Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 27: wake up?


On the second day of the training camp, when Ren Suo went to eat, he found that the students of the eighth team secretly gave him a thumbs up when they saw him, and someone even came over to him directly and said "great".

Ren Suo couldn't figure it out, so Xie Qiansi explained the whole story: "I didn't expect that you, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, are not as handsome as I am, but you are quite quick."

"What to do?"

"Don't pretend, I just found out that you said you were going for a drive last night, but you actually went to the girls' dormitory above! Someone saw you coming out of Qiao Muyi's dormitory, everyone, you're back alone!"

Ren Suo didn't understand, so he said, "I bought poker to play."

For the key, Ren Suo naturally wanted to seize every opportunity to get close to Qiao Muyi.

There was no class last night, and the students who were tired all day hadn't recovered yet, and the sports ground didn't activate the spiritual energy gathering effect at night.

So Ren Suo bought a deck of poker and went to play in the girls' dormitory. Although there are four people in Qiao Muyi's dormitory, it doesn't matter - it's a game of hoeing the earth, and the one who loses can just leave the field.

According to Ren Suo's college experience, playing cards is one of the shortcuts to enhance relationships!

"Tsk, stop explaining, explaining is equal to covering up." Xie Qiansi patted Ren Suo on the shoulder: "If you need help from a brother, just say it!"

Although Ren Suo didn't understand Qiansi a few words before, but after they slept for one night, there was basically no enmity. Moreover, Ren Suo is the only fierce man in the eighth team who can use the advanced breathing method, and he will definitely have a bright future in the future, so Xie Qiansi naturally has a good relationship with him.

What is the most important thing for a public official? contacts.

After breakfast, they went to another sports field under the leadership of instructor Zhao Jingzhong.

"Today you are going to study and practice here."

In front of Ren Suo, there was an open-air fitness place surrounded by running circles. Many fitness equipment were fixed on the ground, and many people were already using the equipment to exercise while 'hahaha'. The scene was very hot.

Zhao Jingzhong said: "In the morning, you use these equipment to practice and practice, just keep breathing during the practice. After a break at noon, in the afternoon, go to the track and field for running practice."

"The next two days will be about the same itinerary. You must cultivate your own cyclones as quickly as possible."

Li Qingxuan raised her hand and asked, "This way we won't be too tired? We trained all morning yesterday, and it took us a whole day to recover..."

"Yesterday was to familiarize you with the breathing method," Zhao Jingzhong said: "Now that you are basically familiar with breathing, even if you exhaust your energy in the morning, you can drink the 'No. 3 Spiritual Liquid' from noon today, and sleep for about an hour after drinking. You can basically recover most of your physical strength and continue your practice in the afternoon."

The students were shocked, there is such a good thing

And it's called No. 3 spiritual liquid, which sounds very high-end.

"Each person has a bottle of spiritual liquid. If you still have physical strength, the effect of the spiritual liquid will be greatly reduced." Zhao Jingzhong glanced at them: "What are you waiting for?"

"Oh oh oh!" The students hurriedly dispersed and went to the gym to breathe out.

Zhao Jingzhong glanced at them, turned around and walked downstairs to the dormitory outside the sports field, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message:

"Today, the target did not appear."

"Any suspects?"


"Continue to observe."


In the next two days, the trainees followed the instructors around the various sports fields, allowing them to find the most suitable training method for them. Because it is not human beings have specificity, some people may run at a slow speed and cannot use intermediate cultivation methods, but they are very relaxed and efficient when doing fitness.

Although the deputy director Yu Kuangtu didn't say anything, the civil servants who can appear in the training base are already "important technical talents", and they are very likely to be strategic talents in the era of spiritual recovery in the future. Naturally, the country will not treat them badly in terms of practice. — at least not until they get started.

At the same time, they also need to find the most suitable training method for themselves—this is a sample to be reported to the country for statistics.

Moreover, it is said that various cities are planning to build Reiki training centers, or add "plug-ins" to the original infrastructure, so that civil servants can use the facilities in various places to continue practicing after returning. However, funds are limited and there are many facilities to be built, so it cannot cover all training methods. Which training method is more suitable for local civil servant practitioners is an important consideration when building the Reiki Stadium.

Three days passed, and after the trainees had tried all the facilities of the Reiki Stadium, the morning of the fourth day was free training. From the next day, when people were running, exercising, playing football, basketball, or badminton, they suddenly screamed like seagulls.

Don't doubt, they didn't cause a mental breakdown because the dead house attribute and the sports attribute repelled, but they started the cyclone.

To put it simply, they have an extra controllable 'organ' in the lower dantian, which is more mysterious than giving birth to a child. After turning on the cyclone, they had to hurry up and train, after all, there would be no such good thing as the aura playground when they went back, and they had to master the intermediate and advanced cultivation methods as soon as possible.

The instructors were not at all surprised by the speed of the students. They themselves were the practitioners carefully selected by the various units. For example, Zhao Jingzhong was also a fierce man who started the cyclone the next day.

Ren Suo claimed that he only turned on the cyclone on the morning of the third day. This speed was considered average. Most people turned on the cyclone at this time, so they didn't attract much attention.

But only Ren Suo knew that he actually activated the cyclone from the very beginning.

As early as the first day of practice, Ren Suo felt a subtle pulsation in the lower dantian, but he thought it was a normal operation at that time, and he didn't know it was a cyclone until he took the Reiki understanding class.

However, in the Reiki class, it was said that there will be obvious sensations when the cyclone is formed. When Ren Suo asked other people, they also said that the feeling is very obvious.

But Ren Suo didn't know when he turned on the cyclone!

After thinking about it, he felt that "physical fitness optimization" should be blamed. Because he was completely asleep at that time, and he didn't know what happened to his body. Apart from that, Ren Suo couldn't find any explanation.

However, this does not affect his training. It is now the fourth day, and the training will end tomorrow.

When Ren Suo thought that he would be able to go back to play the Small World game console again, he felt hopeless.

At noon on the fourth day, Ren Suo finished drinking his psychic liquid, waited for the other roommates to finish their meal, went back to the dormitory to sleep, digested the psychic liquid, and continued training in the afternoon.

But he wasn't idle at this time, he took out a deck of cards and came out to Qiao Muyi and the others to fight the landlord - the favorability should be almost enough, right

You can sleep well and let him touch the key for a few minutes, right

In the past few days, under Ren Suo's 'strong request', their dormitory is looking for Qiao Muyi and the others to have dinner together, and the other roommates did not refuse this request—they even had a smirk and a righteous look on their faces, as if they had split personalities He patted Ren Suo on the shoulder and said, "We will definitely help you, and you should help us too!"

Ren Suo almost thought they were going to make gourd babies by themselves.

At this time, there was a quarrel at the entrance of the dining hall, and everyone looked over curiously, while Ren Suo took the opportunity to turn his head to look at Li Qingxuan's card—now she is the landlord.

"What are you looking at?" Li Qingxuan flexed her fingers and flicked Ren Suo's forehead, "You are not honest in playing cards?"

The quarrel at the entrance of the dining hall became louder and louder at this time, as if someone had started to fight, the onlookers hurriedly stepped aside to watch them fight, and the small entrance became more and more crowded.

Ren Suo saw that he could hardly beat the landlord, so he simply put away his cards and said, "Have you finished eating? Then go back to sleep."

Everyone put the dinner plates on the recycling conveyor belt, and when they were about to leave, they passed the door and found that there was a real fight over there. Two male students in gray vests were pulled by the crowd, glaring at each other like huskies and teddy in the square.

But it should be impossible to fight, and they were all held back. The students here are civil servants after all, and their consciousness is very high. They will never be allowed to fight again.

However, when they were about to leave, a roar suddenly burst out from the crowd: "I want you to die!"

With a bang, countless flames spread rapidly from the ground like a torrent!