Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 7: Special Achievement Lolicon


"What? Only 66.5%?"

Ren Suo was stunned. He felt that he was playing well. He killed all the ones that should be killed. How could he barely pass

There is a question mark next to the task evaluation, and the scoring options are listed after the query:

"Complete the basic goal of the task - 60 points;"

"Killing a moderate amount of enemies - 5 points;"

"Saving a small number of innocent people - 1-0.5=0.5 points;"

"Special achievement · luoli control - 1 point (this score will only take effect when the total score is lower than 80 points);"

"The total score is 66.5 points, and the evaluation is barely qualified."

Ren Suo rubbed his chin, wondering if there are many scoring options in this game? However, this game has a high degree of freedom. Ren Suo does have a lot of details that can be optimized when playing. Now that he has seen the detailed ratings, he has found a point to score.

"The most important thing is what the hell is this luoli..."

He ordered another takeaway, and continued to lie on the sofa and fight the game. Ren Suo feels that this game is quite good, with a good degree of freedom, and the enemy AI is also normal—it is neither mentally handicapped like a sticker, nor difficult enough to be like a Terminator, but it will change according to the player's actions, and there are even differences among individuals For example, Ren Suo would run away in fear when he saw a few assassins.

Selecting save 0, Ren Suo asked the killer to start again from the alley. He skillfully tricked two security guards out, but this time he didn't choose to kill one, but knocked them all out.

Then go through the process step by step, and this time when he entered the banquet hall, the game created a new save file for him 2.

This time Ren Suo paid great attention to the killer's shooting. When he attacked in the banquet hall last time, he didn't pay much attention to the other guests who were fleeing. He even accidentally shot and killed a few in pursuit of quick kills.

When the English gentleman emerged from the inner room, there were still thirteen living guests in the banquet hall.

At this time, the takeaway arrived, but Ren Suo discovered that there was no pause option in the game, so he had to hurry to get the takeaway. The takeaway bag seemed to be leaking a bit. The deliveryman apologized again and again, but Ren Suo didn't care. He hurriedly took it into the kitchen and put it away, but he didn't expect to accidentally lift the lid when he took it out. The juice splashed on his hand, which was greasy and greasy.

When he came back after washing his hands, he saw the British gentleman and other men in black nervously pointing guns at the killer: "Why don't you go?"

Ren Suo hurriedly controlled the killer to leave the banquet hall. Unexpectedly, because of the delay, as soon as the killer left the banquet hall, an explosion occurred on the ninth floor, and the game immediately popped up a prompt:

"Karen Lampelucci is dead, mission failed."

Well, do it again, this time there is no accident, and the number of living guests in the banquet hall has increased to fifteen.

When the game evaluated the tasks, Ren Suo did not surprise him, he got 71% of the evaluations!

"Complete the basic goal of the task - 60 points;"

"Killing a moderate amount of enemies - 5 points;"

"Saving a moderate number of innocents - 5 points;"

"Special achievement · luoli control - 1 point (this score will only take effect when the total score is lower than 80 points);"

"The total score is 71 points, which is considered excellent."

"It's not excellent, but it's still considered excellent...?" Ren Suo twitched the corner of his mouth, "I don't think there is anything I can continue to optimize, right?"

At this time, the game pops up a prompt: "Because the player has obtained an excellent rating and meets the hidden requirements, he will get the hidden side mission information of this chapter."

"Sub-quest: Protect Yuffie Lampeluki. The less damage the target suffers, the higher the score."

Euphy Lampelucci

The person protected by the main mission is Carleen Lampelucci. I'm afraid they are all members of the same family, right? And this dinner was hosted by Lampelucci's house, so Karen and Yuffie are likely to be together.

If the player needs protection, it means that Yuffie will definitely take the dog if the player does not interfere.

Although Ren Suo has never seen Karen Lampelucci so far, he can easily tell that they must be in the back hall of the banquet hall-the British gentleman NC came out from there, and the ninth floor is not big, except for the banquet The hall is only the inner hall.

And when did Yuffie die

Ren Suo immediately remembered a critical time - 20:00. As soon as this time came, gunshots would break out in the inner hall, and the assassins in the banquet hall would also launch at the same time, and the inside and outside should cooperate to assassinate the guests.

If Yuffie was really in the inner hall instead of the banquet hall, then she most likely died in the shootout that happened at 20:00.

After Ren Suo finished eating the takeaway, he continued to lie on the sofa and turned on the Small World game console, read save file 2, and asked the assassin to look around the banquet hall, but he didn't see any other signs except for a dozen assassins whose bodies were so red that their bodies were turning black. .

So, how to find Euphy Lampelucci

Ren Suo thought for a while, let the killer steal a pistol first, and went straight to the inner hall. However, in the passage between the banquet hall and the inner hall, a middle-aged deacon stopped Ren Suo with two men in black:

"Sir, it's a private place inside," the middle-aged deacon said with an apologetic expression, "You don't have permission to enter."

At this time, the game pops up four options:

"I've come to look for Karen Lampelucci."

②"I'm here to find Euphy Lampelucci."

③ "Then how can I get in?"

④ (Attack) "Oh shit you."

Ren Suo chose option ②, and the middle-aged deacon looked at the killer with a smile on his face: "Miss Yuffie will give a speech at 20:00, please wait patiently before then."

The option did not disappear, but option ② was grayed out, and then Ren Suo chose option ③, and the middle-aged deacon said, "Sorry, only collaborators of Lampelucci's family are eligible to enter... By the way, I remember that in this banquet, It seems that no Asians were invited? Or are you... ?"

Ren Suo secretly thought it was not good, but at this time a young man just wanted to enter the inner hall, and the deacon immediately looked at him: "Sir, are you...?"

"I'm Angel Ricard, and I'm celebrating Miss Karen's birthday on behalf of my father." Angel smiled slightly: "The clothes were dirty just now, so I changed them here temporarily. I'm so sorry for being late."

Only then did Ren Suo know what the reason for the dinner was.

"Ah, it's Master Angel from the Ricard family. It's an honor to meet you for the first time." The middle-aged deacon made way for him, "Please come in."

Ren Suo took a look and found that he couldn't get in if he didn't use force.

But he thought about it, the time of Yuffie's death should be one minute before 20 o'clock, if he let the killer rush in at this time, maybe he could save Shinobu. So Ren Suo waited patiently, and at 19:59, let the killer attack the man in black and the middle-aged deacon guarding the passage!

Ren Suo succeeded - the killer who was proficient in martial arts attacked the three unsuspecting people first, and it was easy to catch.

But he also failed—seeing the killer attacking the man in black in the tunnel, the hidden assassins hesitated for two or three seconds, then suddenly drew their guns and launched a surprise attack ahead of time!

The man in black immediately thought that the killer and the assassin were also in the same group, and two more men in black came out of the passage and shot at the killer. Ren Suo immediately activated [Bullet Time] to shoot at them, and at this time the assassin behind shouted:

"He's not one of us!"

Hey, hey, the killer was killed by the bullet behind him.

"you are dead."

Entering the file loading interface, Ren Suo calmed down for a while, and realized that forcibly breaking in should not be feasible, at least not for the killer he manipulated.

If it was the 'clown killer', Ren Suo might be able to pretend to be the British gentleman he had seen before, but the 'bald killer' was only proficient in combat, so he had to find a more ingenious way.

So Ren Suo read archive 0 and started from the alley again. This time he didn't let the killer go directly to the building, but stood by the road outside the building, patiently waiting for his target.


Ren Suo was taken aback for a moment. He saw a figure approaching in the distance, and there was a bright blue nail floating on the head of this figure, and the body also emitted a blue light like a breathing lamp, which was simply reminding Ren Suo to take a quick look.

And this person is exactly the target in Ren Suo's plan--Angel Ricard seen in the last week.

"The NC didn't have this kind of mark in the game just now..." Ren Suo was slightly surprised: "Why is it automatically marked in the game when I want to deal with him...?"

Ren Suo didn't think too much, and let the killer go up to him. He was going to subdue Angel directly, but he didn't expect the dialogue option to appear:

"Mr. Ricard, I am the deacon of Lampelucci's family. Your clothes seem to be dirty. Please come with me to change into a clean one."

② (Attack) "I opened this road, I planted this tree, if you want to pass by from now on, leave money to buy roads!"

Ren Suo was slightly taken aback, and immediately chose the second option. Angel smiled and said, "Ah, this is really troublesome... Do you know that I am Angel Ricard?"

The killer smiled slightly: "As the deacon of Lampelucci's family, I naturally have to memorize the information of the guests."

so fun!

Ren Suo stood up straight away. He is now very sure that this game has the function of "remembering the story that has already been experienced" - otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why the game would automatically mark Angor, and why the killer knew that Angor's clothes were dirty and his last name.

"How do you realize this function? Are the current programmers so strong?" Ren Suo was overjoyed, and asked the killer to take Angor to a remote place, and immediately stunned Angor. Invitation letter, swaggering towards the Blackthorn Building.

This time, the waiter immediately smiled and took him up the elevator, and when the killer arrived at the banquet hall again, the prompt that popped up in the game was completely different—

"You have entered the Lampeluki Dinner, with the identity of 'Angel Ricard', and created archive file 3."

"Please look for lethal weapons at the dinner party before 20 o'clock, and mark suspicious persons."

Then Ren Suo controlled the killer to enter the inner hall, and the killer revealed to the middle-aged deacon that his identity was Angel Ricard. But there is no doubt.

Then the killer passed through smoothly and entered the inner hall!

The game pops up a prompt again, and even the mission has changed:

"You have entered the second hall on the ninth floor of the Blackthorn Building, and created archive file 4."

"Please protect Karen Lampelucci."

In fact, the inner hall is not much different from the banquet hall, but the number of people is much smaller, and they are all sitting on the sofa and chatting. In the center of the crowd, Ren Suo finally saw the mission target that needed to be protected—

Wearing a white tunic dress, a tall girl with long orange hair, and a cute little girl with fiery red hair holding a bear doll. Near them, an English gentleman Ren Suo was familiar with was waiting on the side.

There are golden inverted pyramid marks floating above their heads, reminding the player that this is the object he wants to protect.

Ren Suo controlled the assassin to step forward, and the assassin approached the crowd surrounding the two of them, saying, "Miss Karen, your beauty overshadows the brilliance."

The little girl grabbed the tall girl's skirt and looked at the assassin timidly. The tall girl smiled and said, "Thank you for your compliments to my sister, but she seems to prefer words like 'cute'."

ha? Ren Suo was taken aback, and looked at the little girl behind the tall slender girl.

Wait, Caroline Lampelucci is actually a little Luoli

At this time, Ren Suo suddenly remembered that in the previous task evaluation, there was a "special achievement · luoli control".

He also remembered the strange expression of the man in black when the assassin said that he came here in admiration of Miss Karen.

"This game really won my heart..."