Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 40: The goddess seen by mortals (Part 2)


"This fucking game is really me playing!?"

Ren Suo looked bewildered.

Although he knew that this was the final video of his play "If you are strong, go up to 10,000 meters", but... the difference in style of painting is too big, right

You must know that although "Killer" looks like a game at a glance, the character modeling and architectural modeling are very close to reality. When Ren Suo saw the video of "Killer's Bloody Banquet", he knew that this was his game experience without any hindrance—even if the character modeling conformed to reality and the light and shadow were slightly different, but... the clothes were the same anyway.

And what about "If you are strong, go up to 10,000 meters"

The character modeling in the game process is stickman, stickman!

The difference between a stickman and a real person is tens of millions of traces!

And it's not just characters, Ren Suo plays a game similar to 'jumping' in the game, allowing the stickman to jump from one step to another through power control and reaction speed.

He had no idea how this game could be realized—could it be that the stickman jumps 10,000-meter steps step by step

However, the small world game console slapped him across the face: mental retardation limits your imagination!

In the three-hour highlight reel, the seeker moved swiftly like a monkey flying eagle in the flat jungle mountains in the previous hour, and he was at best an expert in jungle movement. However, when she started to enter the snow-capped Hyjal Peak region, Ren Suo knew exactly what his 'jump' meant.


Climb on cliffs without any aids!

Even if there is a path, as long as it is not the shortest path, the seeker will open his palm directly. The ten fingers are soft like whips and tough like steel, and they can often be inserted into the crevices of rocks just right, without stopping along the way, as if hands and feet are covered with 502. Seems like.

Seekers occasionally encounter people on the shortest route. When they see the seeker running in the mountains with thin clothes, they often stop and ask if they need help, but the seeker answers in a hoarse voice: "No, no, thanks .”

Just like in the game!

In this way, the 96-meter Hyjal base camp, the aspirant who had not slept or eaten for several days made everyone in the base camp subconsciously rub their eyes—they must have seen hallucinations, right

This is a place below minus 20°! Dressing like this should be able to be dragged down and used as a specimen!

Some people stopped, some people came over with clothes, but the seeker just waved his hand, and after staying here for a while, he continued to head towards Mount Hyjal!

In the game, Ren Suo still remembers that when the altitude rises to a certain level, the upper left corner will show that the seeker has got a 'cold buff', jumping consumes more stamina, and the recovery speed of stamina is slower.

Ren Suo thought it was just a difficulty setting, but he didn't expect it to be so real—wearing only a single piece of clothing at an altitude of 6,000 meters above sea level, without oxygen cylinders, will naturally produce this effect.

Ren Suo thought the 'cold buff' was disgusting before, but now it seems that the difficulty setting is too low!

The first camp at 7200 meters!

The second camp at 7900 meters!

The third camp at 8400 meters!

The fourth camp at 9000 meters!

Almost all of the climbing along the way is freehand climbing, 70° is a gentle slope, 80° is very common, and 90° is a big challenge.

The cold mountain wind like a bone-scraping steel knife makes people tremble just by looking at it; when it is dark, the clouds cover the top, and you can't see your fingers, but the seeker still dares to spin and jump at the junction of the cliff; The icicles of the waterfall, the aspirant climbed directly, and the palm of the hand touched the ice to form a white mist—in an environment close to 40° below zero, the skin of the aspirant was like scorching steel.

Moreover, in the environment above 7000 meters, the climb of the seeker is more dangerous, because ice falls are very common on the mountain wall, which is a typical and broken ice tongue. Ice avalanches blocked the way ahead, or the body was hit because the ice tower above the head was broken—injured at a place above 7,000 meters. It’s okay if you can make it to the camp.

Seekers often have to grab the icicles to go up. Even if the seeker is very stable in the video, but in the climb of more than 7000 meters, she will encounter icicles broken due to excessive force at least 5 times per minute—with the bullet screen A beautiful and charming seeker can often grab another solid rock or icicle in an instant and continue to climb!

There was even one time when the seeker grabbed three icicles in a row and they shattered one after another, which was extremely thrilling!

"It's fake... I almost died!"

"Let's pretend I went to see the 54p in front of me. This is really Mount Hyjal, not a Hollywood set!"

"Wait a little longer and you will know if this is true..."

"Ren Naisser's videos are more terrifying than the last one. I thought that Asgard Killer was enough perverted. I didn't expect there to be even more perverted ones: without sleeping or resting, without drinking or eating, climbing 10,000 meters in five days, human beings really Can you do this to this extent!?"

Seeing this, Ren Suo is also very proud: they only saw that the seeker survived again and again, but in fact it was Ren Suo who spent several days and died countless times, using his own experience to forcibly pile up The way to customs clearance!

He has now recognized that the shattered icicles are the platforms that shatter when touched in the game; the dark night and white fog are the environmental effects that lower the line of sight in the game;

This is the game experience he played!

The seeker is to reenact his customs clearance journey!

…Although there are quite a number of coquettish manipulations that escaped crisis due to the female seeker's characteristic "quick response in case of crisis", there is still no doubt about Ren Suo's contribution!

When the seeker came to the fourth camp, she took a long detour, walked to the shelter of the fourth camp, and took out the oxygen cylinders, oxygen masks, regulators and climbing ropes that the Kamiya people put here. .

"Is it finally time to use tools?"

"No way, how could the goddess need these..."

"Is this the limit of human beings?"

In the confusion of the barrage, the seeker just held these things, but it was useless, and he only used the remaining hand to climb!

Ren Suo was taken aback.

At this time, he naturally remembered what he had done in the past: in the game's in-game purchase system, he spent two points of merit to buy oxygen cylinders and ropes.

In fact, he spent four merit points—because he didn’t reach his ideal score after the first purchase, so he tried it again, and had to buy it again the second time.

Ren Suo also thought about how the oxygen cylinder and rope he bought would appear. After all, the seeker only wears a single piece of clothing, so it is impossible to take it out from the armpit, right? However, Ren Suo was not surprised when this happened, but he never expected that it was the Taoists who took out these equipments in the fourth camp.

This is a detail that never appeared in the game.

Next, the seeker climbs to the fifth camp at 9,600 meters and sprints towards the 10,000-meter peak!

Climbing above 9,600 meters is more difficult, especially when the seeker still holds the equipment in one hand and climbs with only one hand and two feet. Although the game does not increase the difficulty, in reality, it seems that every One action, that thrilling force can make the audience tremble across the screen.

Just like in some extreme sports, the first-person view of the dead is on the edge of the hanging feet, and the roads and sidewalks below 100 meters are under the feet. The horror just reflected in the retina is enough to make the human brain center produce fear.

Soon, the seeker in the video met someone again—it seemed that a group of climbers in front of her also chose this time to hit the 10,000-meter peak in the early morning.

In the video, one can clearly see a person falling to the back, resting while holding the mountain wall with thick gloves. The seeker walked directly in that direction, stood in front of the man, opened the valve of the oxygen cylinder, lifted the man's oxygen mask, and then stuffed the oxygen mask he was holding into it.

At this time, Ren Suo saw hundreds of barrages popping up in the barrage:

"Thank you for saving my husband!"

"Thank you for saving my son!"

"Thank you for saving my husband!"

"Thank you for saving my son!"

"It turned out that the oxygen cylinder was used to save lives!"

"It's amazing, it's amazing, how does she know that someone's oxygen is low?"

"So this is the goddess!"

Um? Are the family members of the person saved by the aspirant also watching this video in Giligili

Ren Suo had expected that the seeker would save people—because he was the one who did it.

In the game, when the seeker passed the mountaineering team, he saw a stickman with a time on his head. The time was only a few minutes in total, and the time was still decreasing every second.

Ren Suo ignored it before, and when he replayed the game in order to get a higher score, he realized that he needed to give the stickman a new oxygen cylinder so that the stickman could move on.

In the video, after the aspirant rescued the man, the man thanked him and continued to move forward wearing a new oxygen tank, while the aspirant continued to climb.

Many people can already see from the video that the seeker is not far from the peak, and her climbing speed is far faster than walking. Even though the icicles are dangerous and the rocks are steep, everything is not a problem for the almost inhuman seeker .

But for some reason, the seeker stopped on a safe mountain road and untied the rope around his waist when he was only a short distance away from the peak.

In the previous 54, the seeker waited for a full hour, but in the highlight collection, it was only a few tens of seconds of acceleration—the climbing team also caught up with the seeker's progress.

And at this time, a mountaineering member suddenly lost his footing and fell to the edge of the cliff as if he was drunk!

His teammates before and after him couldn't react, and seeing that they were about to fall before they succeeded, the seeker threw the prepared rope over, just in time to trap the mountaineer who was about to fall!

With another sharp pull, this mountaineer, who was equipped with equipment weighing at least 80 kilograms, was pulled directly to her side!

"There is no one with this power."

"Vigorously miracle!"

"As expected of a goddess!"

Then, with awe-inspiring eyes, the mountaineering team followed in the footsteps of the seeker and climbed to the top of Mount Hyjal!

Time, April 8, 11:40!

Under the watchful eyes of twelve mountaineering team members, a blonde girl who did not wear cold-proof clothes, did not use oxygen cylinders, did not eat, did not rest, climbed the whole process, as if challenging death, and successfully climbed to the summit of Mount Hyjal at an altitude of 10,230 meters!

Standing on the cliff at the top of the peak, she looked at the countless mountains and changing clouds beside the peak, and stepped on the world under her feet!

The dazzling sun fell on the seeker like a coronation. Her thin face, which was dirty and dirty because she did not eat or wash, was extremely bright at this moment. The shocking power of people resonates with all audiences even across the screen!

In an instant, countless bullet screens flashed across the screen, repeating the same sentence:

"If you are strong, go up to 10,000 meters!"

The two mountaineering team members who had been helped by the seeker just now wanted to come to express their thanks, but saw a miraculous scene on the real strong man in front of him.

In this scene, even they themselves wondered if they were in the movie.

Under the sunlight, the scars and dirt on the seeker's body instantly dissipated, and her thin and withered skin and face also filled up, and her eyes were still so dazzling.

She opened her hands to the sky like a hug.

Then, her figure turned into golden light, and the clothes on her body melted into it. In the shocked sight of the mountaineering team, she turned into wind, electricity, light, and the only myth, completely dissipating in the world.