Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 74: Nine o'clock family carnival TV series (two in one)


As the bell rang for the end of the fourth class in the afternoon, Ren Qingqing stuffed the textbooks and pens into her schoolbag, and walked out of the teaching building almost in a hurry.

The roommate almost trotted all the way to keep up with her, and complained, "Silly Qing, why are you walking so fast?"

"If you don't go, hurry up, other people who are leaving get out of class will also rush to the cafeteria, and you will have to queue for a long time." Ren Qingqing said as she walked, "I have to pack up and go back to the dormitory."

"Aren't you always slow?" The roommate said with a smile: "You didn't even bother to run around with you before, and you would rather line up to eat leftovers. Now that it's all right, why don't you pack it?"

The roommate grabbed Ren Qingqing's hand and shook it back and forth: "Hey, is it because you want to follow the drama?"

"Yeah, it's six o'clock now, and Ren Naiser should have updated it too." Ren Qingqing: "My mobile phone data is not much, so I can't watch it in the dining room."

"Okay, then I'll pack it too, and watch the movie on our light 24-inch monitor." The roommate laughed.

Ren Qingqing spent hundreds of dollars in her freshman year, and bought a second-hand monitor on Taobao, which was extremely cost-effective, and became the only internet-addicted girl in the dormitory with a monitor.

The two girls went to the dining hall to pack their bags and then returned to the dormitory. There was no doubt that the dormitory was empty, and the other roommates should still be eating leisurely.

The stools were packed in front of Ren Qingqing's desk. The dormitories in their school were all bed and desk, and the desk was very big. Putting the piles of books on it aside, it was more than enough to squeeze out a place for two people to eat.

Now Ren Naisser will update an episode of "Crossing My Dead Body" at 3 o'clock, 9 o'clock, 15 o'clock, and 21 o'clock. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, he will update another episode, which is the 14th episode.

"Cross My Dead Body" appeared only four days ago, and instantly became the traffic leader of various video sites. It started to be updated on Saturday morning, and after it was forcibly suspended on various video portals, the number of clicks and plays increased exponentially.

In addition to its extremely fast update, this TV series tells the legendary stories of monks and gods and ghosts in the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Whether it is special effects, actors, details or plot, it is very enjoyable to watch.

Although many people don't understand why Ren Naiser, who has always been "recording modern legendary videos", suddenly throws out such a TV series, but given Ren Naiser's reputation and his powerful hacking skills (forcibly mounting the video to any website), his newer drama still attracts many viewers.

Later, it was entirely this TV series that attracted countless audiences with its own charm.

Clicking on the video, I found that the barrage began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the length of this episode also surprised Ren Qingqing and the two of them—a total of 46 minutes!

Even if the OED is removed, there are at least 40 minutes!

For some reason, the length of each episode of this TV series is different. The long one is more than 120 minutes, which is similar to the movie, and the short one may only be 20 minutes.

But with the broadcast of the TV series, people who followed and discussed the TV series on the Internet soon discovered the rules of each episode-every episode will remind the time in various places, and the time of almost every episode is gradual and happens in the same year of!

Therefore, this TV series is divided into episodes according to the time in the TV series. Basically, the past year in the TV series is one episode!

Everyone was shocked by this unheard of diversity method.

But this also makes it easy for the audience to straighten out the timeline, because they only need the first episode to be the first year of Chuping in the Eastern Han Dynasty, which is 190 AD, and then they can know the story of the first year according to the number of episodes. .

Episode 14, which is the story of 203 AD.

Recalling the content of the previous episode, Ren Qingqing and the others smiled knowingly.

"Crossing My Dead Body" takes the rise and fall of the monks of the Ren family as the main plot. The story begins with the sudden disappearance of the three brothers of the Ren family, leaving only the three of them dead.

In the first episode, the secret of the blood of the Ren family is directly disclosed, and the recovery of the spirit veins of the Central Plains is fully revealed. The wonderful perspective and novel setting make this fantasy story full of suspense: Can the monks of the Ren family finally break free from their own blood? , so that future generations will no longer be bound by the shackles of Guangwu? And what kind of roles will they play in the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Although Ren Qingqing is nothing more than a roommate, as a senior game nerd, Ren Qingqing has naturally played many Three Kingdoms games. Although she can't be regarded as a senior Three Kingdoms fan, she still knows the specific allusions, large-scale battles and romantic figures.

Just as Ren Qingqing thought this was purely a ghost story, she was soon slapped in the face.

Not to mention that the monks of the Ren family had to expel the soldiers and ghosts who died in Hulaoguan at the beginning. In the fifth episode, that is, in 194 AD, their brothers went to Xuzhou to kill demons and demons. However, the scenery in front of them made them completely Shocked—ten rooms and nine empties, corpses everywhere, demons and monsters, like a purgatory on earth.

The brothers of the Ren family wiped out most of the ghosts and ghosts, and saved a group of victims by the way. When they returned to the Ren family village, the second son of the Ren family was extremely silent all the way.

When they were only one day away from Renjia Village, the second son of the Renjia suddenly left the team and headed all the way to Yanzhou!

He actually wanted to assassinate the tyrannical warlord Cao Cao!

The second son of the Ren family only assassinated Cao Cao once—at that time, Cao Cao was fighting with Lu Bu. He hid outside the barracks, first saw Cao Cao's appearance, and then locked the tent where Cao Cao lived. Infiltrate the barracks as a ghostly shadow.

The second son of the Ren family, with all his cultivation on the sword, the sword energy surged, and he was no match for the ghosts and monsters. The monks of the Ren family have a strong bloodline and inheritance of light and martial arts. With their combat power, they are not afraid of any living people. They are even one enemy against a hundred monsters in the face of powerful monsters!

When they came to Cao Cao's camp, the second son of the Ren family was not found by anyone. However, when he pulled out the sharp blade, his temples turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

So he can only use one sword.

After a sword strike, his hair was gray.

The sword light slashed across the tent from top to bottom, completely splitting the tent in two. Before the soldiers on duty knew what happened, the second son of the Ren family turned into a thunderbolt and escaped from the barracks in an instant.

He only had time to turn his head to take a look, but he saw that Cao Cao was not dead—at the moment he swung his sword, Cao Cao sat up from the lying down position as if sleepwalking, avoiding his beheading sword light!

The second son of the Ren family returned without success, but he vomited blood because of it, and fell ill on the side of the road while escaping. Guangwu shackles, he just touched the edge a little, and it attracted a huge backlash.

Later he was rescued by Lu Bu's subordinate Zhang Liao, that's another story.

In just thirteen episodes, monks of the Ren family got entangled with many famous historical figures. They more or less influenced the trajectory of these historical figures, and they themselves were influenced by these people, but these did not hinder the monks of the Ren family at all. The goal: to kill all the demons in the world and break free from the shackles of blood.

When everyone was watching with excitement, the three brothers of the Ren family died one after another.

The curse of the 24-year-old hangs over their heads like the sword of Damocles, and the time is gone as soon as the time is up.

In 198 AD, Wo Xing, the first generation director of the Ren family, also followed his two younger brothers into the grave. Before he died, he handed over his cultivation and the status of Patriarch to Ren Nu, who was only eight years old.

Ren Nu is the son of Ren Woxing and Taibai Yuandiling. He became the head of the family when he was eight years old, but he has six younger brothers and sisters. Fortunately, when the generation of the Ren family slayed demons and demons, they gathered many people to Ren Home village, shelter them in their cultivation and recuperation.

When the Ren family had no adults, these villagers who had been favored by the Ren family spontaneously raised them, and there was also a steward appointed by Ren Wo to handle the daily affairs of the Ren family, so Ren Nu actually didn't need to make decisions.

So Ren Nu went on a study tour next.

The monks of the Ren family are not allowed to conquer the demon stronghold before they are fourteen years old, but this does not mean that they cannot leave home.

In fact, the monks of the Ren family don't need to practice at all, their strength will increase with age, and all they need to learn is spells.

Although he is only a child, Ren Nu, who is practicing spells, is almost unstoppable in his strength.

In this way, he traveled around the world alone, taking the hungry ghosts and robbers on the roadside to try his spells.

While traveling, Ren Nu met a bunch of cousins on the road, and they were all monks with 'innate magic'.

The goal of the cousins is to use this power to punish evil and eradicate adultery, and Ren Nu also feels that it is too conspicuous for a child to go alone, so he hides his strength and learns from them.

Ren Nu teamed up with the cousins to travel around the world. From the ninth to the thirteenth episodes, they are all the travel stories of Ren Nu.

Compared with the monks of the Ren family carrying their fate and burdening their journey forward, Ren Nu's travel story can make people smile knowingly. The three of them quickly made a name for themselves in the Central Plains, and naturally forged many enemies.

This fourteenth episode is also the story of Ren Nu's travels, watching Ren Qingqing and the two of them burst into laughter—

After a fierce battle, the girl was poisoned, and the boy turned pale with shock after identifying it: "Isn't this the strange poison 'Hehuan San'!? If you don't have sex for a quarter of an hour, you will definitely die?! No way, Xiao Nu, this is the poison of a disciple. Brother, it's my responsibility, you go take a shit first..."

At this time, Ren Nu pulled out the grass on the ground, and with his 'level three healing spell' ability, added detoxification effect to this grass: "Don't worry, I have the antidote!"

Boy: "..."

On the road, they encountered a fierce battle between a demon tiger and a poisonous snake. The three of them were watching, but somehow the poisonous snake noticed them, and they worked together to kill the poisonous snake.

However, the demon tiger was also on the verge of death. Before it died, it ran back to the nest, hugged the tiger cub, and stared at the three of them closely.

The young man understood: "Are you afraid that you will die and your child will not be taken care of, so do you want me to take care of it?"

Yaohu nodded, and the boy immediately patted his chest: "No problem! I will help you raise your child..."

At this time, Ren Nu pulled out another grass: "Don't worry, I can cure it!"

Boy: "..."

On the road, he encountered a powerful monk who was robbing civilians of their property. The boy rushed up and was slapped down by the powerful monk.

Powerful monk: "Hmph, you've angered me, but you have good aptitude. If you are willing to become my disciple, I will let your friends and these people go."

The teenager looked embarrassed: "I won't give in...but for my friend..."

At this time, Ren Nu flicked his sword light, hacked the powerful monk to death, and shouted: "I didn't expect the spells I picked up on the road to be so powerful."

Boy: "..."

40 minutes passed quickly, and at the end of this episode, while spending the night in a broken house, Ren Nu suddenly said to the two partners: "I'm leaving."

"Not coming back."

The other two were taken aback, and after trying to persuade them to stay, they also knew that Ren Nu was serious.

The boy suddenly stood up and left: "I'm going to take a shit, you two talk slowly..."

Only Ren Nu and the girl were left in the dilapidated house. Although it is said to be a dilapidated house, too many people have died in the Central Plains these years. They can easily find a house that can be tidied up and lived in. The ceiling is not broken. face.

Seeing this scene, Ren Qingqing and her roommate held their breath and became nervous.

During the journey in these few episodes, although the pair of cousins seemed to have some ambiguity at the beginning, since Ren Nu appeared, this ambiguity has completely disappeared.

On the contrary, Ren Nu has grown very fast in the past two years. He is now fourteen years old, but he looks as tall and mature as eighteen years old.

In getting along, Ren Nu and the girl have ambiguous frictions from time to time, and from time to time, they have interactions that are too sweet. They were about the same age and seemed a good match.

"Actually, you've been helping us all the time." The girl suddenly said, "Compared to us savages, you are very powerful, aren't you?"

Ren Nu nodded.

"Don't you have anything to say to me?"

Ren Nu hesitated for a moment, then shook his head slightly.

"If I say..." The girl looked at Ren Nu, her bright eyes were brighter than the moon: "I want to go back with you?"

"There is a village outside where I live." Ren Nu said calmly, "It is a very safe and peaceful can live there."

Girl: "You know what I'm talking about, you know I want a happy answer."

"I know, I just don't hope that your joy will turn into misery ten years later. You... deserve better happiness."

"I must go back to take on the responsibilities of the family. This is the entrustment of the deceased ancestors, and it is also the hope of my younger brothers and sisters. I cannot meet your expectations, because it is impossible for me to be inseparable from you, and my children and grandchildren will be happy..."

When the boy came back, only the girl was left in the broken house.

"He's gone...?" The young man sighed: "I thought you could help our Bu family find a powerful son-in-law, my sister. Such a powerful monk... the little bully wasn't so powerful back then."

The girl was silent for a moment, then smiled subtly: "What little overlord, Lu Bu, who is unparalleled in the world, is not as powerful as him!"

The young man stared blankly and nodded: "Okay, okay... You are right, anyway, I can't beat him and I can't beat you."

"Go home." The girl suddenly said, "Brother Zhi, let's go home too."

"Okay, you can do whatever you want." The young man said, "But Sun Ce died three years ago, and Sun Quan became the general seeking captives and the prefect of Kuaiji. If you go back... the family will definitely not resist General Sun's appointment, unless You take your mother and leave Jiangdong."

"You have escaped for so long, are you really willing to go back?"

The girl asked: "Will I be happy if I marry General Sun?"

Boy: "Like a person drinking water, he knows whether he is warm or not. But in this troubled world, being the wife and concubine of a young general, having a safe place and warm meals, and not having to fear the disaster of swords and soldiers, should be the happiest thing..."

"That's the case." The girl's eyes were clear: "The trainer is willing to bear the family's expectations."

Ren Qingqing and the others remembered this scene.

When this scene reappeared, it was already eight episodes later.

Episode 22 of "Crossing My Dead Body", in 211 AD, the white-haired Ren Nu recalled the girl's eyes on his deathbed.

Two narrations pop up on the screen:

"In the autumn of 211, Ren Nu passed away at the age of 22. His achievements were: Annihilating Guandu and Chibi ghosts."

"In the spring of 238, Bu Lianshi, the wife of Emperor Wu Emperor Sun Quan, passed away. In February of the same year, she was crowned Empress. Empress Bu gave birth to two daughters, and she was deeply favored by Sun Quan.