Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 84: Fatty asks you to bring a letter (Part 1)


Land of Light.

This is the trial site closest to the place where human beings live. The sun hangs in the sky, and there are countless building ruins on the ground.

In a manor, several trainees rummaged through boxes and cabinets looking for healing equipment. Although the treatment equipment is basically placed directly in an obvious place, the supplies are not necessarily—small supplies like cola and chocolate may be hidden in the cabinet.

And the "fried chicken set meal" and the more advanced "barbecue set meal" that can instantly reduce all health values will also appear in places where food will appear: on the bed, in the quilt, in the toilet...

Therefore, the four-person team searched quite carefully. A fat young man with a hunchback said: "Wow, there is a fried chicken set meal and three bottles of Coke on this bed... Is this randomly generated?"

"It should be, it's impossible for someone to put these things on the bed?" A girl's voice came from the contact channel established by the team contract.

"Speaking of which, this place seems to be a place where people can live. Is it somewhere on the earth?" A middle-aged man said: "My last trial was in the Black Flame Realm, and I'm pretty sure that the earth was definitely not built on volcanic lava. the city above."

"White Snow Field, my last trial site, is a bit like the big country in the north, but it's not like... at least I haven't heard of a country that uses white bears as a means of transportation." A girl with a sweet voice said, " Xi Ge, do you have a basic scope? I have a gun but no sights."

"Yes, I'll give it to you later, Taozi."

Two men and two women, they are the testers who have signed a team contract, and broke into the second level together, all of them are from Xuan Kingdom.

Although the team contract has a built-in translation system, the team members will not have communication barriers due to language problems, but human beings still subconsciously divide enemies according to skin color and nationality. It is naturally better to find compatriots as companions than to find foreigners.

"What kind of trial is this?" The young man called Xi Ge talked about the topic they had discussed all day: "What are the benefits of becoming the strongest priest?"

"Anyway, there is no harm." The middle-aged man said: "Even if we fail the trial, we can shed our sickness and unhealthy body like others, and go back strong and handsome, so it doesn't matter if we continue the trial. "

"Uncle Li, what if those sent to heaven by us are actually dead?" the girl named Taozi asked.

"Then we have to go on." Uncle Li said: "Whether Ascension to Heaven is real or fake, according to game theory, only the person who reaches the end will be the inevitable winner."

"Right… "

At this time, Taozi walked to the gate of the manor and shouted: "Brother Xi, give me the base mirror!"


Xi Ge turned directly from the second floor of the house. Anyway, as long as the height is moderate, he will not trigger the protection of the gods when he falls, and he will not feel pain.

However, in mid-air, countless white lights burst out from Xi Ge's body—

Before he landed, his whole body went limp and he knelt down on the ground!

Taozi was taken aback, and looked in the direction of the gunshot, and saw a fat man squatting in the corner, and the fat man turned his head to look at Taozi at this moment.

And the "Rain Scar" held by the fat man in both hands aimed at Taozi extremely fast at this moment!

A sacred bullet landed on Taozi, but Taozi also reacted very quickly, fell to the left, and retracted directly into the room just now.

"There is an enemy! In the corner of the house where Xi Ge died!"


Uncle Li, who was on the second floor of another room, hurried to the window, saw the fat man Tao Zi mentioned, and raised his gun to aim at him—

However, as soon as Uncle Li saw the fat man in the quadruple mirror, he saw that the fat man was also aiming at himself!

With three gunshots, Uncle Li's first-level "bad rooster helmet" was completely sublimated and turned into a "real rooster helmet", which lost its ability to resist healing, and even clucked and taunted the enemy.

However, at this time, Uncle Li had already been hit by three holy bullets, his health was completely full, and his body fell limply to the ground, feeling his body itchy at the same time.

It's like trying to peel off a layer of skin.

"It turns out... that I fell to the ground when my health was full, because my body was trying to break free from the filthy body material." Uncle Li felt something in his heart: "After a long time, I will completely break free from this filthy body, so teammates Rescue for me is limited..."

However, at this time, Uncle Li discovered that another girl, Jiamin, had also been knocked down by that fat man!

Now only Tao Zi, who is hiding in the house, is still alive!

Their four-person team was actually wiped out by a single-person group

Uncle Li dragged his body, dragged himself to the window, and used his beer belly to cushion the window, just in time to see the fat man preparing to attack the room.

Taozi hid in the room of the house, and the fat man opened the door without any scruples, which gave Uncle Li hope - the fat man must not be able to see the situation in the room, but when he opened the door, he would make a sound, letting Taozi know his arrival.

If he does mental calculations but doesn't care, if he goes to search the house, he will definitely be shot by Taozi!

However, Uncle Li saw that the fat man stood motionless by the door, even put down the gun, pulled out his left hand, and raised his right hand—

He actually wanted to throw a holy grenade!

"Holy Grenade: An investment weapon that stores pure healing miracles. When it explodes, it emits miracles. It can heal all creatures within a certain range with a 6000ms delay."

Does he know where the peaches are

However, at this time, Uncle Li heard a strange and sacred voice in his ear:

"People from Xuan Kingdom, remember this passage."

"Ghostface dazzler, ghosts, and carrion birds are born in a place where there are many dead bodies. Their wings can emit flashes to make people blind, and their mouths can emit air waves that can penetrate iron and wood. Weak sonic booms and flames, they like to hang around Graveyards, hospitals."

"Scattering soul iron ghosts, ghosts, human beings are killed by swords, and when they die, they are full of iron objects. Their bodies are like iron, their bones are like steel, their sharp claws are like swords, they are extremely fast, they are weak and muddy, and they rely on iron to survive. .”

"The flame spirit of evil, demons and demons, any living beings who die in the flames may produce a flame spirit. The flame spirit can manipulate flames and burn all things. The body will always be wrapped in flames, and all the living things it sees will be ignited. Weak water and soldiers. "

"True spirits, monsters, things commonly used by humans will produce true spirits after they are contaminated with spirituality. Most of the true spirits are harmless to people, and can even strengthen the attributes of items, but if the items are used for slaughter and killing, they may confuse the owner..."

The speaking speed of the voice is really not slow, but Uncle Li can clearly remember every word in this passage, as if he was browsing a book.

He saw the fat man's mouth opening and closing because of this, but he didn't understand that this was the voice of the fat man.

But why did he suddenly tell us this kind of setting of monsters and ghosts

After talking about eighteen settings, the fat man said again: "After you go back, post this information on the Internet, or whatever, publish it as soon as possible. Believe me, the sooner you publish it, the more benefits you will get." …”

As soon as the words fell, Uncle Li saw the fat man throwing the sacred grenade into the room where Tao Zi was.

Amidst the short and crisp praise, Uncle Li and his three teammates shed all their filthy bodies, and ascended to heaven with doubts and memories in their hearts.