Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 37: This can all be filmed... (please recommend)


When Ren Suo watched "The Bloody Feast of Killers", he had a strange premonition.

Now that he saw the large-scale documentary "If you are strong, you can go up to 10,000 meters", he finally completely confirmed his hunch!

As long as he uploads the game rating, it won't be long before the account named 'Ren Naiser' will upload a reality video closely related to his game content on major video sites!

However, the game "If you are strong, you can go up to 10,000 meters" looks like a small puzzle game to pass the time. It has no realism at all, so Ren Suo also ignored it.

He couldn't figure out how this game could happen in reality.

But now this video completely slaps your face: no matter what you play, it will fucking happen in reality!

Turning on 1, Ren Suo saw a blond girl walking out of a moon lake in the dark forest. She was wearing a thin, gray and black training suit. The rough clothes are in stark contrast to her delicate skin—as the most distinguished member of Giligili, Ren Suo can turn on the 1080+ super picture quality, and after zooming in, he can see every detail of the blonde girl smoothly and clearly!

The flesh-colored, almost transparent jade feet stepped on the soil, and the flawless white skin was blown by the cold wind, slightly rippling with red ripples, and the blond hair in the shawl fluttered with the wind, drawing a graceful trajectory in the air. The blond girl walked in the forest step by step. walk through.

Of course Ren Suo remembered, this was his game character at that time - the female seeker!

"Hi everyone, this is my wife."

"I can play with this foot for a year!"

"Wife, wife, whoever is a woman is your wife.jpg"

"It looks like a movie made with CG."

"Is it an animated movie? A live-action CG made with the latest motion capture technology?"

"This time is too long... Could it be that the goddess's eating, drinking, and lassing are all filmed in it?"

"Airborne coordinates 63:23, the goddess peed!"

Ren Suo, who was watching here, was heartbroken, and quickly dragged the progress bar over, and saw the seeker suddenly squat down, and then...

Grab a snake on the ground that is completely invisible to everyone, twist the snake's neck tightly, and lift it up high.

Under the moonlight, this long snake, which looks vicious and has a disgusting saliva line from its fangs, has its head held down by an elegant and beautiful right hand, and its tail, which is more than one meter long, flicks back and forth in mid-air, like a child It seems to move around when being hugged by someone.

The seeker flicked the snake away, and continued to move towards the Taidamia Mountains in the distance.

"Where is the pee! Where is the pee I want to drink!?"


"The dead house is disgusting, don't you know that beautiful girls can't pee?"

"Piss... Can something about a beautiful girl be called pee? That's called holy water!"

The barrage that was tricked over had a lot of fun. Ren Suo dragged the video to the end and found that the seeker was still walking in the forest, but she was almost always walking on a road without a path. In two hours, her feet were worn down by thorns and stones.

Ren Suo quickly went through the following videos, and found that on April 3, the seekers were walking through forests and mountains all day long. Although the road was flat, the forest was not an easy place to cross.

However, the aspirant did not rest for a whole day!

No food, no rest!

Of course there is no Lazar...

Ren Suo opened the next few minutes, and there was such a barrage at the beginning: "There is no peeing scene in this video, please go to the next video to search."

These dead houses are really idle.

During the daytime on April 4, the emaciated seeker finally met someone—when she was running in the mountains like no one else, a few teenagers were seen in the camera driving sheep and cattle in the distance.

It can be seen that the group of teenagers were still quite shocked and excited when they found the figure of the seeker, and shouted in the distance, but no one could understand, until there was a bullet screen saying, "This is Kami from the Tedamia Mountains." Asian language, they should be Kamiya people, the specific science is on the 221st floor in the comment area."

Ren Suo saw it in the comment area: "The Kamiya people are scattered on both sides of the Taydamia Mountains. Most of them live in Nier, and a small number live in the Xuan Kingdom and the Maurya Kingdom. The Kamiya people have their own national culture and Language, living in deep mountains and old forests, living an isolated life, until countries all over the world began to challenge Mount Hyjal, Kamiya people are famous all over the world for being guides or porters for mountaineering teams from various countries climbing Mount Everest, they can be called TEDA Mia's porter."

Hyjal peaks, Tydamian mountains!

Ren Suo finally knew where the seeker was heading.

Isn't that known as the world's highest peak, Mount Hyjal located in the Tydamian Mountains? !

Mount Hyjal is the main peak of the Tedamia Mountains. It is located on the border between Xuanguo and Nier.

Hyjal means "sacred and eternal" in the ancient Xuan language, and it belongs to one of the beliefs of the mountain people in the ancient west of Xuanguo. This mountain, which is always covered in ice and snow, has become an object of awe for a long time.

In modern times, as the highest peak in the world, it has become one of the difficulties that mountaineering teams from all over the world are eager to conquer. There are other peaks in the world that are steeper than Mount Hyjal, but Hyjal, which has the highest height in the world, conquers it. It symbolizes the conquest of this world: the highest in the world is trampled underfoot by humans!

Ren Suo was about to go back to continue watching the video, but he saw that the comment area was pushed to the top with the hot comment of the essence saying: "Look at the cut part of the essence of 55! You will know what happened after watching this. Slowly fill in the previous 54—the 54 is for those of you who are bound by your own worldview to smash your own three views! Please believe, wait, and be full of hope!"

"Zhang Helai, a member of the mountaineering team that appeared in the video, has been identified. He is the president of Xuanguo Eight Deer Investment and Development Co., Ltd., which belongs to the Eight Deer Food Group. He is also an amateur mountaineer. He is safe and sound now!"

Seeing this, Ren Suo didn't intend to continue to browse the rest of the points, and started watching the essence of 55 directly!


"She's an ordinary person."

In the conference room on the third floor of the National Security Bureau, the screen is playing "If you are strong, go to 10,000 meters" 55, a girl about 25 years old said: "At the beginning of the film, when the altitude is 4,000 meters, Her explosive power does not exceed the limit of normal people, not even comparable to everyone in this conference hall, and even slightly weaker than ordinary men, which is very in line with the distribution of muscles displayed in her hands, neck, and feet."

"The only abnormal thing is her battery life." Someone said: "For several days, without rest or meals, she was able to maintain the same forward speed as the beginning. I can swear by my frying pan. Reiki support!"

As he said this, the man slapped the pan on the table, Yu Kuangtu raised his eyebrows and said, "Xu Hailin, what are you doing with a new pan?"

"My mother asked me to buy a frying pan and go home..." Xu Hailin scratched his head and said, "The frying pan at home is broken, so she asked me to buy a frying pan and cook for me at night."

This Xu Hailin looks like a simple and honest guy from the countryside, but he is extremely euphemistic when he speaks. Yu Kuangtu shrugged, "Okay, okay, it's not good to delay your time any longer. There are more than 2 hours of important clips left, and we have to discuss after watching... You can go back now."

Before the black vests stood up, Yu Kuangtu said again: "Go back and watch this video, and then record the inhuman characteristics and suspicious points shown by the target, and hand it over to Wang Qingyu before going to work at 9:30 tomorrow. "

Everyone lamented: "Why is there still homework..."