Ming Jing Tai

Chapter 26


When Huo Feng got up, Yi Zhongren opened his eyes to look at him and fell back asleep. Huo Feng also wanted to go back to sleep, but who called him the emperor? There are still a bunch of courtiers in the imperial study glaring at him to discuss matters.

With a satisfied body and mind, Huo Feng ate breakfast at random and went straight to the imperial study.

The night before the emperor was in the contemplation palace again, so the atmosphere in the imperial study would not be so relaxed.

It was only after the sky was bright that Yi Zhong got up. Enduring the discomfort in a certain part, he went to the "Internal Servant's Courtyard". Guo An and Zhuang were also surprised when they saw him. They thought that the adults would still be unable to come today.

Both of them knew what happened between the adults and the emperor. Now the whole capital is afraid that it has spread all over the city. They never imagined that the terrifying former Huanwei Lord Qianhu would become the emperor's person. Hearing this When his jaw dropped to the ground, he was so shocked.

Yi Zhongren's expression was the same as usual. Guo An and Zhuang were also under his sharp gaze, but they could only suppress their tumultuous emotions and maintain their due calm.

"My lord, the eunuch who was kicked out of the palace by you, his subordinates have found out his origin." Guo Anqi reported, "My lord said that he had seen him by Concubine Ru's side, so he followed this line to check, and it was true. It was found out that this person used to be the eunuch in charge of raising flowers in Concubine Ru's palace. He and the maid next to Concubine Ru formed a pair of food. The maid accidentally broke a jade bottle and was beaten to death by Concubine Ru's order. ."

Zhuang Yeyu answered with a deep meaning: "That jade bottle was given to Concubine Ru by your lord."

Yi Zhongren didn't seem to understand the meaning of Zhuang Ye's words, and said coldly: "Is he going to seek revenge on me?"

The number of people he has seen is innumerable, and no matter how well that person's hatred for him is concealed, it cannot escape his eyes.

Zhuang Ye said: "I'm afraid it is. My subordinates found out that he had met someone after he was kicked out of the palace. That person must have been recognized by the adults as Sun Changshu. There are several remnants of the Sun family."

"Sun Changshu? I didn't expect him to be alive." Yi Zhongren snorted coldly. Sun Changshu was the adopted son of Sun Jiyu.

Zhuang also said ashamedly, "This subordinate is incompetent."

Yi Zhongren raised his hand: "Don't blame yourself. My request to you back then was to weaken the imperial guards, and I didn't ask you to eradicate everyone in the Sun family." Then, Hanmang flashed in his eyes, "Since the Sun family has If you are still unwilling to be lonely, then don’t blame me for being rude. Let the wind go out and say that I will go to the Great Buddha Temple someday to help my parents and clansmen. I am waiting for them to come to me.”

Guo An and Zhuang also immediately objected: "Sir, that's too dangerous. We haven't found out how many remnants of the Sun family have, and how much power they have."

Yi Zhongren raised the corners of his mouth: "It's not only the remnants of the Sun family who are stirring in the dark, I want them to shudder when they think of me."

Guo An and Zhuang also saw the sneer on the adults' faces, and suddenly sympathized with those who offended the adults. Even the emperor was beaten by the adults so that he could not fight back, the others...

The two couldn't help but admire the emperor very much, I am afraid that only the emperor can get the adults.


Yi Zhongren wanted to go to the Great Buddha Temple to help his unjustly deceased relatives. Huo Feng immediately ordered the Ministry of Rites to arrange this matter. He did not know that Yi Zhongren had other purposes for his trip. After the two had a skin-to-skin relationship, Huo Feng completely ignored the affairs of the inner court. He was not afraid that Yi Zhongren would take advantage of this power to monopolize it, and even if Yi Zhongren reported to him, he would be too lazy to listen.

To say who he trusts the most in this world, only Yi Zhongren.

They have a common child, so what if Yi Zhongren is in power? Still planning for three children

Huo Feng devoted all his energy to the implementation of the New Deal. The new king is enlightened, the prince is diligent, and the courtiers are dedicated to the country. The Yue Kingdom has swept away the decadence of the late Southern Chu Kingdom and gradually took on a new look.

Huo Feng still occasionally spends the night in the Palace of the Gods. Most of the time he stays alone in the imperial study, but he rarely goes back to his own palace.

Huo Feng's actions left the courtiers at a loss. He didn't show a three-thousand-loving infatuation with Yi Zhongren, but he did have a new relationship with Yi Zhongren. Every time Huo Feng spends the night in the Ningshen Palace, there must be a hickey or bite mark on his neck the next day. Correspondingly, there are more marks on the neck of Yi Zhongren. The blind man knows what the two have done.

But Huo Feng didn't let Yi Zhongren go to the palace to sleep, and he didn't linger every day. In ten days, he would be in the contemplation palace about two or three times, which was not very frequent for an emperor or a man.

What does the emperor mean to Yi Zhongren? What do you plan to do? This is the question that haunts every minister, including those who are close to Yi Zhongren.

Zhang Deyuan and several old officials who had not participated in the government affairs were even more worried, but Yi Zhongren didn't want them to worry too much, so they could only keep their worries in their hearts.


Zhang Huaiqiu, who opened the door and returned to the mansion late at night, smelled of alcohol. Walking into the house with a slightly unsteady footstep, he picked up the teapot on the table and drank it to his mouth. The water in the pot was already cold, but he didn't care.

A person followed him into the room, closed the door, and carefully lit the oil lamp on the table. The room lit up, and the person's face became clear, it turned out to be Ruan Xingtian!

After drinking enough, Zhang Huaiqiu put down the teapot, wiped his mouth, sat down on the chair, and asked Ruan Xingtian, "Should you go back?"

Ruan Xingtian also smelled of alcohol. He put his hands on Zhang Huaiqiu's side and bent over: "I will sleep here tonight."

Zhang Huaiqiu's face flashed an unnatural look, and he pushed Ruan Xingtian away: "I said I'm not interested in men."

"You have!" Ruan Xingtian grabbed Zhang Huaiqiu, and the general's domineering burst out instantly, "Don't tell me you forgot that night."

"We didn't do anything that night!" Zhang Huaiqiu shot.

Ruan Xingtian used his body to easily suppress Zhang Huaiqiu on the chair, not allowing him to escape.

"You didn't do anything?" He looked extremely angry, and grabbed Zhang Huaiqiu's lower body with one hand, "I remember the shape of your place clearly. Don't forget who teased me first!"

Zhang Huaiqiu gritted his teeth: "We just exchanged a handful, and you didn't suffer!"

"I've suffered a lot!"

Ruan Xingtian said nothing, kissed Zhang Huaiqiu's mouth, and rubbed Zhang Huaiqiu's lower body with his palm frantically. Zhang Huaiqiu struggled hard, but after a while, his strength weakened.

Ruan Xingtian's kiss was a little gentler, and he kissed Zhang Huaiqiu's mouth gently until his earlobe, he said hoarsely: "Look, you are hard, how dare you say you don't like it? Huaiqiu, do you admit that you have feelings for me? Is it difficult? I know that you are the only son in the family, and you cannot break the incense of the Zhang family. I have a wife and a son, so I will not force you. No matter how painful I am, I will allow you to marry. I want your heart , can't you just want your heart to belong only to me?"

Zhang Huaiqiu was panting heavily, his eyes blank, he had never thought of such a thing with a man.

The affair between Yi Zhongren and Huo Feng gave him a big blow. A heavy person would even crouch under a man. Zhang Huaiqiu was confused, and at the same time, he also had a strong sense of loss and sadness. He thought that he would always stand by the heavy man... Now it seems that the heavy man does not need him...

"Huaiqiu..." Ruan Xingtian kissed Zhang Huaiqiu's neck affectionately, leaving a faint mark, "I love you... I love you..."

Zhang Huaiqiu's body trembled. Ruan Xingtian's hand reached into his trousers and directly touched his rigidity. Why? Why do you have feelings even though you have no love? Men really can't stand teasing.


An extremely faint voice came from the dark part of the room, and Ruan Xingtian and Zhang Huaiqiu instantly woke up from their lust.

Ruan Xingtian jumped up and stood in front of Zhang Huaiqiu. Zhang Huaiqiu quickly sorted out his clothes and took out the dagger hidden under the table. Damn it! There is someone in the room!

"come out!"

Zhang Huaiqiu walked to Ruan Xingtian's side with a strong murderous look on his face.

A dark shadow emerged from the darkness, and when a dark red hem appeared in the light, Ruan Xingtian and Zhang Huaiqiu felt their scalps tingle, especially Zhang Huaiqiu, who was sweating coldly.

"Heavy?!" The dagger in Zhang Huaiqiu's hand almost fell to the ground, "Why are you here?"

The shadow is completely out, who is it if it is not Yi Zhongren? He looked at the two of them blankly, with a natural demeanor.

With arms crossed, Yi Zhongren said to Zhang Huaiqiu, "Tomorrow I need to prepare secretly from the Imperial Forest Army to go to the Great Buddha Temple. This matter can't be made public. I want to 'fish'." As if he didn't see anything.

Zhang Huaiqiu asked calmly, "Who is fishing?"

Yi Zhongren took out a secret book from his sleeve pocket and threw it out. Zhang Huaiqiu easily caught it and opened it. After reading it, he frowned: "You want to be bait? Does the emperor know?"

"He knows, that's why I came to find you. With you, I can be sure of everything. I'll leave the palace tomorrow at 2 o'clock."

As soon as the emperor knew about it, Zhang Huaiqiu did not object. With his consistent trust in Yi Zhongren, he nodded and said, "I will make arrangements before the hour. Do you want to wipe them out or keep them alive?"

"It's up to you."


Yi Zhongren slowly stepped back, and when he retreated into the darkness, he suddenly spoke out like a ghost: "Huaiqiu, I am helpless to lie under the emperor's body, you also know that I am powerless. Powerless?" He admitted his relationship with Huo Feng for the first time in front of people.

Ruan Xingtian's face changed greatly.

The wind blew, and there was no Yi Zhongren's breath in the house.

Ruan Xingtian strode into the dark place and found a small window open. He was shocked by the high-level martial arts of Iraqi heavy people, and he was even more angry at the provocation of discord in the other party's words! He turned his head and saw Zhang Huaiqiu's gloomy eyes, Ruan Xingtian screamed badly!

He was actually suspected of being "powerless" by heavy people! Zhang Huaiqiu stared at Ruan Xingtian like a wolf. He is not as strong as the other party, is he destined to be crushed? There was a sneer like Yi Zhongren on the corner of his mouth, Zhang Huaiqiu walked towards Ruan Xingtian.


Yi Zhongren, who quietly returned to the palace, was in a good mood. He was wiped clean by Huo Feng, and even if he wanted to take revenge, he couldn't do it. Huaiqiu was his best friend, and he couldn't stand up. How could his best friend be "controlled" by Huo Feng's men? It was not easy for Ruan Xingtian to get Huaiqiu.

Yi Zhongren does not deny his anger, who asked Ruan Xingtian to bump into it? No wonder Ruan Xingtian came at the wrong time today.

However, Yi Zhongren was still very surprised. He didn't expect Huaiqiu and Ruan Xingtian to come together, and he didn't even notice the slightest sign. Yi Zhongren reflected in his heart that he was much more careless now than before, otherwise he would not have been eaten by Huo Feng so easily.

As soon as he stepped into the room, Yi Zhongren heard someone's voice: "Where have you been?"

Huo Feng? Yi Zhongren walked into the house, looked at the person who came out and asked, "Why are you here? I thought you wouldn't be here tonight."

"I haven't been here for several days." Naturally holding Yi Zhongren's hand, Huo Feng asked again, "Where have you been?"

Yi Zhongren closed the door and whispered, "Go to Huaiqiu. The prince will go to the Great Buddha Temple with me tomorrow. I still have to ask about Zhang Guard personally. What about steamed buns and beans?"

"I asked Lu Tao to take them to the bedroom. Tomorrow, you can also bring the buns and beans with you. You surpass your relatives. They are your sons. They should go there, or I'll go with you."

Regardless of his identity, Huo Feng felt that he should follow him. But Yi Zhongren didn't tell Huo Feng that tomorrow he was not just going to Chaodu relatives.

Hearing Huo Feng say this, Yi Zhongren immediately said: "The scene of Chaodu is likely to scare Baozi and Douzi. When they grow up, if you want to go to worship, you can go there. You can't go, I don't want to do it in the future. It's not a peaceful day."

"Hehehe..." Huo Feng laughed and walked into the bedroom with his arms around Yi Zhongren's waist, "When did you become so timid? I thought you didn't care what those people said."

"Don't you want to read a bunch of my excerpts all day?" Yi Zhongren raised his eyebrows and asked.

Huo Feng exerted a force, and Yi Zhongren was hugged by him. Then he sat down on the edge of the bed, and Yi Zhongren took advantage of the situation to sit on his lap. Yi Zhongren was not ashamed, he put his hand around Huo Feng's neck generously.

The sex between the two is getting better. Whether Yi Zhongren admits it or not, the relationship between him and Huo Feng has become much closer with the physical contact again and again.

Huo Feng habitually took off Yi Zhongren's hairpin, he liked the appearance of Yi Zhongren, and only at this time would Yi Zhongren let himself show such a style. There is a lot less inhuman coldness, and a lot more captivating charm.

At this time, Huo Feng felt his mouth dry and wished to swallow Yi Zhongren into his stomach.

The intimacy between the two made Huo Feng more and more immersed in the charm of being with Yi Zhongren. This is a dangerous signal for the emperor, but for a man, this kind of relationship is not far from the love between the two, and he is happy.

Without answering Yi Zhongren's question, Huo Feng kissed Yi Zhongren's eyes—clean and charming eyes.

It's not that he didn't participate in Yi Zhongren's papers. In order to avoid suspicion, Xie Ming and the others would hand them over to him, and Huo Feng suppressed them all. Now is not the time to confront those ministers who oppose it, otherwise, if one gets it wrong, it will lead to the impeachment of Yi Zhongren by the courtiers, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

Holding Huo Feng's hand to untie his belt, Yi Zhongren reminded with unsteady breathing, "I have to leave the palace tomorrow morning, and I don't want to be unable to ride a horse."

There is likely to be a bloodbath tomorrow and he can't move.

Huo Feng took Yi Zhongren's hand and put it on a certain part of himself, and said gruffly, "I've been holding back for several days. If I don't come out, tonight you and I don't want to sleep."

Under the palm of his hand, through the fabric, he could feel the scorching heat of Huo Feng's part, and Yi Zhongren, who had been nourished by lust, couldn't help but feel throbbing, but not tonight.

After thinking for a while, Yi Zhongren said, "I use my hands."

Seeing his firm attitude, Huo Feng could only accept it reluctantly.

It's not the first time I've seen Huo Feng naked, but it's the first time I touch this part of Huo Feng. When Yi Zhongren's hands held Huo Feng's scorching heat, a strong shock swept his heart: that's how real men feel.

I want to be bigger than Huo Feng's, and my own is as immature as a child, with obvious marks of incompleteness. Yi Zhongren painted Huo Feng's male roots with both hands envy and jealousy, how he hoped that his place was normal.

"Heavy people..." Huo Feng's voice was hoarse.

Yi Zhongren's slightly cold hands caressed the parts he needed to release, and the other party's naked body gave him an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

"Lick and lick... Heavy people..." Huo Feng longed for Yi Zhongren's beautiful mouth to hold him.

Yi Zhongren wrapped Huo Feng's full balloon with one hand, wondering if he would have been so stalwart if he hadn't suffered a family change

A large rough hand squeezed between his legs, wrapping his avatar completely, and Yi Zhongren groaned in comfort. Surprisingly, he bent down and pointed his lips at Huo Feng's spitting penis.

"Heavy people!"

Huo Feng let out a low growl, his body instantly tense. At this moment, Huo Feng was like a lamb to be slaughtered, unable to stand up. Huo Feng's reaction made Yi Zhongren have an illusion that he could also do whatever he wanted with Huo Feng under his body, and he could also act like a man on Huo Feng's body.

Sitting on Huo Feng's lap, Yi Zhongren controlled Huo Feng with his mouth and tongue. Seeing Huo Feng's forbearance expression and hearing Huo Feng's unbearable growl, Yi Zhongren grabbed Huo Feng's hands and did not allow him to stop him.

"Heavy people... Heavy people..."

Huo Feng was so ecstatic that he was about to suck out his soul. Who would have thought that the cold and ruthless Huanwei Lord Qianhu would one day serve another man with his mouth on the bed, and still enjoy it so much.

no! He wants to eat too! He pulled out his hand forcefully and pulled Yi Zhongren up. Huo Feng rolled over and pushed him down, accurately finding the weakness of the other party and swallowing it.


Huo Feng didn't know that what Yi Zhongren liked most was Huo Feng hugging and licking him like this. At this time, he would feel that he was not a eunuch or a eunuch.

Can't enter, but Huo Feng and Yi Zhongren are more involved than any time before. The two tirelessly taste each other's bodies and explore the secrets of each other's bodies. When the two shoot their desires in each other's palms, their lips are still inseparably entangled in each other.

My heart is numb, maybe this decade won't be too hard.