Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 116: encounter


"What the hell… "

The sound of the national anthem came from outside early in the morning, and Ren Suo quickly closed the windows. However, the teacher's dormitory was not far from the flag-raising platform. Whether it was the students walking around or the sound of the tweeter, Ren Suo's sleep was completely disturbed.

On May 10th, all practitioner academies across the country started school, and Ren Suo also officially entered the working state.

He turned on his side and wanted to continue to sleep, but his head rested on his left hand, and he felt a piece of ice cold.

Raising his left hand, a black iron-colored wrist wheel reveals a handicraft-like exquisiteness in the sunlight.

Next, this wrist wheel will replace functions such as wallets, pass cards, keys, and GS, as if integrating most of the functions of a mobile phone, allowing the staff and students of Tianlian College to enjoy the high-tech living environment of the next era.

Tianlian Academy is divided into four major areas, teaching building, practice field, living area, and actual combat training area. However, the actual combat training area has not yet opened, and students will basically only be in these four areas.

At present, there are five grades, and there is no third year of high school. The reason is naturally that it is now May, and the college entrance examination is less than a month away.

As for the cultivating talents in the third year of high school, it depends on how the country's policies will be arranged.

Since the start of the term, Tianlian College has conducted fully closed teaching, and it is not allowed to leave the school without a reason.

There are supermarkets, large canteens, libraries, and Internet cafes in the living area of the school. The configuration is similar to that of a normal university, and students are allowed to consume. However, students can only use the points in the wrist wheel for consumption on campus.

They can also shop online. When shopping online, copy the product information to the wrist-wheel program, write down the name and quantity of the product they purchased, and then a dedicated person will shop online and deduct points according to the price. All online shopping products will be distributed every Sunday.

Does it sound a bit like a weird setting in some comics

But this has practical significance - because all students who enroll do not have to pay tuition fees, and it is completely compulsory education by the state.

The points in their wrist rings cannot be traded with each other, and the points they get every month are related to their achievements.

There will also be no continuous sitting system, and the points obtained by each class will be differentiated according to their grades, but class competitions will be launched in the future, which will be linked to group scores.

If the academic performance is poor, the cultivation performance is poor, and the points obtained will be few, and the students can only continue to live hard, or rely on their connections, or apply to drop out of school.

Here, the influence of outside power and wealth is suppressed to the minimum, unable to affect the students in the slightest.

The only way for students to live well here and have money to use is to work hard.

Moreover, collective life is more convenient to manage and cultivate a sense of collective honor, and patriotic education in a closed environment can also achieve more significant results.

This is what the country wants.

However, for Ren Suo, the greatest significance of this wrist wheel is that he will be on call 24 hours a day.

Although he is an 'emergency specialist' who has plenty of free time and doesn't need to be on duty in the school hospital, if something happens, even if he is taking a shower, he has to rush to rescue people immediately.

This wrist wheel can detect the life state of the wearer. If the wearer suddenly falls into a near-death state, Ren Suo's wrist wheel will automatically explode, and plan the shortest route for him, allowing him to quickly reach the patient.

Ren Suo is usually free, but if the actual combat training area opens in the future, he will have to stay aside and wait when the students are conducting actual combat training.

But that's another story. After all, the cultivation academy is still in its infancy stage, and the actual combat training area is just set up first. According to Zhao Huo's syllabus, it will take half a year for the students to form combat power.

After all, students still have to worry about cultural lessons, and they must be exposed to spiritual energy step by step to gain a solid foundation. Naturally, they are not as quick and rough as civil servants.

Actual combat training depends on the country's arrangements. After all, casualties must be prevented, and not all colleges have "emergency doctors" like Ren Suo, so...there is a long way to go.

Xuan Guo is also crossing the river by feeling the stones, and the recovery of spiritual energy is new to any force.

Ren Suo got up and went to the dining hall to have a hearty breakfast. Like the students, he also paid with wrist wheel points, but the points are fixed every month and will not change.

These points are purely benefits and have nothing to do with salary. It is equivalent to the state's food and housing. Even if Ren Suo runs out of points, he can continue to overdraft-but the overdraft is equivalent to spending the salary of the month until the salary is deducted.

The canteen provided by the college is very good. There are three floors, and the higher the level, the higher the level. With the points in Ren Suo's wrist wheel, it is no problem to eat every meal on the third floor.

In the dining hall, Ren Suo saw a girl eating breakfast not far away.

She eats very slowly, putting the food in her mouth and chewing slowly. She has short, sassy hair, is short and thin, and has a beauty mole in the lower left corner of her eye, which looks quite different.

She has the same position as Zhao Huo, a training instructor. Ren Suo vaguely remembered that her surname seemed to be Dong, but he couldn't remember her name.

Even remembering her surname is only because people with the surname Dong are relatively rare.

This girl is not a key bearer, and Ren Suo is not a casual idiot, so there is no reason to get close to her, and she quickly finished her meal and went home to continue playing games.

In "The Spirit of Devouring the World", the red fox has been in London for three full days. Every day in the manor, he strokes the cat with his left hand and hugs the antique with his right hand, living a fairy life.

Although the red fox's skills are powerful, they will not make humans completely lose their minds—humans who lose their minds cannot use them.

Compared with floor tiles and lamp holders, antiques have more aura, but absorb them faster. Therefore, the red fox will return the antiques after holding them for more than ten hours. any loss.

That's why those young talents and middle-aged uncles who have been completely dominated by hormones and lower body will find antiques from everywhere at any cost to make the goddess laugh.

A few antique collectors also followed them, wondering what kind of goddess could make these heroes fascinated.

Then they invited the red fox to their antique preservation room like a seal basking in the SSR.

In the past few days, the red fox has also obtained 13 evolutions. Because the level of evolution has increased, it is no longer an antique, and the red fox can no longer get much evolutionary quota.

Only then did Ren Suo vaguely know the correct strategy for this game.

In fact, devouring spiritual energy should start from various old objects, slowly develop into jade, artwork, and then develop into antique artwork, and finally the spiritual treasure...

Ren Suo suspected that the evolution quota given by Lingzang might be constant, so getting it at a low level would only empty one's potential ahead of time.

Because the upper limit of the evolution bar will get higher and higher, just like the experience value in the game.

Now that the level of the red fox has been raised to a high enough level, then turning around and hitting mobs will naturally have little effect unless the amount is large enough.

However, Ren Suo didn't regret much. After all, it is impossible to open all the twelve spirit treasures in this save file. As long as these twelve experience packs are included, other mobs who skipped will skip it.

The red fox played in London for another day, and the pangolin finally got news.

Old Zhao: "There is already a country that is willing to pay the price you need to let you ignite the spiritual veins in its country."

"We internally judged that, given its size and population, there should be spiritual veins in the country."

"Of course, because this country is not far from Xuan Kingdom, igniting their spiritual veins is also an excellent observation opportunity for Xuan Kingdom."

"But on their side, there is a request. In other words, this request is made by all other countries that have contact with us."

Pangolin: "What, request?"

Old Zhao: "They hope that they can see the people of Asgard with their own eyes, and it is best... let the people of Asgard appear with great fanfare!"