Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 67: routing problem


At noon the next day, Ren Suo woke up energetically, washed and ate.

After a few days of work and a short vacation, it was so cool that I had no friends.

After opening the treasure chest yesterday and studying a few new skills and props for a while, Ren Suo felt sleepy and went straight to sleep, before he had time to play the new game.

Ren Suo, who had just finished eating downstairs and was about to go home to play games, suddenly received a call from his mother.

"Suozi!" The mother's voice was full of anger: "You don't have to go to work today?!"

Ren Suo thought about it subconsciously, and realized that today is Saturday, no wonder his mother would ask such a question.

"No, what's the matter?"

"Didn't I tell you before that the eldest daughter of Aunt Zhang next door is studying in Lianjiang and is now a freshman?"


"Didn't you promise before that you want to meet her today? The place and time have been agreed, and we will meet at Tianhe Central Subway Station at 2:30!" Mom said, "You young people decide where you like to go, but Let's meet and chat first, and go shopping. The other party is also interested in taking the civil service exam, so you can talk to her more when the time comes. Girls, it's good to take the civil service exam... "

Seeing that he was about to fall into his mother's nagging, Ren Suo quickly interrupted her: "Wait, did I promise?"

"I promised." My mother said, "On the night of four days ago, I chatted with Aunt Zhang and found out that his daughter wanted to take the civil service exam, so Aunt Zhang and I made an appointment to let you meet."

"Then when did you notify me?" Ren Suo was quite confused.

The mother said: "I will notify you after I finished talking with Aunt Zhang. You were busy at that time, and you answered hmmm, and hung up the phone very quickly."

Ren Suo recalled that four days ago, he should have been attacking "Cross My Dead Body". Although this game is a turn-based battle, it is very intense during the battle. A slight difference in the enemy's position, his own position, attack range...may cause casualties to his own personnel, so Ren Suo is very focused and serious when playing.

In this case, it is possible that after receiving a call from my mother, I will be perfunctory...

The point is that Ren Suo himself is rather confused and doesn't trust his memory very much.

"I said," my mother's voice suddenly became serious, "You don't want to go back on your word, do you?"

"this… "

"I don't remember my son being such a talker."

Ren Suo's family education is actually not bad. He followed the route of a loving father and strict mother. When he heard his mother's voice, he subconsciously faltered: "Yes, please, I will go in the afternoon."

"Alright then, remember her mobile phone number, her name is Xia Lingyu..."

"That's right, can't I contact her directly on the phone?"

"You haven't seen anyone before, can you chat for a while?"

Sometimes what my mother said suddenly made sense.

On the other side, just as Mom Ren hung up the phone, Dad Ren who was eating asked, "Did you really notify Suozi? When you went out for a walk that day, you didn't even bring your mobile phone."

"I forgot." Ren Ma said naturally: "But he didn't remember it either, so what the fuck I said is the truth."


At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Ren Suo had already arrived at the Tianhe Center subway station.

Ren Suo really couldn't do such a thing as letting people off the plane (missing the appointment), and it seemed too rude to call the girl directly to cancel the afternoon date—mainly because the other party didn't call, and Ren Suo was too embarrassed to take the initiative to call.

Ugh, just introducing myself on the phone feels like a hassle.

Since my mother said that the other party wanted to know the process of the civil service examination, Ren Suo copied his application, practical test study materials and online test papers into a USB flash drive, and when the other party wanted it, he would give it to her directly—presumably a freshman, seeing There are a lot of learning materials in it, so it's time to retreat.

Even Ren Suo didn't start studying the practice test seriously until he realized that he was looking for a job internship in his junior year.

Freshmen and sophomores are the most carefree time for college students. Few people will sink down to study—especially if the university is not at the level of a top student, it’s just MOA games, 3A masterpieces, American TV dramas, Japanese dramas, etc. on the roommate’s computer. The new live broadcast is enough to destroy the will of most people to learn.

Ren Suo sent a message: "I'm Ren Suo, under Exit A, let me know when you arrive."

It didn't take long before I got a reply: "_(:з"∠)_Brother, I'm almost there"

Well, it seems that the other party's positioning of himself is correct: a senior brother who is used to ask questions.

That way everyone won't be embarrassed.

Ren Suo took out his phone and watched while waiting. After swiping for a while, he entered the fantasy world forum. This forum is where he often pours water. It is divided into many sections, current affairs, games, movies, blind dates, anime, fantasy... In short, there is everything he wants to talk about.

There are thousands of forum sites like this in Xuanguo, and most of them will gradually die out because there is no fresh blood.

The Fantasy World Forum is well known because someone posted it here before, and it was picked up by the publishing house to be adapted and published. Later, more and more people published short, medium, and long stories on it. Fantasy World Forum has a large number of author resources and reader resources, with hundreds of thousands of daily traffic, so it will continue to flourish.

Before going to bed last night, Ren Suo posted the problem he encountered in choosing the player privilege to the forum for help.

After all, there will be an upgrade in the future, and Ren Suo hasn't found other Small World players until now—he has no one to ask.

Moreover, Ren Suo was also worried that he would be recognized by other Small World players, so he changed the issue of privileges, saying that he was playing a foreign krypton gold card game, changing 'game' to 'task', and changing 'merit' Change it to 'game gold coins', and report how many merits he has received before, and how much he can get paid for each game...

Ren Suo checked his question and found that there had been more than 20 replies, many of whom also helped him analyze the pros and cons of the three privileges.

However, there are many views that Ren Suo also wants to get, such as the limitations of "picky prostitutes", the low expectation of benefits obtained by "careful budgeting", and "novice players" are useless in the early stage...

However, there was a personal suggestion that made Ren Suo feel refreshed:

"The three privileges all have their own advantages. It is meaningless to say which is the best, because these are the three development routes."

"If you choose the first privilege, then you should buy more missions (games) with low prices to win by quantity, try to use the privilege advantage to reduce the consumption of gold coins (merit), or you should have other consumption methods, but you didn't say After coming out, in short, it is going to take multiple consumption routes.”

"If you choose the second privilege, you should only focus on the tasks (games) that pay the most, and keep each task getting a high enough score to maximize the use of privileges."

"And if you choose the third privilege, unless you encounter special circumstances, when you choose a free mission (game) every month, you should replace the mission (game) with the highest reward, in exchange for a reward 10% higher task (game), and must choose this task (game) and get a high score, otherwise the privilege is wasted.”

Ren Suo felt that it was reasonable, especially the suggestion about the third privilege. He thought that the "picky white prostitute" was used to replace the game he didn't like.

But the correct usage is indeed as this suggestion says, replacing the game with the highest reward in exchange for a game with a 10% higher reward is the best usage.

Although Ren Suo has now chosen the privilege, this 'route' idea has opened a new window for him.

Instead of comparing the advantages and disadvantages of privileges, it is better to choose the privileges that match the play route.

For example, "novice players" and "picky prostitutes" can cooperate completely, after all, they are the types that increase game rewards. If there is a game with 100 meritorious rewards, replace it with 110 meritorious rewards, and then complete it perfectly, then the final total reward will be 115.5 meritorious service. The extra income accumulated over time should not be underestimated—he only has 11 meritorious points left now up.

And according to Ren Suo's guess, after his player level increases in the future, these privileges should also be upgraded, or other privileges can be obtained.

At that time, his privilege choice must be considered with the "route" thinking.

"Is there a way to spend more..." When Ren Suo was thinking, he suddenly felt the light dim, and looked up to see a rather handsome guy in jeans and a black jacket, and a beautiful girl in a white skirt standing in front of him.

"Are you... Brother Ren?"

The girl in the white skirt asked tentatively, and Ren Suo nodded. He glanced at the handsome guy next to the girl, and his heart became clear:

This is to bring my boyfriend over to demonstrate, let me retreat in spite of the difficulties...

Although Ren Suo didn't have such thoughts at first, but after being asked out by a normal man, he was always rejected in such a cold, violent and ugly way, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

However, Ren Suo is a social person, so he quickly adjusted his mentality and said to the girl: "You are Xia Lingyu, right? If you have something to do, you can go with your boyfriend first..."

"Huh?" The girl in the white dress was taken aback, and quickly pulled the handsome guy next to her, "You misunderstood me, I'm not Xiaoyu."


At this moment, Ren Suo was taken aback and looked at the handsome guy next to him. The handsome guy blushed, and smiled shyly: "I'm Xia Lingyu, she's my classmate Li Ke'er, we all want to know how to get a senior to learn how to take the civil service exam..."

As soon as he heard the voice, Ren Suo knew that he had misunderstood the wrong person—Xia Lingyu was just a handsome young lady with short haircut and neutral dress.

"Eh..." Ren Suo stretched out his hand in embarrassment: "Hello, I'm Ren Suo."

"Hello." Xia Lingyu and Li Ke'er shook hands with Ren Suo one after another, which relieved the embarrassment, "Let's find a place to sit down first?"

But the more embarrassing thing came—Ren Suo froze in place after shaking hands, not answering their questions.

After they yelled a few more words, Ren Suo came back to his senses: "Okay, I'm not familiar with this place... why don't you lead the way."


Looking at the buttocks of the two girls... No, no, it's the back view, Ren Suo fell into deep thought.

When he was shaking hands just now, he heard that familiar voice.

"Key found."

"The key is in an unfamiliar state, start to get it."

"It is found that the key has not yet been formed, it takes 8777 seconds to obtain it, and it needs to be kept in touch when obtaining it. 8776, 8775, 8774..."

"Key found."

"The key is in an unfamiliar state, start to get it."

"It is found that the key has not yet been formed, it takes 9130 seconds to obtain it, and you need to keep in touch when obtaining it. 9129, 9128, 9127..."

These two girls actually have keys!