Ming Jing Tai

Chapter 9


In the palace of Concubine Ru Gui, all the maids and eunuchs were driven out by Concubine Ru Gui, and only one person stayed in the palace.

Concubine Ru scolded while crying: "Bengong and the prince did nothing, but in exchange for a reprimand from the emperor, now even the slut Qin has climbed on the head of this palace. If it weren't for the emperor who only has one son, the prince. , the emperor is afraid that even the crown prince will be abolished. I can't spare that little bitch! Heavy people, you have to help this palace out of this evil!"

Yi Zhongren wiped the tears of Concubine Ru with a silk handkerchief in his hand. Although his expression was still as cold as usual, his movements were very gentle.

Concubine Ru Gui leaned against Yi Zhongren's injured body, and gently covered her with one hand: "Your kung fu is so powerful, why did you get hurt?"

Yi Zhongren didn't immediately comfort him, but waited until Concubine Ru Gui calmed down a little, then said lightly, "The servant is also very puzzled as to why he was hurt. This is a strange thing."

Concubine Ru Gui sat up, her voice lowered: "What's wrong?"

Yi Zhongren didn't say it directly, but said: "From the time King Yue returned to Beijing to the time he raised his army, there was something strange everywhere. It was strange that King Yue could escape under the eyes of Hu'anwei and Yuqinwei, and as soon as this happened, the emperor The anger has been brought to the goddess and the prince, why don’t the goddess think about it?”

Concubine Ru's eyes widened, she thought about the whole thing carefully, and couldn't help but gasp. "Someone wants to harm the palace and the prince!"

Yi Zhongren said coldly: "Your Majesty is the mother's biological father, and the servant is someone she trusts. Once the servant dies, the maiden and His Highness will lose the protection of Huanwei. Now the Sir can not protect himself, and the servant will not be able to protect himself. Who will benefit the most if you die?"

Concubine Ru Gui was extremely angry: "Zhang Zhong, an immortal old man, dares to put his mind on Ben Gong's head! He is so courageous!"

"The servant didn't say anything." Yi Zhongren's expression became even colder, "But the servant has never been someone to be slaughtered by others. The maiden should know better."

"If you dare to touch you, you will not be able to get along with Ben Gong! You are the only person in Ben Gong's heart who is worthy of the post of Governor of Hu'an Guard. Ben Gong will never forgive Zhang Zhong lightly!"

Concubine Ru was able to sit in this position today and possess the only bloodline of the emperor. Naturally, her scheming was not comparable to others.

After such a big incident, her favorite concubine was angered by the emperor, but the cheap servant Zhang Zhong found for the emperor was able to appease the emperor. Even his father had to pass the cheap servant when he entered the palace to see the emperor. In the blink of an eye, she fell out of favor in front of the emperor. Zhang Zhong's move was really brilliant.

Although Yi Zhongren is Zhang Zhong's confidant, Zhang Zhong's trust in Yi Zhongren is not as good as his trust in Liu Yu. Maybe Liu Yu's betrayal is also a trick for Zhang Zhong. Concubine Ru seemed to see that Zhang Zhong's butcher's knife had been raised in front of her and the prince, and she only felt a chill behind her.

"This palace will send someone to invite my father to come over immediately!"


Concubine Ru Gui was puzzled: "Why not? The only people who can compete with Hu Anwei now are the Imperial Guards."

Yi Zhongren only said a word to let Concubine Ru dispel the idea. "Does the niangniang plan to rely on the ambassador everywhere after the prince ascends the throne?"

Concubine Ru's heart skipped a beat.

She knows better than anyone that her family's power is a double-edged sword for her. She is a noble concubine, but she needs to rely on her father for many things. The prince is still young now, but when the prince ascends the throne in the future, she will be promoted to the empress dowager. If she still depends on her father at that time, she and the prince will be no different from puppets.

"Niangniang, if you keep breaking it, you will suffer from it."

Concubine Ru's face was fierce and sinister.

She is a noble concubine, the future queen mother, anyone who hinders her is her enemy, even if the other party is her close relative!

"Heavy man, what do you think Ben Gong is going to do now?"

"We'll be the fishermen."

Concubine Ru's eyes lit up, and then she smiled sinisterly.


Concubine Qin really appeased Emperor Jiazheng, and Sun Jiyu saw the emperor. According to what Yi Zhongren said, Sun Jiyu explained the matter again with snot and tears.

At most, they are a little too hasty, but whether it is the disappearance of the prince or the suicide of the princess, it has nothing to do with them.

Sun Jiyu analyzed the emperor before and after, and concluded that no matter how the emperor appeases King Yue, even if there is no such thing, King Yue will definitely rebel.

This time, the King of Yue launched an army in the name of "the side of the Qing Dynasty", which sounds righteous and dignified, but in fact has the malicious intention of "relying on the emperor to command the princes".

What's more, the emperor has only one son, the prince. If the king of Yue kills the prince, the throne will naturally fall into the hands of the king of Yue. Instead of this, it is better to strike first, take the King of Yue's children as hostages or kill them directly.

After hearing what Sun Jiyu said, Emperor Jiazheng felt that it made sense. Concubine Qin also persuaded him at the right time. The more Emperor Jiazheng thought about it, the more he felt that his younger brother had a vicious mind. The previous hatred for Zhang Zhong and Sun Jiyu immediately turned into a relative. Brother's hatred. Sure enough, in front of the throne, family affection is fake.

"The slaves do their best for the emperor's country, and it is inevitable that they will offend some people. Those people will take advantage of the situation and take the opportunity to frame the slaves. The loyalty of the slaves to the emperor is obvious. If the king of Yue really had the intention of rebelling, how could the slaves dare to frame the slaves? King of Yue?"

Emperor Jiazheng's face was extremely ugly, and he asked, "What about that child?"

"In Yi Zhongren's place, after discussing with Zhang Zhong, the minions felt that it would be safer to put him there. Yi Zhongren's martial arts are strong, and the people in the house are not weak in kung fu. If they are placed in the palace, it is impossible to guarantee that they will not be secretly exchanged. Just let the King of Yue know that the child is in the hands of the emperor, and it is clear whether the King of Yue wants the child or the throne."

Emperor Jiazheng nodded with satisfaction: "Then let's put it with the Yizhong people. Yuqinwei and Huanwei are going to cooperate with the army to repel the King of Yue this time. The power of the world will take the rebels together."


Sun Jiyu's heart was greatly relieved, and he smiled with satisfaction.

Yi Zhongren was indeed a resourceful person, but it would be a disaster for him to stay with Zhang Zhong for such a person. After the matter is over, we must find an opportunity to get rid of Yi Zhongren!


The emperor's attitude changed 180 degrees, Zhang Zhong was naturally very happy, and he trusted Yi Zhongren even more.

As soon as Emperor Jiazheng's edict came out, it also meant that Zhang Zhong and Sun Jiyu had regained the emperor's trust, and those ministers who impeached them naturally would not have good fruit to eat.

However, Yi Zhongren stopped the two people's butcher knives, and only said that at this juncture, there should be no more troubles. It is not too late to solve the king of Yue first and then deal with these people. Anyway, they can't escape, so as not to cause the emperor's dissatisfaction.

Zhang Zhong and Sun Jiyu accepted Yi Zhongren's suggestion and did not move these people. For a time, the people in the court were panicking, and the officials who made the impeachment speech were ready for their heads to fall, and they were full of complaints against the emperor, and more people were disheartened.

Such an emperor can no longer be counted on.


The soldiers and horses of the King of Yue met with the army of Emperor Jiazheng, and the war started in an all-round way, and the entire Southern Chu Kingdom fell into the quagmire of war with the encounter of the two armies.

At this time, Yi Zhongren stayed in the gate of the mansion instead, and was called recuperating.

Zhang Zhong, Sun Jiyu and Concubine Ru also began to make arrangements in secret for their own interests. According to the plan made by Yi Zhongren for Zhang Zhong and Concubine Ru, he did not need to show up at all, but with Sun Jiyu's presence, the emperor did not summon him for the time being. Now, Yi Zhongren leisurely rested in the mansion to recover from his injuries.

On the bed, a sallow, thin child was sleeping soundly. Yi Zhongren sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him. In the palm of his hand was the same thin little hand of the child, and the wrist under his sleeve was wrapped in a white cloth.

After looking at the child for a while, Yi Zhongren put down the child's hand, touched the child's unhealthy face, and whispered to the person standing next to him: "This child's name is Jiabao, you took him overnight and sent him to Old brother. Don't come back. If there is no accident, the matter here will be over soon, and then I will go to you directly. "

Dumb frowned and said in a low voice, "I'd better come back to meet you. There are wolves around here. If something goes wrong, your situation will be very dangerous, and you are still injured."

Yi Zhongren said calmly: "Zhang Zhong, Sun Jiyu and Concubine Ru are busy calculating each other, and Huo Feng's army is pressing all the way. How can they pay attention to me? Don't worry, I will get out safely." Chongren touched the child's face, "I will never have a child of my own in my life, this child is my child."

Dumb stepped forward and bent over to pick up the child: "I'll take the child away, you must come back safely."

"Do not worry."

Glancing at Yi Zhongren, Mute picked up the prepared bundle and put it on his back, then tied the child in front of him, put on a cloak, and left in the dark.


In front of the mirror stage, Yi Zhongren, who had washed off his makeup, looked at himself in the bronze mirror, which was somewhat unfamiliar. He raised his left hand and slowly pressed it to his face.

Without the bewitching heavy makeup, this face is a little less sharp, a little more peaceful, and a lot more beautiful.

Yi Zhongren has a face that can be called glamorous, but under his still stern eyes, that face paradoxically reveals a kind of nobleness that cannot be contemptuous. Even the mute who has stayed by Yi Zhongren's side for many years has never seen his face with his makeup removed.

As if thinking of something, Yi Zhongren's eyes flashed with condensation, and he got up and left the mirror stage.


In Songlai City, Huo Feng, who had just captured the city, led his men to the prefect's mansion. The prefect has already surrendered, so it can be said that it took little effort to capture the city.

However, Huo Feng is not happy about the current situation. This is just the beginning, and the hardest part is still to come. He had already received the tip that the army of the imperial court was heading here. And Emperor Jiazheng used the four cities as a gift to persuade the Kun Kingdom, an ally of the Southern Chu Kingdom, to send troops to help, and the situation suddenly became unclear.

Huo Feng knew that they had to speed up and capture more cities before Kun's troops arrived, so that his troops could meet.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Jiazheng actually exchanged four cities for the help of Kunguo, and Huo Feng had no guilt for such an imperial brother.

"My lord, the emperor's edict says that His Royal Highness and the young master are in the palace. Should we think of a way to rescue them? The emperor will definitely take the two young masters as hostages to threaten the prince." Tang Nian, one of Huo Feng's advisers, was worried say.

The attitude of the emperor's first imperial decree and the subsequent edicts were very different, and one could not help but think of the two children who fell into the emperor's hands.

Huo Feng's face didn't show the slightest worry. He stared at the battle map and said calmly, "The emperor is just bluffing, and the child is not in his hands at all."

"Not in the emperor's hands?!" Tang Nian was surprised.

He was a counselor who came to Huo Feng after Huo Feng raised his army. Seeing that the prince said it with certainty, he thought to himself that the prince had rescued the child? Seeing that the prince's face was calm, without any worries about the child, Tang Nian became more and more certain of his guess.

He couldn't help but admire the prince. The prince could calmly rescue the child from the emperor's hands. His strength is really unpredictable.

The whole world knows that one of the prince's two children was missing and the other was captured by Yi Zhongren of Huanwei. Thinking that the prince has his own power in Huanwei, Tang Nian is not sure that the prince can escape the capital safely. I feel weird.

Huo Feng didn't know Tang Nian's thoughts, his attention was on the battle map.

Raising troops in the name of Qingjun's side is naturally to get more support, although everyone knows that he is rebelling.

The biggest advantage in Huo Feng's hands is the 700,000 soldiers and his loyal subordinates, but how could the South Chu Kingdom be won by soldiers and horses? After the war began, he was very impressed with the scarcity of advisers. Fighting is about the strength of the soldiers and horses, but to win the world, it is necessary to coexist with strength and resourcefulness, both of which are indispensable.

Although the Southern Chu Kingdom was already rotten to the core, the thin camel was bigger than a horse, not to mention those forces whose interests were intertwined with the Huanwei and Yuqinwei, it was impossible for them to easily invade the capital.

Huo Feng knew that the further down the road would be, the more difficult it would be, but he had no way out. Either he would invade the capital, or his reputation would be ruined.

But as he told Tang Nian, Huo Feng believed that the emperor's edict was false. Not only was his son out of the emperor's hands, but he was also safe.

For no reason, whenever Huo Feng thinks of Yi Zhongren's stern but always sarcastic eyes, he firmly believes that that person will protect his son, even though that person denied it when the two fought that day.

Occasionally when he was tired and rested, Huo Feng would always think of Yi Zhongren, his demon-like makeup, and his eyes that had hidden a lot of thought.

Why save him? Why is the eldest son in the hands of Yi Zhongren? Why send him all the way back to Yucheng Pass? Since he and Zhang Zhong are not the same people, why should they be contaminated with the blood of so many loyal ministers

Countless "whys" often flooded into Huo Feng's mind when he was tired. He has never been so "concerned" for anyone, not even the two deceased wives, Huo Feng has never "missed" so much.

Huo Feng's annoyance can be imagined for being obsessed with a eunuch he once hated so much.


Half a month later, Ruan Xingtian's army encountered the army sent by the imperial court, and a fierce battle was inevitable. At the same time, a man named "Sima Xian" suddenly appeared in the south, claiming to be the messenger of the gods, who wanted to subdue the demons. The demons were Zhang Zhong and Sun Jiyu. Sima Xian claimed that the current emperor was possessed by demons, so he condoned demons, causing the people to suffer.

As soon as this Sima Xian came out, there were as many as hundreds of thousands of followers, which shows that his preparations did not take a year or two. Taking advantage of the King of Yue's rise, Sima Xian established the "Sect of the Gods" in the name of the messenger of the gods, and summoned troops and horses from all directions, which seemed to have become the second largest "rebel" force after the King of Yue.

However, Sima Xian was obviously not on the same path as King Yue. Huo Feng's troops set out from the northwest, while Sima Xian's troops arrived from the southeast.

Sima Xian deceived the people with the idea of divine power, and more and more believers were there. In contrast, Huo Feng, a military general from the orthodox prince, was not as prestige as Sima Xian.

"What is the origin of this Sima Xian?"

In the capital, in the Qianhu Mansion, Yi Zhongren, who was still recovering from his injuries, asked his subordinates.

One of his subordinates replied: "This person is an orphan who was adopted by a Taoist temple since he was a child. This person was unknown before, and when the King of Yue rebelled, he created some kind of messenger of the gods, trying to take over the world, with great ambitions."

"The ambition is quite big." Yi Zhongren put down the tea cup in his hand and said lightly: "The King of Yue has already made us devastated, and another magic stick, even if the Kun Kingdom is willing to help us send troops, it is because the South Chu Kingdom has given them benefits. The benefits are not enough, and it is impossible for them to help us deal with Sima Xian."

After pondering for a while, Yi Zhongren instructed: "The Duke and the Minister have been busy dealing with the King of Yue recently, and they have no skills. Send people to join the 'Tianjin Sect', find out their details, and send some people to do some deception. Men dominating women, murdering people for money, all of them are counted on the head of the Deity Sect, and they will be labelled a 'cult', I'll see how they end up."

"Master is wise."

"Go ahead. Be careful with your hands, don't be found out that we did it."

"Don't worry, my lord!" The man ordered to leave.

Yi Zhongren's eyes froze, Heavenly God? What kind of frog dares to jump out.