Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 107: We are sure, he is reborn!


"Heavenly sitch..." Ren Suo looked at the game console on the webpage and couldn't help shaking his head.

After he bought a new handle, he suddenly had a whim—if there is a game handle that provides finger operation, wouldn’t it be possible to control the characters in the game to write

However, the game consoles on the market only have gravity sensing at most, that is, you can hold the handle and shake it around, and the game characters will also shake it around, punch and dance, etc., so that there are basically no fingers.

If there are games that really use fingers, they will basically appear on tablets or mobile phones, allowing players to swipe around with their fingers directly on the screen, such as Fruit Ninja or something.

It seems that for a while now, humanoid pangolins can only use their fists to communicate with the "Endangered Fairy Protection Division" inside the Strategy Bureau.

As for the refinement to operate with fingers, unless there is a glove-like gamepad and a matching game console on the market that allow the player to refine the operation to each finger, Ren Suo will not even think about it.

Order a set

Ren Suo thought about it, and immediately shook his head—even if he had the money to order this thing, it wouldn't come out in a few years.

And it’s not just a matter of krypton money, manufacturing a new product requires workers, factories, engineers, designers, programmers and other talents, and a company must be established to proceed.

If Ren Suo has money and time, why not spend money on holographic virtual technology

That way, you can even travel directly to the game world, not to mention your hands, you can even shake your tail.

"Now the operation method of game consoles is limited by technology... It would be great if the country allocated some energy to holographic virtual technology on the aura technology tree..."

Ren Suo couldn't help thinking about it. Speaking of which, holographic virtual technology is limited by biotechnology and information technology, as well as brain wave analysis and soul informatization.

These problems are all difficulties in the current orthodox scientific and technological research, but if the high-dimensional variable that can be converted into any energy is introduced into the "reiki", it may not be able to promote the development of holographic virtual technology.

"If I can steer the country in this direction..."

Ren Suo secretly remembered this, but he only thought about it now, to see what opportunities he would have in the future.

After closing the shopping page, Ren Suo opened the world's scenic spots, and wrote down the famous buildings and natural landscapes that may be spiritual treasures.

Xuanguo Lingzang will emit red light every morning because of the ritual, so Ren Suo can quickly identify it. Lingzang in other countries may not have such a friendly mechanism, and Ren Suo has to go to each one.

"... But, speaking of this country, this should be the most famous one, right?"

Ren Suo quickly found a target. Just as foreigners say that the Xuan Kingdom is the Great Wall and the Fire of Inheritance, the landscape attached to the Lingzang must also be a very famous cultural symbol.

"You have received a must-read post."

Suddenly such a prompt popped up in the lower right corner of the computer, which startled Ren Suo—what kind of spam advertisement

He did not install anti-virus software!

These days, viruses only appear after installing anti-virus software, and the way of appearance is 'your XX housekeeper has found a risky program, and it has automatically checked and killed it'...

This prompt is black and white, inserted from the lower right corner, there is no 'X' option, Ren Suo doesn't know how to turn it off, he can only click on it.

The web page automatically jumps to the [Special Phenomenon] section of the intranet, and then continues to open a post "Zhao Zili Investigation Report" that is highlighted in red and is highlighted in red.

Ren Suo was slightly taken aback. He never expected that the intranet would even have a push function. God knows how a web page was pushed on his computer.

Fortunately, he clearly separated the desktop computer and the laptop computer. He usually uses the desktop computer for investigations and games, and the laptop computer is dedicated to recording the information of the Small World game console. Otherwise, he might be turned upside down by the intranet.

And in the post "Zhao Zili's Investigation Report", Zhao Zili's life was completely uncovered.

Zhao Zili, born on June 9, 1985, in Jiushui Village, Sanyuan City, Lian Province. All of his immediate family members have passed away. He graduated from junior high school. He studied in Sanyuan Jiuzhong Middle School with low-to-medium grades. After graduation, he worked as a technical worker on the production line of an electronics factory. In 2005 He left his job in 2010 and made a living as a part-time worker.

He was detained three times for theft, but because the amount involved was less than the standard for filing a case, he was sentenced to 15 days of detention.

He was arrested for robbery in 2012. He was sent to a drug rehabilitation center for compulsory treatment because he was found to have diabetes and took illegal drugs. After leaving the drug rehabilitation center, he became infected again.

He was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment a month ago due to a fight, and lost consciousness after emergency treatment. After receiving minimal treatment for 14 days in the hospital, he was diagnosed as dead at 13:14 on May 1.

On May 3, enter the Priest Trial of the Lord of Billions of Radiance, the Heart of Eternal Burning, and the Lord of Storms and Snows.

On May 7th, it was learned from the video of 'Ren Naiser' that he became the only successful person in the trial.

There are three sightings:

The second tester, Li Mou: "Zhao Zili is only one person, and I teamed up with three other people. He seems to be able to completely control our actions. After expelling the two tester companions, he used a special method to put The demon information told me, and I actually remembered it very clearly."

(Remarks: Until the report was completed, Li still fully remembered the demon information.)

The second tester, Huang: "After Zhao Zili helped us repel the black tester, he told me the information about the demons during the confrontation with me, and then confronted me. He used a sniper treatment rifle (short sentence opposite) The gun can only be fired once), and one shot hit me in the head. I was hiding behind a rock and was shot almost as soon as my scalp protruded."

(Remarks: Until the report was completed, Chen still fully remembered the demon information.)

The third tester, Chen: "I am hiding in a bush, and I can't pay attention even if I look directly at it, unless I move. But Zhao Zili is 100 meters away, on a hillside about 200 meters away (the scorching gift can only I can know all biological information within 50 meters) and hit me in the head with a holy bullet. Instead of leaving the trial immediately, I rolled down the slope, trying to eat fried chicken set meals to reduce my health value.

However, within 8 seconds, Zhao Zili ran a distance of at least 100 meters, and pulled out the holy grenade throw in advance, just in the position where I was hiding. "

There are two sentences at the bottom of the post:

"For the specific effects of 'Gift', the exchange price, and the rules for earning points, please click here to view."

"This post is an information analysis post. Anyone who makes a reasonable statement will be included. The reply/approval in this post can only be executed once."

There are two types of sorting for replies, one is to sort by the number of likes, and the other is to sort by the time of posting. In this kind of refined post, it seems to be sorted by the number of likes by default.

Level 4 researcher 'Luo': "Let's talk about the conclusion first—Zhao Zili can be sure that he is a 'foreseeer', or a reborn person, that is, he was reborn from the future into his past body!"

Seeing this conclusion, Ren Suo was shocked.