Ming Ting

Chapter 58: Robbing the Weekly Diary


Zhou Zheng came to the gate of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and watched a person wandering around anxiously. Well, it was Zhou's housekeeper.

This Ding Yi looked up and saw Zhou Zheng, and hurriedly stepped forward and said anxiously: "The second young master is not good. Someone wants to grab our shop."

I don’t know how many people want to steal Zhou Zheng’s shop overtly or secretly, but none of them have a knife. Zhou Zheng looked as usual and said, “Speak slowly.”

This Ding glanced at Yao Tongshun next to Zhou Zheng, and went forward and whispered in Zhou Zheng’s ear: “They smashed the door of our shop. They bid twenty taels to buy our shop and our facial mask and face wash. beated."

Zhou Zheng's eyes were cold, and he said, "Is it serious? Who is it?"

Jia Ding said: "I don't know, but there are Xunjie Yushi passing by, they dare not care."

Zhou Ji is very important to Zhou Zheng, how can you let others get involved!

"Give me twenty government officials and follow me!" Zhou Zheng looked cold, and his heart was angry, and he said solemnly to Yao Tongshun.

Those who beat me, grab my shop!

Yao Tongshun listened to the side, and immediately said, "Yes, I will go now."

Yao Tongshun hurriedly left, Jia Ding glanced at the police station again, and whispered: "Second Young Master, Miss Shangguan said, it may be from the palace."

Zhou Zheng frowned slightly and said, "Are you sure?"

In the palace, it was a taboo, let alone when Wei Zhongxian was in power.

Jia Ding said: "The little one doesn't know, Miss Shangguan ordered this."

Zhou Zheng didn't speak, his eyes flashed rapidly, his thoughts turned like electricity.

Yao Tongshun quickly brought out twenty government officials. Zhou Zheng took the lead and walked quickly to Zhou Ji.

Although Zhou Zheng was subordinate to the Thirteen Dao Supervision Yushi, he also had the power to inspect the five cities.

The officials followed Zhou Zheng, the leader seemed to want to ask something, and felt that Zhou Zheng's pace was a little fast, so they didn't ask.

As soon as Zhou Zheng left the prefectural court, He Qishou ran straight to the Zhenfu's prison and told Wei Xizhuang.

Hearing He Qishou's words, Wei Xizhuang looked solemn and said, "You mean, those people are from the palace?"

He Qishou nodded his head solemnly without the accompany smile he used to. "It should be correct. Young Master Zhou has already taken the people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate."

Wei Xizhuang immediately turned around and said, "Everyone, follow me and get on the horse!"

He Qishou hurriedly stopped him and said, "My boss, what are you doing?"

Wei Xizhuang packed up his clothes and said, "Boy Zhou is too impulsive. I'm afraid he will cause a big disaster."

He Qishou said: "My boss, you must pay attention to your sense of measure."

The castration party is not a crony party in the strict sense. In fact, it is formed around Wei Zhongxian. They are all Wei Zhongxian's people, but they fight each other, fight for power and gain, and they are endless.

This is true both inside and outside the palace.

Moreover, not all the people in the palace belonged to Wei Zhongxian. These people didn't buy the accounts of the outside court. Even if it was Wei Xizhuang, these internal prisoners could blow air in the emperor's ears.

Regardless of so many, Wei Xizhuang ordered more than 20 people, riding horses, and rushing to Zhou Ji.

In Zhou Ji at this time, a middle-aged man in his forties with a long face and triangular eyes calmly sat in the center of the shop, holding a teacup in his hand, squinting at the corner of the wall, with blood on his mouth. Liu Liuzhe said sharply, "How is it? Have you considered it? There are still twenty taels, and you will have nothing in a while."

Liu Liuzhe was full of footprints, his right eye was blue and purple, his nose was swollen, and the corners of his eyes jumped. He couldn't stand up with pain all over his body. He gritted his teeth and said, "You can kill me if you have the ability!"

The middle-aged man slammed the cup on the table and snorted coldly: "I don't know what is good or bad!"

Behind him were ten young men, wearing tight-fitting clothing, and they looked like thugs. When the middle-aged people got angry, they would force them forward.

Standing next to Liu Liuzhe were a servant girl in the Zhou mansion, plus a Shangguanqing.

Shangguanqing looked cold, glanced outside, and quietly grasped a wooden stick behind him with his right hand.

The middle-aged man waved his hand. Without letting these thugs go forward, he walked up to Liu Liuzhe, looked at him condescendingly, and sneered: "What kind of thing are you worthy of the eunuch to kill? We know that this shop is hanging Under your name, give you a chance to transfer to my name and follow me from now on. I will protect you from eating and drinking spicy food and worrying about food and clothing for the rest of your life..."

Liu Liuzhe raised his head with difficulty, looking at the pale, beardless middle-aged man, he vomited blood severely, and said, "Then you give me ten thousand taels first."

The middle-aged man's expression changed slightly, and he kicked Liu Liuzhe's thigh, and said angrily: "Give the shameless thing, press his fingerprints!"

As soon as he finished speaking, one of the thugs behind him took out a document, inkpad, and the other was about to pull Liu Liuzhe's hand and press it on the inkpad.

"You are robbers!" Liu Liuzhe's expression changed drastically, struggling desperately.

Zhou Ji and a series of documents are all registered under his name. If the handprint is stamped, the shop would not belong to Zhou in terms of the Ming law.

The middle-aged man gave a cold snort of disdain, and turned his head to look outside if nothing had happened.

Several thugs held Liu Liuzhe and asked him to stamp on those deeds.

"Robber! Robber!" Liu Liuzhe struggled desperately, crying angrily.


Suddenly, a stick flew over and hit the heads of several thugs, knocking them down.

Then one hand held Liu Liuzhe and dragged him behind him.

Liu Liuzhe's eyes widened, and he saw Shang Guanqing standing in front of him with a wooden stick in his slender figure.

What she wore was not yesterday's white dress, but a coarse sweater like a handmaid, but it gave Liu Liuzhe the feeling of a heroine in a book.

The middle-aged man turned his head to look at Shangguanqing, his expression was slightly startled, then he became angry and said, "Do you dare to hit someone? Come here, hit me!"

As soon as his voice fell, the standing thugs on the ground rushed to the higher authorities.

Shangguanqing looked cold and indifferent. He picked the long stick in his hand and pushed the one who rushed back first, then waved it again and again, knocking three or four thugs aside.

The middle-aged man looked at him and said suddenly and repeatedly: "Well, you are a wicked girl! How dare you beat our family members, beat me, life and death!"

There was fire in Shangguanqing's eyes, and with a wave of the long stick, it pointed directly at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was taken aback, hurriedly backed away, and sternly said: "Bold! It's bold! Hit me, beat me, beat me to death!"

A group of strong thugs were so embarrassed by a woman that they were naturally angry, picking up things one after another, and forcing them towards Shangguanqing.

Liu Liuzhe was taken aback, and quickly said: "Miss Shangguan, go quickly, they will really kill people, go quickly..."

Shangguanqing was expressionless, his expression indifferent, staring at the approaching group of thugs.

"Who is making trouble!"

Just as the fight was about to start, a loud shout came, followed by a burst of eager and intensive horseshoes.

The middle-aged man turned his head and looked around, and saw a group of tits galloping on horseback.

The middle-aged man frowned and looked at the visitor.

The visitor was naturally Wei Xizhuang. He saw Zhou Ji's door panel smashed from a distance, a mess, and a group of people were about to do something inside.

He jumped off without waiting for the horse to stop, and shouted coldly: "Who is making trouble in the street!"

Liu Liuzhe was happy, struggling to get out, but was blocked by Shangguanqing, she whispered: "Don't talk."

Liu Liuzhe looked at her for a moment, but did not move.

The middle-aged man looked at Wei Xizhuang and took a look, his voice was deliberately sharp, he leaned sideways, and said proudly: "Is it your turn to take care of our family's affairs? Those who are acquainted, get away from me!" (End of this chapter) )