Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 47: What about the mating process? deleted?


When the late-night delivery man rang the doorbell, Ren Suo was finally about to complete his first task.

Reasonably speaking, the combat in this game is actually not difficult—not only Ren Woxing's Yujianshu is close to a sniper rifle in a wide area, but even Ren Changsheng's flame technique is basically like throwing a fragmentation grenade to blow up a large area.

Ren Feifei is even more invincible in melee combat. He can sweep a large area and pick a line with his gun.

Generally speaking, the three brothers have their own advantages and disadvantages: the eldest brother Ren Woxing has a large attack range, but can only attack a single target; The attack range is small, it can attack group targets, the attack frequency is high, and it is almost invincible in close combat.

Therefore, Ren Suo also knew how to train them. Ren Woxing naturally has to major in attack and movement, which is for long-range output; his second brother Ren Changsheng often sits in the house, so let him learn treatment and management; Ren Feifei must be both attack and defense because he is easy to fall into the enemy's line.

The strange thing is that the attack spells they learn are fixed from the beginning and will not change. For example, Ren Suo asked Ren Woxing to practice three times, and his attack column still shows "Sword Control".

The game time is already the winter of 191. In addition to the three brothers of the Ren family, there are 28 'villagers' in the Ren family. Apart from Zhuoyu's master and servant, Xiaocui, some of these villagers were ordinary people who were rescued by the three brothers of the Ren family when they went out to fight.

These villagers are very important, even more important than spirit crystal gold and silver. The most obvious change is that when the three brothers of the Ren family practiced, they changed from +1 to +1.1, +1.2. Everyone is slightly different, and the additional bonus basically increases with the increase in the number of villagers.

Ren Feifan is the most powerful. Since Xiaocui came, his cultivation speed has directly started from +2. Now in terms of combat power, Ren Feifei is the strongest in the Ren family.

When Ren Suo inquired about the data of "Villagers", he would be prompted: "As the number of villagers increases, the fields that can be cultivated will increase, and special occupations such as doctors, tailors, blacksmiths, hunters, and miners may be produced. At the same time, most monks are not They don't like to be alone, they need the cheers of mortals to prove that their cultivation is incomparably correct."

To put it simply, monks more or less like to pretend to be aggressive in front of mortals, and the more mortals they have, the greater their motivation to practice. And Ren Feifei is the most obvious example - he is probably trying to act aggressive in front of Xiao Cui.

At the same time, Ren Suo discovered that among the six attributes of a monk, the attribute "management" is the most special, because it is linked to the number of villagers. When the number of villagers is larger and the management attributes are higher, the gold, silver and food obtained each quarter will increase, and there will even be special rewards—

For example, in the summer of 191, a villager found a spirit crystal in the mountains and decided to give it to the Ren family. After the incident, the system gave a special reminder: "Ren Changsheng's management attributes meet the conditions, triggering the spirit crystal offering event."

Moreover, wild spirit crystals are huge. Ordinary ghost soldiers can only produce 1 spirit crystal, and ghost generals usually have 5~10 spirit crystals. However, this recovered spirit crystal is worth 100 spirit crystals!

You must know that the brothers of the Ren family fought life and death with monsters in Hulao Pass, and that's the amount in a quarter! But now you can pick it up by picking it up!

If the number of villagers increases in the future, and occupations such as miners and hunters appear, the probability and frequency of obtaining spirit crystals should also increase significantly, which can be said to be a steady profit.

Besides spirit crystals, individual villagers also have some special skills, such as Zhuo Yu, who has the characteristic of 'kindness', which can reduce the chance of villagers leaving.

In the past three quarters, Ren Suo let the three brothers practice for one season, and then divided them into two groups to fight Hulao Pass. One of them was Ren Woxing and Ren Feifan teamed up, and they encountered a powerful big ghost general. With 3 points, Ren Woxing and Ren Feifei couldn't eat him in one round, and then the big ghost general touched Ren Feifan with 3 points of attack power.

Ren Suo thought that there would be casualties at last, but Ren Feifei was only seriously injured and unable to fight. After returning home, Ren Changsheng healed Ren Feifei soon.

However, in Ren Feifei's character card, it is shown that his maximum life span has been reduced to 22 years old, and in his character image, the hair seems to be a little whiter.

The player Ren Suo can view the information of all villagers and Ren family members. The maximum life expectancy of most villagers is over 50 years old, and the three brothers of the Ren family are all 23 years old. Now Ren Feifei has been reduced to 22 years old, it seems that it is because of one defeat in the battle.

Ren Changsheng also said: "Patriarch, according to the inherited knowledge, we, who have the blood of champions, are born with a spell called strengthening the heart. When we suffer a fatal blow, we can temporarily save our lives with the strengthening of the heart. After a period of time, we can recover and act reluctantly. However, when the heart-strengthening technique is automatically activated, it will directly reduce our lifespan.”

Fighting is dangerous, but in order to reproduce, the Ren family must obtain spirit crystals by killing demons. If the spirit crystals can be obtained through multiple channels through the development of the villagers, then the frequency of fighting for the monks of the Ren family can be greatly reduced.

Therefore, Ren Suo knew the business strategy of this game: there must be one with high management and one with strong combat power. Only if there are these two characters in the family, can we start all over again.

When returning from the autumn expedition, the total number of spirit crystals exceeded 300. Ren Changsheng said: "These spirit crystals have already met the needs of the land spirits in Taibai! Patriarch, please reproduce for the family!"

Ren Woxing: "These spirit crystals are all obtained by our brothers' hard work... Is it just like this?"

Ren Changsheng smiled: "Brother, these spiritual crystals are treasures for cultivators to assist in their cultivation, but we are the blood of champions, and we are born with the ability to master spiritual energy. As we grow older, our cultivation base keeps rising. The only thing that limits us Cultivation is only time."

"We don't need to use things like spirit crystals to assist our practice. Wouldn't it be nice to exchange what we don't need with what we need?"

On the left side of the game interface, above the "Expedition", a new option "Spirituality" appears.

Select "Spirit Exchange", and a list appears, but there is only one item in the list: "Taibai Yuanling, 300 spirit crystals, characteristic: soil."

"Why does it feel like buying spring..." Ren Suo complained, choosing the Taibaiyuan land spirit, and then he had to choose which Ren family member to have a close relationship with the Taibaiyuan land spirit.

Selecting 'Ren Feifei', a voice came out of Ren Feifei's avatar: "Hey brother, I don't want to be so early..."

Choose 'Ren Changsheng', Ren Changsheng: "Patriarch, we are now the first generation of monks of the Ren family. As the bloodline of the direct line, we are also the oldest of the second generation, so we should belong to the lineage of the Patriarch."

Alright, so Ren Suo chose 'Let me go' to have spiritual friendship with Taibaiyuan.

Taibaiyuan: "...As you wish, I hope that when the local spirit wakes up, you can still see my bloodline and yours."

"Here we come!" Ren Suo opened his eyes wide, looking forward to the scene of the monk and the elf's friendship—

Suddenly, the screen burst into dazzling light!

"Fuck, blind my dog's eyes!" Ren Suo was stabbed and closed his eyes, and then returned to the family hall in the next scene.

Ren Changsheng: "It takes a quarter of time for the head of the family to conceive a child with the spirit of the earth, and now I will take charge of the family affairs."

"Don't you have to watch it?" Ren Suo was a little regretful, and quickly finished dealing with the winter of 191, and it was the spring of 192.

"Wow, wow..." The baby's cry sounded in the family hall, and Ren Woxing, who was holding the baby, appeared on the screen.

Ren Feifei: "Wow, this kid looks like you, big brother! Why do you look so pale? Are you sick?"

Ren Changsheng: "Welcome back, our Ren family finally has a new generation. Brother, have you named the baby yet?"

Ren Woxing: "This child is a baby girl born between me and Taibaiyuan God... I have already thought of her name. As for me... Ahem, after we have a relationship with the elves, we will also consume energy. It seems that in the future In a quarter, I can only cultivate."

Ren Suo groaned, and now the input box does not appear. It seems that Ren Suo can't name it—Ren Suo plans to name Ren Woxing's child 'Ren Wo Krypton'...

"This child was born in winter, so she is called—" Ren Woxing said passionately, "Ren Xiaobai!"

Ren Suo, who was eating Mala Tang for supper, almost spat out the gluten in his mouth.

Winter has something to do with Xiaobai!

The AI's naming talent in this game is comparable to his own!

At this time, the information on the taskbar on the right side of the interface is also updated, and there is a new icon: family tree.

In the genealogy, the first column is naturally three brothers, and under the name of Ren Woxing's profile picture, a line extends to the profile picture of a baby in the second column. The baby's name is 'Ren Xiaobai'.

"Fight against demons, obtain spiritual crystals, and continue the bloodline of the Ren family. Until 266 AD, there was at least one direct descendant of the Ren family."