Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 98: Why do gods speak Mandarin (seeking first order)


May 6th, March 20th in the lunar calendar, it is advisable to open the market, enter the house, and travel. Avoid marriage, breaking ground, and burial.

Ren Suo dragged two suitcases and stood in front of [Tianlian Academy], feeling as if he had traveled to a fantasy world.

"The name of this school is too domineering..."

Tianlian College is the newly established Practitioner College in Lianjiang City. Its original site seems to be a branch campus of the High School Affiliated to Lianjiang University that has not yet been put into use, but it was changed into Tianlian College by the city government.

On the basis of the high school campus, this Tianlian College has included all the nearby forests and wasteland. This place is close to the suburbs, and it seems that Tianlian College looks like a university campus, covering an extremely large area.

It can be seen that the government is not satisfied with the 600 students in the first phase. In the future, Tianlian College may become a practitioner college similar to junior high school, high school and university.

Ren Suo easily entered the campus and found their teachers' dormitory with the help of security guards. The teacher’s dormitory is an 11-story residential building with three rows in a row. It is far away from the teaching building. There is a small supermarket next to it. It looks good. There is access control at the door. Ren Suo took out the teacher ID that Yu Kuangtu gave him, swiped it and entered .

He lives in 402, with two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. He comes with fine decoration. As soon as Ren Suo opened the door, he saw two large cardboard boxes waiting quietly in the entrance.

It was his computer and some clothes inside. Ren Suo looked at the dormitory and was very satisfied in his heart - it is better than the uncle's room, all of which are new furniture, and the government has also paid for it, and they have not treated them badly. A practitioner who possesses extraordinary power.

Ren Suo took out an electromagnetic radiation detector. This is a product he bought after experiencing "physical fitness optimization" and was completely convinced of the extraordinaryness of the Small World game console. It is specially used to detect invisible earphones, eavesdropping Sim cards, and pinhole cameras. , Bugs, GS locators and other things, usually at home will scan.

It is illegal to sell monitoring equipment, but there are many manufacturers that sell anti-detection equipment.

The shop owner who sells this thing also clearly stated that high-end wiretapping and monitoring products have camouflage functions, and it is difficult to be detected, but if you scan the places where wireless monitoring equipment is most likely to be installed, as long as it is a wireless transmission instrument, you can disguise it like this , will still be exposed at close range.

Ren Suo scanned his new home, but found no such equipment, he was secretly relieved.

He did this for reassurance. After all, he himself is not a key observation target. He is at most an emergency doctor who is "talented but not qualified".

And the reason why he was willing to move to the Cultivator Academy is that as long as the government does not monitor him, his safety can be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

If you think about it with your brain, you know that the Practitioner Academy must be a key surveillance area by the government, and it is impossible for any criminals to enter.

Next, as long as Ren Suo acts in a low-key manner, he can play the computer with peace of mind. Even if it is seen by others, the game itself has a camouflage effect, and most people think it is a new game.

Ren Suo carefully took out the Small World game console, glanced at the living room, opened the cabinet under the TV cabinet, and stuffed the game console in.

Anyway, the game console is a wireless link, and physical isolation is meaningless to it.

After finishing all this, it was noon. Ren Suo turned on his phone and planned to go outside to see some delicious restaurants, but Yu Kuangtu called at this time:

"Have you moved?"

"Just finished moving."

"The network cable has been set up for you in advance, you can enter the intranet forum now, can you give me a list before tomorrow?"

"What report?"

Yu Kuangtu on the other side was speechless: "Brother, your subject is to study Ren Neiser... Don't you know what he did an hour ago? I thought you already had a draft!"

"I've been moving this hour."

"Okay, the time is very tight this time. Submit your list at 12 o'clock tonight, because the rest of the Bureau is busy preventing monster disasters... So your suggestion is likely to be the decision of the Bureau. I don't care about other consequences." Said, this is more important than "Demon Encyclopedia", you should pay more attention."

Well, the matter of going out to restaurants has been ruined.

Ren Suo shrugged his shoulders and put down his mobile phone to collect money to help people avoid disasters. He went to the small supermarket downstairs and bought a bucket of braised beef noodles, two fish sausages and other daily necessities. He went home and installed his computer, cooked the noodles, and ate them while working.

First of all, open the GILIGILI barrage website, as expected, in the dynamics of 'Ren Naiser', except for a slip of "Crossing My Dead Body", a traitor suddenly appeared in the middle.

"Jedi Priest Part One".

"Huh? Only the first part?" Ren Suo estimated the time, thinking that the Jedi Priest's trial had been completely over, 'Ren Neiser' released all the content at once.

After clicking on the video, Ren Suo found that this "Part One" lasted 160 minutes, which was longer than the two trials.

When he opened it, Ren Suo saw the familiar Lord of Glory, Eternal Burning Heart, Lord of Wind and Snow.

"The winner will receive the gaze and gift of the Lord of Billions of Glory, the Eternal Burning Heart, and the Lord of Storm and Snow."

"And the losers will also receive our mercy, recover their health, and leave the trial."

"The trial information is already in your mind."

"Please fly through the trial without any scruples. No one will lose a cent in this trial."

After the three gods spent three minutes explaining the rules of the trial, the next step was the trial process.

However, this video is not focused on a certain trial, or the trial process of a certain person, but a compilation video of 156 people!

The black fat girl shuttles through the molten land, holding a submachine gun as if entering no one's land, making other fat guys transform into men;

Fatty Caucasian and three other teammates squatted outside the wilderness of Snowy White, and the four of them threw holy grenades at the same time, blowing up a group of passers-by who were sitting on a pumpkin carriage to the sky;

The middle-aged man, who looked very greasy, was lying in the jungle of the Land of Light, and every muffled gunshot meant that the 7.62mm holy healing bullet melted a poor person 800 meters away;

The video editing is extremely handsome, like a war movie, it cuts out the wonderful process of the trialists saving each other, and at the same time leaves a little clip for the trialists who failed the trial but flew to the sky after being reborn, so that the audience can feel The transition from fat guy to handsome guy is so easy.

Ren Suo closed the barrage when he saw half of it—it was full of "I want to join the trial too, if I lose it's fine" "God, shoot me" "Come on a fat boy to protect me, I won't fight back " and other ravings.

Ren Suo finished watching this video while finishing his instant noodles with toppings.

The editing of 'Ren Naisser' is so awesome, with epic sound effects, one highlight after another, Ren Suo couldn't bear to fast-forward.

Ren Suo also saw the highlights of Zhao Zili, the character he controlled, but it was not surprising that he was among the 156 people.

Interestingly, Ren Suo found that there is a serial number in the upper right corner of the video, sorted from No.1 to No.156, and this number will change every time the practitioner's perspective is changed. For example, the serial number of Zhao Zili's fragment is No.98.

When watching the last minute, the screen turns black, and lines of text in different languages appear:

Xuanwen version: "The above are the clips of the first two stages of the 156 testers who participated in the third stage. In order to thank everyone in the world for their support of 'Ren Naisser' and to respond to the call of the gods, we are now starting a prize guessing activity. Please leave the serial number of the tester who you think can pass the third level in the comment area (the serial number is on the upper right of each clip), choose the correct one, and 'Ren Naiser' will draw a lucky one. The child may receive a treatment package (the content is undecided, the time is undecided), and the voting is limited to one person at a time, and the deadline is within 24 hours after the release of this video."

Ren Suo could barely understand English, and found that the English content was almost the same as the Xuanwen content, and they were all about prize quiz information.

"So that's how it is..." Ren Suo suddenly realized: "No wonder Yu Kuangtu was in such a hurry. He asked me to submit an analysis tonight. It turned out that he wanted to participate in the quiz with prizes."

But, this reward is so weird, right

Thank you for your support? Respond to the call of the gods? Do a lottery

How does 'Ren Nesser' plan to issue rewards? Doesn't it only upload clipped videos

However, this activity has aroused countless enthusiasm. There are more than 30,000 pages and nearly half a million comments on the website of GILIGILI alone-this is only the amount of one website.

"Forget it, anyway, we will know what happened in 24 hours."

Ren Suo created a new web page and entered a strange URL.

He has already kept this website in his heart.

After the URL is entered, the account password input interface appears. After the input is complete, a prompt pops up on the web page:

"Please connect the microphone and camera. If you don't have similar equipment, please connect the computer and mobile phone with a US cable."

This request is a bit weird, but after all, it is the national intranet, Ren Suo didn't care, and connected the phone to the computer.

"Please point your face at the camera and say the following words within ten seconds: "The boundless horizon is my love, and the flowers are blooming at the foot of the rolling green hills""

Ren Suo blinked his eyes, thinking that this is not a popular brainwashing divine song, but seeing such a request, he didn't delay, he just sang it naturally when he said it.

"Welcome, Level 1 Researcher 'Suo'"

"The nickname is automatically set to any word in the name, it can be changed, but please don't pollute the page"

"According to your subject task and your level, you will automatically enter the section [Special Phenomena]"

The intranet almost required Ren Suo to perform other operations, so he was naturally introduced to the corresponding discussion forum.

Ren Suowa didn't know that just now the intranet needed a camera, a microphone, and a popular song phrase, probably because he wanted to pass triple verification to confirm whether he was himself.

It's just the technology embodied here that makes Ren Suo a little confused.

When did the country's network software technology reach this level? There should be a lot of computing power required here, right

How does it manage to authenticate me through my phone's camera and microphone

Moreover, this is still a login procedure.

Ren Suo suppressed his shock and looked at the information in the forum. Sure enough, although it is said to be in the [Special Phenomena] section, almost everyone is discussing 'Ren Neiser' now.

And one of the most popular discussions is——

"Why do the Lord of Billions of Glory, the Eternal Burning Heart, and the King of Storms and Snows all speak Mandarin? "

Ren Suo: "...because I can only understand Mandarin."