Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 115: The information gap is crushed


In reality, Ren Suo squeezed himself into the national intelligence department by relying on poor information, and was appreciated by Shangfeng by virtue of his outstanding 'spoiler' ability.

Now, in the game, Ren Suo can actually rely on the advantage of poor information to reach a cooperation with the future Xuan Kingdom official in the game.

Because only Ren Suo knows that no matter whether he devours the spirit of the world to open it or not, all the spiritual treasures will explode unstoppably, and in the end it will inevitably increase the overall spiritual energy of the world by a level.

But the people in the game don't know.

The Xuan Kingdom officials also don't know.

However, this does not prevent Xuanguo officials from taking advantage of this opportunity to use pangolins as "special envoys of the Immortal Palace".

And Ren Suo also very much hopes to make the journey of devouring the soul of the world more comfortable through formal channels.

But Ren Suo asked the pangolin curiously: "Why, why don't you stop us from igniting the spiritual veins? Human countries, aren't they hostile?"

Old Zhao asked back: "If we stop it, can you give up this opportunity to change shape?"

Pangolin: "I don't know."

Lao Zhao continued: "Also, even if you are stopped, since there is a fairy palace in the world, there may be other organizations. Now that the spiritual veins have been ignited twice, we have been able to detect a significant increase in spiritual energy, and other countries will certainly be able to Detect it."

"They will think of the situation in Xuanguo and England, and they will naturally study their spiritual veins. Big Ben in England, the inheritance fire of Xuanguo...the location of the spiritual veins in their own country is actually not difficult to find."

"Instead of letting them study the secret of the 'storage' of the spiritual veins, it is better for you to directly ignite the spiritual veins. We can also use diplomacy to gain greater benefits."

"So, what do you mean?"

Pangolin: "Yes, but I don't guarantee that it will be successful."

Then the pangolin was lying in the coffin pit in the bedroom, Ren Suo fast forwarded 30 minutes, and let the pangolin get up again.

Pangolin: "They, can only, wait, 20 days. After 20 days, they will, themselves, do it."

Lao Zhao breathed a sigh of relief: "20 days, it's a bit urgent...but it's enough. Any other requirements?"

Ren Suo blinked and said, "It would be best if we could get in touch with the national treasures in this area."

Old Zhao was a little surprised, but didn't say much, "Wait for our good news... By the way, does every country have spiritual veins?"

Ren Suo took a deep breath.

He doesn't know either.

There was no on-site investigation, and Ren Suo didn't know where the spirit veins were, so he could only speculate.

Fortunately, the foreshadowing has been done before, and it shouldn't be a big deal for the pangolin to speak speculative words.

"I only know that in terms of land area, population, and national strength, it can be ranked in the forefront, and only then does the spirit vein exist."

This is also Ren Suo's speculation.

Undoubtedly, it is natural for Xuan Kingdom to have spiritual veins—it was even mentioned in "Crossing My Dead Body".

As for other countries, it is difficult to say.

Like the red fox who came to London to find spiritual veins, it was actually a matter of luck. After all, Britain’s land area and population are not in the forefront, but its national strength is not bad, and it has a long history. The most important thing is that it is rooted in another continent, not the European continent. .

Ren Suo estimated that there may be only one spiritual vein in continental Europe, but it is not clear whether it is in Germany, France or Italy.

Hearing the pangolin's speech, Lao Zhao nodded and asked, "Can you give me the exact country?"

This information, Ren Suo himself also wants to know!

The pangolin immediately said: "No, they are afraid, and the country should take precautions in advance. However, the Pacific Federation, Brazil, and Russia should have it."

At the end of the exchange, Lao Zhao and others said that they would negotiate with other countries as soon as possible and give the results as soon as possible within 20 days.

And Lao Zhao reminded, at least don't ignite the spiritual veins these few days, because other countries don't know that the lighting of the spiritual veins is actually manipulated by humans, and they don't know that a group of small animals ignite the spiritual veins for the purpose of transforming.

They want to use this information gap to fight for a more convenient way to ignite and gain more benefits for them and the small animals in Asgard.

In fact, this is equivalent to Ren Suo changing his mission time into the Xuan Kingdom's official mission time. The information gap he used also became the information gap used by Xuanguo to trade with other countries.

Old Zhao didn't hide that Xuanguo could get a lot of benefits from this diplomacy, he said clearly: "This is a mutually beneficial transaction, we each get what we need."

Naturally, Ren Suo was overjoyed and pleased. If Xuanguo could help him settle several big countries within 20 days, such as Russia, the Pacific Federation, Brazil and other countries, then a few trump cards would be easily credited to his account.

As for why it is 20 days, because now 5 days have passed from a month, Ren Suo has to stay for 5 days to ignite the spirit vein, and this does not include the time spent on the road.

But is the game really that simple

Can you easily pass this game by connecting with a country official

But now, the pangolin has reached a deal with Xuanguo officials, and Ren Suo can only go to the dark side of this road.

So he controlled the red fox and continued to visit museums in London, and occasionally even met a few gentlemen who thought they were coquettish in museums.

The gentleman who shows off his money is fine, but the gentleman who shows off antiques cannot be missed. Follow him to his villa, lock him in the toilet for a night, and then lie in the antique for a night. Slap your ass and leave.

Although these game experiences are trivial, Ren Suo finds it interesting to fool all living beings unexpectedly.

Ren Suo didn't fast-forward the game, just watching those dog-like gentlemen, fat businessmen and wretched uncles kneeling and licking the red fox, and then being instructed by the red fox to collect antiques and celebrity collections, like a queen.

As for the means of manipulation, they rely entirely on "charm" commands, and there is no trickery at all.

But those gentlemen will never know what kind of man stands behind the goddess they kneel and lick.jpg


"Finally finished… "

On the outskirts of Tianjing, where the Xuan Kingdom army is stationed in a forbidden military area, in an underground research institute guarded by soldiers at all times, hundreds of aura researchers conducting secret missions, looking at the nearly distorted masterpiece of aura biology in front of them, prove their The dark bags under the eyes and thinning hair were not sacrificed in vain.

In front of them, a huge iron seat of nearly three meters stands on the ground. Behind the iron seat are connected countless pipes, like twisted blood vessels and nerves, which transport the vitality of the young man on the iron seat to the ground. .

On the ground under the iron seat, mysterious symbols are engraved on the ground with branded silver. The meaning of these symbols has not been fully understood by researchers so far, but it is not difficult to put them into use.

"Ren, from today onwards, you can't leave this 'Spirit Iron Seat'."

An old white-haired researcher said: "The loose spirit iron seat will permanently absorb the cyclone in your body, guide the pure aura of the cyclone above the ground, and provide the most outstanding aura cultivation environment for soldiers with cultivation qualifications. "

"But at the same time, you no longer have to be threatened with life in your bloodline."

Ren slowly leaned on the iron seat, looked at the countless pipes in the ceiling, and sighed: "Really? Is it really so simple to solve it?"

"According to your physical condition, we believe that the curse of the Ren family in "Crossing My Dead Body" is half true and half false."

The old researcher said: "You do have the blood of a champion, but you don't embody the shackles of Emperor Guangwu. You don't need to slay demons and demons, nor do you need to be loyal to the Liu family. You don't have this kind of ideological burden at all."

"It can be seen that either the Guangwu shackles are fictional, or... the Ren family has completely broken the Guangwu shackles in the past two thousand years, but they still can't do anything about the blood curse on their body. They can only maintain a normal life by suppressing the spiritual veins. "

"But that's just, the science of their time was not developed enough to solve this problem."

The old researcher raised his glasses: "They don't know why the champion's blood will explode at the age of 23 or 24. But after our research on your body, we found that the champion's blood exploded, probably because of the internal spiritual power. The concentration of aura is inappropriate."

"The concentration of aura in the world determines the upper limit of the concentration of an individual's aura. If the concentration of an individual exceeds the allowable range of aura in the world, it is like a drop of water suddenly appearing in a bottle of ink."

Ren smiled: "It's the first time I've heard this metaphor."

The old researcher also smiled and said: "But that's it. In this world, 'geniuses' who exceed the scope of aura are not allowed. If they appear, they can only... pollute it."

"The champion's bloodline was actually fully awakened at the age of 24, and it has an automatic cultivation ability that is almost jealous of heaven, so it quickly cultivated to a state of terror at the age of 24, and couldn't stop, and finally broke through the allowable range of aura .”

"Then the cyclone in the body of the bloodless person will collapse, and the huge spiritual power will be swallowed back by itself, which is the so-called 'disappearing ashes'."

"Besides, before the spiritual energy is revived, the champion's bloodline will also revive, but the damage caused is much smaller."

The old researcher took out a piece of information: "The descendants of Ren's family from generation to generation are all talented people with amazing wisdom, but they often become weak and sick after the age of 24, and even suffer from serious diseases. The lucky ones are only 50 years old, and the unlucky ones are not older than 30 years old. …these are the backlashes caused by the aura from the outside world.”

"Now that we know the root cause, this loose spirit iron seat came into being. It can detect the external aura environment, cut your cyclone directly from the body, and keep your spiritual power at a safe level."

The old researcher laughed loudly: "It seems to be the cruelest instrument of torture for monks, but it is perfect for you."

Ren looked at his hands: "So, in my life, as long as I maintain this strength, I can live safely? Can I also come to study spells and cast spells in person? Even, go to the battlefield and become an important force?"

"Of course." The old researcher said: "The only problem is that you can't leave the iron seat now, but with your strength, you can protect the entire military area with your detection spells and perception abilities."

"If you want to become an important combat force... then you have to wait for the spiritual energy to continue to recover."

Ren blinked: "If the spiritual energy continues to recover, can my upper limit of strength continue to grow?"

"Yes." The old researcher nodded: "You are different from others. Others can reach your current state because they can only reach this state; and the reason why you are in this state is because the world only allows you to be in this state." This realm."

"When the spiritual energy continues to recover and the upper limit allowed by the world increases, at that time... even if you sit here, you can become the patron saint of Tianjing, and become a sharp sword to shock the nations!"

S: (.?)ノContinuing to break out in the third shift, asking for votes and rewards~