Ming Ting

Chapter 41: Inferior power!


This person has a square face, but his expression is cold, his mouth is crooked and his eyes are slanted, giving people a sense of disgust that strangers shouldn't enter.

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.


Zhou Zheng caught the document, feeling a faint pain in his chest, and said coldly.

The man turned his head again and looked at Zhou Zheng with an impatient look.

Yao Tongshun was a little uneasy, and quietly pulled Zhou Zheng's clothes.

Zhou's face was pale, and he said, "What did you just say?"

This person suddenly expelled two breaths from his nose, and said, "The smell is not dry, I am teaching you how to be a human!"

Zhou Zheng looked at him and said, "Are you a good person?"

"You!" The man opened his eyes angrily, and said, "Okay! It's crazy, I hope you will continue to be crazy!"

The man snorted again, turned his head and walked away.

This snort was not as refreshing as last time, with a stomach of anger.

Zhou Zheng watched him enter the class room not far away. The nameplate read: Huang Shunzhu, and below: Yanzhou Mansion.

Responsible for the supervision of Yanzhou Prefecture, Zhejiang Yushi, Huang Shunhua.

Yao Tongshun was a little nervous, so he pulled Zhou Zheng and walked to Zhou Zheng's classroom.

Yao Tongshun opened the door and entered the classroom, before he whispered, "Zhou Yushi, that was Huang Yushi just now, he is your predecessor."

Zhou Zheng walked around in the room of a small and medium-sized room, but he was satisfied, and casually said, "Well, why is he targeting me so much?"

Yao Tongshun looked hesitant, or said, "He and Li Yushi are in the same year, and I know that the time when you walked with Li Yushi... the conversation."

Suddenly, Zhou Zheng sat on the table, felt it, and said, "What do I usually do?"

Yao Tongshun was familiar with this and quickly said: "The first one is to impeach a hundred officials, which can be played out or in secret. The second one is to inspect prison litigation, the Kyoto military camp, monitor the rural examination, the meeting, the martial arts, and also It is necessary to inspect Guanglu Temple, warehouses, inner warehouses, imperial cities, five cities in Beijing, as well as rotating drums, and occasionally enter the palace to picket the appearance of hundreds of officials. Third, review Zhejiang’s money, food, taxes, and personnel affairs. Relocation and so on. Fourth, if there is something wrong with the place, it will be sent to patrol, tea horse, tariff, water transportation, salt lesson, etc., major issues are determined, minor issues are decisive..."

Although Zhou Zheng knows a little about the work of this supervisory official, he is still very shocked. The little seventh-rank official has amazing powers and responsibilities!

Zhou Zheng secretly noted in his heart, "Well, what am I doing today?"

Yao Tongshun said, "Today is the recording job. When Li Yushi finishes the recording, take back your supervisory official seal, and you can go back today. I will officially enter the class tomorrow. The relevant affairs are all in the experience department. I will finish it and tomorrow Send it here. If Zhou Yushi has a memorial or has finished processing it, I will send it to the Experience Department, and then the Experience Department will issue, um, the director’s revised regulations."

The director, that is, Zuo Du Yushi, the boss of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate was developed from Yushitai, and it was called this privately within the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

That is, Cui Chengxiu's rules were changed. In this way, everything about the Procuratorate was in his hands. Someone wanted to impeach Wei Zhongxian, the wife of the Fengsheng, or the eunuchs, but they were dealt with before they were issued.

Zhou Zheng calmly thought for a while, and said, "Well, I understand, you go."

Yao Tongshun took out two keys from his waist, handed them to Zhou Zheng, and said, "This is the key on the door of the class room. I have one, and Zhou Yushi has one. The locks just changed, a total of two."

Zhou Zheng took it, took a look, put it in his pocket, and said "Okay."

Yao Tongshun seemed to want to say something, he wanted to say something but smiled and withdrew, closing the door.

Zhou Zheng sighed inwardly, his expression gradually relaxed, and he began to calmly think about today's affairs.

Although it was only a short period of time, he had already felt the depth of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. He arrived here inexplicably, and it took a lot of thought to get a foothold.

Before long, Li Hengbing went to Zhou Zheng's class room in person, holding a thick official uniform with a small white package, paperwork, tokens, etc. on it.

Zhou Zheng couldn't understand Li Hengbing's thoughts, and reached out his hand to take it without speaking.

Li Hengbing looked at Zhou Zheng, sighing and earnestly said: "I know you have misunderstood me, but you are always the heart of the country. You are young and have a little immature thinking. There is still time. You can watch it slowly here. Learn, you will understand me in the future."

Zhou Zheng knows that such a person, even if the reality is before him, he will not admit his mistakes, he will only find reasons. It is others who are wrong, blame the time, the location, the enemy, but not him.

Zhou Zheng took it, put it on the table, carefully sorted out, and confirmed things.

Seeing this, Li Hengbing gently shook his head, and said, "Get familiar with it first, and follow me into the palace in a few days, taking turns to clean up the palace, and picket ceremonies."

After speaking, Li Hengbing left.

Zhou Zheng checked the good things, packed them up, and prepared to leave. He didn't seem to hear Li Hengbing's words.

Yao Tongshun kept staring, and hurried over, saying, "Zhou Yushi, are you going back now?"

Zhou Zheng locked the door and said, "Well, I will be here on time tomorrow. You are ready for those things."

Yao Tongshun looked at the sky and smiled and said, "Zhou Yushi, it's noon, I want to invite you to the Huiwen Tower and congratulate you."

Zhou Zheng looked at it as early as noon, and said, "If you have a chance in the future, just do things."

Yao Tongshun looked somewhat embarrassed, and said with a smile, "Yes, Zhou Yushi must be busy with a lot of things today, I won't delay you."

Zhou Zheng smiled and walked towards the gate of the Metropolitan Police Department with his things.

At this moment, it happened that Huang Shunyu walked out of the class room, looked at Zhou Zheng's leaving back, snorted indifferently, and turned to Li Hengbing's class room.

Zhou Zheng left the Metropolitan Procuratorate and walked towards Zhou Ji.

Liu Liuzhe had been busy for a while, and when Zhou Zheng was here, he was surprised, "Second Young Master, why are you back?"

"I'll be back when I'm fine." Zhou Zheng put down the package and said casually: "How about today?"

Liu Liuzhe didn't know what was going on with Zhou Zheng's "It's okay", he was startled and said: "The people in the yard are basically skilled, and the production speed is very fast. At present, there are two thousand copies a day, which can be sold. The situation is also very good. I heard that those dental shops have also found a lot of people. Those people have hundreds of copies, or even thousands of copies, which may be sold to Beijing..."

Zhou Zheng listened, nodded secretly, and said, "I will draw two hundred taels of profits these days. I will look for a few more shops in Beijing and start selling them at the same time."

Liu Liuzhe has learned a lot this time, and instantly understands, "Second Young Master thinks a shop is not sufficiently influential?"

Zhou Zheng hummed, and said, "By the way, you can help me find out where Wei Xizhuang is. I'm looking for something to do with him."

Liu Liuzhe frowned, walked over, and whispered: "Second Young Master, the master said, Jin Yiwei can eat people without spitting out bones. He is a vicious dog and cannot be approached. Let's stop dealing with him, right?"

Zhou Zheng didn't want to have anything to do with Wei Xizhuang, but Li Hengbing escaped from Jin Yiwei and became his boss. This matter was weird. Zhou Zheng asked Wei Xizhuang to ask.

"I know." Zhou Zhengdao. (End of this chapter)