting. How many drinks will you accompany me later?"

"The minister obeys the order."

Yi Zhongren seemed to be in a good mood, Huo Feng smiled and he was also in a good mood.


Yi Zhongren is now in charge of the inner court. Although Huo Feng allows him to participate in the government, he still puts most of his energy on the inner court. Therefore, he does not have much time to spend with his two children every day.

Douzi and Baozi started the orthodox prince study. They took classes in the morning and practiced martial arts after a nap, but for them, martial arts was more of a play.

During dinner, I saw Father Father and Daddy coming together, Baozi and Douzi were coquettishly digging into Father Father's arms, which made Huo Feng burst into laughter. Huo Feng was too good to say anything about Baozi and Douzi. It could be said that he was spoiled. The two children naturally became close to him very quickly.

Not long after, Huo Yunkai arrived late. He has already begun to take over the affairs of the prince. Huo Feng attaches great importance to this son, and Yi Zhongren is on the side. Huo Yunkai, who has a very calm personality, has the confidence to be a good prince.

Huo Feng didn't mind that the prince was late, and after talking to the prince a few words, he ordered the imperial kitchen to serve the food, and specially asked the imperial kitchen to bring two jars of aged wine in the palace, which were all good things left by Emperor Jiazheng during his lifetime.

Yi Zhongren rarely drinks, and no one knows how much he drinks, but Huo Feng was in high spirits tonight, and Yi Zhongren rarely accompanied him to drink cup after cup. Until he became dizzy, Yi Zhongcai stopped drinking.

Huo Feng obviously didn't want to let him go so quickly, so he poured another cup for Yi Zhongren and persuaded him, "Have another cup, it's rare that I want to drink with you today, so you can't spoil me."

Yi Zhongren rested his forehead in one hand and smiled at Huo Feng: "I seem to be drunk, I can't drink any more."

Yi Zhongren's appearance made Huo Feng's mouth dry. He took Yi Zhongren's hand and put the wine glass in: "No, I want to stay with you today, but I'm not drunk yet. Woolen cloth."

"Your Majesty, drunkenness hurts the body." Yi Zhongren said that he refused to drink, and his current state was already very dangerous.

Huo Feng said, "The last cup, I won't force you to drink it."

Yi Zhongren smiled again: "The last cup?"

"The last cup."

Forget it, just drink it. Yi Zhongren drank this glass of wine with a dazed eye, only to feel a faint sweetness in the wine.

Huo Yunkai was surprised when he saw his foster father's drunken state for the first time. The drunk foster father had a different taste than usual, but he couldn't tell what it was.

The steamed buns and beans were full, and the father and father were drinking, and they sat in their seats bored.

Huo Feng looked at the prince and said, "Yun Kai, take the steamed buns and beans out for a walk, let them digest, and the royal father and your foster father have something to say."

"The foster father seems to be drunk." Huo Yunkai didn't think that the foster father still had the energy to discuss state affairs with the royal father.

Huo Feng waved his hand to chase people away: "Go."

Huo Yunkai was helpless and could only leave with the buns and beans first.

Not long after they left, the courtyard gate of Ningshen Palace was closed by Lu Tao. In Ningshen Palace, there were only Huo Feng and Yi Zhongren.

Yi Zhongren had almost eaten, and his head was dizzy again. He half-squinted his eyes and asked, "Your Majesty... what is the matter, I want to tell the minister?"

Huo Feng poured another glass of wine for the two of them. He picked up one glass and handed the other glass to Yi Zhongren. He said seriously, "Zhongren, I have been missing you a glass of wine."

Miss him a glass of wine? Yi Zhongren's drunken face was filled with doubts, and he took the wine subconsciously: "Chen, I'm drunk."

"Chongren, I, I want to thank you, thank you for your kindness to me." Huo Feng raised his head and did it.

Seemingly infected by Huo Feng's seriousness, Yi Zhongren also raised his head and did it, forgetting that he had just drank "the last glass of wine".

Putting down the cup, Yi Zhongren said lightly: "I just did one thing, the emperor doesn't have to worry about what he wants to do."

The people in front of him became two, and Yi Zhongren closed his eyes, he had never been so drunk before.

A flash of light flashed in Huo Feng's eyes. He supported Yi Zhongren: "I think you are really drunk. I will help you go to bed and rest."

Yi Zhongren shook his head and stood up with his hands on the table: "Chen, go by yourself. It's time for the emperor to return to the bedroom."

Huo Feng clasped Yi Zhongren's shoulders with both hands, took him into his arms, led him out, and said, "I'd better take you back to the house."

"Call Baozi and Douzi back." Yi Zhongren used to coax the two children to sleep before he went to bed.

"There are people taking care of Baozi and Douzi, so don't worry about it." Taking Yi Zhongren out of the dining room, Huo Feng eagerly helped him into the bedroom and closed the door with his feet.

Yi Zhongren was taken to the bed by Huo Feng unsteadily, and he pushed Huo Feng with one hand: "Chen, come by yourself."

Huo Feng swallowed hard, and suddenly pushed Yi Zhongren onto the bed.

At the moment when his body fell, Yi Zhongren woke up most of the time, but before he could move, a shadow came over him, the bed curtain was lowered, and his vision was dim.

If Yi Zhongren didn't notice the danger at this time, he would not be Yi Zhongren. With both hands on Huo Feng's chest, Yi Zhongren's face turned cold: "What is the emperor going to do?"

Huo Feng recklessly touched Yi Zhongren's smooth face, his voice hoarse: "I just want to ask you a few questions."

"Can the emperor let go of the ministers first?" Yi Zhongren was very uncomfortable being pressed by Huo Feng.

Huo Feng moved his body a little, his legs straddled Yi Zhongren's body, but he pulled his hands away, trapping him under him. Yi Zhongren tried to push people away, but he was shocked to find that he couldn't even exert his strength!

"You drug me?!" Such speculation made Yi Zhongren's respect for Huo Feng disappear.

"It's just that you can't push me away." At this time, Huo Feng was no longer a high-ranking emperor, but even more dangerous.

He was careless! But now is not the time to regret, Yi Zhongren's first thought is to delay the time, drag it to Yunkai to send the beans and buns back, or he will force out the medicinal properties.

"Chongren." Huo Feng's rough fingers slid across Yi Zhongren's eyes, his voice so hoarse that it was heart-pounding. His breath was completely blended with Yi Zhongren's.

Yi Zhongren turned his head and didn't look at him.

Huo Feng didn't allow him to escape, he turned his face and let him look at him.

"Why me?" Huo Feng asked the doubt that had been buried in his heart for many years, "You saved so many people, why did you help me gain the world?"

Yi Zhongren showed his usual ridicule: "It's just right."

"Heavy people", Huo Feng covered Yi Zhongren's chest with one hand and looked serious, "I want to hear you tell the truth. Why me?" Then, he took a deep breath, his voice was a little hoarse, "These six Years, I always ask myself, why did you choose me? Heavy people, I want to know."

A burst of dizziness struck, and Yi Zhongren closed his eyes. Huo Feng put his arms around Yi Zhongren's waist, turned over, and Yi Zhongren lay on top of him. Huo Feng took off Yi Zhongren's hairpin and stroked his face lightly.

"Heavy people, tell me."

A strong heartbeat spread from Huo Feng's chest to Yi Zhongren's eardrums. The foot and hand around his waist were so hard, but the hand touching his face was extraordinarily gentle, making Yi Zhongren dizzy. The heavy man only felt a burst of heat rushing through his body from his caressed face.

"Heavy people... tell me..."

It was as if the magic sound penetrated the brain, and the voice seemed to come from a distance. The drowsy Yi Zhongren stubbornly refused to speak, but he couldn't resist the repeated requests.

The weak fingers curled up, and the picture in front of him gradually distorted. The officers and soldiers who rushed into the home, the parents and siblings who were bound and taken away, the dark and damp prison cells, the hideous eunuchs, the crying children in the smelly hut...

Yi Zhongren said in a low voice: "I hate... I want to take revenge... "

Huo Feng stroked Yi Zhongren's hand and said nothing.

"That person, killed my parents and relatives... I want to destroy his country and kill his descendants... In order to survive, I became a demon who is neither male nor female... How can I not take revenge... How can I, No revenge!"

Huo Feng hugged the person on his body tightly, heartache unbearable.

"Then why, it's me? I have the blood of that man on me. You should kill me too."

"I thought about it."

Huo Feng's body trembled, embarrassment flashed across his eyes.

"Do you remember that night? You said I was a eunuch... a witch... should..."

"Stop talking." Huo Feng covered Yi Zhongren's mouth and faced him shamelessly, "You don't know how much I regret saying those things that hurt you."

After Huo Feng let him go, Yi Zhongren chuckled a few times: "You're right, I was originally..." His mouth was covered again.

"No, you're not, you're just seriously injured. Heavy people, did you choose me because I have soldiers in my hands?"

"Yes." Yi Zhongren did not hesitate, but Huo Feng was very disappointed, as expected.

"I hate you, but no one is more suitable than you... At least you are not an asshole. My parents won't blame me if I help you."

This sentence didn't make Huo Feng happy, should he be happy

"And now? Do you still hate me?"

"Now?" Yi Zhongren's eyes became a little more confused, "Now... I don't know... I didn't think about it, see you again... I didn't think about it..." He sighed faintly, "I'm tired... I'm tired. …”

Turning over again, Huo Feng pushed the tired man back under him.

In Yi Zhongren's eyes, there was no longer the usual coldness, but confusion and tiredness, and a certain vulnerability that he had never shown in front of others.

Huo Feng untied one of the buttons on Yi Zhongren's crimson official uniform, followed by the second, then the third...

Yi Zhongren just looked at Huo Feng's burning eyes and did not stop him.

"I know you're tired... and I know you don't like it here, and you don't want to stay here, but..." Huo Feng approached, pressed Yi Zhongren's lips, and licked slowly and gently, "But... I I don't want you to leave me again... heavy people... heavy people... "

Yi Zhongren's eyes widened. When Huo Feng held his lips, his mind went blank. What is this person doing