Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 109: Asgard, super powerful!


Early the next morning, Ren Suo got up to continue the game journey.

When he was sleeping last night, he had already thought about how to use the pangolin to talk to the Countermeasures Bureau. The problem now depends on whether the spells he downloaded from the French Open are effective.

Opening the "Equipment Interface" directly, Ren Suo saw that he had added a new skill——

"Spell Ventriloquism", a non-attribute first-turn spell that Ren Suo downloaded from the French Open for 50 spirit stones.

The effect is very simple, using the agitation of the aura in the abdomen to make a sound. If you use a lot, you can also reduce your belly and exercise your abdominal muscles in this way.

There are three major prohibitions: Do not use it when you have a stomachache, you will not be able to bear it;

Do not use it when you are defecating, it will prolapse the anus;

Don't use it while eating, it will fart.

It can be said that the scope of application of this spell is very narrow, because few practitioners are dumb, and few practitioners will buy this spell specifically for abdominal muscles to exercise...

This spell is priced at 50 spirit stones, which is one of the cheapest among the dozens of spells, not without reason.

However, there are no useless spells, only useless practitioners... Shit!

If it weren't for the ability to equip the spells learned by Ren Suo to other characters in the "Equipment Interface", Ren Suo wouldn't buy this useless spell - he doesn't need to train to become a muscle master!

However, after equipping this skill with "Spirit of Devouring the World", and Ren Suo changed the manipulating character into a pangolin—

In the skill bar in the lower left corner, "ventriloquism" really appeared, and you can directly enter text to speak!

Sure enough, in the human form, many of the spells equipped by the game characters can be used normally!

Now there is a bucket of ink and a stack of A4 papers in front of the pangolin, and it is communicating with a middle-aged man from the Countermeasures Bureau.

"Because of your request, Comrade Pangolin, now there is paper and ink, you can ask for anything you need."

The middle-aged man said: "We have a few questions for you to answer, Comrade Pangolin. As long as you are willing to answer truthfully, I can guarantee that you will get a comfortable living environment and good training guidance."

"Don't worry, you can write word by word, we have plenty of time—"

Pangolin: "No need, just come."

It can be seen that the black vest and the middle-aged man in the picture are stunned.

Middle-aged man: "Can you... speak with your belly? Then why didn't you just say, write with your fist?"

Pangolin: "When I was being chased by you, I bumped my head and fainted all the way. I just woke up and forgot myself. I know ventriloquist."

"...Okay." The middle-aged man said, "In that case, let's start."

"First of all, what did you do to cause a red light phenomenon in Tianjing these days? Even meteors filled the fields last night. What happened?"

It's time to test Ren Suo's storytelling skills.

Pangolin: "We, from Asgard, left and brought, two things."

"One, it's a merit talisman, yes, let's change people."

"One, it's a treasure talisman, it contains a secret."

At this time, a "?" appeared on the head of the middle-aged man in the screen.

Middle-aged man: "Wait, I'll make a phone call first..."

Fast forward 20 minutes, a middle-aged man came in with a young man in a suit, and the young man stood aside without speaking, as if watching.

Then the middle-aged man continued to ask, "What is Asgard? Where is it?"

"Asgard, super powerful. In, another, world."

The middle-aged man asked several times, but the pangolin still gave the same answer, so he had to change the question: "What does that have to do with the red light vision these days?"

Pangolin: "A talisman of merit, you can, transform into form. Ignite the spirit veins, great merit."

Middle-aged man: "Kungfu? Ignite the spiritual veins? Ignite the spiritual veins, that is... last night's inheritance fire?"

Pangolin: "Yes. That is, the Xuan Kingdom, the spiritual veins. From then on, the Xuan Kingdom, the spiritual veins, become stronger."

The middle-aged man exchanged glances with the young man in suit next to him, and asked, "Then how did you ignite the spiritual vein?"

Pangolin: "The merit talisman, stick it six times, once, for half a day."

"Successful, I, become a human. Merit talisman, integrated into the spiritual vein."

Looking at the appearance of pangolins as human beings and pangolins as pangolins, its words are very convincing.

Middle-aged man: "What is the treasure talisman?"

Pangolin: "The treasure talisman is a spell. There is a secret. Those who are really suitable will gain powerful power after learning it."

Middle-aged man: "Then have you worked it out?"

Pangolin raised his right fist and waved it: "I'm useless, Treasure Talisman."

This sentence was beyond the expectation of the middle-aged man: "Then... where is the treasure talisman?"

Pangolin: "I'm hiding in an alley. Do you want it?"

The middle-aged man hesitated slightly, and said: "We are willing to pay a high price for the acquisition of the treasure talisman, and it will definitely satisfy you."

At this time, the young man suddenly asked: "You said just now that 'we' left Asgard? Are there other people?"

The pangolin pressed its head with its right hand again and nodded.

Young man: "What about the others?"

Pangolin: "Scattered. They will also go, ignite, spirit vein."

Young man: "Why did you leave Asgard?"

Pangolin: "Because we want to change form. But there is no merit in the Immortal Palace. Therefore, the Immortal Palace gave us the merit talisman and told me the spiritual vein of the Xuan Kingdom."

Young man: "Then do you know about other spirit veins?"

Pangolin: "No, I only know Xuanguo."

Young man: "What about the treasure talisman? It was also given by the fairy palace?"

Pangolin: "In the fairy palace, I picked it up. Everyone in the fairy palace learns it, so there are many treasure charms."

Looking at the screen, everyone except the pangolin was in a state of deep thought, Ren Suobian nodded in satisfaction.

He did his best.

By fabricating a faction, Ren Suo raised the value of the "Head-dropping Talisman Paper" as much as possible. If the country can't pay attention to this spell and spread it widely, and add sleeping patients to Ren Suo, Ren Suo will admit it.

After all, cultivators have many ways to deal with ordinary people, and they can go there in "clothes" recklessly, but it is not so easy to subdue other cultivators.

In the starry sky of spells, Ren Suo has never seen a practical spell like the "head lowering spell" that has no lethality, but is a long-range attack that can relieve the practitioner's resistance without injury.

This kind of spell is practical and seems to have a big secret, but it depends on fate to trigger the secret spell, spread it quickly.

As for why it is Asgard... because it has been used once in "Killer" before, and now it is used again, it seems very real.

Ren Suo hurriedly recorded this lie, if the archive fails, this passage can be used a second time.

Now, it is time to control the red fox to activate the second spiritual treasure, to prove the authenticity of the pangolin's words!

The plane landed slowly at Heathrow International Airport in London. The red fox in his body attracted attention all the way, and passed through customs and entry with ease—visa, face detection, security check, all with the alcoholic ID card and [Charm] Fooled over.

There was nothing wrong with even the people lining up behind the red fox.

"Charm", "Illusion", "Vision" and "Body Fragrance Charm +10" are enough to make everyone who is close to the red fox naturally approve of all her actions.

Among the 26 evolutions of the red fox, there is one evolution that Ren Suo has chosen 10 times in a row, and that is the charm of body fragrance.

This is also the only passive evolution that can be superimposed. It is a blue and green card. It has only one effect: the range of the red fox's body fragrance is wider. Within the range of the body fragrance, all the abilities of the red fox will be significantly strengthened. This evolution can be superimposed and enhanced. .

Compared with sight, appearance, and sound, fragrance is the simplest, most extensive, and most direct influencing factor.

Now, any creature standing within 50 meters of the red fox will be affected involuntarily, which can be called a charm for all beings!

This is the charm of "Immortal Inheritance: Reignition" - Ren Suo may not dare to choose the evolution of this auxiliary effect during normal evolution, and even if he chooses, he may not be able to meet him in the next evolution.

And in "Reignition", Ren Suo can directly choose "Fragrance Charm" 10 times, so that this evolutionary card can achieve an auxiliary effect that is almost like hanging!

Even if the red fox's four-dimensional attribute is not high now, who can stop the red fox for half a point

Standing on the road outside the airport, a luxury car stopped in less than 30 seconds—although Ren Suo didn't understand cars, he could still spot the sports car.

Become a beautiful girl, even the difficulty of the game is reduced, it seems that this is the real strategy.

After getting in the car, the white man next to him was chattering endlessly. Ren Suo could only understand a few words such as 'beautiful', but it didn't matter if he didn't understand, as long as the white man could understand the charming voice of the red fox.

"Master, go to the Elizabeth Tower, which is... Big Ben."

S: The update time is 11:00 in the morning. Every day, as many updates as there are will be sent out at once, with an interval of 5 minutes between each chapter. When I read a book, I also hate waiting for a long time to read the next chapter after breaking a chapter, so everyone looks for this listening day—11 o’clock listening day.